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Decline of the Western World


Nov 11, 2005
Mlky Way galaxy
Basic Beliefs
First half of this youtube is an interview with an US economist/professor. They are talking about how China is basically eating your lunch.
I remember living in 1990s Russia and wondering why is everything so shitty. Standard answer was - commies, lack of democracy and the rest.
But modern China is not "democratic" and it looks like Western economies successes of the second half of the last century were not exactly due to democracy. US especially, you were sole winners of the WW2 and had to have the best everything simply by default. Things were extremely good in the West and shitty elsewhere. Then at some point capitalists decided to use chinese labour in order to increase their profits. And 40 years later Communist China is better than you at .... capitalism. And US is trying hopelessly to stop China's economy.
Think about it. Trump is seriously trying to sanctions countries for NOT using US dollars. How the fuck is that can appear legal?
And combine it with US banning Russia for using dollars. Are you insane?

First half of this youtube is an interview with an US economist/professor. They are talking about how China is basically eating your lunch.
My bullshit detector is flashing code red. Not worth my time. Thank you for warning me in the first two sentences. It's the same tired old bullshit pushed by MAGA and world authoritarians for the last decade: America sucks and we need totalitarianism to put it back on track. *yawn*
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That's not what the interview was about. They don't even mention words democracy authoritarians.
That was my "contribution". And I am not advocating for authoritarians. I am just saying it has nothing to do with economic success. And US is the best example.
And the guy is even trashing Trump's economic policies. So your comment is patently idiotic.
That's not what the interview was about. They don't even mention words democracy authoritarians.
That was my "contribution". And I am not advocating for authoritarians. I am just saying it has nothing to do with economic success. And US is the best example.
And the guy is even trashing Trump's economic policies. So your comment is patently idiotic.
What is truly idiotic is to make a claim that China is doing better than the US. Whether it be median incomes and quality of life, economic freedom, political freedom, military might, the US is doing an order of magnitude better than China on these metrics. Do you take me for an idiot? Stop insulting our intelligence.
What is truly idiotic is to make a claim that China is doing better than the US
Did I say that? Let me check .... that's right, I did not say that. Who is an idiot now? I am just asking?
I see people making specific claim about China making better electric cars than anyone, among other things.
and quality of life,
It was shown that US does NOT have the best quality of life. Just saying.
Do you take me for an idiot? Stop insulting our intelligence.
Initially no, but now I am not so sure.

The topic is really about how the Western economic dominance is ending and how US is trying to prolong it using ridiculous and frankly disgusting ways such as Trump's tariff and sanctions for not using dollars.
Speaking of actual reasons for economic dominance of the west. EU and specifically Germany cut themselves off cheap and reliable energy from Russia and we see famous german manufacturing crumbling. What does it tell us when the whole economy was dependent on cheap russian gas? I was under impression that it was all due to unique german ingenuity, democracy and free press, but apparently not. Western dominance was based on active and not so benign measures which were used to keep the rest of the world down.
Speaking of actual reasons for economic dominance of the west. EU and specifically Germany cut themselves off cheap and reliable energy from Russia and we see famous german manufacturing crumbling. What does it tell us when the whole economy was dependent on cheap russian gas? I was under impression that it was all due to unique german ingenuity, democracy and free press, but apparently not. Western dominance was based on active and not so benign measures which were used to keep the rest of the world down.
Cheap reliable energy from Russia didn't seem to do much for Russian manufacturing. German manufacturing will probably find a solution.
Cheap reliable energy from Russia didn't seem to do much for Russian manufacturing.
Exactly my point. That's called Dutch disease.
German manufacturing will probably find a solution.
Yes, they are moving to US. When current situation ends, Russia should suggest german business to move to Russia with germans if they want to.
First half of this youtube is an interview with an US economist/professor. They are talking about how China is basically eating your lunch.
I remember living in 1990s Russia and wondering why is everything so shitty. Standard answer was - commies, lack of democracy and the rest.
But modern China is not "democratic" and it looks like Western economies successes of the second half of the last century were not exactly due to democracy. US especially, you were sole winners of the WW2 and had to have the best everything simply by default. Things were extremely good in the West and shitty elsewhere. Then at some point capitalists decided to use chinese labour in order to increase their profits. And 40 years later Communist China is better than you at .... capitalism. And US is trying hopelessly to stop China's economy.
Think about it. Trump is seriously trying to sanctions countries for NOT using US dollars. How the fuck is that can appear legal?
And combine it with US banning Russia for using dollars. Are you insane?

There are some pretty intricate global dynamics happening right now, but if I wanted to learn about them it likely wouldn't be via a Youtube called WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE with a bunch of fire on the thumbnail.

If you want to make a point could you point us to something substantive that makes your point more clear? Otherwise your thread isn't much use. Right now it just reads like a bunch of superficial talking points.
What is truly idiotic is to make a claim that China is doing better than the US
Did I say that? Let me check .... that's right, I did not say that.

“China is basically eating your lunch.”


Perhaps you are unfamiliar with Westers idioms? “Basically eating your lunch” MEANS “doing better than.” So, yes, you DID say that.
Youtube called WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE with a bunch of fire on the thumbnail
Well, the west IS collapsing, plenty of economists say that. And more importantly plenty of politicians imply (by their actions) that.

If you want to make a point could you point us to something substantive that makes your point more clear?
I think I made it pretty clear.
Basically eating your lunch” MEANS “doing better than.”
Yes, they are doing better than you in terms of economy. And especially better than you would like them to be doing.
Head of fucking Ford visited BYD and afterwards basically said "We (US) are fucked"
Youtube called WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE with a bunch of fire on the thumbnail
Well, the west IS collapsing, plenty of economists say that. And more importantly plenty of politicians imply (by their actions) that.

If you want to make a point could you point us to something substantive that makes your point more clear?
I think I made it pretty clear.

No, you really didn't. I say that in the least offensive way possible because I get the bickering that occurs in your threads. But as of now you haven't made any points. Unless you do mods should really be locking this thread because it's inflammatory and not made in good faith.

Take some time and make your point clear, we're not interested in a bunch of propaganda.

No, you really didn't. I say that in the least offensive way possible because I get the bickering that occurs in your threads. But as of now you haven't made any points. Unless you do mods should really be locking this thread because it's inflammatory and not made in good faith.

Agreed. Note he did not even summarize what the video is about, which I think is required here. He just spouted off a lot of his own nonsense.
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