• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom. They have used the word "free" several times.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom.
And? Those people do not in point of fact give a rat's ass about freedom. Why then should the rest of us give a rat's ass about what they think they are in pursuit of? Their delusion about what the word "freedom" means has no magical power to make their artwork a symbol of freedom.

They have used the word "free" several times.
So did the Confederates.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom.
And? Those people do not in point of fact give a rat's ass about freedom. Why then should the rest of us give a rat's ass about what they think they are in pursuit of? Their delusion about what the word "freedom" means has no magical power to make their artwork a symbol of freedom.

They have used the word "free" several times.
So did the Confederates.
What do they think the word "freedom" means, and how do you know they think that?

How do you know they don't want freedom for the people of Gaza (however they define it) from Hamas and the IDF and foreign interference and from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
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Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
Hamas does not want freedom, any more than the Taliban does.

Besides, what they are after is the "freedom" to commit genocide.

Terrorist groups never bring about freedom, they're always about stepping from the frying pan to the fire.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom.
And? Those people do not in point of fact give a rat's ass about freedom. Why then should the rest of us give a rat's ass about what they think they are in pursuit of? Their delusion about what the word "freedom" means has no magical power to make their artwork a symbol of freedom.

They have used the word "free" several times.
So did the Confederates.
What do they think the word "freedom" means, and how do you know they think that?

How do you know they don't want freedom for the people of Gaza (however they define it) from Hamas and the IDF and foreign interference and from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
They want the freedom to make everyone kowtow to their version of Islam.

They want the freedom to continue to kill Jews without repercussions.

The people of Gaza support Hamas, they don't want freedom from it.

And you aren't even proposing to do anything about the foreign interference in the form of Iranian support for war. And they are not being racist bigots, this is simply about the strong take from the weak. All good must come from the Islamic authorities which means good from any other source must either be seized or destroyed. It's part of the standard playbook, not limited to this situation.

An example from Vietnam: At least the older smallpox vaccine leaves a small circular scar. (I thought all versions do but I've had the smallpox vaccine and my wife noted that I don't have the scar. I haven't seen mine but I have no memory of where the shot was to know where to look. It's subtle but easily recognized if you know what you're looking at.) The Viet Cong responded to seeing kids with the vaccine scar on their arm by cutting off said arm. That's the sort of horror you are unknowingly siding with.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom.
And? Those people do not in point of fact give a rat's ass about freedom. Why then should the rest of us give a rat's ass about what they think they are in pursuit of? Their delusion about what the word "freedom" means has no magical power to make their artwork a symbol of freedom.

They have used the word "free" several times.
So did the Confederates.
What do they think the word "freedom" means, and how do you know they think that?

How do you know they don't want freedom for the people of Gaza (however they define it) from Hamas and the IDF and foreign interference and from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
They want the freedom to make everyone kowtow to their version of Islam.

They want the freedom to continue to kill Jews without repercussions.

The people of Gaza support Hamas, they don't want freedom from it.
Some people in Gaza support Hamas. Those people support Hamas for various reasons, including bigotry and fatigue with Netanyahu's policies. Other people in Gaza do not support Hamas. They view the crap they are dealing with right now as Hamas fault.

You need to shove your broad brush back into the drawer.
And you aren't even proposing to do anything about the foreign interference in the form of Iranian support for war.
The UN stopped taking Arctish's calls when they realized he wasn't really Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
An example from Vietnam: At least the older smallpox vaccine leaves a small circular scar. (I thought all versions do but I've had the smallpox vaccine and my wife noted that I don't have the scar. I haven't seen mine but I have no memory of where the shot was to know where to look. It's subtle but easily recognized if you know what you're looking at.) The Viet Cong responded to seeing kids with the vaccine scar on their arm by cutting off said arm. That's the sort of horror you are unknowingly siding with.
There isn't a forehead and palm large enough for that absurdly ridiculous statement.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
Certainly freedom from zionists.
Yeah, freedom to kill Jews.

Strange how Jews are only good when they're dead.
Can you please just say that laughing dog is an anti-Semite and stop dancing around the bush. It isn't remotely factual, but at least you'd be honest with what you are trying to assert.
Pro-Hamas protests in Washington DC yesterday are not even bothering to pretend that they are not Hamas supporters any more.



They also vandalized statues and the like. Quite disgusting, but I am sure the Ilk will try to defend them anyway.

You left out the bell.

Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!

I don't know who did it, but whoever did it, it's not going to help anybody suffering over in Gaza. It's purely counterproductive to that goal.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
Hamas does not want freedom, any more than the Taliban does.

Besides, what they are after is the "freedom" to commit genocide.

Terrorist groups never bring about freedom, they're always about stepping from the frying pan to the fire.
It is accurate in saying that a "peace" deal with Hamas is a dead end towards peace. Of course, one must ask oneself, with the inability to end Hamas, due to this being real life and not a movie, would a peace deal, at least in the short term, to get the rest of the hostages back, be worth it? Obviously, Hamas would want unreasonable things for that. But if the future will be violent anyway, why not lie about peace in the meantime, so repatriate families in Israel (and abroad)? And then come up with an actual plan for how to effectively paralyze Hamas, which honestly would be more intelligence related than violence related.

Of course, that can't be with Netanyahu, because he is a fool and a criminal and he wants all of Gaza. He doesn't care about the hostages.
You left out the bell.

Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!

I don't know who did it, but whoever did it, it's not going to help anybody suffering over in Gaza. It's purely counterproductive to that goal.

Yes and no. It isn't going to change on the ground actions in Gaza, but it will in a tiny way impact American response or the argument for/against American actions in Gaza. Support for Hamas is vile. And I think it is important for leadership to be able to draw the line between reasonable reactions to legitimate Gazan fatigue and the terror attack atrocity and the generalized mission statement of Hamas in the first place. There are a lot of younger people out there that have a different optic view of Israel / Gaza than older people. And instead of saying those people are for genocide, deport them, the argument should literally be an argument as to why the US can NOT support Hamas and why no one should.
Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
:consternation1: Are you seriously proposing that driving the Zionists out of Gaza would bring Gaza freedom?!?
Certainly freedom from zionists.
Yeah, freedom to kill Jews.
You do realize that Israelis kill magnitudes more Palestinians than Palestinians kill Jews.
Loren Pechtel said:
Strange how Jews are only good when they're dead.
You said it, not me. In fact, I have never had that revolting thought .
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I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom.
And? Those people do not in point of fact give a rat's ass about freedom. Why then should the rest of us give a rat's ass about what they think they are in pursuit of? Their delusion about what the word "freedom" means has no magical power to make their artwork a symbol of freedom.

They have used the word "free" several times.
So did the Confederates.
What do they think the word "freedom" means
What just about every terrorist movement fighting foreign rule thinks it means: rule by one of "us" instead of by one of "them".

, and how do you know they think that?
From the protestors' signs and graffiti. "Hamas". "One God. One Nation." "Allah is gathering all the Zionists for the Final Solution".

How do you know they don't want freedom for the people of Gaza (however they define it) from Hamas and
Like Derec pointed out when he necromanced the thread: "Pro-Hamas protests in Washington DC yesterday are not even bothering to pretend that they are not Hamas supporters any more."

the IDF and foreign interference and from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
Do those signs and graffiti look to you like they want Gaza free from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
I am not proposing anything.

I am observing that the people who grafittied that bell think that they are in pursuit of freedom.
And? Those people do not in point of fact give a rat's ass about freedom. Why then should the rest of us give a rat's ass about what they think they are in pursuit of? Their delusion about what the word "freedom" means has no magical power to make their artwork a symbol of freedom.

They have used the word "free" several times.
So did the Confederates.
What do they think the word "freedom" means
What just about every terrorist movement fighting foreign rule thinks it means: rule by one of "us" instead of by one of "them".

, and how do you know they think that?
From the protestors' signs and graffiti. "Hamas". "One God. One Nation." "Allah is gathering all the Zionists for the Final Solution".

How do you know they don't want freedom for the people of Gaza (however they define it) from Hamas and
Like Derec pointed out when he necromanced the thread: "Pro-Hamas protests in Washington DC yesterday are not even bothering to pretend that they are not Hamas supporters any more."

the IDF and foreign interference and from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
Do those signs and graffiti look to you like they want Gaza free from racist bigots who use religion as a cover/excuse for being assholes and stealing stuff?
The graffiti that says "STOP FUNDING GENOCIDE" does. The one that says "HAMAS" with a heart does not.

Hmmm... what can this possibly mean?

Do you think it's possible people have different reasons for protesting the slaughter in Gaza, and that only some of them are genuinely pro-Hamas despite the simplistic-to-the-point-of-stupidity rhetoric that equates all the anti-war protesters with supporters of terrorism? I know it's easier to talk about world events as though there are only two extremes to consider and ignore all the nuanced positions and worldviews people have, but that's not honest.

Pro-peace ≠ pro-Hamas, anti-Zionist expansion ≠ anti-Semitic, and Stop Funding <whatever> ≠ Fund The Same Thing If Someone Else Is Doing It.
The graffiti that says "STOP FUNDING GENOCIDE" does.
It is not explicit, but it is the same bullshit really.
What "genocide"? A lot of German civilians died during the final months of WWII. A lot of German cities were reduced to rubble. That is not genocide. Both Hamas and Nazi Germany started wars of extermination, and their populations suffered consequences.
Moral should be not that Israel should not defend themselves from genocidal Islamofascists who want to exterminate them. The moral should be to not embrace pieces of shit like Hamas et al, like much of Palestinian population does.
The one that says "HAMAS" with a heart does not.
That is from the same protest!
Do you think it's possible people have different reasons for protesting the slaughter in Gaza,
There you go again. "Slaughter".
Btw, you (and the protesters) are pretty silent when Hamas rockets kill civilians. Example:
Hamas rockets fell short and struck UNRWA-run school in Gaza’s Khan Younis, says IDF
Data from previous conflicts show that ~20% of Palestinian rockets fall short and land within Gaza.
Note also that this rocket was launched from a humanitarian zone, which is a war crime.
and that only some of them are genuinely pro-Hamas despite the simplistic-to-the-point-of-stupidity rhetoric that equates all the anti-war protesters with supporters of terrorism?
If they were genuinely anti-war and not just anti-Israel, they would protest against Hamas having started this war. They would protest against Hamas having genocidal aims. Instead, they called for a "ceasefire" as soon as Hamas was done slaughtering and abducting Israeli civilians. Instead, they have been praising "resistance" and "intifada", thinly veiled references to Hamas and terrorism.
I know it's easier to talk about world events as though there are only two extremes to consider and ignore all the nuanced positions and worldviews people have, but that's not honest.
These protesters do not have a nuanced position, and it is not honest to pretend that they do.
Pro-peace ≠ pro-Hamas,
In principle true, but these people are not "pro-peace". They have no problem with Palestinians slaughtering Jews. They have a problem with Jews fighting back.
anti-Zionist expansion ≠ anti-Semitic,
What "expansion"? Israel gave up territory, Gaza, in 2005. Gazans had the opportunity to embrace peaceful coexistence. Instead, they chose to keep attacking Israel, with rockets and other means. All that culminating in the 10/7 massacres.
Note that these anti-Zionists do not want Israel to exist at all.

and Stop Funding <whatever> ≠ Fund The Same Thing If Someone Else Is Doing It.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Houthis as well as several militias in Syria and Iraq are very well funded and armed by the Tehran regime.
I hear no peep from these protesters about that funding.
Why should US not help our close ally when they are under vicious attack from Tehran?
There are a lot of younger people out there that have a different optic view of Israel / Gaza than older people. And instead of saying those people are for genocide,
If they support Hamas, they are for genocide.
deport them,
If they are here say on student visas and commit crimes such as vandalism, I do not see why they should not be deported.
the argument should literally be an argument as to why the US can NOT support Hamas and why no one should.
I do not think these creeps would listen.
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