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Dems don't have anyone who can touch him in 2020


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
I not only agree with this article but in fact, I learned something when I saw it. That there is a difference between an elite and an elitist.

Trump came to my place of work a couple of days ago and spoke to all of us who work there. We are all part of the United Steel Workers Union which is probably the biggest private union in the United States at this point in time. And also a union known to normally financially support the democratic party. But the amount of enthusiasm and support from the people Trump got was simply incredible beyond my belief.

I honestly did not expect what happened that day. Some pictures I took of the event.


Trump lost the popular vote by millions and won the electoral college by an aggregate of just 70,000 votes. In English, that is called a fluke. It won't take much to put over the next Democrat. Trump's approval ratings in the states that pushed him over the top are terrible. And turnout won't likely be as tepid. Also, the consequences of his actions in the economy will likely start taking hold.

Yes, Trump is riding a populist wave of tremendous proportions, but he isn't Reagan... at least, not yet.
Wait, since Trump is literally Hitler and stuff there won't be a "next election", right?
The OP simply reinforces that for blue collar workers, it is their breadbasket that drives their support. Once the Democratic Party figures this out or the breadbaskets get barren, the Democrats will have a real chance in 2020.

And, all of this assumes that Trump is either competent or able to run for 2020.
Who would want to touch FFvC?

Trump lost the popular vote by millions and won the electoral college by an aggregate of just 70,000 votes. In English, that is called a fluke. It won't take much to put over the next Democrat. Trump's approval ratings in the states that pushed him over the top are terrible. And turnout won't likely be as tepid. Also, the consequences of his actions in the economy will likely start taking hold.

Yes, Trump is riding a populist wave of tremendous proportions, but he isn't Reagan... at least, not yet.
Yup! Never mind that there are pretty decent odds for a recession by 2019 or 2020...and then we can talk about insane deficit levels, like $1.2 or $1.3 trillion w/o a 'stimulus'.

But lets get thru this November's show, as it should give some really good hints for 2020.
It won't take much to put over the next Democrat.
You are underestimating the ability of the Democratic Party to make a dog's breakfast out of an election.


It's inconceivable that anyone could fuck up winning an election when their opponent is Donald Trump, especially after having seen what a Donald Trump presidency is like. That being said, the Democratic Party consistently defies every possible explanation of what they can manage to fuck up. If you could bottle their magic, you could make a fortune by having people pay you to not force them to drink from that bottle.

It would be nice to say that Trump has no chance, but just so long as Dems keep showing up to knife fights waving a white flag and politely asking how often they need to be stabbed before it's alright for them to surrender, they can lose a whole lot of unlosable contests.
"Dems don't have anyone who can touch him in 2020"

I'll take that bet. He won't be President in Feb 2021. In fact, I already made a small wager (I got 3:1 odds) that he won't be president at the end of 2019.
Women have turned against him, independents are turning against him, Russia will not be as potent now that we know what they're doing, the Mueller investigation is almost sure to throw a lot more shit at the Trump fan, and Dems will be Super-Pissed (if he's still in office by Nov 2020). Sans all those factors, he won the electoral college in 2016 by a total of less than 100,000 votes in 3 states. His chances of winning the presidency in 2020 are slim and none.
Caveat: Derec is right (mark the date!): Dems do have an near miraculous ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I'm glad that things are going well for you and your particular industrial area, but there are a lot of employees of Harley, auto manufacturers, farmers, Carrier Air Conditioning, the dairy industry, The Home Builders Association, and so on that disagree with your assessment. Basically, your industry is doing well while virtually everyone else will be hurt by Trump's move in the name of "national security". My advice is to enjoy it while you can, go out onto that floor, and throw your snowball.

ETA: You have learned nothing about elitism. Trump has done much more for the rich than for you. In fact, even this move isn't for American steel and aluminum workers, it's for the owners of those industries. You're benefitting by accident, essentially. Also, you do realize that this administration will attempt to dismantle that union even more once they realize they can squeeze even more profits for those elitists? After all, the reason you're such a large union in comparison to others is because most of the others have been dismantled by conservative economic policies.
There is a reason why some call Fox News "Trump TV". If Trump is around in 2020 and manages to win the Republican nomination again, he will still have to run against whomever the Democrats end up nominating. Right now, Donald Trump's approval ratings hover just above 40%, and disapproval is consistently above 50%. In order to repeat his electoral margin victory in 2020, he will have to do something to dramatically reverse current public attitudes towards his presidency. He will still be popular among older white voters, however. They just won't be enough to give him the electoral victory that he'll need.
The Dems are very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I don't see much in the way of leading candidates this time around, since the party deliberately cleared out the roster to make room for one particular person. That was supposed to mean that Hillary was supposed to be running for reelection in 2020 and there would be no need to think of anyone new until 2024. What it actually meant was nobody particularly prominent for 2020. They weren't supposed to worry about who is next for 8 years, not 4 years, and that left them in some disarray.

There are voices about some who might run. I'd have to hear from Democrats who their stronger candidates are at this time, since even though I watch a lot of politics I really don't know. I've heard some tossing around Biden's name, others saying Warren. Some are even talking about Hillary coming back in 2020.

Who will carry the 2020 banner? There doesn't seem to be anyone in particular yet.
Trump lost the popular vote by millions and won the electoral college by an aggregate of just 70,000 votes. In English, that is called a fluke. It won't take much to put over the next Democrat. Trump's approval ratings in the states that pushed him over the top are terrible. And turnout won't likely be as tepid. Also, the consequences of his actions in the economy will likely start taking hold.

Yes, Trump is riding a populist wave of tremendous proportions, but he isn't Reagan... at least, not yet.
Yup! Never mind that there are pretty decent odds for a recession by 2019 or 2020...and then we can talk about insane deficit levels, like $1.2 or $1.3 trillion w/o a 'stimulus'.

But lets get thru this November's show, as it should give some really good hints for 2020.

Actually I think that a November "blue wave" would be an asset for Trump in 2020 - if both houses don't flip and Mueller doesn't come up with anything earth-shattering. If all things were to remain the same, Ronald McFuckingdonald could beat him in 2020.
I not only agree with this article but in fact, I learned something when I saw it. That there is a difference between an elite and an elitist.

Trump came to my place of work a couple of days ago and spoke to all of us who work there. We are all part of the United Steel Workers Union which is probably the biggest private union in the United States at this point in time. And also a union known to normally financially support the democratic party. But the amount of enthusiasm and support from the people Trump got was simply incredible beyond my belief.

I honestly did not expect what happened that day. Some pictures I took of the event.



Why is anyone surprised that traitors like traitor politicians? That's like being surprised about libertarians and conservatives using the same catch phrases to take the same positions on the same issues.
Joe Biden will be 77 in 2020. He is way too old. Elizabeth Warren will be 71. She is also too old. The Democrats will likely pick a younger candidate such as Amy Klobuchar (who will be 60) or Kamala Harris (who will be 55). However, the field is wide open for a dark horse candidate to emerge.

I don't expect Donald Trump to be the candidate of the GOP in 2020. It will also probably be someone who is currently a senator or governor. The choice of nominees will be determined by popularity in the primaries, and I think that Americans on both sides of the political divide will be looking for fresh faces.
Joe Biden will be 77 in 2020. He is way too old. Elizabeth Warren will be 71. She is also too old. The Democrats will likely pick a younger candidate such as Amy Klobuchar (who will be 60) or Kamala Harris (who will be 55). However, the field is wide open for a dark horse candidate to emerge.

I don't expect Donald Trump to be the candidate of the GOP in 2020. It will also probably be someone who is currently a senator or governor. The choice of nominees will be determined by popularity in the primaries, and I think that Americans on both sides of the political divide will be looking for fresh faces.

The best thing about a hypothetical dark horse, is that whoever it might be, it would force the propaganda machine to scramble to manufacture dirt on them. Not like ripping on Hillary - a practice that had thirty years of preparation and repetition of lies.
The Dems are very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I don't see much in the way of leading candidates this time around, since the party deliberately cleared out the roster to make room for one particular person. That was supposed to mean that Hillary was supposed to be running for reelection in 2020 and there would be no need to think of anyone new until 2024. What it actually meant was nobody particularly prominent for 2020. They weren't supposed to worry about who is next for 8 years, not 4 years, and that left them in some disarray.

There are voices about some who might run. I'd have to hear from Democrats who their stronger candidates are at this time, since even though I watch a lot of politics I really don't know. I've heard some tossing around Biden's name, others saying Warren. Some are even talking about Hillary coming back in 2020.

Who will carry the 2020 banner? There doesn't seem to be anyone in particular yet.
Yeah, after all a nobody couldn't touch HRC circa 2006, as she had the Dum primary all locked up...

Here are some that people ponder:
The orange outrage won't survive to 2020.
Trump has exceeded every single expectation of failure of becoming or remaining the President. He shouldn't make it to 2020, he shouldn't have won in November of 2016, he shouldn't have won the nomination of the GOP, he shouldn't have made it to the Iowa Caucuses.
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