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Could Trump put an end to America's failed policy of war?

Sure, DJT is a "dog barking" a warning. It is the language the Rocketman understands and has himself been using for years. Wait and see, wait and see how things go. I do not deny that things may get out of hand on either side. What would you advise? Give in to the Rocketman? Give nuclear weapons to SKorea in a tit-for-tat? To Japan too? To Taiwan?

China and Russia are holding naval exercises around the Korean peninsula now. The media here are silent about that. So is the Barking Dog, both Barking Dogs in fact.
Seems to me DJT wants a deal and has made his maximum demand. No one wants war but it's up to Chjna, Russia and NKorea to make the next move, together or severally.
Let's wait and see what the final deal may be.
Russia does not want another land border with US. China does not want any borders with US. So don't expect them being terribly excited about South Korea taking over the whole Korea. And any deals with US as Iran deal shows is not worth much. China is economically well enough to not feel threatened by US. Russia-US relations are pretty much non-existent now and no deal could possibly fix that.
Yup. I don't see Putin or Xi Jinping as being impressed by Trump's tweets and rants. Short of the US offering to permanently remove all our military soldiers from the Korean peninsula, I don't see anything moving forward. China has publicly made clear, thru their media outlets to Jong-un, that if he starts a war, they won't back him up; and they have made it equally clear that they would be quite hostile to an unprovoked foreign attack. The US is checked, unless it starts a war cowboy style or decides to create some sort of punitive sanctions on China (that could start a nice trade war).

The below referenced conference ended on 8 September 2017, in which their actions speak of what their moves are.
Meanwhile there was the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) conference held this week, in Vladivostol Russia. And both Korea’s were there along with Putin who had just finished hanging out with Pres. Xi Jinping. And Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang, the point person for China’s Belt and Road Initiative, also attended the EEF meeting. I thought there were 2 interesting quotes from the below article:
When talking to the media in Xiamen on Tuesday following the BRICS summit, Putin had done some plain speaking regarding North Korea. Notably, he said:

“Everyone remembers well what happened to Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Hussein abandoned the production of weapons of mass destruction. Nonetheless… Saddam Hussein himself and his family were killed… Even children died back then. His grandson, I believe, was shot to death. The country was destroyed… North Koreans are also aware of it and remember it. Do you think that following the adoption of some sanctions, North Korea will abandon its course on creating weapons of mass destruction? “Certainly, the North Koreans will not forget it. Sanctions of any kind are useless and ineffective in this case. As I said to one of my colleagues yesterday, they will eat grass, but they will not abandon this program unless they feel safe.”
Significantly, Moon said at his press conference with Putin on Wednesday:

“Mr. President and I have also agreed to build up the basis for the implementation of trilateral projects with participation of the two Koreas and Russia, which will connect the Korean Peninsula and the Russian Far East… We have decided to give priority to the projects that can be implemented in the near future, primarily in the Far East. The development of the Far East will promote the prosperity of our two countries and will also help change North Korea and create the basis for the implementation of the trilateral agreements. We will be working hard on this.”

People have to decide if Kim Jong-un nuclear weapons drive is about regime survival, or some sort master plan (yes some people think along these lines) to drive the US out of the peninsula so they can re-unite Korea by force.

Meanwhile, is the US message about nuclear weapons, or regime change, or both?
To bring today’s crisis to a peaceful conclusion, Kim will have to tone down his aggression. But for that to happen, the Trump administration needs to demonstrate clearly that its goal is not regime change, but policy change – that is, denuclearization – in North Korea.

Unfortunately, the signals coming out of the US are still mixed. While Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent remarks on the crisis focused on diplomacy, Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo has mentioned regime change, and National Security Adviser General H R McMaster has raised the possibility of a preventive war.
Neither Trump nor Kim seems to have sufficient political capital to spearhead a shift from military threats to diplomatic solutions. Given the far-reaching risks posed by this rapidly escalating crisis, it may well be up to other stakeholders to take the lead. Will China act as the regional stabilizer it so often proclaims itself to be? President Xi Jinping is being tested in this crisis as much as Trump and Kim.

Anyway one looks at the issue, it is hard to get around the reality that the US has a lot of hot pokers out there and we may have to put a couple in the cold water barrel if NK is the really important one. We need Russia’s and China’s cooperation on NK to get anywhere. Meanwhile our (re)actions have driven Russia to ever greater cooperation with China. The only thing I can think of that might get China to work towards a non-nuclear NK is some sort of agreement for the US military to leave the peninsula as part of a final solution. And that is something that would cause our neocons nuts to fall off…stalemate.
link said:
The more Trump escalates his rhetorical assault on North Korea, the more Russia and China—the world powers with the strongest ties to Pyongyang—have countered with veiled threats of their own directed at the United States and its allies.

Their mistake is veiling their threats - Cheato is too stupid to get it. Hopefully one of the adults in his inner circle will at least try to 'splain it to him.
Sure, DJT is a "dog barking" a warning. It is the language the Rocketman understands and has himself been using for years. Wait and see, wait and see how things go. I do not deny that things may get out of hand on either side. What would you advise? Give in to the Rocketman? Give nuclear weapons to SKorea in a tit-for-tat? To Japan too? To Taiwan?
I'd have advised for the US to have negotiated secretly with China some 10+ years ago on a deal to remove all US soldiers from the Korean peninsula in exchange for a very well supervised de-nuclearification of NK. However, the US neocons have far too much power and would never tolerate such a deal. At this stage, I think the west will have to accept NK into the nuclear weapons club. We aren't going to sanction trade with China, we aren't going to unilaterally attack NK, and China and Russia have no reason to cooperate. And SK has made it clear that they only want negotiations.

China and Russia are holding naval exercises around the Korean peninsula now. The media here are silent about that. So is the Barking Dog, both Barking Dogs in fact.

Yep, our media does a pretty shitty job covering international affairs, and especially IRT covering such issues from the perspective of other major countries. Putin has made it very clear that US language about tearing up the Iran agreement sends a powerful message to NK that there is no reason at all to negotiate. Putin has also made the point several times that the US toppling of Saddam Hussein and the killing of most all of his family is a lesson that NK has taken notice of. And US leadership doesn’t seem to be able to shut up about ‘regime change’. So while our blowhard in chief, rants on, Asia is getting more interconnected.

The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) takes another significant step forward connecting across Asia. Turkey is also about to be connected. I don’t normally think much of this authors (Spengler) writings, but this time I thought he was rather balanced.
On September 6, the first train to Teheranx departed from Yinchuan, capital of northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with a 15-day journey time to Iran’s capital, half as long as sea transport. The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway linking China with Turkey and the South Caucasus begins operations in October. China already is Turkey’s largest source of imports.

Meanwhile US media frets on whether El Cheato will give Iran another 90 day approval on the nuclear deal. Killing the deal on the US side will put Iran’s airlines multi-billion dollar deals with Boeing at high risk. This will be yet another strange step with Don the Con’s emphasis on MAG and deals. The rest of the world will ignore the US as much as they can, if the US tries for international sanctions again. Though the US does often go for blackmail to punish international companies, so El Cheato could go for a hardball strategy. Though with the BRI already now shipping cheaper by train than by sea, it will be much harder to force Asian companies to shun trading with Iran. The US had been able to intimidate big sea shipping companies, but how will the US intimidate Chinese rail lines, and how will the US be able to even know what is being shipped. And El Cheato needs China and Russian cooperation regarding NK. Which hot poker do they really want to deal with? Ironically, with El Cheato's flailing all over the place, threatening all sorts of countries/people at the same time, he may in the end enable most all of them to stake out their own paths as the US looks more impotent...
Ironically, with El Cheato's flailing all over the place, threatening all sorts of countries/people at the same time, he may in the end enable most all of them to stake out their own paths as the US looks more impotent...

It's exactly one of the major factors why the Soviet Union came unstuck. And for them too, as for the Brits, it all started with failure in Afghanistan. Truly a place where empires go to die
As the neocon world churns...

Another shining example of MAGA at work: Iran is reaching out to the world in their plans to greatly improve their rail lines. China, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, and Russia are lining up to make their countries great again.
However, Iran’s transportation dreams have a major problem in the current reality: decades of sanctions have left the country’s rail lines archaic and in disrepair. To fix this, Iran is devoting 1% of its oil and gas sales to rail development, amounting to a roughly $25 billion initiative to revitalize its existing rail network as well as add on 10,000 kilometers of new rail lines by 2025 — creating a yearly demand for roughly 8,000-10,000 new wagons in the process.
But wait, the US wasn't in that list of companies getting the billion dollar windfalls...

Meanwhile El Cheato may be getting closer to killing the $17 billion Boeing passenger aircraft deal:
The Trump administration is coming under increased pressure from Congress to kill a landmark deal between Boeing and an Iranian airline known for engaging in terrorism over concerns the Western airline company would enable Tehran's transfer of militant fighters across the region, according to multiple sources, who told the Washington Free Beacon the administration is likely to nix the multi-billion dollar deal.
The Trump administration is said to be viewing the sales with an increasingly critical eye and is moving, at this point, toward killing the sales, according to these sources, who pointed to concerns over Iran Air's use of commercial airplanes for terrorism purposes.
I suppose it's possible that Trump could[ent]mdash[/ent]through sheer incompetence[ent]mdash[/ent]screw up the American war machine badly enough that it won't be able to do as much harm to the world, at least temporarily.

It depends on how long he is in office. If the cowardly Republicans in the House and Senate decide that treason is an impeachable offense, he might not be in office long enough to screw up the US military.
I suppose it's possible that Trump could[ent]mdash[/ent]through sheer incompetence[ent]mdash[/ent]screw up the American war machine badly enough that it won't be able to do as much harm to the world, at least temporarily.
I'm not sure how much effect he can have.
Been watching work forecasts in my industry for the last two decades. They never, ever, mark any future work, development or sale to the government as provisional depending on who gets elected and what their budget choices are.

The big purchase items for support, the military-industrial complex, seems pretty entrenched, no matter who's on stage in the limelight.

He may impact if we're at war, and where, but that just affects how often they have to replace the supplies of bullets and missiles. They still have multi-year contracts for purchasing the bullet and missile systems into the foreseeable...
Sure, DJT is a "dog barking" a warning. It is the language the Rocketman understands and has himself been using for years. Wait and see, wait and see how things go. I do not deny that things may get out of hand on either side. What would you advise? Give in to the Rocketman? Give nuclear weapons to SKorea in a tit-for-tat? To Japan too? To Taiwan?

China and Russia are holding naval exercises around the Korean peninsula now. The media here are silent about that. So is the Barking Dog, both Barking Dogs in fact.

Both the US, and the Asian axis are performing annual military tests and display of power... no one is reporting the routine behavior of either side. Why is that important?
This is the sound of drum beats…

While the headlines were much about the decertification of the Iranian Nuclear deal by El Cheato a short while back, his neocon smurfs have been out bloviating smoke up peoples asses trying to convince people that Iran has strong ties to Al Qaeda. Yeah, don’t look at Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda’s real benefactors, with both being Sunni verses the Iranian being primarily Shiite. Hopefully, America and Congress won’t be nearly as gullible as they were when the Shrub and his administration lied their way into an invasion. They also have Nikki Haley and SecDef Mattis with their regular spewing of hostility towards Iran...
On Oct. 13, in his statement decertifying the Iran nuclear deal, President Trump claimed that Tehran “provides assistance to Al Qaeda.” The following week, his C.I.A. chief, Mike Pompeo, went further: “It’s an open secret and not classified information that there have been relationships, there are connections,” Mr. Pompeo said at an event hosted by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a neoconservative think tank. “There have been times the Iranians have worked alongside Al Qaeda.”

On Nov. 1, the C.I.A. released a new batch of nearly 470,000 files recovered in the 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. But the agency did more than just release the documents to the public. It provided advance copies to the foundation’s online publication, Long War Journal. (The C.I.A. said it was common practice to distribute declassified documents to the news media and academic organizations on an embargoed basis and that the only agenda in releasing these files was “to enhance public understanding” of Al Qaeda.)

Long War Journal homed in on a 19-page document by an unidentified Qaeda official who claimed that the Iranian government had offered “Saudi brothers” in Al Qaeda “everything they needed,” including money, arms and training in Hezbollah camps in Lebanon, “in exchange for striking American interests in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.” Yet the Iranian offer, admitted the official, was never accepted by Al Qaeda — if such an offer was in fact made.

The timing of these latest claims from the president and his C.I.A. chief are hardly coincidental. Tensions in the Middle East are ramping up. America’s chief allies in the region, Saudi Arabia and Israel, are pushing even more aggressively than usual to confront Iran.
Firstly I'll say that I believe the President that puts an end to America's endless failed wars will be regarded by history as a great leader. Sadly no politician from either of the major parties has come close. Even Obama whilst good in some areas has been a failure.
Donald Trump has been the only candidate (maybe ever but certainly for a long time to show any signs of changing this. Yes, of course he lies and will say anything, so I look forward to the usual disgruntled people to point this out, but could it happen?

Well, the answer to your question is a resounding NO.


It's only taken Trump 7 months to surpass the number of civilian deaths in foreign nations that occurred during Obama's entire 8-year presidency.
Firstly I'll say that I believe the President that puts an end to America's endless failed wars will be regarded by history as a great leader. Sadly no politician from either of the major parties has come close. Even Obama whilst good in some areas has been a failure.
Donald Trump has been the only candidate (maybe ever but certainly for a long time to show any signs of changing this. Yes, of course he lies and will say anything, so I look forward to the usual disgruntled people to point this out, but could it happen?

Well, the answer to your question is a resounding NO.


It's only taken Trump 7 months to surpass the number of civilian deaths in foreign nations that occurred during Obama's entire 8-year presidency.

...and the trump-humpers rave, because the world has become that much whiter. :mad:

It is. This is just a tepid piss poor war ;)

Besides it is comical to see our generals with so many stars up their asses quake in fear of those Ruskies with 1/10 of their budget. Ruskies must be the size of King Kong; or our general are made of Pee Wee Herman stuffing; of course they also could be lying sacks of shit...

It is. This is just a tepid piss poor war ;)

Besides it is comical to see our generals with so many stars up their asses quake in fear of those Ruskies with 1/10 of their budget. Ruskies must be the size of King Kong; or our general are made of Pee Wee Herman stuffing; of course they also could be lying sacks of shit...

Well, their military budget is small compared to the U.S., but it's the nukes that matter. War between the U.S. and Russia is, for all non-end of the world purposes, impossible. It doesn't matter how many tanks or carrier groups you have, just 20 or so 1 megaton warheads is the end of the United States (and Russia too).

So the concern isn't a conventional war. The U.S. would kick the living shit out of Russia in that scenario ten times over. But even the start of such a war would likely trigger nuclear holocaust. So for that reason, Russia has to be treated with great care.
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