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Democrats 2020

Bill de Blasio officially launches 2020 presidential campaign noting Working People First | Bill de Blasio 2020 - YouTube - it's now 23 declared Democratic candidates, with a 24th one having dropped out (Richard Ojeda).

Silver Bulletpoints: Why Did All The White Guys Stampede Into The Race So Late? | FiveThirtyEight

"Bulletpoint No. 1: Why did all the white guys wait so long to run?" - looking at the Democratic candidates, the first one to run, John Delaney, is heterosexual, white, and male. The next such candidate to enter the race is Bernie Sanders, and all the candidates that followed him were also heterosexual, white, and male.
I’ll leave the longer explanation of this to others, but it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that there’s a certain type of privilege in all these white guys thinking they can just drop into the race at the last minute after everyone else has been working their butts off for months.
Joe Crowley syndrome?

"Bulletpoint No. 2: Live on social media, die on social media" - like Beto O'Rourke, who has plenty of competition for his heavy focus on social media.

"Bulletpoint No. 3: Is Steve Bullock costing Democrats a Senate seat? Probably not." - some other red-state Democratic Senators are joining him in running for President.

It is possible that this huge influx of candidates is a coordinated effort? It does seem that Cheato is already somewhat annoyed about not knowing who he needs to lie about on a given day. Depriving the Trumputin propaganda machine of a focused object of derision, renders it relatively toothless IMO.
Bill de Blasio officially launches 2020 presidential campaign noting Working People First | Bill de Blasio 2020 - YouTube - it's now 23 declared Democratic candidates, with a 24th one having dropped out (Richard Ojeda).

Silver Bulletpoints: Why Did All The White Guys Stampede Into The Race So Late? | FiveThirtyEight

"Bulletpoint No. 1: Why did all the white guys wait so long to run?" - looking at the Democratic candidates, the first one to run, John Delaney, is heterosexual, white, and male. The next such candidate to enter the race is Bernie Sanders, and all the candidates that followed him were also heterosexual, white, and male.
I’ll leave the longer explanation of this to others, but it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that there’s a certain type of privilege in all these white guys thinking they can just drop into the race at the last minute after everyone else has been working their butts off for months.
Drop in "at the last minute"... 7 months from Iowa... which is about 10 more months from the General Election?!
Bill de Blasio officially launches 2020 presidential campaign noting Working People First | Bill de Blasio 2020 - YouTube - it's now 23 declared Democratic candidates, with a 24th one having dropped out (Richard Ojeda).

Silver Bulletpoints: Why Did All The White Guys Stampede Into The Race So Late? | FiveThirtyEight

"Bulletpoint No. 1: Why did all the white guys wait so long to run?" - looking at the Democratic candidates, the first one to run, John Delaney, is heterosexual, white, and male. The next such candidate to enter the race is Bernie Sanders, and all the candidates that followed him were also heterosexual, white, and male.
I’ll leave the longer explanation of this to others, but it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that there’s a certain type of privilege in all these white guys thinking they can just drop into the race at the last minute after everyone else has been working their butts off for months.
Joe Crowley syndrome?

"Bulletpoint No. 2: Live on social media, die on social media" - like Beto O'Rourke, who has plenty of competition for his heavy focus on social media.

"Bulletpoint No. 3: Is Steve Bullock costing Democrats a Senate seat? Probably not." - some other red-state Democratic Senators are joining him in running for President.

It is possible that this huge influx of candidates is a coordinated effort? It does seem that Cheato is already somewhat annoyed about not knowing who he needs to lie about on a given day. Depriving the Trumputin propaganda machine of a focused object of derision, renders it relatively toothless IMO.

You think a few of them have entered secretly having no intention to actually win the presidency for themselves? They signed up as diversions? Its an interesting idea, but I somehow doubt its whats going on.
You think a few the vast majority of them have entered secretly having no intention to actually win the presidency for themselves? They signed up as diversions publicity generators? Its an interesting idea, but I somehow doubt its whats going on.

Drop in "at the last minute"... 7 months from Iowa... which is about 10 more months from the General Election?!
Plenty of candidates have already entered and raised plenty of money. Most of the people with means and inclination to donate to a candidate at this stage of the game have already donated. DeBlasio is chasing scraps off Biden's, Bernie's and Kamala's tables at this point.
Bill de Blasio officially launches 2020 presidential campaign noting Working People First | Bill de Blasio 2020 - YouTube - it's now 23 declared Democratic candidates, with a 24th one having dropped out (Richard Ojeda).
What's his platform?
Banning Hansom cabs nationwide?
Make all American cops turn their backs to the president when he speaks?

Is there clamoring for a DeBlasio run from any possible electoral constituency?

I hear Stacey Abrams is thinking of running. Kind of blows up the authors racist and sexist "point".

"Bulletpoint No. 1: Why did all the white guys wait so long to run?" - looking at the Democratic candidates, the first one to run, John Delaney, is heterosexual, white, and male. The next such candidate to enter the race is Bernie Sanders, and all the candidates that followed him were also heterosexual, white, and male.
He makes it sound like being white, male and straight is bad.

"Bulletpoint No. 3: Is Steve Bullock costing Democrats a Senate seat? Probably not." - some other red-state Democratic Senators are joining him in running for President.

How is that even a refutation? If anything, it jeopardizes more Senate seats. Like in Georgia, where Stacey Abrams' best play would have been a Senate run.
Criticizing Isreal, isn't the same thing as being anti Semitic.
No, it isn't. But criticizing Israel in a way no other country would be criticized, for example for defending itself from aggression from Gaza, and implying that Israel has no right to defend itself, or even exist, is antisemitic.

In fact, from what I've read, there are many younger Jewish people both here and in Israel, who are very critical of the government of Israel.
Being critical of the government of Israel is one thing. I myself am critical of the government of Israel - I think they are way too timid toward the aggression from Gaza. 700 rockets fired at your civilians and a year of explosive and incendiary balloons setting fire to forests and fields all around Gaza deserves a much stronger military response than what's been happening.
And it is also true that young people are often idiots and take pseudo-idealistic radical positions against their own countries/interests. Most grow out of it, the rest join the Green Party or Code Pink or Jews for Peace or some such idiotic, self-hating group.

And sheesh, Derec. You don't think that forty years in prison is enough punishment?
It depends. If it was across the board, I would say yes. But there are plenty of people serving longer for less. This woman got a special dispensation from the governor. I doubt she would have gotten it if she was a right wing terrorist rather than a left wing one.

You don't think a person can change and no longer be a threat to society after they reach a certain age?
Again, many people die in prison. I do not think this woman should have gotten special treatment.

She wasn't even the one who did the killings. Wow!
She didn't pull the trigger, but she and Kathy Boudin set up the ambush of the two police officers, which makes them just as guilty as the triggermen.

Note, the male getaway driver, who also did not pull the trigger, is still in prison. Female privilege, I guess...
All of the Dem prospects won't have a dream run if this poll is correct.

New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It, Daily Wire, Hank Berrien, Mary 15, 2019:

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”
All of the Dem prospects won't have a dream run if this poll is correct.

New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It, Daily Wire, Hank Berrien, Mary 15, 2019:

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”

I'd like to see the actual link that you are referencing. However, there's no doubt to me that Trump has a solid majority of the republicans. We know that republicans are far more committed than dems. The right wants control of the supreme court. The left doesn't seem to care as much. Dems are going to need an extremely charismatic candidate who can motivate a large tent to overcome the odds.
According to the polls at Fox news, as well as many other places, Biden would beat Trump by 11 percent, 49 for Biden and 38 for Trump. Fox news! There are a few other candidates that are running ahead of Trump in the polls, so I don't know why anyone thinks that Trump will easily win a second term. Plus, Trump still has over a year to fuck up more. I don't think we should assume he will lose, but he's heading in that direction, bigly!

This anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian stance on much of the Left is disgraceful!

Fuck Israel. They've been taking our money and using it to commit human rights abuses for decades.
What is disgusting, is the number of people killed in the US by right wing terrorists.

Your antisemitism is to say the least disgusting and deplorable.

[Grammar]... you complimented him.
How Popular Is Donald Trump? | FiveThirtyEight -- continued disapproval of the President: 53.2% - 40.0%.

Elizabeth Warren just announced her abortion platform. It’s aggressive. - Vox noting Congressional Action to Protect Choice – Team Warren – Medium by EW herself. She proposes:
Congress should pass new federal laws that protect access to reproductive care from right-wing ideologues in the states. Federal laws that ensure real access to birth control and abortion care for all women. Federal laws that will stand no matter what the Supreme Court does. ...
  • Create federal, statutory rights that parallel the constitutional right in Roe v. Wade. ...
  • Pass federal laws to preempt state efforts that functionally limit access to reproductive health care. ...
  • Guarantee reproductive health coverage as part of all health coverage. ...
  • Ensure equal access and reproductive justice. ...
2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris slams conversation about being Biden's running mate - ABC News
"Sure, if people want to speculate about running mates, I encourage that. Because I think Joe Biden would be a great running mate,' Harris, herself a 2020 candidate, said.

"As vice president, he's proven he knows how to do the job, and there are certainly a lot of other candidates that would make for me a very viable and interesting vice president," she told reporters after a campaign event in New Hampshire.
A very cheeky response.

But with 24 candidates on the Democratic side, could some of them be hoping to be considered for Vice President?
2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris slams conversation about being Biden's running mate - ABC News
"Sure, if people want to speculate about running mates, I encourage that. Because I think Joe Biden would be a great running mate,' Harris, herself a 2020 candidate, said.

"As vice president, he's proven he knows how to do the job, and there are certainly a lot of other candidates that would make for me a very viable and interesting vice president," she told reporters after a campaign event in New Hampshire.
A very cheeky response.

But with 24 candidates on the Democratic side, could some of them be hoping to be considered for Vice President?

I'd say it would be hilarious if most of them weren't.
2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris slams conversation about being Biden's running mate - ABC News
"Sure, if people want to speculate about running mates, I encourage that. Because I think Joe Biden would be a great running mate,' Harris, herself a 2020 candidate, said.

"As vice president, he's proven he knows how to do the job, and there are certainly a lot of other candidates that would make for me a very viable and interesting vice president," she told reporters after a campaign event in New Hampshire.
A very cheeky response.

But with 24 candidates on the Democratic side, could some of them be hoping to be considered for Vice President?

I'd say it would be hilarious if most of them weren't.

I hope someone chooses AOC for VP, just to make neocons shit their pants.
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