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Dems don't have anyone who can touch him in 2020

The Dems are very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I don't see much in the way of leading candidates this time around, since the party deliberately cleared out the roster to make room for one particular person. That was supposed to mean that Hillary was supposed to be running for reelection in 2020 and there would be no need to think of anyone new until 2024. What it actually meant was nobody particularly prominent for 2020. They weren't supposed to worry about who is next for 8 years, not 4 years, and that left them in some disarray.

There are voices about some who might run. I'd have to hear from Democrats who their stronger candidates are at this time, since even though I watch a lot of politics I really don't know. I've heard some tossing around Biden's name, others saying Warren. Some are even talking about Hillary coming back in 2020.

Who will carry the 2020 banner? There doesn't seem to be anyone in particular yet.
Yeah, after all a nobody couldn't touch HRC circa 2006, as she had the Dum primary all locked up...

Here are some that people ponder:
Actually, the person would have been Beau Biden. He seemed to be an Obama like set up for the White House.

But off the top of my head without clicking, there is Sheldon Whitehouse, Mike Malloy, John Hickenlooper, Cory Booker, Kamela Harris, Eric Garcetti, Amy Klobacher.

Looking at the WaPo link... Cuomo is obviously another one and Gillibrand would be one more. Deval Patrick isn't too much of an outsider either. I think it is odd that four of the top five are obviously not options.
My head swims every goddamned day at what Trump has done to this country. Take your pick out of 5,000 crazy statements and morally debauched actions. JUST YESTERDAY...to bring a fresh example, the #2 man at ICE, one Matthew Albence, told Congress that the internment camps for the kidnapped ninos are "like summer camp." Goody -- let's enroll Baron.
The Dems are very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I don't see much in the way of leading candidates this time around, since the party deliberately cleared out the roster to make room for one particular person. That was supposed to mean that Hillary was supposed to be running for reelection in 2020 and there would be no need to think of anyone new until 2024. What it actually meant was nobody particularly prominent for 2020. They weren't supposed to worry about who is next for 8 years, not 4 years, and that left them in some disarray.

There are voices about some who might run. I'd have to hear from Democrats who their stronger candidates are at this time, since even though I watch a lot of politics I really don't know. I've heard some tossing around Biden's name, others saying Warren. Some are even talking about Hillary coming back in 2020.

Who will carry the 2020 banner? There doesn't seem to be anyone in particular yet.
Yeah, after all a nobody couldn't touch HRC circa 2006, as she had the Dum primary all locked up...

Here are some that people ponder:
Actually, the person would have been Beau Biden. He seemed to be an Obama like set up for the White House.

But off the top of my head without clicking, there is Sheldon Whitehouse, Mike Malloy, John Hickenlooper, Cory Booker, Kamela Harris, Eric Garcetti, Amy Klobacher.

Looking at the WaPo link... Cuomo is obviously another one and Gillibrand would be one more. Deval Patrick isn't too much of an outsider either. I think it is odd that four of the top five are obviously not options.

If Sheldon Whitehouse becomes President, he is obliged to name Leonard Pentagon as Secretary of Defense, and Penny Unitednationsbuildinginnewyork as Ambassador to the UN.
Actually, the person would have been Beau Biden. He seemed to be an Obama like set up for the White House.

But off the top of my head without clicking, there is Sheldon Whitehouse, Mike Malloy, John Hickenlooper, Cory Booker, Kamela Harris, Eric Garcetti, Amy Klobacher.

Looking at the WaPo link... Cuomo is obviously another one and Gillibrand would be one more. Deval Patrick isn't too much of an outsider either. I think it is odd that four of the top five are obviously not options.

If Sheldon Whitehouse becomes President, he is obliged to name Leonard Pentagon as Secretary of Defense, and Penny Unitednationsbuildinginnewyork as Ambassador to the UN.
Penny isn't experienced enough for that position.
Evidently, one of my senators has openly admitted that he might seek the nomination. Anybody here heard of Jeff Merkley?

I thought not....
Evidently, one of my senators has openly admitted that he might seek the nomination. Anybody here heard of Jeff Merkley?

I thought not....

I've met Jeff. Great guy. Very smart. I'd vote for him. But he won't win. He has no charisma. He's more of a policy wonk type of guy. Not aggressive. Trump would tear him apart.
Evidently, one of my senators has openly admitted that he might seek the nomination. Anybody here heard of Jeff Merkley?

I thought not....
Yeah, he's been one of the better middle but left Democrats out there. He lives in a state that more polar than a water molecule... oh yeah... I went there. You have the uber liberal Cities where Veganism isn't a way of life, it is mandatory, to the rural uninhabited areas where people are plotting the bloody demise of the left-wing.
Yeah, Merkley seems decent enough, but I agree that he would be a poor candidate as already said: No charisma!

Evidently, one of my senators has openly admitted that he might seek the nomination. Anybody here heard of Jeff Merkley?

I thought not....
Yeah, he's been one of the better middle but left Democrats out there. He lives in a state that more polar than a water molecule... oh yeah... I went there. You have the uber liberal Cities where Veganism isn't a way of life, it is mandatory, to the rural uninhabited areas where people are plotting the bloody demise of the left-wing.
Me thinketh that you exaggerate just a tad...just cuz we have an annual nude bicycle race doesn't make it veganism as a mandate.

Cultured Caveman began as the first paleo-friendly food cart on the west coast. We are now a food cart and a restaurant in Portland, OR
Yeah, Merkley seems decent enough, but I agree that he would be a poor candidate as already said: No charisma!

Me thinketh that you exaggerate just a tad...just cuz we have an annual nude bicycle race doesn't make it veganism as a mandate.

Cultured Caveman began as the first paleo-friendly food cart on the west coast. We are now a food cart and a restaurant in Portland, OR
Uh huh, then explain the Meat Customs officials you have to be interviewed by after landing at the Portland airport?
Dammit, funinspace....Don't correct the nitwits with the hyperbole. Leave it be. Some of it might stick and motivate a decision to NOT move here.

Talk up the fire season! *cough, cough*

We're just waiting for the rains to dampen the wildfires and keep us soggy for entirety of the the next eight months.

And...meat inspectors? I guess he didn't have to tangle with the beer inspectors. They're the worst. They're downright dismissive.

They don't have cannabis outlets at the international airport, either. Yet.

I am amused by the number of rural people in uninhabited areas. I'm guessing they come from other places, since they can't live there if it is uninhabited.
dismal said:
Wait, since Trump is literally Hitler and stuff there won't be a "next election", right?
Mussolini... he is literally like Mussolini.
dismal said:
Wait, since Trump is literally Hitler and stuff there won't be a "next election", right?
Mussolini... he is literally like Mussolini.

Agreed. Which is why I settled on 'Cheeto Benito'.

Just watch him when he knows he is on camera. He lifts his chin and strikes that 'Ill Douche' pose.
Evidently, one of my senators has openly admitted that he might seek the nomination. Anybody here heard of Jeff Merkley?

I thought not....

I've met Jeff. Great guy. Very smart. I'd vote for him. But he won't win. He has no charisma. He's more of a policy wonk type of guy. Not aggressive. Trump would tear him apart.

Yeah, that's rather my impression, as well. And, I voted for him. I was surprised at his ambition, actually.

I like his positions, which seem to place him as a big-time Bernie lieutenant on the Senate floor.
Evidently, one of my senators has openly admitted that he might seek the nomination. Anybody here heard of Jeff Merkley?

I thought not....

I've met Jeff. Great guy. Very smart. I'd vote for him. But he won't win. He has no charisma. He's more of a policy wonk type of guy. Not aggressive. Trump would tear him apart.

Yeah, that's rather my impression, as well. And, I voted for him. I was surprised at his ambition, actually.

I like his positions, which seem to place him as a big-time Bernie lieutenant on the Senate floor.

If enough Americans have awakened to the dire results of voting on the basis of personality, someone like Merkley could get elected. Bigass "if".
More like a delusional 'if'.

Besides, I like having him as my senator. I just keep emailing him to keep up the good work.
I've seen Merkeley interviewed on TV quite a few times. He comes off as highly intelligent and articulate. I think that he would do well in a presidential campaign--definitely more interesting and charismatic than Dukakis or Kerry. If he managed to maintain his cool in the face of Trump's bullying, abusive style, he could actually be a very strong candidate. I think that a majority of voters are starved for someone who appears sane and competent, not a TV entertainer, professional wrestler, or movie star--the types who seem to get all of the attention from the press. I know I am.
More like a delusional 'if'.

Besides, I like having him as my senator. I just keep emailing him to keep up the good work.

That's pretty selfish - it's a district that could elect another Dem stand-in with one hand tied behind their back. I'd sure as hell vote for Merkley in a presidential race, and feel good about it knowing that doing so wouldn't lessen the Dem influence in the Senate. :p

This would make him a shoo-in.



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