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Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This pathetic spamming is becoming grotesque.


Thank you. I needed both the laugh and the ironic affirmation.

But I do agree that perhaps this should all be split out into its own thread. I'll leave that to the mods.
Koy, unless there is any further development, the Alfa bank server stuff is a dead end. It certainly looks suspicious, but it isn't exactly an easy way to make with communication. And ultimately, as I said, there is almost nothing known about the connection, other than the oddly suspicious relinking attempt after someone gave them notice of it.

The only suspicious thing here is how this "story" came about. These people have some explaining to do.
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Koy, unless there is any further development, the Alfa bank server stuff is a dead end.

I obviously disagree.

It certainly looks suspicious, but it isn't exactly an easy way to make with communication.

Again, since we don't know the code, it's not possible to come to such a conclusion. It could be as easy as morse code or, as Gun Nut observed, keying a mic.

And ultimately, as I said, there is almost nothing known about the connection

If there is "almost nothing known about the connection," then the "server stuff" cannot be a "dead end."
I obviously disagree.
Which is fine and all, but a dead end is typically when you can no longer move forward. To my knowledge, there has been zero progress on this front... which is typical of being at a dead end.

Again, since we don't know the code, it's not possible to come to such a conclusion. It could be as easy as morse code or, as Gun Nut observed, keying a mic.
Exactly, it could be any number of things. It could in innocuous, it could have been coordination. We don't know, we have no way of determining it, and if we can't make sense of the information... it is a dead end... unless you can get a cipher... if we even have enough data for that.

And ultimately, as I said, there is almost nothing known about the connection
If there is "almost nothing known about the connection," then the "server stuff" cannot be a "dead end."
Just because you have a dead body doesn't mean you have a murder conviction in hand. You are making with the cart and horse here. Coming up with hypotheticals doesn't equate evidence.
Exactly, it could be any number of things. It could in innocuous, it could have been coordination.

Which, ironically, tends to prove that as a clandestine method of communication, this one is (so far) perfect.

We don't know, we have no way of determining it,

That's non-sequitur. Just because "we" don't currently or readily or conclusively know does not necessarily translate into having "no way of determining it." Indeed, you point to one in the next sentence:

it is a dead end... unless you can get a cipher...

Harder codes have been cracked--Enigma comes to mind--and there were plenty of naysayers in the highest orders claiming the exact same things about how we could never crack it, because it wasn't about the machine itself; it was about the code, which the Germans kept changing.

if we even have enough data for that.

Well, the thing about codes and human-driven activity, of course, is that they are human-driven, which means there had to be humans at both ends feeding and receiving information. Since it originated with Alfa bank, we will likely never know, but as I have already provided, we know at the very least that it was Aven's job to create a "secret communications channel" between Trump and Putin directly, most likely during the election and not merely after. And we know that his testimony in regard to that is deliberately misleading at the very least and contains several obvious "tells" in regard to what he was actually tasked with.

Again, there could be no possible non-nefarious reason why Putin would demand the President of a bank (private, no less, so it's not like it's a state-owned asset and therefore directly under government control), establish a secret communications channel between Putin and the President Elect. Nor is it possible that Putin didn't know who to contact on his own, let alone, once again, giving that task to the president of a bank.

So there must have been a nefarious reason why Putin chose Aven--and Alfa bank--for this bizarre and completely unnecessary task. And we have at least one possible piece of that puzzle staring us directly in the face. But since Aven has proved himself a liar and since he's a Russian citizen, we need to instead turn to what we have more direct control over.

So the question would then become, of course, who had access to the Cendyn server? Or, rather, the logs of the server. Cendyn is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida btw. That's about a half hour drive from Mar-a-Lago.

And my guess would be that they're not exactly Fort Knox and there would have been any number of different ways to get access to that information, likely with no one at Cendyn ever having a clue as to what or how. Which is--likewise--a likely reason the server was chosen.

And if we're talking about the Listrak server that was supposedly in Philadelphia as the main one, I'm sure Cendyn has access to the data and/or there would be many ways to hack into either company's equipment regardless. So this notion that the Trump Organization had no direct control over whichever server is just pure smoke.

Jean Camp, one of the computer scientists who reviewed the data evidently posted this about Cendyn's sever:

NBC's Ali Vitali (covering Trump and the GOP for @nbcnews) provides a statement she indicates comes from CenDyn and the Trump Organization, in which CenDyn acknowledges that the Trump server has been used for a bank to communicate with Alfa Bank, using Meteron - a meeting sofware app.

CenDyn states that their servers are not dedicated to a specific client. Yet the Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository (scans.io) data show that the hostname mail1.Trump-Email.com has been stable since at least 2013. It did not change for three years, then did change on 23 September 2016. At the time of this writing, 2 October 2016, no other hostname has pointed to this IP just trump1.contact-client.com and mail1.trump-email.com. So this IP address is associated with only that server.

She posts this twitter screenshot:


And then notes the contradiction:

The Trump Organization states that it is not "sending or receiving any communications and that it has no interaction with CenDyn." CenDynstated the reason they recreated a trump1.contact-client.com hostname pointing to this same IP address was for the Trump Organization to use the CRM software CenDyn provides to the Trump Organization.

She then further notes:

Linking a Domain to an IP Address

The DNS binds a human readable phrase to an IP address. A forward resolution zone is where a machine maps the DNS to the IP
address. A reverse resolution zone links an IP to a DNS address. They are two views of the same binding.

Trump, CenDyn or some other party associated with the domain sought to erase the mail1.Trump-Email.com host by deleting forward resolution zones. So the domain name was removed from the normal way one would look up a domain. However, the reverse delegation still exists as of 2 November 2016. You can look at the image concurrent with this writing here, and then check yourself with the link to see if the resolution has been removed.


This is interesting because it is unusual to take a production email server used for marketing off the forward lookup. If this were a braod marketing campaign, you would want people to click and connect to your hotel and luxury good offers. If this were used for political fund-raising email then that is similarly unusual.

Again, if this were an isolated event, it would STILL be suspicious, but it's NOT an isolated event and quite literally directly correlates to Aven's clearly fraudulent testimony.

So, Aven lied about what he was tasked to do by Putin and the Trump Organization lied about their relationship with Cendyn. So we need to look to Cendyn (and hopefully already are in regard to the FBI or Congressional investigations that are still ongoing).

Jimmy said:
Koy said:
Jimmy said:
And ultimately, as I said, there is almost nothing known about the connection
If there is "almost nothing known about the connection," then the "server stuff" cannot be a "dead end."
Just because you have a dead body doesn't mean you have a murder conviction in hand. You are making with the cart and horse here. Coming up with hypotheticals doesn't equate evidence.

It is the first step in any investigation. You are essentially saying that unless I have a smoking gun, there is (a) no smoking gun and (b) no point in continuing to look for one.

That's simply unsupportable.
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Key, could you please, please summarize the issue in 2 or 3 sentences?

Sure. We know from Aven's testimony that Putin instructed Aven to establish a secret communications channel between Trump and Putin at some point during the election (i.e., at or before June/July of 2016). Aven evidently did so by using two Alfa bank servers that were connecting to a special server that the Trump Organization could access.

The code and/or manner in which this channel operated is still unknown.
Key, could you please, please summarize the issue in 2 or 3 sentences?

Sure. We know from Aven's testimony that Putin instructed Aven to establish a secret communications channel between Trump and Putin at some point during the election (i.e., at or before June/July of 2016). Aven evidently did so by using two Alfa bank servers that were connecting to a special server that the Trump Organization could access.

The code and/or manner in which this channel operated is still unknown.

This contradicts bullshit you posted earlier where you referred to Trump as president-elect.
Unless of course you imply Putin has a time machine :)
Key, could you please, please summarize the issue in 2 or 3 sentences?

Sure. We know from Aven's testimony that Putin instructed Aven to establish a secret communications channel between Trump and Putin at some point during the election (i.e., at or before June/July of 2016). Aven evidently did so by using two Alfa bank servers that were connecting to a special server that the Trump Organization could access.

The code and/or manner in which this channel operated is still unknown.

How is this related to the SMTP servers set up by the CRM software vendor?
Key, could you please, please summarize the issue in 2 or 3 sentences?

Sure. We know from Aven's testimony that Putin instructed Aven to establish a secret communications channel between Trump and Putin at some point during the election (i.e., at or before June/July of 2016). Aven evidently did so by using two Alfa bank servers that were connecting to a special server that the Trump Organization could access.

The code and/or manner in which this channel operated is still unknown.

This contradicts bullshit you posted earlier where you referred to Trump as president-elect.
Unless of course you imply Putin has a time machine :)

If that is a contradiction, it isn't a meaningful one.
Key, could you please, please summarize the issue in 2 or 3 sentences?

Sure. We know from Aven's testimony that Putin instructed Aven to establish a secret communications channel between Trump and Putin at some point during the election (i.e., at or before June/July of 2016). Aven evidently did so by using two Alfa bank servers that were connecting to a special server that the Trump Organization could access.

The code and/or manner in which this channel operated is still unknown.

This contradicts bullshit you posted earlier where you referred to Trump as president-elect.

No, it doesn't. But thanks for once again showing bone and the extent you'll go to.
This contradicts bullshit you posted earlier where you referred to Trump as president-elect.
Unless of course you imply Putin has a time machine :)

If that is a contradiction, it isn't a meaningful one.
First, it IS a contradiction and second it is a meaningful one.
Aven testimony was about events after the presidential elections and alleged DNS channel traffic happened long before the elections.
So someone here has a time machine.
This contradicts bullshit you posted earlier where you referred to Trump as president-elect.

No, it doesn't. But thanks for once again showing bone and the extent you'll go to.

Yes it does, and thank you for demonstrating how deranged you are by implying that Putin has a time machine.
I am not even talking about how you don't even understand how DNS works and that it alone can not be used for communication at all. Assholes who "discovered" this garbage are not that deranged to suggest that DNS was used for communication. They suggested that email system was used and DNS log is evidence of that, conveniently omitting the fact that trump server was an email spam system which was generating DNS queries from half of the world.
And what about these so-called "experts" who say that thousands of DNS queries are indicative of secret email communications between Trump Campaign and Putin&Co. What are they? some kind of lovers to have thousands of emails in the span of 6 months?
I would fire these experts in a second becasue they are fucking idiots if they think that this anything but a result of an email spam.
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This contradicts bullshit you posted earlier where you referred to Trump as president-elect.
Unless of course you imply Putin has a time machine :)

If that is a contradiction, it isn't a meaningful one.
First, it IS a contradiction

No, it isn't, but because you will clearly just keep repeating this strawman, it is--once again--my contention that Aven was lying/misleading in his testimony and that he was told by Putin to open up a secret communications channel between Candidate Trump and Putin initially. Hence the servers. Whether or not he was then later instructed to do additional tasks by Putin is irrelevant, but again what he said was bullshit.

Once again for the slow of reading, there would be absolutely no need for Putin--or the leader of ANY nation--to do anything at all beside picking up the phone and calling a President Elect any damn time they wanted to. And there certainly is no chance in hell that Putin didn't know who to call on his own, thereby requiring a fucking banker to make a secret communications channel for him.

Aven was lying. Why? There is only one logical reason for it and, oh, hey, look! Guess what we have?

But by all means keep digging. It just reveals more bone.
First, it IS a contradiction

No, it isn't, but because you will clearly just keep repeating this strawman, it is--once again--my contention that Aven was lying/misleading in his testimony and that he was told by Putin to open up a secret communications channel between Candidate Trump and Putin initially. Hence the servers. Whether or not he was then later instructed to do additional tasks by Putin is irrelevant, but again what he said was bullshit.

Once again for the slow of reading, there would be absolutely no need for Putin--or the leader of ANY nation--to do anything at all beside picking up the phone and calling a President Elect any damn time they wanted to. And there certainly is no chance in hell that Putin didn't know who to call on his own, thereby requiring a fucking banker to make a secret communications channel for him.

Aven was lying. Why? There is only one logical reason for it and, oh, hey, look! Guess what we have?

But by all means keep digging. It just reveals more bone.

Aven is telling the truth when it suits you and lying when it does not, got it.
Someone should contact Mueller and reopen investigation.
What we have so far:
1. DNS can not be used in the way Koysi described
2. Trump Server did not belong to Trump Organization
3. Timeline is completely fucked up,
4. There are tons of sane ways to secretly communicate between two parties which don't leave any detectable traces. Simplest would be anonymous skype accounts using public WiFi, botnets untraceable, private messaging on some obscure forums like IIDB, facebook/twitter/instagram can be used in 100% undetectable fashion .
5. Mueller is not an idiot to not confirm Aven's testimony with other testimonies

Koy's theory is a couple of orders more insane than original one and he needs some professional medical help.
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