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Do we have any Trump supporters here?

Nice Squirrel

Jun 15, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Only the Nice Squirrel can save us.
Is there anyone here who is planning on voting for Trump that supports him and is not just voting against Hillary?

What do you like about him?
Is there anyone here who is planning on voting for Trump that supports him and is not just voting against Hillary?

What do you like about him?

I like his winning attitude.

I think that Trump is the most negative politician that's ever run (at least in my lifetime). According to him, the US is mired in a hell hole with Jihadists attacking us every day! I don't think that he's a winner. I think that he's scared. Of what - I don't know....
I admit, I got sucked into watching "The Apprentice" because a friend of mine was a contestant.

When it morphed into "The Celebrity Apprentice" I kept watching because there were a few people on that show that I'd actually met and was rooting for to "win."

As such, I am a supporter of Trump going back to what he does well...hosting a television show.
I like his winning attitude.

I think that Trump is the most negative politician that's ever run (at least in my lifetime). According to him, the US is mired in a hell hole with Jihadists attacking us every day! I don't think that he's a winner. I think that he's scared. Of what - I don't know....

He's scared of people who say bad things about him.
I don't think he's scared. Maybe psychologically he's making up for a basic insecurity, but that would be normal, except that he takes it too far, a behavior probably attributable to low intellect. So I like his confidence.

But he needs a campaign slogan along the lines of, "My money, My ego, and Me.," Like that song "My Rifle, My Pony, and Me."

No, I don't vote for the douchebag.
Anybody with any intellect who supports trump is of the "burn it all down and start over" mentality. I know a few of those and have some sick urge in that direction myself... but it is just too risky.

With Hilary you have the same old same old bought politician saying one thing and doing another. With Trump you have a complete wild card that would shake things up and who knows what would come out of it after he's gone and you have the next election. He may completely reshape politics if he gets in.
Is there anyone here who is planning on voting for Trump that supports him and is not just voting against Hillary?

What do you like about him?
Trump supporters? I thought you were talking a new kind of stocking or girdle
I support Trump because I like getting drunk and watching fires and there's an American city just across the lake from me. A Clinton presidency isn't going to accidentally burn that place down.
I like him because he's God's gift to American politics.
Who else could have single-handedly destroyed the solid neo-con obstructionist bloc?
Who else could have so awakened the public to the assiduous mendacity that has become part and parcel of republican tactical approach to governance?
Who else would have DARED to so closely emulate Adolph Hitler's populist message of the 1930s?

The thing about the insidious conversion of our democracy to oligarchic fascism that has long been the republican agenda, is it's no longer insidious - it's blatant! Thanks to teh Donald.
Anybody with any intellect who supports trump is of the "burn it all down and start over" mentality. I know a few of those and have some sick urge in that direction myself... but it is just too risky.

With Hilary you have the same old same old bought politician saying one thing and doing another. With Trump you have a complete wild card that would shake things up and who knows what would come out of it after he's gone and you have the next election. He may completely reshape politics if he gets in.

Actually voting for him based on that would require rather extreme ignorance of how politics actually works and that any chaos only advantages the people who already have the most power, because they have to power to direct what emerges from the chaos. There is no such thing as "start over" without a very literal burning to the ground of country and civilization, which despite hyperbole will not come close to happening. Not to mention, for reasons despite Trump, the economy could continue its upward trend and easily put him back in office for a second term, and increase GOP power and corporatism in the long term.

The 3-4 SCOTUS judges that Trump and the GOP could put on the bench would have a lifetime of destructive impact far exceeding any random positives from a "shakeup" effect.

I don't think anyone with any "intellect" would actually serious act upon that notion and vote Trump (or simply not vote for Hillary for the same type of reason).
I want to know what future elections would look like if Trump managed to win this, given his completely unorthodox approach breaking every conventional rule of campaigning. Would it be an anomaly or would it really change things going forward?
In a more serious vein:


I have some family members who are Trump supporters. In my defense, they are related to me only by marriage and I only actually like one of them. For the most part, these family are uneducated racists and bigots. But hey, the internet makes us all equals, right? And so does Facebook.
I want to know what future elections would look like if Trump managed to win this, given his completely unorthodox approach breaking every conventional rule of campaigning.

Probably something like this:
I want to know what future elections would look like if Trump managed to win this, given his completely unorthodox approach breaking every conventional rule of campaigning. Would it be an anomaly or would it really change things going forward?

He's going to lose. Possibly a big loss. The problem may be that in the future, other GOP candidates emulate his successful populist approach. We may see a more calculated "crazy" aimed at the typical Trump type supporters. The pitchfork and torches voters. Right winger radio and Faux cable have wound the right winged voters up so tight that moderate Republicanism is moribund if not dead. There are hot spots in this nation that are so red, no Democrat has a chance no matter how loony their GOP opponent is, but that model won't work on a nationwide level.
But Trump showed a possible way. Now we can expect controlled crazy. More wedge issues and plays to angry voters. Post 2016 presidential elections will be most interesting to watch.
I trust there are still enough sane Americans to ensure Mr Trump loses, though after the Brexit vote here I think the world-wide irrationality caused by the lack of a sane alternative is very strong. The trouble is that, yes, he will infect future generations of rightists with his tv-trained nuttiness, and make any democracy very difficult to keep going.
I want to know what future elections would look like if Trump managed to win this, given his completely unorthodox approach breaking every conventional rule of campaigning. Would it be an anomaly or would it really change things going forward?

He's going to lose. Possibly a big loss. The problem may be that in the future, other GOP candidates emulate his successful populist approach. We may see a more calculated "crazy" aimed at the typical Trump type supporters. The pitchfork and torches voters. Right winger radio and Faux cable have wound the right winged voters up so tight that moderate Republicanism is moribund if not dead. There are hot spots in this nation that are so red, no Democrat has a chance no matter how loony their GOP opponent is, but that model won't work on a nationwide level.
But Trump showed a possible way. Now we can expect controlled crazy. More wedge issues and plays to angry voters. Post 2016 presidential elections will be most interesting to watch.
The one thing to keep in mind is that his nuttiness isn't working, so it'll be hard to try and recapture this wave of far right-wing support of Trump because the price of that support comes at losing 10 to 20+ points in Republican support, forget about Independents!

The question is how do his strong supporters / brown shirts handle a landslide. They seem to think Trump is actually winning at this point, they are that deluded.
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