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Democrats 2020

What a load of drivel, saying Scandinavian nations are like the Soviet Union. The rest of you can thank me because you won't have to read it.

It's only natural that anything that you disagree with is " drivel!" What incentive to work 12-14 hours a day has a person who wants those little extras for his/her family when income is taxed at 51.5%?
Because they still get half of it and can spend it?!
Also, again, note the deceptive use of the highest marginal rate as an actual tax rate.

In angelo's case, I don't know if it's because he's being dishonest, or he's really that utterly clueless.
In other news, Biden has reaffirmed his support for the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. This comes as polls for him have dropped 7 points since its announcement in April. He's still in the lead, but I wonder how this will play out. It seems to be giving his female opponents ammunition, which is a good thing.
In other news, Biden has reaffirmed his support for the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. This comes as polls for him have dropped 7 points since its announcement in April. He's still in the lead, but I wonder how this will play out. It seems to be giving his female opponents ammunition, which is a good thing.

This might be his death knell. If he sticks to his position he'll be filleted at the debates. If he suddenly shifts à la Hillary on the TPP it'll look like Hillary's triangulating her positions and tone-deaf campaign strategy.
In other news, Biden has reaffirmed his support for the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. This comes as polls for him have dropped 7 points since its announcement in April. He's still in the lead, but I wonder how this will play out. It seems to be giving his female opponents ammunition, which is a good thing.

This might be his death knell. If he sticks to his position he'll be filleted at the debates. If he suddenly shifts à la Hillary on the TPP it'll look like Hillary's triangulating her positions and tone-deaf campaign strategy.

In general, Biden has shown no signs of softening his past stances on anything. That's not a problem in and of itself, but combined with the fact that all his policy positions have always been terrible, it's bad news. Going by his stubbornness on everything from Anita Hill to the crime bill, I don't expect him to reconsider this one anytime soon.
In other news, Biden has reaffirmed his support for the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. This comes as polls for him have dropped 7 points since its announcement in April. He's still in the lead, but I wonder how this will play out. It seems to be giving his female opponents ammunition, which is a good thing.

As I said a few posts ago. I did not expect it to happen quite this quick though.
In general, Biden has shown no signs of softening his past stances on anything. That's not a problem in and of itself, but combined with the fact that all his policy positions have always been terrible, it's bad news. Going by his stubbornness on everything from Anita Hill to the crime bill, I don't expect him to reconsider this one anytime soon.

What's wrong with how he handled Anita Hill? Healthy scrutiny of such claims is a good and necessary safeguard. Furthermore, her allegations were not even that serious. They were, even at the time, more than a decade old and involved only rather low-level issues like risque jokes about Coke cans.
This is much healthier than the present climate where women are automatically believed and even allegations of minor misconduct can be career killers. See Franken, Alan Stuart.

Also crime bill. I think the pendulum is swinging too far the other way, denying that there is a violent crime problem in the US or that there are "superpredators" that need to be locked away for a long time even if young.
In other news, Biden has reaffirmed his support for the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. This comes as polls for him have dropped 7 points since its announcement in April. He's still in the lead, but I wonder how this will play out. It seems to be giving his female opponents ammunition, which is a good thing.

This might be his death knell. If he sticks to his position he'll be filleted at the debates. If he suddenly shifts à la Hillary on the TPP it'll look like Hillary's triangulating her positions and tone-deaf campaign strategy.
I hope so. He really needs to GTFO.
In general, Biden has shown no signs of softening his past stances on anything. That's not a problem in and of itself, but combined with the fact that all his policy positions have always been terrible, it's bad news. Going by his stubbornness on everything from Anita Hill to the crime bill, I don't expect him to reconsider this one anytime soon.

What's wrong with how he handled Anita Hill? Healthy scrutiny of such claims is a good and necessary safeguard. Furthermore, her allegations were not even that serious. They were, even at the time, more than a decade old and involved only rather low-level issues like risque jokes about Coke cans.
This is much healthier than the present climate where women are automatically believed and even allegations of minor misconduct can be career killers. See Franken, Alan Stuart.

There were five other women who were willing to testify that Thomas did the same things to them. Biden did not let them testify. Thomas lied his ass off. A reporter checked with the video stores in Thomas home area and found the one he uses and confirmed that he did rent Long Dong Silver. His ex also confirmed he was basically a dirty old man that talked her into group sex. I can imagine a woman getting quite offended by such a man continually trying to persuade her to go out with him.

Also crime bill. I think the pendulum is swinging too far the other way, denying that there is a violent crime problem in the US or that there are "superpredators" that need to be locked away for a long time even if young.

Crime was the biggest issue on the minds of the US at the time, by far. I'll give Joe a pass on this one.
There were five other women who were willing to testify that Thomas did the same things to them.
Things like joke about pubic hair on coke cans? Is that really something that should derail somebody's career?

A reporter checked with the video stores in Thomas home area and found the one he uses and confirmed that he did rent Long Dong Silver.
He rented a porn tape in the 80s? Obviously unsuited for SCOTUS then. :rolleyes:

His ex also confirmed he was basically a dirty old man
Old man? When he and Ambush got divorced, he was 36. Hardly "old". You do know he wasn't 70 years old all his life, right?

that talked her into group sex.
Even if this were true (exes tend to lie), what is the relevance? Nothing illegal about group sex. And "talking somebody into" is persuading somebody. It is qualitatively distinct from things like coercion.

I can imagine a woman getting quite offended by such a man continually trying to persuade her to go out with him.
I can imagine that she'd be mildly offended. Not offended enough to not follow him to a new position he took, however. But offended enough when she saw the opportunity to derail a SCOTUS nomination for the opposing party. Hill is a Democrat.

Crime was the biggest issue on the minds of the US at the time, by far. I'll give Joe a pass on this one.
While crime stats are better, there is still a lot of violent crime in the US. And black Americans are the ones affected by that more than other groups. Look at murder rates for example.

We can acknowledge the real problem with violent crime (and its glorification in the hip hop culture, see Tay K or YNW Melly whose "music" skyrocketed in popularity after their murder arrests) while also taking into account that many things that are criminalized should not be, or should be to a far lesser extent. Saying we should not jail people for pot possession or sex work should not be linked to the proposition that we should go light on armed robbers and murderers.
Word of caution - the linked article is at the Daily Beast.

Tulsi Gabbard's Campaign Is Being Boosted by Putin Apologists

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is being underwritten by some of the nation’s leading Russophiles.

Donors to her campaign in the first quarter of the year included: Stephen F. Cohen, a Russian studies professor at New York University and prominent Kremlin sympathizer; Sharon Tennison, a vocal Putin supporter who nonetheless found herself detained by Russian authorities in 2016; and an employee of the Kremlin-backed broadcaster RT, who appears to have donated under the alias “Goofy Grapes.”

Even though she's not a front-runner, her campaign apparently scares enough people that they're trying to tie their Russiaphobia to her.
What is there to debate. Sen. Harris are you for increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Acknowledging that CO2 causes climate change is easy. Solving the problem of CO2 emissions while not ruining the economy is not. There are many proposals and it is fertile ground for debate.
Because they still get half of it and can spend it?!
Also, again, note the deceptive use of the highest marginal rate as an actual tax rate.

In angelo's case, I don't know if it's because he's being dishonest, or he's really that utterly clueless.

Clueless? Realistic is more like it. Whether you like it or not, as I keep saying, there's no such thing as a free lunch, someone always pays!

Because they still get half of it and can spend it?!
Also, again, note the deceptive use of the highest marginal rate as an actual tax rate.

In angelo's case, I don't know if it's because he's being dishonest, or he's really that utterly clueless.

Clueless? Realistic is more like it. Whether you like it or not, as I keep saying, there's no such thing as a free lunch, someone always pays!

Actually you keep shifting the goalposts so much I think we are playing water polo.

angelo: No such thing as a free lunch!
Others: Of course. Such as health care, our premiums would shift to pay for a regionalized or national system.
angelo: But rich people won’t work harder if half their money is taxed. #aocisameanie
Others: Yes they would. Even if that was the effective rate, people would still keep half, which they can do with as they wanted.
angelo: But what you keep ignoring is that there isn’t a free lunch.
Others: *self inflicted gun shot to head after 100th loop of this shit*
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