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Democratic debates


Apr 13, 2006
Late for dinner
Basic Beliefs
Gnostic atheist
Starting a single thread for all future debates.

Tonight, they're in Las Vegas which has so far been a very salty dogpile on Bloomberg.
- Fauxachontas going full identity politics again. *Yawn*
- Klob needs to be more forceful defending police officers falsely accused of unjustified shootings. Jamar Clark for example was completely justified. There was no grounds to prosecute there. And prosecutors should not take a police officer to trial just to appease the radicals.
- Good answer by Bernie on his health.

- Faux Liz is really annoying about these feminazi attacks on Bloomberg. I am sure there is not a large enterprise in the US that doesn't have NDA resulting from some lawsuit or other. All of these bogus attacks make me like Mike more.

- Oh goody, Klob learned who the president of Mexico is. ;)
- Pete and Amy klobbering each other.
- Maybe we can say that Mexican cartels are "bad hombres"?
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These people are fucking mental. Well Warren, Biden and Sanders certainly.

From you, that's the highest possible endorsement of Warren, Biden, and Sanders. Leave it to you to think the DINO with the neckgina is sane
Oh boy, I had to leave for half an hour and am back to Klob praising the illegals. Now Pete is on it too. WE SHOULD HAVE ENGLISH AS OFFICIAL LANGUAGE!!! Especially as a nation with many immigrants, we need something to hold us together - and a common language is a good thing to do that. Klob is 100% wrong to denounce her former position on that.
I agree with TSwizzle. It looks increasingly like 4 more years. :(

Monthly test of the emergency alert system right in the middle of the fucking debate? Are you fucking kidding me?
These people are fucking mental. Well Warren, Biden and Sanders certainly.

From you, that's the highest possible endorsement of Warren, Biden, and Sanders.

I’d be happy to endorse any of them comrade.

Leave it to you to think the DINO with the neckgina is sane

Compared to Warren, Biden and Sanders, Neckgina is the least mental.
Biden and Bloomberg and Sanders seemed really old.

Pete was just rude to Amy and when he wasn't busy being rude to Amy (I mean: adolescent eye rolls and all!) then he sounded like he had a well rehearsed but terribly flawed speech prepared for debate club.

Warren and Klobuchar gave the best, most detailed responses.
I saw the last 45 minutes and I was totally unimpressed with the entire lot. Bloomberg seemed barely human to me. Buttigieg seems more and more to me like a swarmy game show host or one of the hosts of Flip or Flop. Warren seemed to be willing to outbid the rest with goodies. And all of them spent way too much time taking potshots at each other.
Biden and Bloomberg and Sanders seemed really old.

Pete was just rude to Amy and when he wasn't busy being rude to Amy (I mean: adolescent eye rolls and all!) then he sounded like he had a well rehearsed but terribly flawed speech prepared for debate club.

Warren and Klobuchar gave the best, most detailed responses.

Those were exactly my impressions, as well. I liked Warren's performance a lot. She really exposed the flaw in Bloomberg's strategy of buying his way onto that stage. He had no experience in handling the kind of back-and-forth that the rest of the candidates were familiar with. Warren just wiped the floor with him. It wasn't about her "me too" issue that he had non-disclosure agreements with women he had allegedly abused--an incredible flaw for Democratic candidates--but "electability". All most people knew about Bloomberg was what they saw in commercials and carefully managed public appearances. He is a total disaster in so-called presidential debates, and he richly deserved the drubbing that he got. More importantly, Warren came to Klobuchar's defense, when she was being unfairly attacked for failing a reporter's "gotcha" test on whether she recalled the name of the president of Mexico. Reporters are good at trapping candidates with those kinds of cheap snap quiz questions. What reporters ought to be doing is asking intelligent questions about policy issues, but that would require spending some time doing research.

Klobuchar and Warren did quite well in the debate. Buttigieg was OK, but he didn't really have anything of much substance to contribute and still didn't know quite how to handle Klobuchar's pointed references to his lack of experience. Biden rambled a lot. Sanders managed to get some good blows in with his signature shouting and finger-pointing. (Comedians love to imitate him.) Bloomberg did his best impression of the Hindenburg going down in flames.

"Any minute now Bloomberg is going to tell Smithers to release the hounds."

"Bloomberg brought a wallet to a knife fight."
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