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Democrats 2020

Polls by themselves don't mean anything, but comparisons within polls that are conducted the same way every time, and between multiple election years of the same poll at the same time, can tell you about how different the candidates are from where they were before.

In 2016 at this time, Bernie was about 25 points behind Hillary in the primary. Candidate Bernie from 2016 has become movement Bernie and potential frontrunner Bernie in just 4 years. Imagine what president Bernie could accomplish with that kind of momentum

His polling numbers were higher in 2016 at this time.
Based on this, national polling showed him back between 15 to 25 pts. There is a lot of variation on the polling results, but stability of Sanders polling in at about 35 to 40%. The interesting thing is that Sanders polling improves, but only gets to about 40-45% even when the nation is 'feelin the Bern'. (as a reminder, I voted for Sanders....'s platform in the 2016 primary)

Bernie was polling closely in Iowa and ultimately lost Iowa by an inch or so. Sanders had a healthy lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, which I think is showing Sanders' weakness this year. He doesn't have that healthy lead in New Hampshire.
Polls by themselves don't mean anything, but comparisons within polls that are conducted the same way every time, and between multiple election years of the same poll at the same time, can tell you about how different the candidates are from where they were before.

In 2016 at this time, Bernie was about 25 points behind Hillary in the primary. Candidate Bernie from 2016 has become movement Bernie and potential frontrunner Bernie in just 4 years. Imagine what president Bernie could accomplish with that kind of momentum

His polling numbers were higher in 2016 at this time.
Based on this, national polling showed him back between 15 to 25 pts. There is a lot of variation on the polling results, but stability of Sanders polling in at about 35 to 40%. The interesting thing is that Sanders polling improves, but only gets to about 40-45% even when the nation is 'feelin the Bern'. (as a reminder, I voted for Sanders....'s platform in the 2016 primary)

Bernie was polling closely in Iowa and ultimately lost Iowa by an inch or so. Sanders had a healthy lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, which I think is showing Sanders' weakness this year. He doesn't have that healthy lead in New Hampshire.

He has a double digit lead in NH polling, what are you talking about?
His polling numbers were higher in 2016 at this time.

Yes, I agree with you that everyone except Biden should drop out and endorse either him or Bernie, please continue making well thought-out and relevant comparisons
Based on this, national polling showed him back between 15 to 25 pts. There is a lot of variation on the polling results, but stability of Sanders polling in at about 35 to 40%. The interesting thing is that Sanders polling improves, but only gets to about 40-45% even when the nation is 'feelin the Bern'. (as a reminder, I voted for Sanders....'s platform in the 2016 primary)

Bernie was polling closely in Iowa and ultimately lost Iowa by an inch or so. Sanders had a healthy lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, which I think is showing Sanders' weakness this year. He doesn't have that healthy lead in New Hampshire.

He has a double digit lead in NH polling, what are you talking about?
About the general polling in New Hampshire. Sanders' lead isn't quite truthfully double-digits until it has at least a second indicating a huge bump for his numbers.
What a load of bullshit! Says who the Trump was appealing to a foreign government to enhance his election chances, the leftist Dem apologists? And doesn't this prove that the " deplorable" Dems are conceding the 2020 election already? 2016 it was Russian collusion. 2020 it will be Ukrainian collusion.

This article says it all!

“The leftist Dem apologists”? No. A half dozen of so career government employees and documentation from your Trump. And we haven’t even gotten to the good shit yet!

I read half of that article. It assumes the entirety of the American public has been hanging on every bit of Trump’s abuses since he came into office. Actually, they are not assuming that, they know better but they wanted to write you a story they knew you’d want to read. And you did. And you dutifully bobbed your head up and down in agreement and said, “Un-huh, that’s right.”
I would venture to guess no small portion of the American public tunes into CNN for an hour or so each evening, so for them, this in not so much of a rerun.

That remains to be seen whether it's a re run doesn't it? So far it's not hurting the Trumps re election chances in November, and doubt it will unless the economy suddenly goes south at a rate of knots, again, unlikely. Then there's the arguably the worse President in recent times misgivings about the rabid socialist Sanders gaining front runner status in November.
Based on this, national polling showed him back between 15 to 25 pts. There is a lot of variation on the polling results, but stability of Sanders polling in at about 35 to 40%. The interesting thing is that Sanders polling improves, but only gets to about 40-45% even when the nation is 'feelin the Bern'. (as a reminder, I voted for Sanders....'s platform in the 2016 primary)

Bernie was polling closely in Iowa and ultimately lost Iowa by an inch or so. Sanders had a healthy lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, which I think is showing Sanders' weakness this year. He doesn't have that healthy lead in New Hampshire.

He has a double digit lead in NH polling, what are you talking about?
About the general polling in New Hampshire. Sanders' lead isn't quite truthfully double-digits until it has at least a second indicating a huge bump for his numbers.

Here you go: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/26/politics/bernie-sanders-new-hampshire-cnn-poll/index.html
About the general polling in New Hampshire. Sanders' lead isn't quite truthfully double-digits until it has at least a second indicating a huge bump for his numbers.

Here you go: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/26/politics/bernie-sanders-new-hampshire-cnn-poll/index.html
That'd be nine percent, single digit. Admittedly, three latest polls are 12, 9, and 5 percent leads for Sanders in New Hampshire. Klobuchar pops (blips?) up from 6% to 10% in the 5 pt lead for Sanders.

New Hampshire is trending up for Sanders, but again, border states aren't as impressive wins. Also, there is a good deal of noise, with Yang and Gabbard floating 5% to 6%.I'd imagine that their support would swing to Buttigieg and Sanders and Warren. The main truth in NH right now is that Warren is in trouble. Coming in fourth with the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana beating her isn't a good sign for another border candidacy... a state that Paul Tsongas (MA) won in 1988.
What a load of bullshit! Says who the Trump was appealing to a foreign government to enhance his election chances, the leftist Dem apologists? And doesn't this prove that the " deplorable" Dems are conceding the 2020 election already? 2016 it was Russian collusion. 2020 it will be Ukrainian collusion.

This article says it all!

“The leftist Dem apologists”? No. A half dozen of so career government employees and documentation from your Trump. And we haven’t even gotten to the good shit yet!

I read half of that article. It assumes the entirety of the American public has been hanging on every bit of Trump’s abuses since he came into office. Actually, they are not assuming that, they know better but they wanted to write you a story they knew you’d want to read. And you did. And you dutifully bobbed your head up and down in agreement and said, “Un-huh, that’s right.”
I would venture to guess no small portion of the American public tunes into CNN for an hour or so each evening, so for them, this in not so much of a rerun.

That remains to be seen whether it's a re run doesn't it? So far it's not hurting the Trumps re election chances in November, and doubt it will unless the economy suddenly goes south at a rate of knots, again, unlikely. Then there's the arguably the worse President in recent times misgivings about the rabid socialist Sanders gaining front runner status in November.

Get better sources. Hell, even the latest Fox News poll has half the country want Trump removed NOW.
That remains to be seen whether it's a re run doesn't it? So far it's not hurting the Trumps re election chances in November, and doubt it will unless the economy suddenly goes south at a rate of knots, again, unlikely. Then there's the arguably the worse President in recent times misgivings about the rabid socialist Sanders gaining front runner status in November.

Get better sources. Hell, even the latest Fox News poll has half the country want Trump removed NOW.

The key word is " HALF'' . Which half, the left/Dems?
Sanders polls on top in Iowa as 2020 candidates gear up for caucuses l ABC News - YouTube
Sen. Bernie Sanders rose in a New York Times poll that showed him on top with 25% of voters in Iowa as candidates Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden trail with 18% and 17% respectively.
So Bernie Sanders will likely do well in Iowa.

Bernie Sanders on Instagram: ““We should not be scared of what will happen if we try.”
“We should be scared of what will happen if we don’t.” –@aoc”

Washington Post Photography on Instagram: “Photo by @salwangeorges — Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dances on the stage as she introduces Sen. Bernie Sanders, the 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate, during a rally on January 26, 2020 in Sioux City, Iowa.”

AOC Wows Iowa, Probably Not for the Last Time
As four U.S. senators running for president remain mostly stuck in Washington for Trump’s impeachment trial, they are relying on surrogates to campaign for them in Iowa, where the caucuses on February 3 will formally kick off the 2020 nominating contest.
  • Joe Biden: Iowa Reps. Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer, fmr. 2-term gov, Sec'y of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, fmr. Pres cand John Kerry
  • Elizabeth Warren: fmr. Pres cand Julián Castro, Rep. Joaquin Castro
  • Pete Buttigieg: celebrities like Mandy Moore
  • Bernie Sanders: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
AOC Is Campaigning For Bernie Sanders In Iowa And Voters Are Falling In Love
On Saturday morning, the Sanders campaign’s field office in Cedar Rapids was filled with chants of “AOC” as Ocasio-Cortez walked to the front of the room. Her reputation — driven by her Twitter presence, her role in the vanguard of a new generation of progressive Democrats, and by the prolific attacks on her from the right — had somewhat preceded her.

Close to two dozen voters who spoke to BuzzFeed News over the course of the four-stop day, including two with Sanders, said they were impressed with her — several adding that they would like to see her be part of a Sanders cabinet, and could see her running for president down the track. (Ocasio-Cortez, who is 30, is not yet old enough to be president or vice president.)

“She’s got such a captivating voice. She makes you feel like she’s no more important than you,” said Matt Schneider, 23, a Sanders volunteer canvasser at the Cedar Rapids event on Saturday morning. He added that he would “support her in almost anything she does.”
He's polling very well in my state this week too (California). I'm not super surprised. We ultimately went for Hillary in 2016, but there was a strong urban-rural divide; very passionate supporters for one or the other depending on region. So he had a ready-built excited base here already, and just Biden to take on really. Harris' campaign never really gained any purchase, it's been the two old white progressive guys neck and neck from the word go, and Sanders has been slowly chipping away at his rival, picking up a raft of likely voters every time one of the fringe candidates dropped out. Biden got a boost when Harris dropped, though, and it has kept him close. Now if Warren were to drop out before Super Tuesday, Sanders'd have it in the bag easy but she of course will not. Biden still has a chance, especially if he remembers that the West Coast exists at some point and stops snubbing the big donor events down in L.A. as he has been stupidly doing up til now.
We ultimately went for Hillary in 2016, but there was a strong urban-rural divide; very passionate supporters for one or the other depending on region.

I went to a high school at the foot of Mt. Diablo... you could probably have counted the local Dem votes on one hand.
CA needs to split into two states, and get a couple more Senators.
Bernie's primary numbers in California are really good. This is from a recent poll:

He is first among all candidates in the running in the following groups:

No college education
Under $60k
Under $100k
Union workers
Apartment renters
Under 65 years old
Under 50 years old
Under 40 years old

If you consider yourself a progressive, what do you make of this fact? What would make you nudge aside the most diverse coalition of voters in one of the largest states and say no, Bernie isn't the real progressive in this race?
Bernie's primary numbers in California are really good. This is from a recent poll:

He is first among all candidates in the running in the following groups:

No college education
Under $60k
Under $100k
Union workers
Apartment renters
Under 65 years old
Under 50 years old
Under 40 years old

If you consider yourself a progressive, what do you make of this fact? What would make you nudge aside the most diverse coalition of voters in one of the largest states and say no, Bernie isn't the real progressive in this race?
Mostly because his cheerleaders are so fucking annoying?
Bernie's primary numbers in California are really good. This is from a recent poll:

He is first among all candidates in the running in the following groups:

No college education
Under $60k
Under $100k
Union workers
Apartment renters
Under 65 years old
Under 50 years old
Under 40 years old

If you consider yourself a progressive, what do you make of this fact? What would make you nudge aside the most diverse coalition of voters in one of the largest states and say no, Bernie isn't the real progressive in this race?
Mostly because his cheerleaders are so fucking annoying?

Why aren't you being pragmatic? I would have thought you would want to Defeat Trump.
Bernie's primary numbers in California are really good. This is from a recent poll:

He is first among all candidates in the running in the following groups:

No college education
Under $60k
Under $100k
Union workers
Apartment renters
Under 65 years old
Under 50 years old
Under 40 years old

If you consider yourself a progressive, what do you make of this fact? What would make you nudge aside the most diverse coalition of voters in one of the largest states and say no, Bernie isn't the real progressive in this race?
Mostly because his cheerleaders are so fucking annoying?

Why aren't you being pragmatic? I would have thought you would want to Defeat Trump.
I am being pragmatic. I like Sanders' platform, I'm not as enamored with Sanders.
Why aren't you being pragmatic? I would have thought you would want to Defeat Trump.
I am being pragmatic. I like Sanders' platform, I'm not as enamored with Sanders.

Why does that matter? Don't you want to Defeat Trump?

Defeating Trump isn't even on the table until November, unless you are discussing GOP primary candidates.

None of the Democrat primary candidates have a clear advantage in terms of their ability to defeat Trump, if selected.

As far as I am concerned, any Democrat would be a better option then Trump - as would many Republicans. It's very difficult not to be a better candidate than the worst candidate imaginable - although I suspect that there might be one or two who would give it a crack.
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