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CNN Reporter Banned From WH Press Corp

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
Ms Collins said she had tried to ask Mr Trump questions about Russian President Vladimir Putin's postponed visit and recently released tapes documenting a conversation with lawyer Michael Cohen.

The president reportedly ignored the questions. Shortly afterwards, Ms Collins was barred from a Rose Garden press event with Mr Trump and Mr Juncker.

"They said that the questions I asked were inappropriate for that venue," Ms Collins told CNN.

Ms Sanders said a reporter, whom she does not name, has refused to leave after shouting questions, and "was not welcome to participate in the next event" - although colleagues from her network could do so.
Yeah, nothing to see here. Emails, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Uranium. This isn't intimidation of the press at all. Not even Hitler did this. ;)

Though, even Bret Baier gave a shout out of support to CNN.
Yet another Constitutional crisis. They are piling up, any other President would have been long gone, but the base does not seem to care. This orange wonder is teflon coated. The only saving thing though is that teflon is full of PFAS which are contaminating ground water at Air Force bases and the EPA is about to regulate a level - so there may be hope (sarcasm).
I am given to understand that Ms Collins was a "pool reporter", representing not only CNN but all other news outlets, something that is done on a rotating basis when a venue cannot accommodate the entire posse of reporters.
So tiny-hands is just expressing his usual insecurity and petty vindictiveness, as he does against anyone who endeavors to get the truth out of him. Nothing to see here, just business as usual.

This orange wonder is teflon coated.

Yeah, Faux Nooz was BRAGGING about that last night - they wre as much as saying outright that King Donald was rightly anointed by God, and the proof is that no matter WHAT he does or says, his base of idiots will find no fault with him.

Where are all the Free Speech Warriors screaming in protest about this?



Free speech only matters to them when it's used to defend Nazis. How silly of me to forget.
Conservative Forum said:
article said:
Collins was barred from a Rose Garden event free to all press after asking what she was told were “inappropriate” questions at an earlier gathering. Collins had asked about the audio recording – featuring Trump discussing paying former Playboy model Karen McDougal – during a picture-taking session in the Oval Office as Trump met Jean-Claude Juncker, the European commission president.

In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

Where are all the Free Speech Warriors screaming in protest about this?



Free speech only matters to them when it's used to defend Nazis. How silly of me to forget.

One of them might actually say something. Lip service.
Conservative Forum said:
article said:
Collins was barred from a Rose Garden event free to all press after asking what she was told were “inappropriate” questions at an earlier gathering. Collins had asked about the audio recording – featuring Trump discussing paying former Playboy model Karen McDougal – during a picture-taking session in the Oval Office as Trump met Jean-Claude Juncker, the European commission president.

In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.
Yeah, it is clear that the obfuscation knows no bounds with Trump supporters.
Jean-Claude Juncker. Sounds French. I doubt he'd be embarrassed about someone having a mistress.

ETA: He's Luxombourgish, so close enough.
Jean-Claude Juncker. Sounds French. I doubt he'd be embarrassed about someone having a mistress.

ETA: He's Luxombourgish, so close enough.

Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

Conservative Forum said:
article said:
Collins was barred from a Rose Garden event free to all press after asking what she was told were “inappropriate” questions at an earlier gathering. Collins had asked about the audio recording – featuring Trump discussing paying former Playboy model Karen McDougal – during a picture-taking session in the Oval Office as Trump met Jean-Claude Juncker, the European commission president.

In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

Conservative Forum said:
article said:
Collins was barred from a Rose Garden event free to all press after asking what she was told were “inappropriate” questions at an earlier gathering. Collins had asked about the audio recording – featuring Trump discussing paying former Playboy model Karen McDougal – during a picture-taking session in the Oval Office as Trump met Jean-Claude Juncker, the European commission president.

In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

Conservative Forum said:
In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.
$20 trillion in debt he put us into. The Uranium deal. Gave Iran cold hard cash.
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

Conservative Forum said:
In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.

I'm pretty sure it's the Obama Secret Weather Weapon, or maybe the Gay Frogs, or Jade Helm 15, or who the fuck knows? They spew so many conspiracy theories that I doubt any of them can tell which way is up anymore.
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.
$20 trillion in debt he put us into. The Uranium deal. Gave Iran cold hard cash.

Are you serious? Or is that parody of right wingnut nonsense?

Obama lowered the deficit. The increase in debt came from the stuff that Bush did: cutting taxes while launching two disastrous quagmire wars.

The Uranium deal is pure pixies and fairydust. You might as well get mad at Obama for the lizard people who secretly control the government.

He didn't give Iran cash, he unfroze some of their accounts as part of the anti-nuke deal. You remember, the nuke deal that was orders of magnitude better than Trump's nuke deal with North Korea?
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.
$20 trillion in debt he put us into. The Uranium deal. Gave Iran cold hard cash.

Are you serious? Or is that parody of right wingnut nonsense?

Obama lowered the deficit. The increase in debt came from the stuff that Bush did: cutting taxes while launching two disastrous quagmire wars.

The Uranium deal is pure pixies and fairydust. You might as well get mad at Obama for the lizard people who secretly control the government.

He didn't give Iran cash, he unfroze some of their accounts as part of the anti-nuke deal. You remember, the nuke deal that was orders of magnitude better than Trump's nuke deal with North Korea?
That is what the answer is. It is crap, but that is the answer. Oh, he also made America the laughingstock of the world and Line in the Sand.
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

Conservative Forum said:
In other words, she attempted to embarrass the president while he was meeting with a foreign dignitary, and so he bans her from a subsequent press conference.

I don't actually have a problem with this.


I expect our resident liberals to trot in here at any moment and accuse us of "whataboutism", but that would falsely imply that what Trump did is anywhere near as troubling as Obama's borderline criminal -- if not actually criminal -- suppression of the free press.

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.

Tan suits and Grey Poupon mustard

Way way worse
Wait, Juncker sounds French to you?

- - - Updated - - -

So yeah, apparently he got found out about doing something else embarrassing, and it's inappropriate to embarrass the president by asking embarrassing questions in front of a foreign dignitary (as though they'd be unaware of the new scandal). Also Obama was worse and you didn't say anything against his 'criminal' behaviour then, etc.

It's unbelievable. They aren't even trying to pretend anymore. They're against everything America once stood for, and they're really angry that the rest of us aren't.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.

Tan suits and Grey Poupon mustard

Way way worse
And they hated him with a passion.

I merely hate Trump out of decency.
Let's face it. Obama and Trump are both politicians. Obama would never admit it but he looked down on the deplorables because they were deplorable. Trump would never admit it but he's deplorable too but he doesn't like them because he's a narcissist. Deplorables like him because he's a racist misogynist who won't shut up.

Anyhoo, that Trump fills with grouchy rage to ban a libruhl reporter for a month makes him a hero.
To be honest, I'm not even sure what criminal behaviour Obama did that they're referring to. Or why it's worse than what Trump did.
$20 trillion in debt he put us into. The Uranium deal. Gave Iran cold hard cash.

Are you serious? Or is that parody of right wingnut nonsense?

Obama lowered the deficit. The increase in debt came from the stuff that Bush did: cutting taxes while launching two disastrous quagmire wars.

The Uranium deal is pure pixies and fairydust. You might as well get mad at Obama for the lizard people who secretly control the government.

He didn't give Iran cash, he unfroze some of their accounts as part of the anti-nuke deal. You remember, the nuke deal that was orders of magnitude better than Trump's nuke deal with North Korea?
That is what the answer is. It is crap, but that is the answer. Oh, he also made America the laughingstock of the world and Line in the Sand.

Then you forgot to mention Pizzagate and Obama's Secret Weather Weapon.

Was the gay frogs thing before or after the Obama administration? I forget.
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