Thursday, February 8
Meanwhile in, let's make it harder for SCOTUS to rule in Trump's favor, Trump's lawyer effectively states in interview that Kavanaugh owes Trump.
article said:You know, people like Kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, he’ll step up.
SCOTUS, Court Chamber
3 hrs. into hearing
Justices Thomas/Kavanaugh: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Chief Justice Roberts: We have heard the main statement of attorney Habba, for the former President, but I have a follow-up. Counsellor, you made reference to exculpatory findings on the President's inaction during the rioting. I may have missed those details, or you may not have fully stated them. Could you go into that now, counsellor?
Habba: Thank you, your honor. Certainly. Let me locate the proper file (shuffles papers).
Thomas/Kavanaugh: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Habba: Here it is, your honor. The state attorneys made scurrilous references to the President's so-called 187 minute 'dereliction.' I do not wish to repeat everything they said. As you may know, it was Ambrose Bierce who defined a bore as, quote, "a person who talks when you wish them to listen." Again, that was Ambrose Bierce.
Kavanaugh: Zzzz -- mm? Mmphh? -- Zzzz.
Habba: The President did have his television on, this is true. The court should be apprised that the movie Grand Hotel was on that day, on local channel 17, a movie starring Wallace Beery. This film has a run time of 113 minutes, but with commercials, it nearly fills a three hour slot. So, for nearly three hours, the President was watching Wallace Beery.
Thomas: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Kavanaugh: Zzzz -- mm, mmmph...b-b-beer?...Beer?...Zzzzzz.
Habba: So, one must picture the President engrossed in a Wallace Beery movie, snacking on Beer Nuts, and --
Justice Jackson: Hold it, sister. We don't need the 411 on what the President was snackin' on.
Kavanaugh: Who said beer?
Habba: Objection noted. We have the President watching a lengthy Wallace BEERY film.
Kavanaugh: I like BEER. I like to drink BEER. BEER. I find for defendant. BEER.
Thomas: Who the hell is shouting? Brett? You? I find for defendant. (Points to Kavanaugh) What he said.