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Democrats 2020

Elizabeth Warren: Americans don't need cliché financial advice. They just need to be paid more - CNN
Chase Bank fired off a tweet last week staging a hypothetical conversation between one of its customers and her bank account. The customer asks why her account balance is low, and the bank tells her not to go out for food or coffee when she can make it at home instead, or to spend money on a cab when she can just walk. The customer pretends not to listen. "I guess we'll never know," she says, brushing off her low balance and the bank's "advice" on how to manage her money.
She responded: Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: ".@Chase: why aren’t customers saving money? Taxpayers: we lost our jobs/homes/savings but gave you a $25b bailout Workers: employers don’t pay living wages Economists: rising costs + stagnant wages = 0 savings Chase: guess we’ll never know Everyone: seriously? #MoneyMotivation… https://t.co/wyRlXaFev8"
Here's the thing — I grew up on the ragged edge of the middle class in a family with a tight budget and no room for error. My parents worked hard and did the best they could, but when I was 12 years old, my Daddy had a heart attack. Everyone thought he was going to die. He came back home, but he couldn't work. There was no net to catch my family. We lost our station wagon and would have lost our house if my mother hadn't saved our family by going out and getting her very first job outside the home — a minimum wage job answering phones at Sears.

It wasn't until later in life that I realized how lucky my family was. After I became a law professor, I started studying what drives families into bankruptcy. I poured through records in courthouse after courthouse, and found that most of the families who ended up in front of a bankruptcy judge were just like mine. They worked hard and did everything right, scraping by until an unexpected medical bill or a divorce pushed them over the edge.

In the years since I started immersing myself in this topic, things have only gotten worse for working families. For 50 years, the price of housing, education and child care has skyrocketed while wages for most workers have barely budged. The economy has grown and workers' productivity has increased, but their share of corporate profits has fallen. The gap between incomes and costs is so gaping that 40% of Americans can't come up with $400 in an emergency. Hard-working families have become adept at stretching their paychecks to the breaking point, skimping on necessities just to make ends meet.
Great. So great. Good that she actually did the research instead of outsourcing all her research and analysis to a political talk show -- she has a MUCH better work ethic than the one whom she hopes to replace.

Warren is good. But she's also uncritically pro-Israel and stops short of actual structural change for the economy, preferring reforms to the existing system over anything that would get at the root cause of problems like the one she's describing.
Pelosi Warns Democrats: Stay in the Center or Trump May Contest Election Results

Few people outside Ms. Pelosi’s inner circle were aware of how worried she was that Mr. Trump would try to stop the opposition party from taking control of the House unless the Democrats’ victory was emphatic enough to be indisputable.

“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” said Ms. Pelosi, recalling her thinking in the run-up to the 2018 elections.

“He would poison the public mind. He would challenge each of the races; he would say you can’t seat these people,” she added. “We had to win. Imagine if we hadn’t won — oh, don’t even imagine. So, as we go forward, we have to have the same approach.”

Absolutely astonishing. These people have no memory--none--of the 2016 and 2004 elections.

So what if Trump contests the results? Does she somehow think he WON'T contest them if he loses really badly? Either way, couldn't they just send some officers into the White House to escort him out? What possible gain could there be to crafting an electoral strategy around the incumbent president not wanting to concede, and thinking running a centrist with moderate appeal is the way to achieve that landslide, given the last two times that strategy utterly failed, first against an incumbent Republican who couldn't form complete sentences (GW Bush) and second against Trump himself, who is now the incumbent Republican who can't form complete sentences?
Pelosi Warns Democrats: Stay in the Center or Trump May Contest Election Results

Few people outside Ms. Pelosi’s inner circle were aware of how worried she was that Mr. Trump would try to stop the opposition party from taking control of the House unless the Democrats’ victory was emphatic enough to be indisputable.

“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” said Ms. Pelosi, recalling her thinking in the run-up to the 2018 elections.

“He would poison the public mind. He would challenge each of the races; he would say you can’t seat these people,” she added. “We had to win. Imagine if we hadn’t won — oh, don’t even imagine. So, as we go forward, we have to have the same approach.”

Absolutely astonishing. These people have no memory--none--of the 2016 and 2004 elections.

So what if Trump contests the results? Does she somehow think he WON'T contest them if he loses really badly? Either way, couldn't they just send some officers into the White House to escort him out? What possible gain could there be to crafting an electoral strategy around the incumbent president not wanting to concede, and thinking running a centrist with moderate appeal is the way to achieve that landslide, given the last two times that strategy utterly failed, first against an incumbent Republican who couldn't form complete sentences (GW Bush) and second against Trump himself, who is now the incumbent Republican who can't form complete sentences?

To beat Trump, dems will need an incredibly charismatic leader who can bring a wide diverse group together to win. A democratic candidate will need around 56 or 58% of the popular vote to win. That's going to be a tall order. Trump already has a 40% base that is 100% committed to his cause and will vote. Someone on the far left isn't going to get it done.
Warren is good. But she's also uncritically pro-Israel and stops short of actual structural change for the economy, preferring reforms to the existing system over anything that would get at the root cause of problems like the one she's describing.
What choice does one have?
Warren is good. But she's also uncritically pro-Israel and stops short of actual structural change for the economy, preferring reforms to the existing system over anything that would get at the root cause of problems like the one she's describing.
What choice does one have?

Biden, Harris, Beto, Klochbacher, Bettig, ham sandwich...
Warren is good. But she's also uncritically pro-Israel and stops short of actual structural change for the economy, preferring reforms to the existing system over anything that would get at the root cause of problems like the one she's describing.
What choice does one have?
Biden, Harris, Beto, Klochbacher, Bettig, ham sandwich...
I should have clarified. Is there any major presidential candidate who is critical of Israel's nastiness toward Palestinians?
I should have clarified. Is there any major presidential candidate who is critical of Israel's nastiness toward Palestinians?
What nastiness? How would you respond if islamofascist groups shot 700 rockets at your citizens while their leadership talks about erasing the border and ripping your citizens' hearts from their bodies?

This anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian stance on much of the Left is disgraceful!

That said. I would not call her "major", but Tulsi Gabbard is definitely anti-Israel. Of course, she is not a socialist, so that fails the second prong of Pyramidhead's litmus test.
Warren is good. But she's also uncritically pro-Israel
None of the Democrats are "uncritically pro-Israel". But the far left is so anti-Israel, any degree of being pro-Israel is seen as "uncritical". :rolleyes:

and stops short of actual structural change for the economy,
You mean like government ownership and control of the means of production?

preferring reforms to the existing system over anything that would get at the root cause of problems like the one she's describing.

The root cause being what? Capitalism? Private property rights?
Rep. Gabbard on Venezuela: Trump WH 'saber-rattling,' US should broker diplomatic solution with Russia

2020 presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, bashed the Trump administration Wednesday in a Fox News interview, accusing the White House of "saber-rattling" and saying the U.S. should work with Russia to avoid a potential nuclear conflict over Venezuela.

"Any time we are in this situation where you have tensions being ratcheted up and this conflict being pushed closer and closer between nuclear-armed countries like the United States and countries like Russia and China, this is something that poses an existential threat to the American people," Gabbard said on "The Story with Martha MacCallum."

"And, when you hear this kind of saber-rattling coming from the Trump administration from people like [National Security Adviser] John Bolton and [Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo, pushing this civil war and for the United States to get involved, we are dealing with dangerous consequences."

It is sad that I have to go to Fox News to get news on positive positions that Representative Gabbard is taking.

It is just sad that you go to Fox News for anything at all.
This anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian stance on much of the Left is disgraceful!

Fuck Israel. They've been taking our money and using it to commit human rights abuses for decades.
What is disgusting, is the number of people killed in the US by right wing terrorists.
Fuck Israel.
Fuck "Palestine" and their islamofascist leadership!

They've been taking our money and using it to commit human rights abuses for decades.
Israel receives a certain amount of military aid that they use to defend themselves from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah etc. All three are puppets of Iran by the way, a country many times bigger than Israel.
On the other hand, Palestinians take in a lot of EU (and until recently) US funds that they have used in the "pay to slay" scheme to reward terrorism against Israel.
U.S. Stops Funding to Palestinian Authority for Continuing Its “Pay for Slay” Program to Reward Terrorists

What is disgusting, is the number of people killed in the US by right wing terrorists.
So Islamic terrorism doesn't matter?
Or Leftist terrorism? Judith Clark, a leftist terrorist, responsible for murders of two police officers and a guard, has just been released from prison thanks to Andrew Cuomo. :banghead:
Judith Clark, radical leftist and getaway driver in deadly Brink’s heist, freed from prison
I wonder if Columbia will hire her too... :(
Criticizing Isreal, isn't the same thing as being anti Semitic. In fact, from what I've read, there are many younger Jewish people both here and in Israel, who are very critical of the government of Israel.

And sheesh, Derec. You don't think that forty years in prison is enough punishment? You don't think a person can change and no longer be a threat to society after they reach a certain age? The woman has served more than enough time, and I don't care what her politics were at the time of the crime. I think releasing her was the humane thing to do. She wasn't even the one who did the killings. Wow!
Add Steve Bullock to the list. Who? Montana governor.
Add Steve Bullock to the list. Who? Montana governor.
Potential 2020 candidate Montana Gov. Steve Bullock teases 'big announcement' - ABC News datelined May 11.

I've also seen rumors about NYC mayor Bill de Blasio, and on the Republican side, Sen. Bob Corker, Gov. Larry Hogan, and Sen. John Kasich.

Bill Weld: Trump acting like Nixon right before he was impeached This Republican Is Running Against Donald Trump. Is Anybody Listening? - POLITICO Magazine Massachusetts Republicans move to protect Trump in 2020 primary - POLITICO going from proportional delegate counts to winner-take-all. Since DT is likely to win the most votes, he will likely win all of MS's delegate votes.
I like how it's a wide open field and how so many are running. It shows that the insider power of the Dems has waned after Hillary's historic loss. That's a silver lining on the Trump presidency. Before Trump the Dems were far less democratic.
I like how it's a wide open field and how so many are running. It shows that the insider power of the Dems has waned after Hillary's historic loss. That's a silver lining on the Trump presidency. Before Trump the Dems were far less democratic.

I would say maybe 4 or 5 of these clowns are actually running for President. The rest are running for VP, cabinet positions, book deals, or boosts to whatever campaigns they'll go back to when all of this is over.
To beat Trump, dems will need an incredibly charismatic leader who can bring a wide diverse group together to win. A democratic candidate will need around 56 or 58% of the popular vote to win. That's going to be a tall order. Trump already has a 40% base that is 100% committed to his cause and will vote. Someone on the far left isn't going to get it done.

Several things to unpack here.

1. The winner of the last election was an uncharismatic, polarizing, slovenly real estate mogul who came from outside the political establishment and tapped into a groundswell of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Never lose sight of that fact. The centrist, charismatic, qualified, accommodating Clinton (like the centrist, charismatic, qualified, accommodating Kerry) was unable to bring a wide enough group together to vote against a bloviating TV personality with no experience.

2. A lesson that everybody should take away from the above: nobody knows how the majority of people will vote, in either the primary or the general. Every prediction of what the people look for in a candidate, what makes them electable or viable, has about a coin-flip's chance of being accurate. Especially this early, and especially when so much could change in the country between now and the election (like, say, another economic downturn).

3. The "far left" in America, based on polls measuring public support for the policies they advocate (universal health care, more progressive taxation, comprehensive environmental reform, debt forgiveness, free public college, etc.) enjoys widespread support among likely Democratic voters. The majority of Americans are not happy with the fact that they live paycheck-to-paycheck while bankers and CEOs rake in record profits. The "far left" is the only contingent of Democrats that puts a spotlight on that and has ideas about how to fix it.

However, I think that in the end, you're probably right that Democratic voters will nominate someone who seems safe. For some reason, they all seem to think the Obama years were wonderful, and Biden reminds them of Obama. They don't care about his policies, they just want to correct the "aberration" that was Trump and get back to the previous levels of muted despair.

I repeat: Biden's supporters do not care about his policies. If Biden reversed his positions on Medicare for All, action on climate change, corporate fundraising, credit card debt, or Strom Thurmond, he would lose zero of his base. Don't you think that's weird? If Bernie changed all his positions on the above, I would no longer support him. But it seems like Democratic primary voters aren't looking for the candidate that will fight for their interests; they want the one who they believe represents the preferences of the dumbest person they know, and that usually comes down to charisma, experience, and demographic appeal.
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