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Could Trump put an end to America's failed policy of war?

I just realized something.

The U.S. government has never had contact with aliens (the other worldly type). Trump would've either blurted it out, sold the nation to them, or it would've been leaked.

And to think it was going to be difficult for this administration to get even more depressing.

In all seriousness on a likewise point, I wonder how much actual Top Secret Intel the president is actually receiving. I mean, we have a commander and chief that's been very antagonistic, dismissive and even hostile towards our Intelligence services. He and many in his administration are under suspicion and investigation for colluding with a hostile foreign power. I would not be surprised of there is an end around the President's position right now. How that would work I couldn't say. Normally, I would be terrified about our intel services intentionally leaving the president out of the loop on some issues, but in this case I'm not so sure. That in iteslf is terrifying in it's own way.

Nice conspiracy theory
Nice conspiracy theory
Not really a conspiracy theory. Those are created in order to explain apparent holes in official stories or the total lack of an official position on something.

This is more, wondering if people are taking steps to correct for the fact that Trump obviously cannot be trusted with sensitive information, nor can he be quickly told about complicated situations where an understanding of nuances is critical.
Conspiracy theory? The fool gave Russians top secret intel in the oval office.
Conspiracy theory? The fool gave Russians top secret intel in the oval office.

I wonder if the CIA and the generals are just not telling him stuff anymore. He doesn't seem to be able to handle the toys that he's given.
Conspiracy theory? The fool gave Russians top secret intel in the oval office.

I wonder if the CIA and the generals are just not telling him stuff anymore. He doesn't seem to be able to handle the toys that he's given.
I don't think they have any choice. Unless Trump delegates his authority, they are obligated to provide him with all necessary information so he can make (for lack of a better term) sound judgements.
I don't think they have any choice. Unless Trump delegates his authority, they are obligated to provide him with all necessary information so he can make (for lack of a better term) sound judgements.
Unless they are practicing their testimony: "Well, Senator, that information was available if he asked, he just never asked."
I wonder if the CIA and the generals are just not telling him stuff anymore. He doesn't seem to be able to handle the toys that he's given.
I don't think they have any choice. Unless Trump delegates his authority, they are obligated to provide him with all necessary information so he can make (for lack of a better term) sound judgements.

There's degrees of depth of information to give. There's many ways of not lying, but lying.
I thought this was an interesting drumbeat for Iranian 'regime change' that seems to be emerging out from under the Neocon outhouses...after all Iran is on the "edge of collapse"...WTF? Hopefully, El Cheato will find something else to stroke his ego...

Iran hawks suddenly have a new mantra: the Islamic Republic is the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, and the Trump administration should work to hasten the regime’s impending collapse.

It’s not clear why this comparison has surfaced so abruptly. Its proponents don’t cite any tangible or concrete evidence that the regime in Tehran is somehow on its last legs. But I’m guessing that months of internal policy debate on Iran has finally reached the top echelons in the policy-making chaos that is the White House these days. And the hawks, encouraged by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s rather offhand statement late last month that Washington favors “peaceful” regime change in Iran, appear to be trying to influence the internal debate by arguing that this is Trump’s opportunity to be Ronald Reagan. Indeed, this comparison is so ahistorical, so ungrounded in anything observable, that it can only be aimed at one person, someone notorious for a lack of curiosity and historical perspective, and a strong attraction to “fake news” that magnifies his ego and sense of destiny.

This new theme seemed to have come out of the blue Tuesday with the publication on the Wall Street Journal’s comics—I mean, op-ed—pages of a column entitled “Confront Iran the Reagan Way” by the South Africa-born, Canada-raised CEO of the Likudist Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), Mark Dubowitz.

And sure enough, a quick Google on Iran in the news category shows up quite a few peddlers of this meme...
I thought this was an interesting drumbeat for Iranian 'regime change' that seems to be emerging out from under the Neocon outhouses...after all Iran is on the "edge of collapse"...WTF? Hopefully, El Cheato will find something else to stroke his ego...

Iran hawks suddenly have a new mantra: the Islamic Republic is the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, and the Trump administration should work to hasten the regime’s impending collapse.

It’s not clear why this comparison has surfaced so abruptly. Its proponents don’t cite any tangible or concrete evidence that the regime in Tehran is somehow on its last legs. But I’m guessing that months of internal policy debate on Iran has finally reached the top echelons in the policy-making chaos that is the White House these days. And the hawks, encouraged by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s rather offhand statement late last month that Washington favors “peaceful” regime change in Iran, appear to be trying to influence the internal debate by arguing that this is Trump’s opportunity to be Ronald Reagan. Indeed, this comparison is so ahistorical, so ungrounded in anything observable, that it can only be aimed at one person, someone notorious for a lack of curiosity and historical perspective, and a strong attraction to “fake news” that magnifies his ego and sense of destiny.

This new theme seemed to have come out of the blue Tuesday with the publication on the Wall Street Journal’s comics—I mean, op-ed—pages of a column entitled “Confront Iran the Reagan Way” by the South Africa-born, Canada-raised CEO of the Likudist Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), Mark Dubowitz.

And sure enough, a quick Google on Iran in the news category shows up quite a few peddlers of this meme...

The Arab spring almost pushed Iran the same way as Egypt. There's nothing stable about Iran. The entire regime is premaced in a lie. Khomeini was entrusted to ensure liberal democracy and to keep out of politics. The moment he was handed the keys he fucked all his supporters up the ass. The middle-class never forgave him for it. They're still as liberal as they've always been. Its a constantly growing bomb waiting to go off.
I thought this was an interesting drumbeat for Iranian 'regime change' that seems to be emerging out from under the Neocon outhouses...after all Iran is on the "edge of collapse"...WTF? Hopefully, El Cheato will find something else to stroke his ego...


And sure enough, a quick Google on Iran in the news category shows up quite a few peddlers of this meme...

The Arab spring almost pushed Iran the same way as Egypt. There's nothing stable about Iran. The entire regime is premaced in a lie. Khomeini was entrusted to ensure liberal democracy and to keep out of politics. The moment he was handed the keys he fucked all his supporters up the ass. The middle-class never forgave him for it. They're still as liberal as they've always been. Its a constantly growing bomb waiting to go off.
I disagree. Iran is a regime that is better equipped to handle its dissenters than most other autocracies, including Egypt. It had already dealt with the protests in 2009 which in part immunized it by the time the Arab Spring rolled around. In addition, Arab Spring was seen mostly as a sunni project and unappealing to the shia majority in Iran.

It's a huge mistake to cling to events almost 40 years in the past and pretend that the country hasn't changed since. It has. The liberals and leftists were crushed. The political opposition was dismantled. Those who were adults back in 1979 are now dead or retired, and most Iranians alive today weren't even born when Khomeini came to power. In 40 years Iranian regime has been able to set up quite an elaborate machinery to perpetuate itself, and I would say it's one of the most stable autocracies/theocracies on the planet.
I thought this was an interesting drumbeat for Iranian 'regime change' that seems to be emerging out from under the Neocon outhouses...after all Iran is on the "edge of collapse"...WTF? Hopefully, El Cheato will find something else to stroke his ego...


And sure enough, a quick Google on Iran in the news category shows up quite a few peddlers of this meme...

The Arab spring almost pushed Iran the same way as Egypt. There's nothing stable about Iran. The entire regime is premaced in a lie. Khomeini was entrusted to ensure liberal democracy and to keep out of politics. The moment he was handed the keys he fucked all his supporters up the ass. The middle-class never forgave him for it. They're still as liberal as they've always been. Its a constantly growing bomb waiting to go off.
I guess I should say that my point was more about the neocons frothing about Iran as if it was now suddenly on edge. A country doesn't tend to be on the edge of collapse for 40 years. Something is wrong with the analysis otherwise. Considering the state of the ME in general, I'd say that Iran certainly isn't one of the lesser stable countries. And it also has the advantage of having a relatively cohesive and long standing culture to fall back on even if there is someday a revolution, as compared to what happened to so many countries that fell to the Arab Spring.
Conspiracy theory? The fool gave Russians top secret intel in the oval office.

I wonder if the CIA and the generals are just not telling him stuff anymore. He doesn't seem to be able to handle the toys that he's given.

I'm sure they are doing that to at least some degree. He's too stupid to know what questions to ask, thus he's very easy to manipulate.
I don't think they have any choice. Unless Trump delegates his authority, they are obligated to provide him with all necessary information so he can make (for lack of a better term) sound judgements.

There's degrees of depth of information to give. There's many ways of not lying, but lying.

I wonder if the CIA and the generals are just not telling him stuff anymore. He doesn't seem to be able to handle the toys that he's given.

I'm sure they are doing that to at least some degree. He's too stupid to know what questions to ask, thus he's very easy to manipulate.

So then, Loren, you feel safe and comfy under the protection of these war criminal generals? I never felt you were any too clever so it is no surprise to me. The generals who have pulled off failing destructive invasion after failing invasion and bombing after bombing and drone attack after drone attack..they will protect YOU from the excesses of Trump? They are the gang who not only cannot shoot straight; they also are the war lovers who delivered the granddaddy bomb to Afghanistan and bombed the hell out of an airbase in Syria that with millions of dollars worth of missiles that was up and running within hours. The U.S. military is a laughing stock...a very dangerous one at that. Trump will just keep waiting for Kim Jung Un to get his ICBM perfected and not deal with this issue with North Korea like an adult. It can become very serious very quickly. We need diplomats not narcissistic children and profit whores running things in the U.S.:sadyes:
I'm sure they are doing that to at least some degree. He's too stupid to know what questions to ask, thus he's very easy to manipulate.

So then, Loren, you feel safe and comfy under the protection of these war criminal generals? I never felt you were any too clever so it is no surprise to me. The generals who have pulled off failing destructive invasion after failing invasion and bombing after bombing and drone attack after drone attack..they will protect YOU from the excesses of Trump? They are the gang who not only cannot shoot straight; they also are the war lovers who delivered the granddaddy bomb to Afghanistan and bombed the hell out of an airbase in Syria that with millions of dollars worth of missiles that was up and running within hours. The U.S. military is a laughing stock...a very dangerous one at that. Trump will just keep waiting for Kim Jung Un to get his ICBM perfected and not deal with this issue with North Korea like an adult. It can become very serious very quickly. We need diplomats not narcissistic children and profit whores running things in the U.S.:sadyes:

You seem incapable of understanding that there can be degrees of wrong.
I'm sure they are doing that to at least some degree. He's too stupid to know what questions to ask, thus he's very easy to manipulate.

So then, Loren, you feel safe and comfy under the protection of these war criminal generals? I never felt you were any too clever so it is no surprise to me. The generals who have pulled off failing destructive invasion after failing invasion and bombing after bombing and drone attack after drone attack..they will protect YOU from the excesses of Trump? They are the gang who not only cannot shoot straight; they also are the war lovers who delivered the granddaddy bomb to Afghanistan and bombed the hell out of an airbase in Syria that with millions of dollars worth of missiles that was up and running within hours. The U.S. military is a laughing stock...a very dangerous one at that. Trump will just keep waiting for Kim Jung Un to get his ICBM perfected and not deal with this issue with North Korea like an adult. It can become very serious very quickly. We need diplomats not narcissistic children and profit whores running things in the U.S.:sadyes:

US leaders may well be referred to Warlords in future history books. Any leader, no matter how bad in other areas, would benefit the world if he/she ended US proxy wars which cost millions of lives and trillions of US$ deficits.
So then, Loren, you feel safe and comfy under the protection of these war criminal generals? I never felt you were any too clever so it is no surprise to me. The generals who have pulled off failing destructive invasion after failing invasion and bombing after bombing and drone attack after drone attack..they will protect YOU from the excesses of Trump? They are the gang who not only cannot shoot straight; they also are the war lovers who delivered the granddaddy bomb to Afghanistan and bombed the hell out of an airbase in Syria that with millions of dollars worth of missiles that was up and running within hours. The U.S. military is a laughing stock...a very dangerous one at that. Trump will just keep waiting for Kim Jung Un to get his ICBM perfected and not deal with this issue with North Korea like an adult. It can become very serious very quickly. We need diplomats not narcissistic children and profit whores running things in the U.S.:sadyes:

You seem incapable of understanding that there can be degrees of wrong.

That's an interesting proposition you make and also questionable. Degrees of Wrong, sounds catchy but worthless as a moral guide.
You seem incapable of understanding that there can be degrees of wrong.

That's an interesting proposition you make and also questionable. Degrees of Wrong, sounds catchy but worthless as a moral guide.

The thing you are basically saying that if I don't regard something as the worst evil then I'm saying it's good.
Well, El Cheato has already grown the US military presence in Afghanistan by roughly 3,000 soldiers, with another 4,000 evidently on the way. This will roughly double our troop count from the last 2 years. Hey, at only $2 million a pop, that should only run us an additional $14 billion a year. But this time doing the same shit will have different results....

It has already had a Yuuge impact:
The report by UNAMA further added, On 30 August, airstrikes conducted in the Pul-e-Alam district of Logar province killed at least 13 civilians and injured 12 others, UNAMA’s preliminary findings indicate.
According to the UN mission in Afghanistan, it has recorded a 43 per cent increase in civilian casualties from aerial operations during the first six months of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016, documenting 232 civilian casualties (95 deaths and 137 injured), with substantial increases in women and child deaths.
Well, El Cheato has already grown the US military presence in Afghanistan by roughly 3,000 soldiers, with another 4,000 evidently on the way. This will roughly double our troop count from the last 2 years. Hey, at only $2 million a pop, that should only run us an additional $14 billion a year. But this time doing the same shit will have different results....

It has already had a Yuuge impact:
The report by UNAMA further added, On 30 August, airstrikes conducted in the Pul-e-Alam district of Logar province killed at least 13 civilians and injured 12 others, UNAMA’s preliminary findings indicate.
According to the UN mission in Afghanistan, it has recorded a 43 per cent increase in civilian casualties from aerial operations during the first six months of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016, documenting 232 civilian casualties (95 deaths and 137 injured), with substantial increases in women and child deaths.

Look at it this way - if we kill all the civilians, there won't be anyone left who needs to be protected. So Cheato can go ahead and drop MOABs and nukes all over the place, with nothing but good things to come from it.
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