It’s really weird, this idea we are going to colonize the solar system and then the galaxy and perhaps the rest of the universe.
It’s unwarranted techno-hubris, and plenty fall for it, not only charlatans like Musk but truly bright people like Stephen Hawking.
Musk want to send five million people to live on Mars. How? How are you going to sustain five million people on a planet that is utterly inimical to human life? At what expense, even if it could be done (and we haven’t a clue how to do it)? What is going to be the return on this massive investment? What will these humans on Mars produce, to recover the cost of the initial investment and turn a profit? Nothing, is what. The whole thing is a pipe dream.
Going beyond that is insanity. Hawking spoke of finding other earth-like planets for humans to live on to assure human survival in case of a catastrophe on earth. Huh? If there are other earth-like planets out there, then they are inhabited. The reason that the earth is the way that it is, is because of its life.
Like Spanish conquistadors, are we going to enslave/exterminate other sentients for our own benefit? Who gave us the right to do this, even assuming, without evidence, that is possible to reach these other earth-like worlds? Who even knows if there are other worlds fit for human habitations out there?
This techno-hubris is like secular Goddism, that idea that we are going to be led to a new Promised Land, not by a supernatural God but by a technology we almost certainly can never hope to muster. Real life is no more a Star Trek movie than it is the Bible.
There is no Planet B. What we should be paying attention to is our own planet, the only planet we have and most likely will ever have. We are destroying it. We should forget about this fantasy about colonizing other worlds and focus on saving our own world for ourselves and the generations to come.