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Democrats 2020

Assange's agenda is to expose the hypocrisy of the holier than thous of the world.

Then how did he support, and fail to expose the world's most hypocritical narcissist?

Expose what about Trump? Apart from you having a deep hatred for this guy, there's precious little evidence of any wrong doing on his part.



Oh, thanks, Angelo; I needed that.
Assange's agenda is to expose the hypocrisy of the holier than thous of the world. i don't see a problem with that.
And the release of stolen internal emails regarding how the DNC felt about a non-Democrat winning the primaries was exposing what hypocrisy? Where are the emails about the RNC coordinated effort to keep Trump from getting the nomination?

Assange didn't do no such thing. Wasn't it the FBI that released her emails?
Did you have troubles as a kid following the bouncing ball?
Expose what about Trump? Apart from you having a deep hatred for this guy, there's precious little evidence of any wrong doing on his part.



Oh, thanks, Angelo; I needed that.

Is that your list of Trump's wrong doing? I mean criminal wrong doing? Not just his blustery rants?
I think he was the bouncing ball. ;)

That's the problem with the left. Whoever disagrees with their warped ideology is a "bouncing ball!"

I know western Australia can be pretty far away from civilization but here in the US we have these things called newspapers and news channels on our TVs, all connected together through something called the internet.

You seem to have the internet too. Maybe you should learn to use it so you are not so far behind on the news. There's other things on the internet besides hot girls to wank your crank over.
I think he was the bouncing ball. ;)

That's the problem with the left. Whoever disagrees with their warped ideology is a "bouncing ball!"

I know western Australia can be pretty far away from civilization but here in the US we have these things called newspapers and news channels on our TVs, all connected together through something called the internet.

You seem to have the internet too. Maybe you should learn to use it so you are not so far behind on the news. There's other things on the internet besides hot girls to wank your crank over.

Perhaps I should subscribe to the New York Times and Australia's own Guardian newspapers and shun all the rest?
I know western Australia can be pretty far away from civilization but here in the US we have these things called newspapers and news channels on our TVs, all connected together through something called the internet.

You seem to have the internet too. Maybe you should learn to use it so you are not so far behind on the news. There's other things on the internet besides hot girls to wank your crank over.

Perhaps I should subscribe to the New York Times and Australia's own Guardian newspapers and shun all the rest?

Perhaps you should simply read some of the source material.
Here is a link to the Mueller report that you have not read.
If you read it, you will find at least 10 instances where Trump committed obstruction of justice, and would have been indicted for any one of them if he was not protected by a justice department procedural memo regarding the office of the president.
Go ahead angelo - grow a pair, man up and read it. If you still have any question about the criminality of the Trump administration, you probably need to get someone more literate to read it to you.
I know western Australia can be pretty far away from civilization but here in the US we have these things called newspapers and news channels on our TVs, all connected together through something called the internet.

You seem to have the internet too. Maybe you should learn to use it so you are not so far behind on the news. There's other things on the internet besides hot girls to wank your crank over.

Perhaps I should subscribe to the New York Times and Australia's own Guardian newspapers and shun all the rest?

Perhaps you should simply read some of the source material.
Here is a link to the Mueller report that you have not read.
If you read it, you will find at least 10 instances where Trump committed obstruction of justice, and would have been indicted for any one of them if he was not protected by a justice department procedural memo regarding the office of the president.
Go ahead angelo - grow a pair, man up and read it. If you still have any question about the criminality of the Trump administration, you probably need to get someone more literate to read it to you.

Sorry, but I lack x ray vision! There's nothing there. From what I've read about the Mueller Report in my local newspapers here, there was no collusion with the Russians, as much as you wish there were.
I know western Australia can be pretty far away from civilization but here in the US we have these things called newspapers and news channels on our TVs, all connected together through something called the internet.

You seem to have the internet too. Maybe you should learn to use it so you are not so far behind on the news. There's other things on the internet besides hot girls to wank your crank over.

Perhaps I should subscribe to the New York Times and Australia's own Guardian newspapers and shun all the rest?

Perhaps you should simply read some of the source material.
Here is a link to the Mueller report that you have not read.
If you read it, you will find at least 10 instances where Trump committed obstruction of justice, and would have been indicted for any one of them if he was not protected by a justice department procedural memo regarding the office of the president.
Go ahead angelo - grow a pair, man up and read it. If you still have any question about the criminality of the Trump administration, you probably need to get someone more literate to read it to you.

Well. He's a conservative. Surely no conservative would consider obstruction to be a high crime?? Oh crap, I forgot about President Clinton!
Perhaps you should simply read some of the source material.
Here is a link to the Mueller report that you have not read.
If you read it, you will find at least 10 instances where Trump committed obstruction of justice, and would have been indicted for any one of them if he was not protected by a justice department procedural memo regarding the office of the president.
Go ahead angelo - grow a pair, man up and read it. If you still have any question about the criminality of the Trump administration, you probably need to get someone more literate to read it to you.

Well. He's a conservative. Surely no conservative would consider obstruction to be a high crime?? Oh crap, I forgot about President Clinton!

Yeah, much of the Republican caucus still has imprints on their palms, so forcefully were they clutching their pearls at the very thought of the President getting a blowjob.
Perhaps you should simply read some of the source material.
Here is a link to the Mueller report that you have not read.
If you read it, you will find at least 10 instances where Trump committed obstruction of justice, and would have been indicted for any one of them if he was not protected by a justice department procedural memo regarding the office of the president.
Go ahead angelo - grow a pair, man up and read it. If you still have any question about the criminality of the Trump administration, you probably need to get someone more literate to read it to you.

Sorry, but I lack x ray vision! There's nothing there. From what I've read about the Mueller Report in my local newspapers here, there was no collusion with the Russians, as much as you wish there were.

Then your local papers are full of shit. The Mueller report didn't disprove collusion. It said that because of lying and interference they could not collect enough evidence to make a strong case of conspiracy. Your wilful blindness is showing. The Trump Tower meeting, the many contacts between Manafort and Russians, Roger Stone giving internal polling data to Russians and committing witness tampering to cover it up. All is evidence of collusion.
Gillibrand seizes on abortion debate to jump-start campaign | TheHill
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is seizing on the intense debate over abortion as she looks to revive a lagging campaign by doubling down on the women’s rights issues that have defined her political career.

Gilibrand was among the first of the 2020 candidates to propose codifying Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case establishing abortion rights, after Alabama passed a law prohibiting nearly all abortions.

Her push on abortion brought some renewed attention to a career built around women’s rights issues, including her efforts as senator to tackle sexual harassment in the military, and also more controversially, her calls for the resignation of former Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) over allegations of sexual misconduct.

Political strategist Jon Reinish, a former aide to Gillibrand, said that she is “uniquely positioned for this moment” based on her record on women’s rights issues.

“In the way that income inequality has been the constant thread through Elizabeth Warren’s career in-and-out of elected office, fighting for women tooth-and-nail is that for Kirsten,” he said.
She joins some of her other fellow candidates in proposing to defend abortion.

Abortion: What the 2020 candidates are saying - Axios
2020 Democratic presidential candidates rally in support of abortion rights | TheHill

Elizabeth Warren has gone the furthest, pledging (Elizabeth Warren responds to Alabama abortion law with detailed 4-part plan - Axios):
  1. Create a federal parallel to Roe v. Wade in case it's overturned.
  2. Pass the Women's Health Protection Act, forbidding TRAP laws for regulating abortion to death.
  3. Guarantee reproductive health coverage in all forms of health insurance.
  4. Undo the Trump administration's gag rule, which states that one may not talk about abortion if one receives certain Federal funding.
Most of the other Democratic candidates have pledged to defend abortion, even if they have not gone as far as EW in proposing abortion-defense policies.
Expose what about Trump? Apart from you having a deep hatred for this guy, there's precious little evidence of any wrong doing on his part.



Oh, thanks, Angelo; I needed that.

Is that your list of Trump's wrong doing? I mean criminal wrong doing? Not just his blustery rants?

Raping his ex wife, electoral funding fraud, violating the emoluments clause, obstruction of justice, his involvement with the Trump Foundation that will be dissolved, the lawsuits against him showing he is against paying people for a fair days work - take your pick. I could probably find more with a quick google search, but that means you can as well.
The Bernie Bros are really starting to come out of the woodwork now that Biden has gotten in. They're again saying "if my candidate doesn't win the primary, I won't vote."
 Political positions of the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary candidates - positions on a wide range of issues:

1 Abortion
2 Campaign finance
3 Criminal justice
4 Economics
5 Education
6 Electoral reform
7 Environmental issues and climate change
8 Foreign policy
9 Gun control
10 Health care
11 Immigration and border security
12 Impeachment
13 Internet
14 Labor and welfare issues
15 LGBT issues

350 Action – The 2020 Climate Test
Supports a Green New Deal?
Passes the Keep it in the Ground Test?
Signed No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge?

I tried using some data-mining techniques on this bulk of data, but I could not find very much by way of patterns. Some candidates were consistently close to each other, however, like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Joe Biden was consistently far away from those two.
Passes the Keep it in the Ground Test?
350action said:
The Keep it in the Ground Test: Climate science demands we rapidly transition away from fossil fuels. Have they taken actions to keep fossil fuels in the ground by opposing new coal, oil, and gas projects?
That is just idiotic. Transition from fossil fuels, even if we go as rapidly as possible, will take a long time.
Even if US were to ban sale of ICE cars by 2030, an extremely ambition proposition, modern cars can easily go 15-20 years.
So even under that scenario you have some fossil fuel use for ground transportation until 2050.
And natural gas is very useful for heating and power generation and less carbon intensive.
All banning new oil and gas projects will do is make us more dependent on foreign suppliers of fossil fuels, siphoning our energy money overseas when they instead could be supporting US jobs.
Passes the Keep it in the Ground Test?
350action said:
The Keep it in the Ground Test: Climate science demands we rapidly transition away from fossil fuels. Have they taken actions to keep fossil fuels in the ground by opposing new coal, oil, and gas projects?
That is just idiotic. Transition from fossil fuels, even if we go as rapidly as possible, will take a long time.
Even if US were to ban sale of ICE cars by 2030, an extremely ambition proposition, modern cars can easily go 15-20 years.
So even under that scenario you have some fossil fuel use for ground transportation until 2050.
And natural gas is very useful for heating and power generation and less carbon intensive.
All banning new oil and gas projects will do is make us more dependent on foreign suppliers of fossil fuels, siphoning our energy money overseas when they instead could be supporting US jobs.

Indeed. In fact, if they go for solar, wind, etc., instead of nuclear, they're going to need natural gas for the night and for when there is too little wind (depending on the case), etc.
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