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In other words, red is something experienced by that which has the ability to be conscious of things.

Using your analysis of what I wrote you could say, in reference to falling things, "In other words gravity is something experienced by that which has ability to be conscious of feathers falling slower than rocks."
Except we today understand redness as not existing out there, as not a property of things out there. Instead, we now think, because of scientists, that what is out there is only electromagnetic quantity. This effectively leaves only our mind as a locale for the existence of redness, which is itself undoubtable, at least for me whenever I see red.

Gravity by contrast is believed to be a property of things out there. Maybe it isn't but there's no reasonable view of gravity as a property of the human mind. In fact, all we know of gravity is the idea of gravity, not gravity itself, whereas we not only have the idea of redness but we also experience redness directly as qualia so we know redness in itself.

You just don't get it.
I will try to explain the unity problem the way I understand it.

Imagine you are consciously experiencing red; you see red. But this experience is really just a bunch of neurons that either fire or don't. There is spatial separation between them. So we should only have separate moments of 1 bit of information at a time (binary function being action potential or no action potential). We should only ever have 1 bit of information about reality at a time, specifically conscious existence or no conscious existence. Yet we know that we saw a color from a variety of possible colors. Assuming we can distinguish, say, 64 colors, information theory says that we have log2(64) = 6 bits of information when we see one color. from Wiki n bits = log2(m possible options)

So neuroscience is at best incomplete in that neurological processes are the foundation for the consciousness. There is no such mapping from separated single bits of information to multiple bits of conscious information "sense data".
bullshit: you no nothing about what experience is and definitely dont not know that it is a single neuron input.
That is where neuroscience is at, and clearly it is wrong for the reasons I mentioned in my post. Did you read the whole post?
We are back to "structures"!? Besides entanglement, properties of a truly elementary particle and mental phenomena, structures don't exist. All other "structures" are manmade concepts that don't exist out there. The particles of your "structures" are always in different places; a structure in its purest form can't be constantly changing. It doesn't make sense to randomly assign actual structures to dynamic systems.

And that's the whole point of the unity problem. We have actual structures in the mind, but we have not found a physical correlate unified like it yet.
what? the world is full of structures: humans, molecules, atoms, waves, and probably the quarks.

and what is this stupid remark of *structures in their purest form*?

saying that these structures dont exist because they arent the basic building blocks is both ignorant and stupid.

You said that I can't talk about only particles because the brain has "high level structures". A structure is arbitrary.

A structure is objectively meaningless. The particles determine how it behaves. There is no structure property that is not already redundant to the particles' properties.
what? the world is full of structures: humans, molecules, atoms, waves, and probably the quarks.

and what is this stupid remark of *structures in their purest form*?

saying that these structures dont exist because they arent the basic building blocks is both ignorant and stupid.

You said that I can't talk about only particles because the brain has "high level structures". A structure is arbitrary.

A structure is objectively meaningless. The particles determine how it behaves. There is no structure property that is not already redundant to the particles' properties.

Of course the particles derermines how it behaves: they are the structure. But the reverse is also true: the structure determines the behaviour of the particles. That is what s structure is: interaction on a higher level than single particles.

- - - Updated - - -

bullshit: you no nothing about what experience is and definitely dont not know that it is a single neuron input.
That is where neuroscience is at, and clearly it is wrong for the reasons I mentioned in my post. Did you read the whole post?

Yes I read it and you are wrong. You cannot calculate bits of the conciousness like that.
You said that I can't talk about only particles because the brain has "high level structures". A structure is arbitrary.

A structure is objectively meaningless. The particles determine how it behaves. There is no structure property that is not already redundant to the particles' properties.

Of course the particles derermines how it behaves: they are the structure. But the reverse is also true: the structure determines the behaviour of the particles. That is what s structure is: interaction on a higher level than single particles.

Wuuuut? "The structure determines the behavior of the particles" so what does the structure do that is not done by the particles?

bullshit: you no nothing about what experience is and definitely dont not know that it is a single neuron input.
That is where neuroscience is at, and clearly it is wrong for the reasons I mentioned in my post. Did you read the whole post?

Yes I read it and you are wrong. You cannot calculate bits of the conciousness like that.

What do you mean "bits of the consciousness"? This is about information theory in general and very common computer terminology. This is information given to/received by the consciousness. For the purposes of this side discussion, the consciousness itself is either not physical or not yet identified as only physical.
In other words, red is something experienced by that which has the ability to be conscious of things.

Using your analysis of what I wrote you could say, in reference to falling things, "In other words gravity is something experienced by that which has ability to be conscious of feathers falling slower than rocks."

I am using the word "experience" completely differently. Experiencing something is knowing you are aware of it. No doubt exists.

The feather does not know anything.
Light is energy field and Gravity is energy field putting to rest they are different sorts. Photons interact with physical things which reflect light as photons which are received by receptor cells in the eye which go through the light processing process which includes memory making my little story probable. What makes things appear red is either subsequent stimulation of particular visual receptors or memory reference access. Similarly when we see feathers fall more slowly than lead balls physical forces interact with the physical properties of feathers and lead balls in the presence of a dominating gravitational field to fall at different rates mostly due to their surface area interacting with air resisting downward pull of gravity. We process motion as detection of relative spatial change of seen objects producing different sense of motions of falling and floating, again as reference to memory or stimulation of such as hand following head moving to catch or duck those objects. Ones sense of color is related to physical elements in our sensory inventoy which are callable just as our sense of falling is related to physical elements of our sensory inventory.

It an insistence on puffed up importance of ourselves tht leads us to insert all sorts of different qualities in our minds rather than just referring to appropriate referencing capabilities of our brain to recover or represent those events as related to our physical capacities as whatever voodoo you dI don't demand that I be right. I just insist you are wrong in inventing classes of subjective quale built by a mind that resides in a brain. Such are no more than recreating a bit of what was seen, felt, heard, or smelled, as part of what one 'sees'* as experience during perception. It's just a matter of reusing elements of physical capacity to create an play which one uses to report or decide or plan.

Light is energy field and Gravity is energy field putting to rest they are different sorts. Photons interact with physical things which reflect light as photons which are received by receptor cells in the eye which go through the light processing process which includes memory making my little story probable. What makes things appear red is either subsequent stimulation of particular visual receptors or memory reference access. Similarly when we see feathers fall more slowly than lead balls physical forces interact with the physical properties of feathers and lead balls in the presence of a dominating gravitational field to fall at different rates mostly due to their surface area interacting with air resisting downward pull of gravity. We process motion as detection of relative spatial change of seen objects producing different sense of motions of falling and floating, again as reference to memory or stimulation of such as hand following head moving to catch or duck those objects. Ones sense of color is related to physical elements in our sensory inventoy which are callable just as our sense of falling is related to physical elements of our sensory inventory.

It an insistence on puffed up importance of ourselves tht leads us to insert all sorts of different qualities in our minds rather than just referring to appropriate referencing capabilities of our brain to recover or represent those events as related to our physical capacities as whatever voodoo you dI don't demand that I be right. I just insist you are wrong in inventing classes of subjective quale built by a mind that resides in a brain. Such are no more than recreating a bit of what was seen, felt, heard, or smelled, as part of what one 'sees'* as experience during perception. It's just a matter of reusing elements of physical capacity to create an play which one uses to report or decide or plan.


Color is not light.

Light is the stimulus for the brain to create color.

But light energy is one thing and color something else.
Color is not light.

Light is the stimulus for the brain to create color.

But light energy is one thing and color something else.

To whom are you talking?

I don't say color is light. I say the human report of color is related to light sensing units in the sense array, that the 'sense' of color is reporting those sensations either by repeating the sensor output or from memory which may also involve sensor repeating. All are part of how 'experience, another bit of attempted magic, is created by the brain as neural processes the brain carries out.

Your problem is you can't let go of somehow creating non physical categories, which some would call magic, to keep humans unique which they are only to the extent any other living organism is unique.
Color is not light.

Light is the stimulus for the brain to create color.

But light energy is one thing and color something else.

To whom are you talking?

I don't say color is light. I say the human report of color is related to light sensing units in the sense array, that the 'sense' of color is reporting those sensations either by repeating the sensor output or from memory which may also involve sensor repeating. All are part of how 'experience, another bit of attempted magic, is created by the brain as neural processes the brain carries out.

Your problem is you can't let go of somehow creating non physical categories, which some would call magic, to keep humans unique which they are only to the extent any other living organism is unique.

I am talking to somebody comparing color to gravity.

This is painful to read.

You don't have the slightest idea what color is beyond something experienced.

That is why everything you say sounds like gibberish.
New today, 4/30:

Do our senses reveal the world -- Or do they obscure it?
Light is the stimulus for the brain to create color.

You got that absolutely correct. It is the brain that creates colour. Just as colour, touch, sound, smell taste, thought and action are all aspects of conscious experience....which - just as you say - is created by the brain.

Mr Untermensche, you have hit the nail on the head. Your prize is a big fat Virtual Cuban Cigar that you can happily imagine smoking whilst basking in the pleasure of getting the issue of agency right.
You don't have the slightest idea what color is beyond something experienced.

That is why everything you say sounds like gibberish.

I compared the experience of something falling with experience of something's color you non reader.

Yes I knew your limitations coming in so I gave you rope with which you could hang yourself for everyone to see.

You didn't disappoint.

My review of your post? You showed you are unable to distinguish physical from sense. Worse you compared gravity to sense of color which I clearly separated.

Your stream of empty one liners are more for bilby than for me. He enjoys torturing you for your empty vessel right from the start. Me, I've been patient for some time.

I'm probably going to just pass your posts in the future since they are so obviously written only to poke
Using your analysis of what I wrote you could say, in reference to falling things, "In other words gravity is something experienced by that which has ability to be conscious of feathers falling slower than rocks."
Except we today understand redness as not existing out there, as not a property of things out there. Instead, we now think, because of scientists, that what is out there is only electromagnetic quantity. This effectively leaves only our mind as a locale for the existence of redness, which is itself undoubtable, at least for me whenever I see red.

Gravity by contrast is believed to be a property of things out there. Maybe it isn't but there's no reasonable view of gravity as a property of the human mind. In fact, all we know of gravity is the idea of gravity, not gravity itself, whereas we not only have the idea of redness but we also experience redness directly as qualia so we know redness in itself.

You just don't get it.

You've bee playing with untermensche too long. I used the illustration of sense of object falling as a parallel to sense of red. Redness sense has it's physical analog and physical sensing mechanisms just as things falling have their sensing mechanisms.

You failed to pick up the fact that I modeled both redness and falling as connected with physical capabilities humans have for detecting and processing such. Since humans have those physical mechanism it is most simple to presume these sense are derived from human physical processes for each. Ergo, instead of inventing qualia which agree only with one can believe, I proposed sensing is repeating in some form(repeating sensor activity or recovering memory which would also be repeating sensor activity) by physical brain processes.and which eventually can be physically understood.

So not only do I get it, I reject it in favor of a physical explanation, Everything changed when it became understood humans were after the fact thinkers and planners. Much more economical and ends the need for a science of the non material quale, consciousness, free will, and all that other bull shit from classical period.

It's midnight, I'm tired. So tomorrow.
Why bringing up particles? The mind is no low level property of particles. It his a hig level phenomen created by billions of coworking high level structures.

We are back to "structures"!? Besides entanglement, properties of a truly elementary particle and mental phenomena, structures don't exist. All other "structures" are manmade concepts that don't exist out there. The particles of your "structures" are always in different places; a structure in its purest form can't be constantly changing. It doesn't make sense to randomly assign actual structures to dynamic systems.

And that's the whole point of the unity problem. We have actual structures in the mind, but we have not found a physical correlate unified like it yet.
Structures don't exist? :D

So, you have evolved, from your earlier insistence a few months ago about... something about the properties of space, I can't recall precisely.

Yes I agree. Structures are essentially our mental representations of the world out there. However, like for colours and so many of the things we come to have in mind there is something in the real world which has to exist if our idea of it is to be an actual representation as opposed to some elaborate illusion.

Still, the point is that representations don't need to be truthful, and therefore no actual structures out there. All that is needed is that they should have good predictive value. They cannot be truthful because, if our paradigm of reality is broadly correct, our brain doesn't have the enormous computing power that would be needed to create truthful representations.

That's also basically how science works. Scientific theories are not true descriptions of anything, and couldn't be, because scientists have too feeble minds and even their computers are not powerful enough, at least for now. All we need for now is that theories should have predictive value.

Like there are useful idiots, there are useful fictions.
Except we today understand redness as not existing out there, as not a property of things out there. Instead, we now think, because of scientists, that what is out there is only electromagnetic quantity. This effectively leaves only our mind as a locale for the existence of redness, which is itself undoubtable, at least for me whenever I see red.

Gravity by contrast is believed to be a property of things out there. Maybe it isn't but there's no reasonable view of gravity as a property of the human mind. In fact, all we know of gravity is the idea of gravity, not gravity itself, whereas we not only have the idea of redness but we also experience redness directly as qualia so we know redness in itself.

You just don't get it.

You've bee playing with untermensche too long. I used the illustration of sense of object falling as a parallel to sense of red. Redness sense has it's physical analog and physical sensing mechanisms just as things falling have their sensing mechanisms.

You failed to pick up the fact that I modeled both redness and falling as connected with physical capabilities humans have for detecting and processing such. Since humans have those physical mechanism it is most simple to presume these sense are derived from human physical processes for each. Ergo, instead of inventing qualia which agree only with one can believe, I proposed sensing is repeating in some form(repeating sensor activity or recovering memory which would also be repeating sensor activity) by physical brain processes.and which eventually can be physically understood.

So not only do I get it, I reject it in favor of a physical explanation, Everything changed when it became understood humans were after the fact thinkers and planners. Much more economical and ends the need for a science of the non material quale, consciousness, free will, and all that other bull shit from classical period.

It's midnight, I'm tired. So tomorrow.
You really don't get it. The point is that we experience redness so it cannot possibly not exist as such, whereas we don't experience at all the possible correlates of redness in the physical world, say, electromagnetic frequencies and such, so in fact we don't even know they exist (as such). So all we can do about EM things is to suppose their existence on the basis of our qualia. Same thing for gravity. Gravity is mental construct to signify some phenomenon out there that we don't experience at all. All we have are qualia that we take to be sensations in our bodies, such as the sensation of acceleration, which itself is actually not a sensation of acceleration at all but of the sensations from the constraints acceleration puts on our body.

Everything you've ever said on this board always come down to this that science can explain physical phenomena. In fact, that's not even true. What science does is to explain one set of phenomena on the assumption of another set of phenomena, something which basically all human beings do without even bothering to think about it, let alone boast. Scientists are specialists and we need them but being specialist doesn't help understand the broader picture so I'm not surprised about your inability to understand very simple ideas about consciousness, although I do get annoyed by the sheer stupidity of your arguments. The point is that your arguments are irrelevant. You are simply denying the reality of consciousness. It's very simple. You just deny it. And then to show you're not an idiot you go on and on about how science explain things. Yet, these things, while very interesting, are not what the discussion is about, i.e. consciousness, subjective experience, qualia. So, your arguments are irrelevant. They have always been, and I have always told you, and yet you keep going on and on.

The point is science is very useful and it's all very well to do it. But no one's denying that! Yet you keep making irrelevant interjections on how well science works. Enough! We got that already! A long, long time ago. We're all children of the scientific age. We don't need more of this irrelevant apology of science when we talk about consciousness. Science can hope to explain how the brain works. Well, let's be clear here. It won't explain why there are brains. It will explain the properties of brains on the assumption of the properties of neurons, chemicals, elementary particles etc. Good! Do that. What's stopping you? You think people just talking about consciousness and qualia might inadvertently scupper the whole scientific enterprise?!

The only charitable explanation I have for your insistence on irrelevant arguments is that you just don't get it. You have a blind spot. That's also something human beings do you know. They're good at it. Blotch out any inconvenience, distraction, contradiction. And to do that, you are prepared to pour shitloads of the same trite arguments over and over again without ever trying to understand what other people say. You just don't care. You're very competitive but it's a competition in ignorance, irrelevance and sheer stupidity of argument.

You can sleep on it. You'll come back with more irrelevant considerations.
You don't have the slightest idea what color is beyond something experienced.

That is why everything you say sounds like gibberish.

I compared the experience of something falling with experience of something's color you non reader.

Yes I knew your limitations coming in so I gave you rope with which you could hang yourself for everyone to see.

You didn't disappoint.

My review of your post? You showed you are unable to distinguish physical from sense. Worse you compared gravity to sense of color which I clearly separated.
You're apparently loosing your marbles here.

Untermensche didn't talk about gravity. You did:
fromderinside said:
untermensche said:
In other words, red is something experienced by that which has the ability to be conscious of things.
Using your analysis of what I wrote you could say, in reference to falling things, "In other words gravity is something experienced by that which has ability to be conscious of feathers falling slower than rocks."

And his posts shows he's making the distinction clear between sense and things out there. In fact, it's his whole point of saying colours don't exist out there.

Why don't you just watch television instead?

Your time has passed. You've been a great scientist, yeah, but now it's over. You don't even understand what people are talking about.

This is indeed painful to watch.
What we experience in terms of color has nothing to do with memory and everything to do with context.


Both circles are the same color, but since the brain thinks one is in shadow we experience them differently.
Light is the stimulus for the brain to create color.

You got that absolutely correct. It is the brain that creates colour. Just as colour, touch, sound, smell taste, thought and action are all aspects of conscious experience....which - just as you say - is created by the brain.

Mr Untermensche, you have hit the nail on the head. Your prize is a big fat Virtual Cuban Cigar that you can happily imagine smoking whilst basking in the pleasure of getting the issue of agency right.

Of course I got it right.

I understand this far better than you.

And consciousness is that which is aware of color.

Not color.
Recognizing context is not possible without memory function. Recognizing and distinguishing between colours is not possible without memory function. Consciousness degenerates into utterly meaningless, unrecognizable sensation without memory function.
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