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Democratic Debate 9/12/2019

I will never fully appreciate what it is to live as a black person in the United States. To be a black father raising a child who is coming into understanding of how blacks are perceived by so many whites, as if just raising a child and keeping them on track isn't enough to deal with. To live every day with the anxiety of wondering how you and your family might be treated in a white society, of just going to a restaurant or any of a number of weekend social activities. Not outwardly racist acts but the subtleties of so often being seated near the restrooms while dining out or wait staff you always have to struggle to get the attention of because they just happen to never be looking in your direction or the extra precautions you take just driving or stopping along the side of the road. I'll try to understand and appreciate what a black person deals with on a daily basis but at the end of the day, I get to drive home as a white man.

But I get it. White people see news reporting on TV and the internet of angry blacks rioting. It's memorable. The end.

What you just described there is also how people who wear MAGA hats feel when they go out as well.

Ignorance can be overcome. Views can change. Skin color does not.

And from here you go on to cherry pick events from history and paint the entire left with that broad brush.
There can be no personal growth if you continue to do this to support your wrongheaded views.
What you just described there is also how people who wear MAGA hats feel when they go out as well.

That's two things I have to remember not to do:
1) go out in public in a MAGA hat, or
2) go out in public while black.

#2 is in the bag, and I'll work on #1.
Back to the debate, I want to commend ABC for having the best run debate so far. Moderation wasn't so intrusive as the others, who would make it more about the moderators than the candidates. Less of the trolly baity questions. Less of the WWE hype aspect.

Good job, except for Ramos, fuck that guy.
Back to the debate, I want to commend ABC for having the best run debate so far. Moderation wasn't so intrusive as the others, who would make it more about the moderators than the candidates. Less of the trolly baity questions. Less of the WWE hype aspect.

Good job, except for Ramos, fuck that guy.

I didn't appreciate the audience constantly cheering. Doesn't speak well for the University.
Oh brother. If you don't want people thinking that you are a bigot in public, simply take off your hat.

It has nothing to do with bigotry. That is TDS talking. It's a hat, people! A hat!

And this is "just a hood"

And this is "just and armband"

All 3 are worn by white supremacists to promote a racist ideology and political policies based on that ideology.
Oh brother. If you don't want people thinking that you are a bigot in public, simply take off your hat.

It has nothing to do with bigotry. That is TDS talking. It's a hat, people! A hat!

And this is "just a hood"

And this is "just and armband"

All 3 are worn by white supremacists to promote a racist ideology and political policies based on that ideology.

Completely different. LGBT community wears the MAGA hat. Black people wear the hat. Hispanics wear the hat.

It's not a white supremacist symbol.
[tweet about the black hat model]
It is actually pretty common to have one photo of a model and then digitally superimpose different designs on the t-shirt or hat. Saves a lo
The "Redbubble t-shirt guy" has been used to sell all sorts of shirts for example.
Because, you see, YOU don’t get to decide if you’re a bigot or not. YOU don’t get to decide if you’re racist or not. What determines if you’re racist or bigoted is what you do, regardless of your justifications for doing so. So when brown people and Muslim people and Latino people tell you supporting Trump makes you a racist? You don’t get to say they’re wrong. Because they’re not. And when LGBT people tell you supporting Trump makes you a bigot, you don’t get to decide you’re NOT a bigot, because they’re not wrong.
Saying that "brown people and Muslim people and Latino people" can't be wrong about calling something racist is bigoted in itself as it implies that "what they say goes" merely because of their race, ethnicity and/or religion.

Also, Muslim is not a race.
I will never fully appreciate what it is to live as a black person in the United States.
Nobody can really know what it is to be somebody else. But that doesn't mean that the dominant black narrative on race must be accepted without question. We always have objective facts.

To be a black father raising a child who is coming into understanding of how blacks are perceived by so many whites,
Or how whites are perceived by many blacks.

as if just raising a child and keeping them on track isn't enough to deal with. To live every day with the anxiety of wondering how you and your family might be treated in a white society, of just going to a restaurant or any of a number of weekend social activities.
It's not 1950s anymore. While there is still some white racism around, it is not that much. If that wasn't the case, there would not be so much focus on perceived "microaggressions" for woke people to get upset about.

Not outwardly racist acts but the subtleties of so often being seated near the restrooms while dining out
Are black people really "so often" seated near the restrooms or are they just being hypersensitive to the perception that they are? Kind of like Uncle Leo in Seinfeld who thought everyone was antisemitic, including his rabbi.
They don't just seat somebody near the restroom just like they don't just overcook a hamburger, Jerry.

or wait staff you always have to struggle to get the attention of because they just happen to never be looking in your direction
I am white and had that happen to me too. The waitress must have been racist against whites. No other explanation.

or the extra precautions you take just driving or stopping along the side of the road.
What do you mean? Because of the police? Police kill ~1000 people each year in the US, of all races, and vast majority of those are justified. If you are a regular guy of any race just minding your business, the chances of getting killed by police are very low.
Now, blacks are indeed in much greater danger of being victims of homicide in the US than whites, but that is not because of police, or white supremacists with AR-15s but largely because of their fellow blacks armed with handguns like these.

Black Americans Are Killed At 12 Times The Rate Of People In Other Developed Countries

If you look at the FBI crime statistics, you will see that blacks commit just a little fewer homicides as whites by raw numbers. But because there are about 5.7x as many whites in the US, the black murder rate is about 5x that of white people.
And when it comes to interracial murders, there are more than twice as many black-on-white as white-on-black murders, contrary to the impression you'd get from the mainstream media narratives or academia that see "white men" as the problem.

I'll try to understand and appreciate what a black person deals with on a daily basis but at the end of the day, I get to drive home as a white man.
When trying to gain understanding, it is always advisable to have your bullshit detector up and running.

But I get it. White people see news reporting on TV and the internet of angry blacks rioting. It's memorable. The end.
There was a black thug getting shot by police after robbing a store, followed by violent riots with the town basically being set on fire.
Or we see a black guy, who served over a decade for attempted murder, shot by police (a black officer, btw), and his family lying that he wasn't armed (they claimed he had a book when in reality he had a gun) which sparked violent riots.

When seeing such images, it is understandable that more law-and-order candidates would benefit.

True to a point but the left half of the media played no small role in painting them (Biden) into that corner. I know this was a Biden/Castro exchange recently. I don't know about the "crop".

Castro is not the only one who wants to decriminalize illegals.
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Because, you see, YOU don’t get to decide if you’re a bigot or not. YOU don’t get to decide if you’re racist or not. What determines if you’re racist or bigoted is what you do, regardless of your justifications for doing so. So when brown people and Muslim people and Latino people tell you supporting Trump makes you a racist? You don’t get to say they’re wrong. Because they’re not. And when LGBT people tell you supporting Trump makes you a bigot, you don’t get to decide you’re NOT a bigot, because they’re not wrong.


I'm a minority. I think it's just a hat. Therefore it is just a hat and you must agree with me.
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