Just a speculation. But that hypothesized volcanic Siberian event about 300 million years ago may have included permafrost cratering as a large component. Related story: Scientists may have cracked the giaint Siberian rater mystery - and the news isn't good.
300 million years ago there were hardly any todays land plants if any.
Everything was different 300 millions years ago.
We are talking about the effects of the gases on the atmosphere, not the plants that are around.
No, you are talking about permafrost 300 million years ago.
We are talking about methane hydrates that are locked in various locations (it's not just cold places--the Deepwater Horizons blast was probably methane hydrates.) If they're all dumped in the atmosphere we fry.
If we see the 15C rise that's the guess of what would happen I find typical summer temperatures here to be lethal at 25% humidity. While in theory people could live underground and simply never venture out during most of the day I don't think the city would still be here.
Grabbing some other cities around the globe, I'm looking at the average highs for July, adding the warming and figuring the humidity will be the same. Shanghai--gone. Los Angeles--gone. San Francisco--just barely within limits. New York--gone. London--just barely within limits. Toronto--gone. Chicago--gone. Moscow--gone. Paris--gone. Harbin, China (known for it's ice festival)--gone.
Singapore--even underground won't protect you. It's AC or die.
In other words, we would be basically forced underground or into domes.