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Democrats 2020

Part of Sanders' rise is probably attributable to people abandoning Warren, as her poll numbers continue to plummet. She seems now to be suffering from the negative feedback of bad polls leading to worse polls, because people perceive her as becoming less and less electable. I don't know how much of it has been caused by the relentless campaign of Sanders supporters trashing her, but I suspect that that has also had an effect.

Right now, it looks very much like the nomination is Biden's to lose, but Democrats will be very split as the online vilification campaign ramps up against him. I like Sanders' policies and consider his mind to be a little sharper than Biden's. However, I would prefer Biden over Sanders primarily because of Sanders' reputation for alienating potential allies, not to mention his lackluster record of achievements. Sanders will only stand a chance if he manages to win some primaries in important states. Right now, Iowa, a caucus state, is likely to boost his popularity a lot. He should win New Hampshire. After that, I expect him to start fading, as large primary states begin to weigh in. He really needs a few big wins in primaries. Otherwise, Biden is likely to take most of the primary states.
The Trump must be rubbing his hands in glee looking at his potential opponents come November. Either the rabid commo Sanders, or creepy Joe. It really should be a cake walk back to the WH with an even bigger margin for the Trump. [providing the present strong economy holds up]
The Trump must be rubbing his hands in glee looking at his potential opponents come November. Either the rabid commo Sanders, or creepy Joe. It really should be a cake walk back to the WH with an even bigger margin for the Trump. [providing the present strong economy holds up]
Yeah, those $1 trillion deficits (in non-recessionary times) are helping drive that unprecedented 2.1% growth.
During the 1992 presidential election, I remember a political cartoon that I found amusing. It had an elephant and a donkey (of course) dressed up as doctors, and a patient labeled "the economy" on a gurney being wheeled around by the two doctors. The elephant was saying "quick, rush this patient to discharge" while the donkey was saying "quick, rush this patient to urgent care".
The Trump must be rubbing his hands in glee looking at his potential opponents come November. Either the rabid commo Sanders, or creepy Joe. It really should be a cake walk back to the WH with an even bigger margin for the Trump. [providing the present strong economy holds up]
Yeah, those $1 trillion deficits (in non-recessionary times) are helping drive that unprecedented 2.1% growth.

... projected to remain under 2% this year. But the stock market shouldn't crash. Shouldn't.
With Senators Stuck in Washington, Surrogates Get Starring Role in Iowa - The New York Times - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. An Olympic curling coach. A host of ‘Queer Eye.’ At house parties and rallies, stand-ins for the candidates hit the trail in Iowa.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the filmmaker Michael Moore held a rally in Iowa City for Bernie Sanders. Amy Klobuchar’s daughter, Abigail Bessler, hosted a “Hotdish House Party” in West Des Moines. And Julián Castro, a former presidential candidate himself, hit the campaign trail for Elizabeth Warren.
Thus accounting for all four of the Senators that were campaigning.

'I really hope she is the future': AOC's support of Sanders fuels 2024 speculation | US news | The Guardian
Much of the crowd had already made up its mind to back Sanders, which was just as well because the New York congresswoman gave a 26-minute speech without once mentioning the man she was ostensibly there to promote. A passionate discourse on healthcare and the case for comprehensive public insurance, a cause at the heart of Sanders campaign, then gave way to a rousing appeal to build a movement to transform “a nation in decline”.

Ocasio-Cortez disparaged the Democratic leadership in Congress as fearful of any radical policies that might cost votes and called on supporters to “come together and organise” to repeated cheers.

But through it all, even as Sanders picture stared down on her, his name did not once cross the congresswoman’s lips.
This was at Iowa City. A lot of the people there were there to see her -- Michael Moore wasn't as big an attraction, though he also was good. I like some of the history that he described.

AOC Is Campaigning For Bernie Sanders In Iowa And Voters Are Falling In Love - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is gaining fans in Iowa as she campaigns for Bernie Sanders. "I would love to see her run for president one day."
On Saturday morning, the Sanders campaign’s field office in Cedar Rapids was filled with chants of “AOC” as Ocasio-Cortez walked to the front of the room. Her reputation — driven by her Twitter presence, her role in the vanguard of a new generation of progressive Democrats, and by the prolific attacks on her from the right — had somewhat preceded her.

“I would have her be president. She’s unabashed. She’s not afraid of the political garbage that we have,” said Joe Organist, 60, at the stop in Cedar Falls. “If I were running for president, she’d be the only one I’d want speaking for me.”

Ocasio-Cortez made her second swing through Iowa this weekend — last time she was here, in November with Sanders, her focus was on a climate forum at Drake University. In December, she spoke at a campaign stop in Las Vegas entirely in Spanish, in an event that saw young Latino Sanders supporters bring in their parents and grandparents to engage directly in their first language for the first time in the presidential campaign.

Ocasio-Cortez’s approach on the presidential campaign trail — dating back to her first New York City rally after endorsing Sanders in October — is a combination of sweeping progressive discourse tied in to very personal stories. This weekend, she talked about the “surreal” experience of sleeping on an air mattress in her first days in Congress, and then walking to work on the Hill, where she says she was “told that our lives are too politically inconvenient to fight for.”

So Bernie Sanders is having some high-powered help: AOC and Michael Moore.
Bernie Sanders's Iowa surrogate is AOC, and it appears to be working - The Washington Post - nice article on AOC's performance there. She did some splendid work subbing for BS.
All the senators left in the race — Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and a barely registering Michael F. Bennet — have the same dilemma as Sanders: being required to spend long hours, six days a week devoted to Trump’s impeachment trial. They need surrogates to keep their momentum going. In Iowa, Warren had Julián Castro, a former presidential candidate himself, and in New Hampshire, activist-actress Ashley Judd. Klobuchar’s Iowa surrogates included her daughter, Abigail, and curling champion and former Olympic coach Phill Drobnick.

History repeated itself. A Latina woman subbed for an old white man. The first time was Annabel Palma debating AOC instead of her opponent, Joe Crowley. AP was very absent-minded, mainly talking about her achievements in the NYC Council. The two were much alike in their absenteeism. The second time was AOC subbing for Bernie Sanders as he was stuck in DC for the Trump impeachment trial. AOC performed very well. The two were also much alike in championing a social-democratic order.
The hypocrisy of the commo Sanders is truly breathtaking. And this guy is a principled wannabee?

January 30, 2020
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

"I'll probably vote for Bernie," Joe Rogan told listeners. "He's been insanely consistent his entire life. He's basically been saying the same thing, been the same thing his whole life."

The podcaster was repeating a popular myth about Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been the same thing his entire life. A political activist or a politician. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in political science and began his political career not long after moving to Vermont. He’s either been running for political office or holding political office for 48 years.

Over those nearly 50 years, he’s said a lot of insanely inconsistent things.

Why aren't you being pragmatic? I would have thought you would want to Defeat Trump.
I am being pragmatic. I like Sanders' platform, I'm not as enamored with Sanders.

Why does that matter? Don't you want to Defeat Trump?

It sounds like this claims that if Sanders supporters don’t get their nominee, they won’t help stop Trump. But that all the other candidate’s supporters care enough to vote blue no matter who. Therefore we should give our vote to Sanders so we can protect the country from his supporters.

Or are you saying something else?
Why aren't you being pragmatic? I would have thought you would want to Defeat Trump.
I am being pragmatic. I like Sanders' platform, I'm not as enamored with Sanders.

Why does that matter? Don't you want to Defeat Trump?
There is more to being a President than running for election. And after the complete and utter shameful display by the GOP, unless the Dems have 60 votes, how in the world will anything Sanders want become law?
Why does that matter? Don't you want to Defeat Trump?
There is more to being a President than running for election. And after the complete and utter shameful display by the GOP, unless the Dems have 60 votes, how in the world will anything Sanders want become law?

The power of the people, remember? Just like how most of the American people want witnesses at the impeachment trial, this kind of pressure is enough to make the GOP acquiesce.
The utter shameful display isn't coming from the GOP, but from the Democrats.

The bottom line is that the Democrats have never been able to accept that the Trump beat Killery in 2016 and is very likely to beat whichever clown the Dems put up against him in November.
The utter shameful display isn't coming from the GOP, but from the Democrats.
The Mueller Investigation was launched by a Trump appointed Justice Department official, and his selection to run the investigation after Trump fired both the head of the FBI and the Acting Attorney General was initially applauded by the GOP. The Dems had nothing to do with that.

The Dems did initiate impeachment hearings, and even Sen. Alexander (R-TN) says the Democrats proved that Trump did what he did and it was wrong.

The bottom line is that the Democrats have never been able to accept that the Trump beat Killery in 2016 and is very likely to beat whichever clown the Dems put up against him in November.
Yeah, you keep saying that... but there are also the laws he has broken.
The hypocrisy of the commo Sanders is truly breathtaking. And this guy is a principled wannabee?

January 30, 2020
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

"I'll probably vote for Bernie," Joe Rogan told listeners. "He's been insanely consistent his entire life. He's basically been saying the same thing, been the same thing his whole life."

The podcaster was repeating a popular myth about Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been the same thing his entire life. A political activist or a politician. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in political science and began his political career not long after moving to Vermont. He’s either been running for political office or holding political office for 48 years.

Over those nearly 50 years, he’s said a lot of insanely inconsistent things.

A conservative writer who doesn't understand the concepts of time and inflation. Color me surprised.
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The hypocrisy of the commo Sanders is truly breathtaking. And this guy is a principled wannabee?

January 30, 2020
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

"I'll probably vote for Bernie," Joe Rogan told listeners. "He's been insanely consistent his entire life. He's basically been saying the same thing, been the same thing his whole life."

The podcaster was repeating a popular myth about Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been the same thing his entire life. A political activist or a politician. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in political science and began his political career not long after moving to Vermont. He’s either been running for political office or holding political office for 48 years.

Over those nearly 50 years, he’s said a lot of insanely inconsistent things.

A conservative writer who doesn't understand the concepts of time and inflation. Color me surprised.

You've gotta admit, being labelled a Shillman Journalism Fellow seems kinda appropriate.
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