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Democrats 2020


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Democrats Eyeing 2020 Presidential Contest Near Decisions On Whether To Run : NPR
Some candidates view Thanksgiving as the start of the window for making the political and personal calculation to go forward with or take a pass on a run for the White House. Given the likely size of the field, as well as the extended timeline of presidential campaigns, most of the top-tier potential candidates acknowledge they'll have to decide by the end of December, if not sooner.
From the article,
  • Senators
    • Cory Booker of New Jersey
    • Sherrod Brown of Ohio
    • Kamala Harris of California
    • Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
    • Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
    • Jeff Merkley of Oregon
    • Bernie Sanders of Vermont
    • Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  • Representatives
    • John Delaney of Maryland (declared)
    • Beto O'Rourke of Texas
    • Eric Swalwell of California
  • Governors
    • Steve Bullock of Montana
    • John Hickenlooper of Colorado
    • Jay Inslee of Washington
    • Terry McAuliffe of Virginia (former)
    • Deval Patrick of Massachusetts (former)
  • Others
    • Former Vice President Joe Biden
    • Businessman and former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York City
    • Attorney Michael Avenatti
    • Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles
    • State Sen. Richard Ojeda of West Virginia (declared)
    • Activist and philanthropist Tom Steyer
    • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (added by myself)
That's 8 senators, 3 representatives, 5 governors, and 7 others, a total of 23 candidates. Who will survive?
Booker is charismatic.

Warren proposes great policies. She sees where the power of wealth has gone too far.

Either of them would be great.

Maybe both.
Booker is charismatic.

Warren proposes great policies. She sees where the power of wealth has gone too far.

Either of them would be great.

Maybe both.

Booker is very smart. I like him. But I don't think that he's a great speaker. I listened to him a couple weeks ago on CNN. He stuttered quite a bit. He just didn't seem compelling. The commenter compared him to Obama - no way! Obama was an incredible speaker. Probably unfair to compare anyone to Obama. Warren is a policy wonk. I think that Trump would just destroy her. It's not fair to women, but serious women American politicians come across as whiney, dour and bitchy.

I think that we'll need a truly inspirational leader in 2020. We need a great speaker who can motivate the left and moderates to vote. Out of the above, the only person who comes close is Beto. If he can come close in Texas, he could certainly carry all democratic states and get some swing states.
Speaking strictly on early impressions, I like Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris the most. both handled themselves very well during the Kavanaugh hearings. They appear tough, decisive, intelligent and logical. This will, of course, shape out more roundly as time moves forward and more is learned about each person.

Chances are that the Democratic party leaders will anoint two or three to spotlight through the corporate media, who will gladly play along, and end up with a shitty candidate, and then I'll vote Green again.

Who I absolutely do not like is Biden, Clinton, Avenatti, and McAuliffe.
I like Harris very much. I really like Klobuchar but I don't see her as president, at least not at this time. Beto is very charismatic, which is nice.

I am not that convinced that Trump will run in 2020. In which case, the field is wide open.
I like Harris very much. I really like Klobuchar but I don't see her as president, at least not at this time. Beto is very charismatic, which is nice.

I am not that convinced that Trump will run in 2020. In which case, the field is wide open.

I really like Harris as well. In my mind, her and Beto are similar. I give a very slight nod to Beto because he nearly carried a dead red state. Harris and many of the other democrats (Sanders, Warren, Markley) have done very well in very safe states. Harris is very smart.
Booker is charismatic.

Warren proposes great policies. She sees where the power of wealth has gone too far.

Either of them would be great.

Maybe both.

Booker is very smart. I like him. But I don't think that he's a great speaker. I listened to him a couple weeks ago on CNN. He stuttered quite a bit. He just didn't seem compelling. The commenter compared him to Obama - no way! Obama was an incredible speaker. Probably unfair to compare anyone to Obama. Warren is a policy wonk. I think that Trump would just destroy her. It's not fair to women, but serious women American politicians come across as whiney, dour and bitchy.

I think that we'll need a truly inspirational leader in 2020. We need a great speaker who can motivate the left and moderates to vote. Out of the above, the only person who comes close is Beto. If he can come close in Texas, he could certainly carry all democratic states and get some swing states.

People can become better speakers.

When he started JFK was not a great speaker. But he transformed himself into one.

But really ABT.

GW's pet goat before Trump.
Based on what I saw I like Harris and Klobuchar a lot. Warren will not last any amount of time against Trump or similar shit. She is just too professory. Booker is not Obama as a speaker of course, but this is just the way he speaks, his stutter does not bother me, and he is still better than any "popular" republican.
And Beto reminds me Obama.
Is there electoral advantage to have Harris-Beto ticket?
Avenatti is an opportunist and bullshitter, I don't like him at all and I really think his candidacy is a publicity stunt and a joke.
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I'd like someone with more experience than the ones that I like the most. :) I'd like to see a combination of a moderate candidate with a more progressive candidate. A more progressive candidate isn't going to be able to win over some of the states that are needed the most. The Democratic party is a very diverse one and we need two candidates that can appeal to a wide range of ideologies.

I like Beto, but does he even want to run? I don't think he has enough administrative experience at this time. I think I'll wait and see who actually runs before I decide who I like the most.
Avenatti all the way.

This reminds me of the Michigan primary where the Republicans crossed over and voted for the ambulance chaser lawyer Jeffrey Fieger for the Democratic side and he won even though most Dems wanted someone else. Another example of Republican fuckery. These people have no morality.
Avenatti all the way.

This reminds me of the Michigan primary where the Republicans crossed over and voted for the ambulance chaser lawyer Jeffrey Fieger for the Democratic side and he won even though most Dems wanted someone else. Another example of Republican fuckery. These people have no morality.
Well, if that happens then President Avenatti would throw both Trump and Kavanaugh in prison, that would teach republicans a lesson :)
My money is on (and I was right for 2008 when I predicted Bill Richardson was to be the candidate) a Harris - O'Rourke ticket.

Brown, Bullock, and Hickenlooper have purple cred, but I don't see any of them having a movement to work with. Harris, Booker seem to have the most steam. One name not up there is Gov. Cuomo, though like his father, might not want to put up with the job.
Avenatti all the way.

This reminds me of the Michigan primary where the Republicans crossed over and voted for the ambulance chaser lawyer Jeffrey Fieger for the Democratic side and he won even though most Dems wanted someone else. Another example of Republican fuckery. These people have no morality.
Well, if that happens then President Avenatti would throw both Trump and Kavanaugh in prison, that would teach republicans a lesson :)

Well, that's inefficient. If I were President, I'd order other people to do that sort of thing for me and spend my own time doing other stuff. Presidents need to be able to delegate and can't be driving back and forth to prisons all the time.
Booker is in bed with big money, so he'll probably survive. Biden and Clinton might show up again as well. Kamala Harris has some progressive stances but is authoritarian in a lot of ways (crime, sex workers, drugs, the prison system). There are no great choices.
Well, if that happens then President Avenatti would throw both Trump and Kavanaugh in prison, that would teach republicans a lesson :)

Well, that's inefficient. If I were President, I'd order other people to do that sort of thing for me and spend my own time doing other stuff. Presidents need to be able to delegate and can't be driving back and forth to prisons all the time.
Come on, would not you enjoy making an exception for Trump and Kavanaugh?
Booker is in bed with big money, so he'll probably survive. Biden and Clinton might show up again as well. Kamala Harris has some progressive stances but is authoritarian in a lot of ways (crime, sex workers, drugs, the prison system). There are no great choices.
I mostly agree, though Harris is a lawyer so her perception is such that she sees life through an authoritarian lens, much like Obama.

Harris and Klobachur both strike me as people who are doing what they need to to get through the system and would govern more progressively. That might be very naive of me to think, but I'll have two years to investigate it. That's if they get past the democratic gate-keepers.

ETA: What neither one is is feble minded.
Avenatti all the way.

This reminds me of the Michigan primary where the Republicans crossed over and voted for the ambulance chaser lawyer Jeffrey Fieger for the Democratic side and he won even though most Dems wanted someone else. Another example of Republican fuckery. These people have no morality.

No they don't.

That is the great divide in the US today.

The divide between those who talk about Jesus and those who have morality.

The Jesus talkers blame the poor for their poverty.

They want to kick out the foreigners.

Bomb the Muslims.
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