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Democratic Debate #1

A bit of an exaggeration. I can see, based on that article, that one could accuse her of getting her start that way. But the article doesn't cover any additional jumps she may have taken that way. Sleeping to the top usually implies trading up each time you need a step up.

Yep, Willie Brown helped Kamala Harris and a bunch of other up and coming politicians--male and female, young and old. I really doubt that it was a sex for help thing.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, continuing his rush to hand out patronage jobs while he retains his powerful post, has given high-paying appointments to his former law associate and a former Alameda County prosecutor who is Brown's frequent companion.

Brown, exercising his power even as his speakership seems near an end, named attorney Kamala Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that pays $72,000 a year.

Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown's girlfriend. In March, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her "the Speaker's new steady." Harris declined to be interviewed Monday and Brown's spokeswoman did not return phone calls.

2 More Brown Associates Get Well-Paid Posts : Government: The Speaker appoints his frequent companion and a longtime friend to state boards as his hold on his own powerful position wanes.
You guys do realize there was a study done recently that showed conservative women are happier overall than liberal women, right? The left has been scrambling to debunk it because they hate that those facts disagree with their feelings.

Wait, if I feel happy and think that your claim sounds doubtful... I’m wrogn about my feelings?

Yep, Willie Brown helped Kamala Harris and a bunch of other up and coming politicians--male and female, young and old. I really doubt that it was a sex for help thing.

That's because you are biased towards the left.

No, that's because I see how many different individuals, male and female, of a variety of ages, he has helped and mentored.

YOU believe it was because of sex because of your own conservative biases.
Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

You guys do realize there was a study done recently that showed conservative women are happier overall than liberal women, right? The left has been scrambling to debunk it because they hate that those facts disagree with their feelings.

Wait, if I feel happy and think that your claim sounds doubtful... I’m wrong about my feelings?


I'm sure said study was completely on the up and up, was peer-reviewed, and published in many respectable journals.
You guys do realize there was a study done recently that showed conservative women are happier overall than liberal women, right? The left has been scrambling to debunk it because they hate that those facts disagree with their feelings.

Wait, if I feel happy and think that your claim sounds doubtful... I’m wrong about my feelings?


I'm sure said study was completely on the up and up, was peer-reviewed, and published in many respectable journals.

New York Times Says Religious Conservative Wives are the Happiest, Social Media Completely Loses It


"The report found that 73% of wives “who hold conservative gender values and attend religious services regularly with their husbands have high-quality marriages.”
I'm sure said study was completely on the up and up, was peer-reviewed, and published in many respectable journals.

New York Times Says Religious Conservative Wives are the Happiest, Social Media Completely Loses It


"The report found that 73% of wives “who hold conservative gender values and attend religious services regularly with their husbands have high-quality marriages.”

I have a whole branch of family who is Southern Baptist. The women all claim to be happy—and their husband’s all have a history of cheating. Then there are all the sister wife things where the women seem to just as happy as their husbands tell them they are.
and their husband’s all have a history of cheating.

You may have noticed (and Half-Life hasn't) that cheating isn't a problem.

Back in the 1990's, the evangelical community lost their collective shit when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife.

This disqualified him from being Presidential. I mean...how dare he leave his wife for another woman?!

Except he didn't. They stayed married.

Fast forward a couple decades, and all the Southern Baptists along with all the other evangelicals have absolutely no problem whatsoever that Donald J. "Grab 'Em By The Pussy" Trump cheated on his first wife with his second, his second with his third, and his third with a porn star.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that HL has an excuse for that. I won't see it due to the ignore feature, but it's coming.
A ten year old girl is a little girl. A ten year old boy is a little boy. Even if they are black.
Way to miss the point by a light year.
I did not say she was never a little girl. But she claimed she was that little girl who was there when schools were integrated. Integration/desegregation happened before she was born, due to Brown v. BoE.
What she conflated integration with is mandatory racial busing, which was one tactic to racially balance schools, which is a very different issue.
Busing was always a very controversial policy, among both whites and blacks. For Kamala Harris to pretend that it is somehow clear that busing was a good policy is quite disingenuous.

Biden dropped the ball. He should have defended his record and should have pointed out the many flaws of the busing policy. Did Biden even debate prep I wonder? His answer was so weak.

Busing was a failed policy from the 70s that shipped kids all over their respective counties instead of having community schools. How the hell did it become a litmus test in the Democratic primary?
A ten year old girl is a little girl. A ten year old boy is a little boy. Even if they are black.
Way to miss the point by a light year.
I did not say she was never a little girl. But she claimed she was that little girl who was there when schools were integrated. Integration/desegregation happened before she was born, due to Brown v. BoE.
What she conflated integration with is mandatory racial busing, which was one tactic to racially balance schools, which is a very different issue.

She didn't say she was a schoolgirl when desegregation first began following Brown v.Board of Education. She said she was part of only the second class at her school to be integrated, and that it was because of busing.

Fact check: School district confirms Kamala Harris was correct on integration in Berkeley

Harris said she was herself part of a busing program in California. She also said she was part of only the second integrated class at her school.

California-based radio host Larry Elder and others, citing a post on the conspiracy-minded conservative website Gateway Pundit, accused her of lying about her school's integration history.

She was not lying. In fact, the school district confirmed her claim to CNN.

Facts First: Harris was indeed part of the second integrated class at Berkeley's Thousand Oaks Elementary School: she entered school in 1969, and the plan to desegregate the school was implemented in 1968.

"Thousand Oaks Elementary, along with all Berkeley public elementary schools, were integrated through a two-way busing plan, beginning in 1968, so Senator Harris is correct in describing her experience in 1969 as the second year of the busing integration program," Natasha Beery, director of community relations for the Berkeley Unified School District, said in an email on Friday.
She didn't say she was a schoolgirl when desegregation first began following Brown v.Board of Education. She said she was part of only the second class at her school to be integrated, and that it was because of busing.

Again, desegregation/integration is very different than racial balancing through busing. The former is about removing legal barriers to blacks and whites going to school together, the latter is about busing kids long distances to achieve a politically desirable racial distribution in all schools.

Specifically Biden recognized a distinction between a school district drawing school territory lines to keep schools homogeneous, which is not acceptable, and neighborhoods naturally having a certain racial mix.

Kamala (and the CNN so-called fact checkers) are conflating integration and busing, for obvious cheap political points to claim that anybody who thinks that busing is a bad idea must be against integration.
She didn't say she was a schoolgirl when desegregation first began following Brown v.Board of Education. She said she was part of only the second class at her school to be integrated, and that it was because of busing.

Again, desegregation/integration is very different than racial balancing through busing. The former is about removing legal barriers to blacks and whites going to school together, the latter is about busing kids long distances to achieve a politically desirable racial distribution in all schools.

… And your point is?

Specifically Biden recognized a distinction between a school district drawing school territory lines to keep schools homogeneous, which is not acceptable, and neighborhoods naturally having a certain racial mix.

Kamala (and the CNN so-called fact checkers) are conflating integration and busing, for obvious cheap political points to claim that anybody who thinks that busing is a bad idea must be against integration.

You probably don't know what she actually said to Biden. I doubt you watched the debate or sought out a clip, so here's a transcript:

Kamala Harris said:
“I’m going to now direct this to Vice-President Biden. I do not believe you are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground. But I also believe, and it's personal -- and I was actually very -- it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country. And it was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose busing. And, you know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me. "

It appears you want to separate the terms 'integrate' and 'busing' so you can accuse Harris of conflating them. But it was Harris' school district that linked them back in 1968 when it chose to integrate its schools by busing schoolchildren.

Integration was the goal, busing was the method, and Harris experienced and benefitted from both, at the same time and in the same place, as a child.
Oddly enough, I have to at least partially agree with Derec on this one. Busing was an extremely unpopular thing when it was initiated. It was unpopular among both black and white folks. It took black children out of the communities they lived in, removed them from their friends and the bus rides were often long and tiring. I'd have to check the numbers, but if I remember correctly, less than 10 or 15% of black folks supported busing.

I do think Biden could have done a much better job in explaining his positions during the recent debate. I remember reading an old quote of his where he said it was an insult to black folks to think they needed to be sitting in a room with white kids in order to get a decent education. He was more in favor of spending more money to improve the quality of the education in poor minority communities. Unfortunately this is still an unresolved issue.

I am pleased to say that I currently live in a community where all of the schools are very integrated. But, the primary reason for that is that our neighborhoods are gradually becoming quite integrated. I can't say the same about most of the northeast, where I grew up.

I guess what bothered me a little about Harris, is that she has always been privileged, despite her mixed race. Her father was a professor at Stanford, and her mother was a physician. It's true that she was raised by her single mother after her parents separated, but she didn't suffer in poverty as so many other racial minorities did during their youth. She attended high school in Canada. I'm sure there were times when she was treated unfairly due to her race, but compared to the poor black people I've known personally, she had it extremely well. Oddly enough, my black friends and acquaintences never complain about the past. I've discussed racial issues in great detail with one of them, and still do on a regular basis. I have a tremendous amount of admiration for them, but then they are mostly all older adults, who have matured and become wiser from their past experiences. A lot of what we are seeing in this election is due to a generational divide. I hope this doesn't ruin the Dems chances of defeating Trump, which should be our primary priority imo.

Apparently, the Trump administration is a little scared of Harris. She certainly comes across as very tough. They are already starting up nonsense about her race, including some saying she's not black enough to identify as black, or was she really born in the US, since both of her parents were immigrants, etc. So, are we going to have to deal with another insane birther movement? OMG. I hope not.
Oddly enough, I have to at least partially agree with Derec on this one.

It's easy to express distaste for busing as a contrived, awkward means of achieving "racial balance". But racial balance in this case is just a proxy for equal quality of education. And Ms Harris is correct to criticize Biden's support for allowing local racists (wherever they might exist) to continue to deny blacks access to quality education, and to acknowledge that busing was the only way to counteract that injustice in the short term. Biden's failure to recognize that his stance at the time contributed to the perpetuation of that injustice, is why he "lost" the debate. It would have been a piece of cake for him to get on the right side of the issue, if his (old white male establishment*) ego hadn't compelled him otherwise.

* I say this as an old white male myself
A ten year old girl is a little girl. A ten year old boy is a little boy. Even if they are black.
Way to miss the point by a light year.
I did not say she was never a little girl. But she claimed she was that little girl who was there when schools were integrated. Integration/desegregation happened before she was born, due to Brown v. BoE.
What she conflated integration with is mandatory racial busing, which was one tactic to racially balance schools, which is a very different issue.
Busing was always a very controversial policy, among both whites and blacks. For Kamala Harris to pretend that it is somehow clear that busing was a good policy is quite disingenuous.

Biden dropped the ball. He should have defended his record and should have pointed out the many flaws of the busing policy. Did Biden even debate prep I wonder? His answer was so weak.

Busing was a failed policy from the 70s that shipped kids all over their respective counties instead of having community schools. How the hell did it become a litmus test in the Democratic primary?

What? You think Brown VS Topeka Board of Education ended segregation that minute? That year? That decade?

Crap I remember politicians dodging questions about bussing 20 years later. In front of students.
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