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Democrats 2020

But it's take on the Dems group...

Do they speak English in Western Australia?
If not, you're forgiven for not knowing that "it's" is a contraction of "it is", not a possessive form.

The second Democratic debate: The return of the Green New Deal – pv magazine International - PV = photovoltaic

Kamala Harris:
First of all, I don’t even call it climate change. It’s a climate crisis. It represents an existential threat to us as a species. And the fact that we have a president of the United States who has embraced science fiction over science fact will be to our collective peril.

The Green New Deal is supported by her, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Marianne Williamson.

Joe Biden pointed to a lot of Obama-era actions.
I would make sure that we invested $400 million in new science and technology, to be the exporter not only of the green economy, but [an] economy that can create millions of jobs. But I would immediately join the Paris Climate Accord. I would up the ante in that accord, which it calls for, because we make up 15% of the problem; 85% of the world makes up the rest. And so we have to have someone who knows how to corral the rest of the world, bring them together and get something done, like we did in our administration.
Bernie Sanders has not said much about the issue, but he's proposed this:
Look, the old ways are no longer relevant. The scientists tell us we have 12 years before there is irreparable damage to this planet. This is a global issue. What the president of the United States should do is not deny the reality of climate change but tell the rest of the world that, instead of spending a trillion-and-a-half dollars on weapons of destruction, let us get together for the common enemy, and that is to transform the world’s energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. The future of the planet rests on us doing that.
Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg propose rejoining the Paris Agreement, and PB also proposes a carbon tax.
Along with the attack on the “socialism” of the Green New Deal, Hickenlooper also proposed the way to address greenhouse gas emissions was to work with oil and gas companies. That and his reference to reducing methane emissions instead of more substantive policy proposals earned Hickenlooper scorn from much of the climate and energy community:
Leah Stokes on Twitter: "Guess what! @Hickenlooper is going to solve climate change by reducing methane leaks, guys! THAT'S ALL WE NEED.
Didn't realize it was that easy... #DemDebate2" / Twitter

Michael Bennet and Joe Biden are the latest to pledge to refuse money from fossil-fuel companies.
“Despite some candidates’ attempts to tie in the climate crisis to questions on other topics, the mere 15 minutes of debate directly focused on the climate crisis, of 240 minutes total – a paltry 6% of debate time – didn’t scratch the surface of the robust discussion that the crisis deserves,” stated David Turnbull, strategic communications director for Oil Change U.S.
Chris Hayes on Twitter: "I think I've changed my mind on the need for a climate debate. I see the DNC's point that it opens up a set of asks for other specifically themed debates. BUT there is just nothing like the climate crisis and no way to wrestle with its scope in the context of a general debate." / Twitter
Biden 'stumbles' over education question

Explaining why schools in Iowa are performing better than those in Washington, D.C., Biden told the Post, "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."
Biden 'stumbles' over education question

Explaining why schools in Iowa are performing better than those in Washington, D.C., Biden told the Post, "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."

Typical pollie speak. To make a successful politician, one needs to be able to speak for at least an hour without saying a thing!
Biden 'stumbles' over education question

Explaining why schools in Iowa are performing better than those in Washington, D.C., Biden told the Post, "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."

Typical pollie speak. To make a successful politician, one needs to be able to speak for at least an hour without saying a thing!

Oh, his message was loud and clear. The racism of Northerners is not any prettier for being more subtle.
Kamala Harris Will Be the 2020 Democratic Nominee. Why Newt Gingrich Has Been Saying That All Year | Opinion

Then Kamala Harris.

Interesting analysis, though NG is clearly on the Right. He expects the 2020 election to turn out something like the 1972 one, where George McGovern lost miserably.

Every time I listen to Harris, I like her more.
Wait for it. Right wingers will have an AOC like focus on her shortly and she’ll be the ‘most communist Democrat ever’.
How I Get It Done: Kamala Harris
On a typical morning: I work out every morning.

On her travel tips: I run through airports in my Converse sneakers.

On what keeps her motivated: For the last 18 months, I have seen people from every walk of life walking down the halls of Congress because they wanted to be seen.

On not letting the weight of expectation — or speculation about the 2020 election — get to her: I’m a firm believer that you have to focus on the fight and the work that is right in front of you.

On what she’s like as a boss: I can be really tough (mostly on myself), but I believe that we have to always do the best that we can because there are so many people relying on us. It is also really important to me that the members of my team have a good sense of humor and that we find time to laugh. Sometimes I get on this kick with puns and it gets to the point that it just becomes silly.

On how she unwinds: If I’ve had a particularly crazy day, I try to squeeze in a nice hot bath before I go to bed. And I have a hot cup of tea, usually some kind of chamomile. One of the things that I do to relax at the end of the day is I read recipes.

On the therapeutic powers of cooking: Everything else can be crazy, I can be on six planes in one week, and what makes me feel normal is making Sunday-night family dinner.

On her advice to women considering running for office: Run, with five exclamation points! Your country needs you. We need you!
So she is a professional woman who likes to cook.
Kamala Harris's 2020 Debate Performance Shines - The Atlantic - "The senator from California consistently cut through the noise during the second night of the first Democratic debates, in Miami."

After rebuking her fellow candidates for their "food fight", she continued with how the supposedly great economy is not working for many people. She also talked about the difficulty of affording emergency care and she pledged to have sensible and humane procedures in place for asylum cases.
Her most memorable exchange will likely prove to be her decision to challenge former Vice President Joe Biden in strikingly personal terms on his recent praise for the “civility” of former Senate colleagues who were ardent segregationists. “As the only black person onstage, I would like to speak on the issue of race,” Harris began. “It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and careers on the segregation of race in this country.”

Where Kamala Harris’s New Voters Came From | FiveThirtyEight - though Joe Biden is still the frontrunner, he got bumped down and KH got bumped up to a bit above Elizabeth Warren and a bit below Bernie Sanders.

How The Top Candidates’ Supporters Rated The Debaters, In One Chart | FiveThirtyEight
  • The best: Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren (nearly equal)
  • In between: Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg (nearly equal)
  • The worst: Joe Biden, Beto O'Rourke
There was not much scatter in the evalulators' assessments of the candidates.
How The Top Candidates’ Supporters Rated The Debaters, In One Chart | FiveThirtyEight
  • The best: Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren (nearly equal)
  • In between: Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg (nearly equal)
  • The worst: Joe Biden, Beto O'Rourke
There was not much scatter in the evalulators' assessments of the candidates.

She attacked Biden, but has adopted the exact same position as him.'
Kamala Harris Is Now On The Same Page As Biden When It Comes To Busing, Meaning Her Debate Attack Was A Fraud
She has mastered the art of ratfucking indeed!

Busing is still an idiotic policy though.
How The Top Candidates’ Supporters Rated The Debaters, In One Chart | FiveThirtyEight
  • The best: Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren (nearly equal)
  • In between: Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg (nearly equal)
  • The worst: Joe Biden, Beto O'Rourke
There was not much scatter in the evalulators' assessments of the candidates.

She attacked Biden, but has adopted the exact same position as him.'
Kamala Harris Is Now On The Same Page As Biden When It Comes To Busing, Meaning Her Debate Attack Was A Fraud
She has mastered the art of ratfucking indeed!

Busing is still an idiotic policy though.

Someone must have told her that everyone hated forced busing. But the damage to her campaign may already be done.
Kamala Harris Will Be the 2020 Democratic Nominee. Why Newt Gingrich Has Been Saying That All Year | Opinion

Then Kamala Harris.

Interesting analysis, though NG is clearly on the Right. He expects the 2020 election to turn out something like the 1972 one, where George McGovern lost miserably.

Every time I listen to Harris, I like her more.
Wait for it. Right wingers will have an AOC like focus on her shortly and she’ll be the ‘most communist Democrat ever’.

Harris is pretty savy regarding how she is defined. She's not going to shoot herself in the foot as Sanders has. Again, it's very early, but I think that she is the front runner.
Harris presents herself better than Warren does, which is a bit sad since Warren has better policy positions. And I agree she unlikely to shoot herself in the foot like Bernie. Harris' biggest political weakness is that she is dull, but that may actually be an asset in contrast to Trump.
Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership

Politico said:
Kamala Harris, calling on the nation to “deal with the racial wealth gap,” on Saturday proposed a $100 billion federal program to help black people buy homes.

The California senator said the plan, which would provide down payment and closing cost assistance of up to $25,000 to people renting or living in historically red-lined communities, would help some 4 million home-buyers.

Are they deliberately trying to hand the election to Trump or what?
Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership

Politico said:
Kamala Harris, calling on the nation to “deal with the racial wealth gap,” on Saturday proposed a $100 billion federal program to help black people buy homes.

The California senator said the plan, which would provide down payment and closing cost assistance of up to $25,000 to people renting or living in historically red-lined communities, would help some 4 million home-buyers.

Are they deliberately trying to hand the election to Trump or what?

If that plan is not the very definition of racism, then I don't know what is.
Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership

Politico said:
Kamala Harris, calling on the nation to “deal with the racial wealth gap,” on Saturday proposed a $100 billion federal program to help black people buy homes.

The California senator said the plan, which would provide down payment and closing cost assistance of up to $25,000 to people renting or living in historically red-lined communities, would help some 4 million home-buyers.

Are they deliberately trying to hand the election to Trump or what?

Are black people less like to obatain a home loan than other people with the same financial credentials? If so (and I suspect it is so), then all this does is level the playing field a bit. Much like the first home owner grant proposed by a conservative Australian Government in 2000.

Billionaire liberal activist Tom Steyer has privately told friends and associates in recent days that he plans to enter the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to two Democrats familiar with the discussions who were not authorized to speak publicly.

While Steyer announced in January that he would not seek the White House, he has grown dissatisfied with the Democrats’ 2020 field and is now eager to jump into the contest, the people said, despite some of his confidants and friends warning him about the challenges and political cost of a bid.

The former hedge fund manager could make an announcement Tuesday, the people added, but a firm rollout plan is still being deliberated.

You gotta be kidding me.
Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership

Politico said:
Kamala Harris, calling on the nation to “deal with the racial wealth gap,” on Saturday proposed a $100 billion federal program to help black people buy homes.

The California senator said the plan, which would provide down payment and closing cost assistance of up to $25,000 to people renting or living in historically red-lined communities, would help some 4 million home-buyers.

Are they deliberately trying to hand the election to Trump or what?
Do you understand what "historically red-lined communities" means?
Wait for it. Right wingers will have an AOC like focus on her shortly and she’ll be the ‘most communist Democrat ever’.

Harris is pretty savy regarding how she is defined. She's not going to shoot herself in the foot as Sanders has. Again, it's very early, but I think that she is the front runner.

In what universe does Sanders gaining 12 points in the polls after the debate, with support at almost double the next two candidates combined, constitute shooting himself in the foot?
Wait for it. Right wingers will have an AOC like focus on her shortly and she’ll be the ‘most communist Democrat ever’.

Harris is pretty savy regarding how she is defined. She's not going to shoot herself in the foot as Sanders has. Again, it's very early, but I think that she is the front runner.

In what universe does Sanders gaining 12 points in the polls after the debate, with support at almost double the next two candidates combined, constitute shooting himself in the foot?

A self described socialist is not going to win the popular vote or a presidential election. Period. I think that most people are good people who want to help others. Bernie has hurt the democratic party deeply by associating increasing the safety net with socialism.
In what universe does Sanders gaining 12 points in the polls after the debate, with support at almost double the next two candidates combined, constitute shooting himself in the foot?

A self described socialist is not going to win the popular vote or a presidential election. Period. I think that most people are good people who want to help others. Bernie has hurt the democratic party deeply by clumsily associating increasing the safety net with socialism.
There is room to make the association with the historical position of what was Socialism in America. Ultimately, Sanders isn't going to be the candidate. So what the liberal person needs to do is accept this, and help shift the person that will be on the ticket to the left a bit.
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