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Does absolute truth exist?

No. I want you to defend your nonsense.

You claim there is more than one context to examine truths.

Give me another context besides the context of our existence here and now.

What possible other context do you think is available for us to examine truth?

the context where what we think is reasonable, for one

This is a context beyond the context of our existence here and now?

the context where we aren't brains in a jar, for two

This is an imaginary nonexistent context. As likely as the context of heaven and hell.

the context where truth is attainable, for three

How is it not attainable in the context of our existence here and now?

I drop the ball. It falls to the ground.

That truth is easily attainable.

now there you have three contexts for the affirmative, need I tell you more?

You need to give me something I can reasonably consider.

You haven't given me that. Just because you write words that does not mean you have transcended the context of our existence here and now. It is impossible to escape that context and to consider other imaginary contexts, like heaven, is irrational.

Your idea of other contexts belongs in the religion section.
in your scenario where your balls drop to the ground you are imagining gravity in the context of your balls falling, it is a made up context.
the made up context is your balls falling to the ground.
you made up the context to illustrate that gravity had some bearing in your context that there is only one context.
the rest of your post is idiotic and so is your assumption there is only one context.
you say there is a context of the here and now of our existence then provide an alternate context, you are a real winner when you try and deny what you yourself mention.
in your scenario where your balls drop to the ground you are imagining gravity in the context of your balls falling, it is a made up context.

I'm not imagining gravity. I'm observing an effect due to what we label gravity.

But gravity is a truth in the context of our existence here and now.

It is a truth we can rationally talk about.
in your scenario where your balls drop to the ground you are imagining gravity in the context of your balls falling, it is a made up context.

I'm not imagining gravity. I'm observing an effect due to what we label gravity.

But gravity is a truth in the context of our existence here and now.

It is a truth we can rationally talk about.
but your balls are imagined, it is an imagined context.
you imagine a context where gravity has an effect, in addition to the widely accepted context that gravity exists with non-imagined observables.
2 fucking contexts that you propose and then you deny there is more than one context.
I'm not imagining gravity. I'm observing an effect due to what we label gravity.

But gravity is a truth in the context of our existence here and now.

It is a truth we can rationally talk about.
but your balls are imagined, it is an imagined context.

The ball is real. It fell.

It is in the past but it is still a truth.

It did fall.
but your balls are imagined, it is an imagined context.

The ball is real. It fell.

It is in the past but it is still a truth.

It did fall.
you jest...
you got to be fucking kidding.
"still a truth" why not absolute truth?
did it fall in all contexts?
here let me help you: it didn't fall in all contexts.
The ball is real. It fell.

It is in the past but it is still a truth.

It did fall.
you jest...
you got to be fucking kidding.
"still a truth" why not absolute truth?
did it fall in all contexts?
here let me help you: it didn't fall in all contexts.

What is a context where it wouldn't fall? Are you saying that, from time to time, gravity just decides to stop working or not attract objects?
you jest...
you got to be fucking kidding.
"still a truth" why not absolute truth?
did it fall in all contexts?
here let me help you: it didn't fall in all contexts.

What is a context where it wouldn't fall? Are you saying that, from time to time, gravity just decides to stop working or not attract objects?
any number of contexts potentially.
off the top of my head any context that has a explanation where gravity doesn't exist sufficient for the existence of gravity to not be an absolute truth.
this isn't the science area this is logic & epistemology area
The ball is real. It fell.

It is in the past but it is still a truth.

It did fall.
you jest...
you got to be fucking kidding.
"still a truth" why not absolute truth?
did it fall in all contexts?
here let me help you: it didn't fall in all contexts.

You keep saying absolutely nothing.

What context, real context, did it not fall? Remembering the ball already fell.
you jest...
you got to be fucking kidding.
"still a truth" why not absolute truth?
did it fall in all contexts?
here let me help you: it didn't fall in all contexts.

You keep saying absolutely nothing.

What context, real context, did it not fall? Remembering the ball already fell.
oh if a ball fell I agree it fell, now prove the ball falling is absolute truth.
you catch fire like wet lumber.
remember this: " Absolute truth is a truth that is true in all contexts." it is in the OP in case you forgot.
you might be missing the nuance that we can agree that something is true but that doesn't make it an absolute truth.
You keep saying absolutely nothing.

What context, real context, did it not fall? Remembering the ball already fell.

oh if a ball fell I agree it fell, now prove the ball falling is absolute truth.

Since in the only context available to us, our present existence, the ball fell, according to your definition it is absolute truth.
oh if a ball fell I agree it fell, now prove the ball falling is absolute truth.

Since in the only context available to us, our present existence, the ball fell, according to your definition it is absolute truth.
no I agree it fell in the context of information or observation that it fell, that is hardly all contexts.
there is a context where the earth fell to the ball and the mechanism that caused it is unknown.
this isn't a physics class this is logic.
remember this: " Absolute truth is a truth that is true in all contexts."
in the context of one brain cell you are doing well.
Since in the only context available to us, our present existence, the ball fell, according to your definition it is absolute truth.
no I agree it fell in the context of information or observation that it fell, that is hardly all contexts.
there is a context where the earth fell to the ball and the mechanism that caused it is unknown.
this isn't a physics class this is logic.
remember this: " Absolute truth is a truth that is true in all contexts."
in the context of one brain cell you are doing well.

Actually, I remember this example from Physics 1001, except it uses a painting on a wall and the wall is in a spaceship. The spaceship accelerates at 9.8 meter per second squared, at the same instant the wire holding the painting breaks. An observer would not be able to determine if the wall is accelerating in space, or the painting is falling on Earth.
there is a context where the earth fell to the ball and the mechanism that caused it is unknown.

If the earth fell to the ball I would have felt a push. I was standing on the earth.

No, the ball fell.
there is a context where the earth fell to the ball and the mechanism that caused it is unknown.

If the earth fell to the ball I would have felt a push. I was standing on the earth.

No, the ball fell.
not in that context. duh...
notice the words "the mechanism that caused it is unknown."
that is a big "IF"
If the earth fell to the ball I would have felt a push. I was standing on the earth.

No, the ball fell.
not in that context. duh...

Only in a non-existent imaginary context.

A context in which it is worthless and irrational to expect to talk of truths.

We might as well talk about the truth of the golden streets of heaven.
not in that context. duh...

Only in a non-existent imaginary context.

A context in which it is worthless and irrational to expect to talk of truths.
this is about absolute truth.
when are you going to figure that out?
remember : "Absolute truth is a truth that is true in all contexts."
that includes a context which you feel is worthless.
so a worthless context keeps your little scenario and truth from being absolute truth.
man this is like shooting a whale in a barrel
Only in a non-existent imaginary context.

A context in which it is worthless and irrational to expect to talk of truths.
this is about absolute truth.

And I am trying to figure out the difference between "absolute" truth and just plain truth.

The ball fell. That is a truth. In reality the earth fell a little too, but far too little to measure.

That is a truth.

We gain nothing by saying it is an "absolute" truth and lose nothing by saying it is not an "absolute" truth.

This talk of absolute truths is nonsense.
This talk of absolute truths is nonsense.
check the thread title, I think your time has been misspent reaching a conclusion that might include the notion that absolute truth doesn't exist.
thanks for playing!
This talk of absolute truths is nonsense.
check the thread title, I think your time has been misspent reaching a conclusion that might include the notion that absolute truth doesn't exist.
thanks for playing!

I tried to play, but really there was nothing to play with.

We have the truths of our present existence.

There is no such thing as an "absolute" truth. The word "absolute" has no meaning in that context.
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