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Darwinian Decline of Liberalism


Apr 21, 2015
United States
Basic Beliefs
The religion of Liberalism is the belief in all things anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion,
politically correct, and so on.

Factors which weigh heavily against liberalism's growth include, but are not limited to:

1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.

2. Homosexuality - Adam and Steve can't conceive. Sure, they can donate their seed to lesbians, but few do such
things. It goes against their natures.

3. Murder rates among liberals - Homosexuals commit acts of violence and murder at a rate considerably higher than
normal men. Oh my how politically incorrect it is to state facts to liberals.

4. Murder rates among blacks - Blacks murder living blacks at several times the rate white men murder white men.
And blacks are overwhelmingly liberal Democrats.

5. Insufferable arrogance - Liberals incessantly claim intellectual superiority, and with it, smaller families. Oops!
You lose the Darwinian rat race. Sorry. Here come the Muslims to win it. They hate Christians even more than
liberals and atheists do. Actually, they hate everyone, even other Muslims. ISIS is bombing Saudi Arabia, and Syrian
Shiites. And practically everyone else. Some day, they may catch up with atheists like Mao and Stalin. We're talking
close to 100,000,000 murdered BECAUSE they were atheists, and rejected Nature's God, as named in our Declaration of Independence.
The religion of Liberalism is the belief in all things anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion,
politically correct, and so on.
I mean, it IS the science thread, some sort of reference for definitions would be expected.
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1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.
A lie.
Just about 70% of all abortion patients attend Christain churches at least once a month if not more.

So, let's see.
You, or your sources, just make shit up.
You accuse us of statements we don't make.
You cannot stand to be held responsible for statements you DO make.

Why are you here? It's clearly not for communication. Are you getting graded for performance art or something?
The religion of Liberalism is the belief in all things anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion,
politically correct, and so on.
I already told you Joe, we don't have time for Starbucks, you can get a hand job later.
To boast loudly of your ignorance and narrow mindedness.

How American.

1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.
A lie.
Just about 70% of all abortion patients attend Christain (sic) churches at least once a month if not more.

I said "liberals." You changed that to "Christain," (sic) and you can't even spell that right.

I have ignored you sniffing my gluteus many scores of times, because you spew little more than nonsense.

But you're harassing, and you have nothing to contribute. Really, nothing.

So, let's see.
You, or your sources, just make shit up.

You compound your ignorance with vulgarity. That's *rational* isn't it.

You accuse us of statements we don't make.

No I don't. That would be impossible, given the depth and breadth of liberal/atheist attacks, vulgarity, and ignorance.

You cannot stand to be held responsible for statements you DO make.

I invariably cite the words of Lefties and then refute them, just as I did your spinning "Liberals" into *Christains* (sic).

But you Leftists are never embarrassed, never recant your nonsense, ever. You simply continue to spin, and curse,
and proclaim your stellar intellectualism, particularly when compared to wretched *Christains*.
NOW do you see why I ignore you?

Why are you here? It's clearly not for communication. Are you getting graded for performance art or something?

I am here to poke holes in all the things claimed by the godless left. This makes you so angry that you spew nonsense and profanity.
How convincing of you.
Liberals suck.

They need to go. I fucking hate the Liberals. Particularly their embarrassing and pathetic federal leader.

Starman, you need to get help. I am not sure if you are on a drug or what else might be affecting you, but seriously, please try to help yourself. Seeking a counselor is a better way to do that, than going onto message boards where you hold a minority view and then proceeding to personally insult and fabricate views of the regular members there. Just ask---Was Jesus trolling?

A lie.
Just about 70% of all abortion patients attend Christain (sic) churches at least once a month if not more.

I said "liberals." You changed that to "Christain," (sic)
Dude, you said the overwhelming majority of aborted babies are "anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, politically correct, and so on."
AND the facts are that the overwhelming majority of abortions are performed by Christains. So, you really think that the majority of Christains are liberals?
and you can't even spell that right.
Oh, i could. I don't choose to.
I have ignored you sniffing my gluteus many scores of times, because you spew little more than nonsense.

But you're harassing, and you have nothing to contribute. Really, nothing.
You're accusing me of harassing? That's funny.

So, let's see.
You, or your sources, just make shit up.

You compound your ignorance with vulgarity. That's *rational* isn't it.
Awwww. Did i use a bad word? That must have frightened you. So, yeah, concentrate on that, so you can ignore the actual data with your indignation.
You accuse us of statements we don't make.

No I don't. That would be impossible, given the depth and breadth of liberal/atheist attacks, vulgarity, and ignorance.
You just can't show any ignorance. And the fact that you take offense doesn't mean it's an attack.
You cannot stand to be held responsible for statements you DO make.

I invariably cite the words of Lefties and then refute them, just as I did your spinning "Liberals" into *Christains* (sic).
Spin? It's the fact. YOur statements have the consequence of putting you in the position of saying most Christains are liberals.

But you Leftists are never embarrassed, never recant your nonsense, ever. You simply continue to spin, and curse,
and proclaim your stellar intellectualism, particularly when compared to wretched *Christains*.
NOW do you see why I ignore you?
Because you can't handle the truth, clearly.
If this table is 'spin' then what's the fact?
Where have i proclaimed stellar intellectualism, either?
Why are you here? It's clearly not for communication. Are you getting graded for performance art or something?

I am here to poke holes in all the things claimed by the godless left. This makes you so angry that you spew nonsense and profanity.
How convincing of you.
So, you're saying the majority of abortions are NOT performed on Christains?

And when it comes to poking holes.....What's your military background, Starry?
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1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.
Okay. If this is the fact, can you prove it? Or are you unwilling to be held responsible for your own statements?

Or just flat unable to support your bigotry?
The religion of Liberalism is the belief in all things anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion,
politically correct, and so on.


Okay, first of all, Liberalism is a political position, not a religion.

Secondly... you have a very distorted view of liberalism. I have to take particular issue with it somehow being anti-American. Now I'm not an American, but it's pretty damn obvious that the US was founded on Classic Liberal ideals. Of course, even the more modern Social Liberalism has absolutely nothing in it that is anti-american. Unless, I suppose, equality is anti-american somehow; which, given the country's history with slavery might indeed be accurate.

Factors which weigh heavily against liberalism's growth include, but are not limited to:

1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.

Wow! :eek:

I wasn't aware that people were born with a political ideology already formed! And now you're telling me that they form even EARLIER than birth!?

2. Homosexuality - Adam and Steve can't conceive. Sure, they can donate their seed to lesbians, but few do such
things. It goes against their natures.

Okay, where to even begin?

1. You do realize that many homosexuals do in fact have children, right? There are plenty of people who only accept their sexuality until after they've been pressured into a heterosexual relationship.
2. You DO realize that they don't specifically have to donate their sperm to a *lesbian* right? It could be a straight woman as well.
3. Also, I'd like to see some evidence for the claim that 'few' do such a thing.
4. Also, I assume you've heard of adoption?
5. Finally, how the fuck does any of this impact the growth of liberalism at all? You do understand that homosexuality isn't bound by political ideology, right? There's going to be about as many conservative homosexuals as there are liberal ones.

3. Murder rates among liberals - Homosexuals commit acts of violence and murder at a rate considerably higher than
normal men. Oh my how politically incorrect it is to state facts to liberals.

It's not just politically incorrect, it's also bullshit. Where exactly did you pull this 'fact' from? Your ass? Gaaay.

In reality, there are no statistics gauging how much more likely homosexual men are to commit violence or murder; much less liberals.

4. Murder rates among blacks - Blacks murder living blacks at several times the rate white men murder white men.
And blacks are overwhelmingly liberal Democrats.

Yes, but what forgot to account for was the fact they have explicit orders to only kill the black conservatives. They're just purging the community from undesirable elements, making it stronger for the inevitable liberal takeover.

5. Insufferable arrogance - Liberals incessantly claim intellectual superiority, and with it, smaller families. Oops!

Wait, we claim intellectual superiority (but oh no, not you... no no no...) and therefore... smaller families?


You lose the Darwinian rat race.

Yeaaaaah.... about that...

You DO know that liberal sentiment has been rising pretty steadily, right? I mean, I totally get that as a member of a dying breed you want to believe that because we're tolerant of gay and black people we're going to have some sort of evolutionary disadvantage and will be outbred by people such as yourself...

...but this is really ignoring the giant wooly mammoth in the room, isn't it? People born to conservative parents turn liberal all the goddamned time. Hah! Have fun with those sleepless nights as you consider that fact.
...but this is really ignoring the giant wooly mammoth in the room, isn't it? People born to conservative parents turn liberal all the goddamned time. Hah! Have fun with those sleepless nights as you consider that fact.

Seems unlikely. Obviously liberalism is hereditary, so we can conclude only one thing if liberalism is on the rise: those sinister lunatics are raping god-fearing conservatives in their sleep, impregnating them with the spoiled seeds of their left nut.
Starman said:
1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.

Wow! :eek:

I wasn't aware that people were born with a political ideology already formed! And now you're telling me that they form even EARLIER than birth!?

Actually, this might be the only claim even close to true that Starman has made in any of the dozens of threads he has started in the last week.

Fetuses don't have a political ideology yet, but the parents they will have do and their parents ideology is by far the strongest determinant of their future ideology.
It is empirically true that "liberals" and "Dems" are more likely to get abortions (and Dem voting States have higher abortion rates). It would be rather amazing if that wasn't true. Personal and community attitudes determine behavior, so of course people who believe or are surrounded by people who believe that getting an abortion is evil, are much less likely to do it. Sure, some will lie and do it secretly, but beliefs and culture do have some impact on actual behavior. IOW, notably more fetuses that would have eventually become liberals and Dems are aborted than ones that would have become conservatives.

BTW, even among Dems and "liberals" the one's more likely to get abortions are Caucasians and/or people with higher SES. Those are also the Dems who are most likely to be truly liberal on social or environmental issues, as opposed to lower SES whites that vote DEM only for Union reasons and racial minorities who vote Dem mostly on economic or immigration issues but are often rather conservative on social and environmental issues (and more religious).
Fetuses don't have a political ideology yet, but the parents they will have do and their parents ideology is by far the strongest determinant of their future ideology.

I don't know how true that remains. When you had more isolated communities then sure, the need to stay in line with your clan was probably pretty strong. The ability to reinforce certain ideologies was probably a lot more strong. But in modern times ideas transmit more freely and people aren't as isolated in their formative years to what ma, pop, and the church elder think. While people may still tend to align with their parents views more often than not, I can't imagine that tendency is as strong as it used to be.
1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of them liberals.
So, obviously, Starman's not going to show any sort of support for this statement
Certainly, he won't counter the numbers of religionists getting abortions.
But how is this supposed to work?

Protestants and Catholics detect that their unborn child will be anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, politically correct, and so on, so they rip it out of the womb to die, so the predominant number of interrupted pregnancies were liberals, then they whine that it's the liberals who are pro-abortion?

Is that why Catholics have such big families? It's a crap-shoot whether you're going to get a Catholic baby or a Liberal, so you just have to hope your average is high?

I wonder how they detect the liberalism of the fetus? Is it anything like dowsing? Hang a voting card over the belly and if it spins in circles, it's a conservative, if the chads fall off it's a liberal?

The mind boggles.
1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.

The definition of life and where life begins is arbitrary. Since there is no definite authority on the matter how about the pregnant women just getting to decide for themselves what constitutes life and let them sort it out? Everybody wins. Everybodies religious values is respected and nobody is offended.

Trying to impose your arbitrary values on pregnant women is just akin to thought policing soviet style. Please don´t.

2. Homosexuality - Adam and Steve can't conceive. Sure, they can donate their seed to lesbians, but few do such
things. It goes against their natures.

Who gives a shit? Why do you hate us for our freedom?

3. Murder rates among liberals - Homosexuals commit acts of violence and murder at a rate considerably higher than
normal men. Oh my how politically incorrect it is to state facts to liberals.

ha ha... Factually incorrect. The correlation between religious conservatism, poverty and crime rates is well established. Also, correlation dosn´t imply causation. So total bullshit argument from start to finish.

4. Murder rates among blacks - Blacks murder living blacks at several times the rate white men murder white men.
And blacks are overwhelmingly liberal Democrats.

High murder rate correlate with poverty. Due to racism blacks are more likely to be poor than whites. That one was easy to explain.

5. Insufferable arrogance - Liberals incessantly claim intellectual superiority, and with it, smaller families. Oops!
You lose the Darwinian rat race. Sorry. Here come the Muslims to win it. They hate Christians even more than
liberals and atheists do. Actually, they hate everyone, even other Muslims. ISIS is bombing Saudi Arabia, and Syrian
Shiites. And practically everyone else. Some day, they may catch up with atheists like Mao and Stalin. We're talking
close to 100,000,000 murdered BECAUSE they were atheists, and rejected Nature's God, as named in our Declaration of Independence.

Incoherent argument. I´m not sure how any of this connects.
I said "liberals." You changed that to "Christain," (sic)
Dude, you said the overwhelming majority of aborted babies are "anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, politically correct, and so on."
AND the facts are that the overwhelming majority of abortions are performed by Christains. So, you really think that the majority of Christains are liberals?
A funning thing about this purported decline in libralism, is the huge and rapid shift in western atttitudes towards gay marriage over the last decade. The fundagelicals have gone absolutely rabid, as I suspect that many of them realize that the war is all but ovre, so they fite rear guard battles, probably more for profit and fame than anything else now. Even if the SC doesn’t make gay marriage national this year, it is coming within about 5 years either way, and there is nothing the right wing can do to stop it as the tide has turned.

Normally, I generally refrain from prophanity, but sometimes the shit fits…
and you can't even spell that right.
Oh, i could. I don't choose to.
Fukcing Jebus Crist on a schich! This Zeus damed shitt again?

You compound your ignorance with vulgarity. That's *rational* isn't it.
Awwww. Did i use a bad word? That must have frightened you. So, yeah, concentrate on that, so you can ignore the actual data with your indignation.
Oh shit, for a secend I thought there might for once be data. LOL not.

Nasty boys, don't mean a thing, huh
Oh you nasty boys

And when it comes to poking holes.....What's your military background, Starry?
It is probably pretty close to those arm chair chicken shit hawks like Cheney, the Shrub, the Newt, Romney et.al.
Fetuses don't have a political ideology yet, but the parents they will have do and their parents ideology is by far the strongest determinant of their future ideology.

I don't know how true that remains. When you had more isolated communities then sure, the need to stay in line with your clan was probably pretty strong. The ability to reinforce certain ideologies was probably a lot more strong. But in modern times ideas transmit more freely and people aren't as isolated in their formative years to what ma, pop, and the church elder think. While people may still tend to align with their parents views more often than not, I can't imagine that tendency is as strong as it used to be.

The empirical data show it remains very much true today in modernized societies. IF both your parents are Dems, you are 5 times more likely to become a Dem than a Republican as an adult, and the inverse if both parents are Republicans. Split party parents have kids that are more 50/50 but they tend to lean toward their mom's party. When kid's don't adopt their parent's party is usually because they merely go "independent" rather than to the opposing party. Note that this is true, even when the kid (wrongly) believes and claims that his parents had little to no influence on their own politics. Also, it isn't just nurture but genes and biology. This is growing evidence that biology plays are significant role is shaping ideology on all issues, including politics.
Thus, even if given up for adoption, a baby with conservative biological parents is more likely to grow up to be a conservative.

You are probably correct that this parental and community impact used to be even more extreme in the past when communities were more isolated and information from outside was hard to come by. But the data show that parents are still by far the strongest determinant of a kid's future politics, and that is partly because a portion of their impact is via genes and perhaps factors impacting fetal brain development prior to birth.
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