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Democratic Debate #1

Kamala definitely came out guns blazing and Biden wasn't ready for it. Say what you will about her, but she would hold her own in a debate with Trump. Still, it's so early and there are so many candidates that saying something memorable is enough to "win" a debate at this point. Whoever was the first one to attack Biden for his shitty policies over the years would have been crowned by the media, and that trend will probably continue in subsequent debates. Of course, Kamala really isn't in any position to criticize Biden for supporting policies that harm minorities, as she has made a career of doing just that (sometimes quite mercilessly).

Biden's downfall won't be any one issue, but more of a "death by a thousand cuts" that he won't be able to withstand by his current strategy of being 100% unapologetic for every regressive stance he has held and awful bill he has helped pass.

In both debates, there was a lot of talk about Medicare for "all", with only one or two candidates actually meaning that without qualification. Sanders was lackluster during the debate itself, but had far and away the best closing speech, which demonstrated why he is the only choice for President in my book: (1) he is the only candidate with a theory of political change that he constantly and consistently highlights, and (2) he is the only candidate who identifies the malefactors in our society and why they must be opposed. None of these candidates, if elected, will accomplish much of anything during their terms. They will all be failures, in my prediction. But the difference between voting for what you want and not getting it, versus voting for what you don't want and getting it (to steal a phrase from Eugene V. Debs), is that the first scenario lays the groundwork for the kind of popular movement that has been responsible for every meaningful social change in history, here or anywhere.

Warren and Sanders are similar in their policy ideas but drastically different in their theories of how fundamental change happens in politics, or even whether such a thing is desirable. Warren has indicated that she intends to simply present her amazing plans, and everyone will be so gobsmacked by how amazing they are that they'll have to vote for them. That's not enough. Without the threat of electoral failure, nobody in power will give an inch to anything that upsets their largest donors. A mobilized voting and working populace is necessary to achieve any of the goals shared by Sanders and Warren (and anyone else in the field who has adopted them in whole or part), and only Sanders seems to realize this.
Where she lived, busing started a year before she went to school. Unless she wasn't really bused, what's your point?
Oh, I am sure she was bused. It's just that she said that her class was the second to be integrated. Integration (mandated by Brown vs. BoE) is not the same as busing.
So my point is that she is conflating two separate things.

Also, racial busing was pretty much declared unconstitutional in 2007 when SCOTUS held that using race to assign students to schools within a district is unconstitutional. Biden could have pointed that out.

Call it what you want, but whatever side they want to take, just do some minimal homework.

Yes. Biden (and his people) should have known that being a front-runner would make him the prime target for others.
He wasn't prepared and I do not know why.
Kamala Harris slept her way to the top and is known as "the mattress" in right-wing circles. Certainly not someone with integrity. Not to mention California is falling apart because it's run by liberals. People actually take her seriously? Wow. I weep for the future.
Re Kamala's busing attack on Biden.

1. She was the "little girl"? She was born a full decade after Brown vs. Board of Education and was only 1 when the Civil Rights Act was passed.

2. There is a big difference between segregation and destroying the concept of neighborhood/community schools by busing students from one end of a county to another. Kamala dishonestly conflated these concepts.

A ten year old girl is a little girl. A ten year old boy is a little boy. Even if they are black.
A bit of an exaggeration. I can see, based on that article, that one could accuse her of getting her start that way. But the article doesn't cover any additional jumps she may have taken that way. Sleeping to the top usually implies trading up each time you need a step up.
A bit of an exaggeration. I can see, based on that article, that one could accuse her of getting her start that way. But the article doesn't cover any additional jumps she may have taken that way. Sleeping to the top usually implies trading up each time you need a step up.

30 year olds don't sleep with 60 year olds based on "true love."
A bit of an exaggeration. I can see, based on that article, that one could accuse her of getting her start that way. But the article doesn't cover any additional jumps she may have taken that way. Sleeping to the top usually implies trading up each time you need a step up.

30 year olds don't sleep with 60 year olds based on "true love."

Way to completely evade addressing the post.
“Sleeping your way to the top” involves much more than one relationship.

At any right, good to know what the derogatory right is planning to peddle, though.
Kamala Harris slept her way to the top and is known as "the mattress" in right-wing circles. Certainly not someone with integrity. Not to mention California is falling apart because it's run by liberals. .

Better than sexual assaulting multiple women, for nothing more than that you're a narcissistic psychopath.

People actually take her seriously? Wow. I weep for the future

You do know the current president is?
A bit of an exaggeration. I can see, based on that article, that one could accuse her of getting her start that way. But the article doesn't cover any additional jumps she may have taken that way. Sleeping to the top usually implies trading up each time you need a step up.

30 year olds don't sleep with 60 year olds based on "true love."

They do when they truly love them.
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Kamala Harris slept her way to the top and is known as "the mattress" in right-wing circles. Certainly not someone with integrity. Not to mention California is falling apart because it's run by liberals. People actually take her seriously? Wow. I weep for the future.

There’s the problem: You believe that the right wing knows anything.
Kamala Harris slept her way to the top and is known as "the mattress" in right-wing circles. Certainly not someone with integrity. Not to mention California is falling apart because it's run by liberals. People actually take her seriously? Wow. I weep for the future.

There’s the problem: You believe that the right wing knows anything.

Wait...a right wing "Christian" is trying to smear a woman by suggesting she's a "harlot."

Is this the same right wing that has a serial adulterer who paid off a porn star as their savior?
A bit of an exaggeration. I can see, based on that article, that one could accuse her of getting her start that way. But the article doesn't cover any additional jumps she may have taken that way. Sleeping to the top usually implies trading up each time you need a step up.

Yep, Willie Brown helped Kamala Harris and a bunch of other up and coming politicians--male and female, young and old. I really doubt that it was a sex for help thing.
Some men and women really like older partners. Look at Sarah Paulson or Sayid (you know who I mean).
Some men and women really like older partners. Look at Sarah Paulson or Sayid (you know who I mean).

Jason Momoa is married to someone in their 50's. His step daughter is only nine years younger than him. To say he would struggle with the ladies is pretty fucking laughable.
Kamala Harris slept her way to the top and is known as "the mattress" in right-wing circles. Certainly not someone with integrity. Not to mention California is falling apart because it's run by liberals. People actually take her seriously? Wow. I weep for the future.

There’s the problem: You believe that the right wing knows anything.

Wait...a right wing "Christian" is trying to smear a woman by suggesting she's a "harlot."

Is this the same right wing that has a serial adulterer who paid off a porn star as their savior?

You guys do realize there was a study done recently that showed conservative women are happier overall than liberal women, right? The left has been scrambling to debunk it because they hate that those facts disagree with their feelings.
Yep, Willie Brown helped Kamala Harris and a bunch of other up and coming politicians--male and female, young and old. I really doubt that it was a sex for help thing.

That's because you are biased towards the left.
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