I could charge you the same. I recognize that communicating in this fashion can create misunderstandings. Thus why I ask a lot of questions. I want to understand your position and to challenge it where we are not in accord. For example I didn’t ignore or misrepresent …..Considering your replies, I doubt that you have understand what I've said so far. Or perhaps you don't want to.
Your game appears to entail ignoring key points and misrepresenting whatever you can in order to maintain your position.
I understood that you were saying that geocentricism was popularly held by the church and reluctantly let go and science saved the day. However, to claim the science was based on a church assumption is weak. I could easily envision the church using bad science to support their position. Do you really know which is the case and do you have any evidence this is the case.I concede that people have had wrong ideas, both philosophical and scientific. Good philosophy and science have rooted out most of the bad. Your point really doesn’t say anything. Perhaps you think science is always right and saves the day ???You leap about making this or that assumption about what I said instead of grasping what I said about science.Geocentrism? Are you claiming that wasn’t a scientific belief?
It was an assumption based on religious beliefs, the earth being created by God as the centre of the Universe, and appearances. The sun, moon and stares appear to revolve around the earth.
Which was corrected by science, but resisted by the Church...
My response was focused on the overt one sidedness of your perception and interpretation. I readily admit, the church was wrong with their interpretation. But you can’t ignore the fact that science for centuries believed it to be true as well. The main character in that drama was trying to correct both camps and was a member of both camps. That alters the force of your point and what I was referring to as cherry picking. Also, to fit that same charge, you ignored these obvious counters……
Consider scientific assumptions that the universe was eternal vs theist assertions the universe was finite. Or the theistic assertion that time actually began with the universe which was not the prevailing thought of science. Theism triumphed over science? Triumph no, reached a proper epistemological conclusion …yes.
Personal reflection. I find the best epistemological path to take is to properly integrate the two. I personally struggled as a theistic teen facing YEC. I sided with the science and adjusted my theistic beliefs. It was a completely easy compromise. That adjustment did not affect the orthodoxy of my beliefs and therefore was an easy adjustment to make. Back then I didn’t have the research resources I have today. I’m happy to now have my beliefs confirmed by many from within theism.
I did not ignore or misrepresent your view. I directly confronted them. It was you that did not understand my call for you to be balanced in your assessment.
Yes I got that. But I still ask how can science determine this one way or another? Obviously the theist was referring to the universe being complete in a theistic context. He was not saying it was scientifically incomplete. There exists a doctrine on angels and demons within theism. This was what was being addressed not the scientific completeness of the universe. How could science address this?You need to read more carefully....I gave an example of a religious conclusion based on religious assumptions and not science or scientific testing.
Go back and carefully read what we posted…………………..There is nothing in the evidence for expansion/inflation to suggest agency by a 'god' - whatever that is - or special creation.
Again here is what I was speaking to…It scientifically supports a premise in an argument the validly concludes the biblical God exists. Again you may deny the conclusion, but to do so, with your provided reasoning, exposes your position as less reasonable.an expanding universe says nothing about the existence of a creator.
Premise 1 everything that begins to exist has a cause.
Premise 2 the universe began to exist.
Conclusion the universe has a cause.
So more specifically expansion/inflation (SBBM) SUPPORTS the PREMISE that the universe began to exist. That is all I said the evidence does. From there the argument proceeds to conclude that the universe has a cause. The science support premise two. SBBM does not say there is a creator and I did not say it said so. I have flamed the straw man several times now.
Again science supports the premise in a valid argument that concludes there is a cause. From an examination of the characteristics that the cause would have to possess to cause this universe we can conclude it is a theistic God. This isn’t a one-liner drive-by conclusion. The theistic cause is found at the end of a valid inferential trail that has scientific support along the way. If the science didn’t support theism I would have a very hard time believing it to be true.
More specifically the issue of “agency” occurs when we are examining the juxtaposition of the needed characteristics of the cause with the characteristics of a theistic God. We weren’t there yet. I was just trying to defend the science supports premise two which is not addressing agency.
You keep resurrecting this straw man fallacy. We have addressed this before. Are you intentionally being obscure, simply don’t understand the argument or how an argument works? You keep saying, that I’m saying something I’m not.
Are you asserting that a theistic argument is worthless because non-theists are not suggesting that God is a valid explanation?Barring theists with an axe to grind, eager to validate their beliefs, who is even suggesting that god as an explanation is required?
Missing your point here.
Let’s see what that sounds like with the roles reversed……
Barring atheists with an axe to grind, eager to validate their beliefs, who is even suggesting that god as an explanation is not required? Or that this solves the question of existence. God didn’t do it ho ho, now we know the universe magically created itself out of nothing.
Atheists have no right to defend their beliefs if theists are not also suggesting the same.
I really don’t think that is what you meant. So please clarify.
Straw man. I did not say it directly inferred creation. It directly infers the universe has a finite past. This is a multistep proof. You can’t logically jump to the conclusion skipping all the logic in between. That would be a straw man. Purposely misrepresenting your opponent's view to make your case. Do you remember geometry proofs? Can you rationally jump from a single given to the conclusion?The weak part is associating inflation with creation. The evidence for inflation is nothing more than evidence that inflation is a viable model.
You can't infer anything more than that. You can't say; inflation therefore God. There is no link between inflation and God (whatever that is).
Where did that come from? Are you confusing contingency and complexity? Are you addressing the TA (teleological argument?) If so, that is the first mention of it here in the thread and you appear to be challenging something I never said.There is no necessary link between complexity and a creator. The evidence for complexity says nothing about the presence or work of a creator. In fact the evidence supports natural evolution based on the characteristics of matter/energy, from which complexity emerged.
But even so…… what was the cause of matter and energy?
I’m fine with you playing Ostridge here for it does not hurt the argument. This truly requires a self blinding faith on your part.The prevailing position in science is that it is not known whether time had a beginning. The universe formed approximately 13 billion years ago,Precisely the opposite. I’m purporting the science directly infers a beginning of nature. And you won’t find many scientists that reasonably disagree. So where is the gap? The gap is one of your epistemological creations. You don’t know precisely “HOW” it began so you deny the obvious conclusion “THAT” it did begin with your idk inconsistency. Thus creating a gap.
Straw man.but this says nothing whatsoever about a creator.
There is evidence……. that supports a premise…….. in an argument……. the validly concludes ……the existence of a theistic God.There is no evidence that points to special creation. The evidence for a beginning to the universe is simply evidence for a beginning....not for how it began or why it began.
Until you can prove one of the premises false or show that the conclusion does not validly follow from the premises then you have failed to defeat the argument. Your consistent straw man attempts to jump from a single premise, over the argument, to the conclusion without considering the rest of the inferential trail does not challenge the validity of the conclusion following from the premises.
Straw man. Specifically jumps the premise to conclusion without examining the logic of the argument.The nature of the beginning is unknown. You can't say that God did it.
I fine with your Ostridge approach here.We can't even say that it was the absolute beginning (rather than cyclic) or anything else. It is unknown.
It’s not a claim it is an argument.To claim that the universe has to be created because it had a beginning is built on false assumptions.
You have not exposed any. Again….Your argument is built on false assumptions.
Premise 1 everything that begins to exist has a cause.
Premise 2 the universe began to exist.
Conclusion the universe has a cause.
We have debated premise 2 no doubt. But all you have to assert against premise 2 is your Ostridge approach. You can have it. I will side with the best scientific theories and their direct implications. I will consistently follow the evidence where it leads and not play Ostridge where is suits me. You can deny the implications of the science if you choose to. But that does not make premise 2 a false assumption.
See that is the power of an airtight argument. You can deny it, throw false charges against it, but the cost is the validity of your own reasoning.
Again you have not shown either premise to be false or that the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises. Despite the false obituaries this argument is far from dead.