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Democrats 2020

<Sigh> The Dems are such suckers. The republicans are wicked smart in promoting the idea that dem policies are socialist. A simple change of a word on their part gives them countless votes in the Mid-west. It's so sad. But brilliantly wicked by the republicans.

Benefitism. I'm a benefitist.
<Sigh> The Dems are such suckers. The republicans are wicked smart in promoting the idea that dem policies are socialist. A simple change of a word on their part gives them countless votes in the Mid-west. It's so sad. But brilliantly wicked by the republicans.

Benefitism. I'm a benefitist.

The Democrats are doing everything in their power to repudiate socialism, even as it receives widespread support among their base. Hickenlooper and Delaney both got loudly booed in California for attacking socialism and Medicare for All at the state Democratic convention. Hey, maybe that's just California. But in the 2016 primaries, Sanders won Michigan, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Indiana. He wasn't shy about calling himself a socialist then and he isn't now. The flyover states have a generally favorable opinion--sometimes moreso than the coastal states--of stuff like guaranteed federal jobs programs, aggressive action on climate change, breaking up large banks, and other socialist-leaning policies. And there's only a handful of policies that are broadly supported by a majority of both Democrats AND Republicans, but among them is the proposed 15% cap on payday loan interest rates and at least the protection (if not increase) of spending on Medicaid.
The Democrats are doing everything in their power to repudiate socialism, even as it receives widespread support among their base.
First of all, a lot of the "base" doesn't even understand what socialism is.
Second, the base does not comprise the majority of the Democratic Party, much less the electorate at large. And especially not in the states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Florida that Dems need to recapture to win in 2020.

Hickenlooper and Delaney both got loudly booed in California for attacking socialism and Medicare for All at the state Democratic convention.
If the nutty base keeps this up, get used to saying "President Trump" a while longer. As they say, Democrats are good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Hey, maybe that's just California. But in the 2016 primaries, Sanders won Michigan, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
Note that in 2016 it was a two-way fight between him and Hillary. Don't confuse voting for Bernie with supporting socialism, or even faux socialism he peddles. Many of his votes were likely protest votes against the coronation of Hillary.

He wasn't shy about calling himself a socialist then and he isn't now. The flyover states have a generally favorable opinion--sometimes moreso than the coastal states--of stuff like guaranteed federal jobs programs, aggressive action on climate change, breaking up large banks, and other socialist-leaning policies.
What does aggressive action on climate change have anything to do with socialism? Socialist East Europe were champions in burning a lot of coal.
And show me any polls showing large support for jobs guarantees anywhere in the US.

And there's only a handful of policies that are broadly supported by a majority of both Democrats AND Republicans, but among them is the proposed 15% cap on payday loan interest rates and at least the protection (if not increase) of spending on Medicaid.
Democrats and Republicans support many people not being able to get loans?
once again.
Cute, but misses the mark. For one, we can discuss different policies on their own merit. We should not adopt them merely because Norway did. Second, Norway has a small population, but large oil reserves. That means that they produce a lot of oil per capita - almost as much as Saudi Arabia and almost nine times as much as US. That results in a large windfall that can be invested in all sorts of government projects.
John Hiceklooper, the craft brewer :beers: running for president, got bood at the Calfornia State Convention for saying that socialism is not the answer.
Hickenlooper booed in San Francisco for denouncing socialism

From the article: "... he warned party faithful about the perils of embracing socialism and socialist positions ahead of next year's presidential race. He said Republicans would use the Democratic flirtation with socialism to paint the entire party as outside the mainstream of the political spectrum." He's totally right. He doesn't want the republicans to brand democrats.
Second quote: "... We need to be laser-focused on winning this election, and that's going to mean focusing on kitchen table programs that will actually improve people's quality of life," he said. Pretty impressive guy. I'm going to give him a strong look.
Who Do Non-Religious Democrats Prefer? | FiveThirtyEight
People who identify as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” accounted for 35 percent of Democratic primary voters in 2016, according to the Cooperative Congressional Election Study,1 and as we mentioned in our article, are a growing constituency within the Democratic Party. And according to crosstabs from Morning Consult’s weekly tracking poll for May 20-26, support for Sen. Bernie Sanders is higher among religiously unaffiliated voters than among religiously affiliated voters. Former Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, has an edge among religious Democrats.
Among registered-Democrat atheists, Bernie Sanders did the best, edging out Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren did almost as well as JB and Pete Buttigieg was not far behind. BS, EW, and PB did the best in this group.

Among agnostics, BS and JB did equally well, and EW and PB less than for atheists. Among "nothing in particular", JB did a little better than BS, and EW and PB even less. Among "something else", JB maxes out while BS does a little bit worse. For Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, JB does the best, with BS doing worse and worse down the line. Though BS is Jewish, he does the worst among his fellow Jews. But they like EW and PB.
Bernie Sanders Opens Up About God | HuffPost from early 2016:
“I think everyone believes in God in their own ways, “ said Sanders, who polls show is neck-and-neck with Hillary Clinton in Iowa and opening a large lead in New Hampshire. “To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together.”
Calling that "God" is absurd.
Sanders, a strong supporter of the separation of church and state, told the paper, “I think it is important that a sense of morality be part of our politics.”

Sanders identifies as both Jewish and secular. He said he’s not actively involved in any organized religion. If elected, Sanders would become the fourth president in U.S. history to claim no organized religious affiliation. He also would also be the first Jewish president.

Tulsi Gabbard, First Hindu In Congress, Uses Bhagavad Gita At Swearing-In | HuffPost
Tulsi Gabbard called ‘Mascot of India's KKK’ at Texas Presidential Forum | Indian-Americans | indiaabroad.com
Tulsi Gabbard’s ties with Indian right-wing outfits decried | Indian-Americans | indiaabroad.com

Tulsi or Kamala: Indian-Americans are conflicted about potential choice in Democratic primary | U.S. Affairs | indiaabroad.com
Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Kamala (lotus) have special significance in Hindu mythology. Their namesakes, Hindu-American Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and Indian-American Senator Kamala Devi Harris, also have a special appeal to the Indian community in the United States.

Gabbard is said to have fully embraced Sanatan Dharma after serious deliberation and contemplation in her later teens, and not because her mother was a practicing Hindu, she’s said in the past. “As a Vaishnava, my perspective of Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma comes from the Bhagavad Gita,” she said. She has been studying the Bhagavad Gita since childhood and has, especially beginning in her teenage years, tried to apply the Bhagavad Gita’s principles of karma yoga and bhakti yoga to every aspect of her life.

While Harris understandably identifies herself as an African-American in the political context, she is personally, and perhaps equally understandably, very Indian in her personal lifestyle, and is very close to her Indian extended family.

Harris, in her book “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” details what she inherited from her mother, and from her upbringing. “Though I miss her every day, I carry her with me wherever I go. I think of the battles she fought, the values she taught me, … There is no title or honor on earth I’ll treasure more than to say I am Shyamala Gopalan Harris’ daughter,” she writes.
Which 2020 Candidate Was Mentioned Most On Cable News Last Week? | FiveThirtyEight
Warren bumped Sanders out of second place last week

How often each Democratic candidate was mentioned each week in news programming on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, counted by the number of 15-second clips that include each person’s full name
Joe Biden is in first place by a large margin, getting as many mentions as all the others combined.

Which 2020 Candidates Are More (Or Less) Popular Than They ‘Should’ Be? | FiveThirtyEight

Most of the candidates cluster rather close to a trendline for (share of Democrats with an opinion) - (net favorability rating). The biggest exception is Bill de Blasio, much less liked for how well-known he is. The next one is Tulsi Gabbard, though she is close to the scatter of the other candidates. Back in January and February, most of the candidates were still on that trendline, and most of them did not change much between then and may, though Pete Buttigieg made a big jump along that like. TG, Kirsten Gillibrand, Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden became less favorably rated over that time, though not by much.
I really don't think Biden will last the distance. It's a long way to Iowa still, and he is likely to stumble over his words. Or else suffer some sort of medical ailment - he is 77 years old, for fuck's sake, and there will be a busy and grueling schedule!

The question is: if (or when) he falters, who will be there to take over his "lane"? Klobuchar? Kamala? Hickenlooper?

And if there is something age-related (or even something that could be construed as age-related) that brings his campaign down, then this will negatively affect the other old-timers in the race, Warren and Sanders.
And yet the people are happier than Australians. There are plenty of places in this world where you can live and pay low or no taxes. Nobody wants to live there though because they are, in the word of someone you admire, shitholes.

Are they really living in Utopia........................................https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-happiest-people-in-the-world

What a load of drivel, saying Scandinavian nations are like the Soviet Union. The rest of you can thank me because you won't have to read it.

It's only natural that anything that you disagree with is " drivel!" What incentive to work 12-14 hours a day has a person who wants those little extras for his/her family when income is taxed at 51.5%?
What a load of drivel, saying Scandinavian nations are like the Soviet Union. The rest of you can thank me because you won't have to read it.

It's only natural that anything that you disagree with is " drivel!" What incentive to work 12-14 hours a day has a person who wants those little extras for his/her family when income is taxed at 51.5%?
Because they still get half of it and can spend it?!
Uh for the same reason you would at 10%, 35% or 75%. For the extra income if you so desired
What a load of drivel, saying Scandinavian nations are like the Soviet Union. The rest of you can thank me because you won't have to read it.

It's only natural that anything that you disagree with is " drivel!" What incentive to work 12-14 hours a day has a person who wants those little extras for his/her family when income is taxed at 51.5%?
Uh for the same reason you would at 10%, 35% or 75%. For the extra income if you so desired
What a load of drivel, saying Scandinavian nations are like the Soviet Union. The rest of you can thank me because you won't have to read it.

It's only natural that anything that you disagree with is " drivel!" What incentive to work 12-14 hours a day has a person who wants those little extras for his/her family when income is taxed at 51.5%?

That's the very reason most of the socialist Dems in the running for 2020 are unelectable!
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