• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Does anyone actually believe Trump?

How they reconcile his continued lies about factual things is still a bit of a mystery, but once you accept one lie for expediency, how does one distinguish it from the rest?
I think they compartmentalize. Trump appeals to their emotions which makes them feel good. The folks I know who support Bonespurs do so because he shares their racist tendencies.

Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?
Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

That word you are using, "facts"? The rest of the human race doesn't use it the same way you do. For most people a "fact" is an accurate observation that is verifiable externally. For example:

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

...is only a fact if there is some evidence supporting it. You know, like a quote. The shit you are spewing is what most people simply call nonsensical crap.

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

More nonsensical crap. Someone is confusing "facts" with "nonsensical bullshit that corresponds with my feelings" and it ain't me.
Trump tells it like it is.

Aside from that being utterly meaningless, in regard to anything factual, it is demonstrably false.

He doesn't sugar coat things.

Which is code for, “He openly hates and bullies people he believes are inferior to him.” And:

That's why we like him.

Now you have it.

Remember when Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" People believed him and it was a lie.

False. What Obama was saying is that, under his proposal (the initial proposal) was that the Government would not choose your doctor for you, which was a main concern for ignorant people who didn’t understand what he was proposing. And the GOP, of course, kept telling ignorant people that Obama was going to make the Government tell them who their doctor was going to be.

Literally every time he ever said “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” it was always within that simple context; that no, the Govenment was not going to tell you which doctor you had to go to, if you like your current doctor, then under his plan you can keep your current doctor.

Now here you are repeating the GOP’s lie.
community is mostly a disaster everywhere and trying to fix it by choosing a political party is silly

but I somewhat agree with this commenter:

The left in the US have always been defined by their anti-patriotism. The whole underpinnings of the leftist movement here can be traced directly to communist dissidents. Patriotism is anathema to the left here.
We are two pages in this discussion and still not a single Trump supporter has chimed in. You know the answer.

Trump tells it like it is.

You spelled "Trump lies constantly" wrong.

He doesn't sugar coat things.

Unvarnished bullshit is still bullshit.

That's why we like him.

No. You like him because he hates the same people you hate, or pretends to anyway. I know this because I saw it in a YouTube comment, so you can't refute it.

Remember when Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" People believed him and it was a lie.

I kept my doctor, so how was it a lie? I have had to change primary care physicians three times in the past 20 years, two of those times it was because my insurance company told me I could not keep my doctor, the other was because the doctor had cancer and stopped practicing (he died a year later and was only in his 30s).
Trump tells it like it is.
he's been gaslighting you for three months about C19, alone.
He doesn't sugar coat things.
yes, actually, he does. He invented a google website to reassure people about the gross failure to test adequately.
He didn't want dick Americans repatriated because the number of cases in the US would increase.
That's why we like him.
then you're gaslighting yourself.
Remember when Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" People believed him and it was a lie.
and that's about the only one you guys can find. Of course, no one's ever proven it was AN INTENTIONAL FALSEHOOD. Might just have been optimism.
Trump, on the other hand, lies daily.

Which is why the thread exists...
How they reconcile his continued lies about factual things is still a bit of a mystery, but once you accept one lie for expediency, how does one distinguish it from the rest?
I think they compartmentalize. Trump appeals to their emotions which makes them feel good. The folks I know who support Bonespurs do so because he shares their racist tendencies.

Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

This is a brilliant piece of sophistry.

First a less than subtle bit of character assassination. Second, a very strange bit if economic analysis, where sickness is compared to winning the lottery.

Paying a sum of money on a regular basis, in exchange for assurance one will not have to pay a much greater sum of money in the event of a catastrophic illness(or other loss) is the economic model of all insurance contracts. Do you know any insurance policy which operates differently? Other than the idea that getting sick is some kind of a return on your investment, which is snake like in itself, what is so serpentine about your portrayal of Bernie's plan?
How they reconcile his continued lies about factual things is still a bit of a mystery, but once you accept one lie for expediency, how does one distinguish it from the rest?
I think they compartmentalize. Trump appeals to their emotions which makes them feel good. The folks I know who support Bonespurs do so because he shares their racist tendencies.

Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

Its presentation of alleged facts has zero value due to the history of baseless and fact-free assertions on its part. So, "bullshit you liar" is all i have to say here to this poster.
"bullshit you liar" is all i have to say here to this poster.

Yawn. This is the same one (or 'bot that hasn't seen its scheduled update in over a month) who says this fake pandemic thing will be "over" by April.
That's how disconnected it is from reality. I'm amazed that people here still respond.
Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

This is a brilliant piece of sophistry.

First a less than subtle bit of character assassination. Second, a very strange bit if economic analysis, where sickness is compared to winning the lottery.

Paying a sum of money on a regular basis, in exchange for assurance one will not have to pay a much greater sum of money in the event of a catastrophic illness(or other loss) is the economic model of all insurance contracts. Do you know any insurance policy which operates differently? Other than the idea that getting sick is some kind of a return on your investment, which is snake like in itself, what is so serpentine about your portrayal of Bernie's plan?

The majority of Americans can barely pay $300 a month for insurance. When Bernie raises the number to $500 or $600 a month, how are Americans just going to be able to pay that no problem? I KNOW they would rather pay the $300 and take a chance on getting sick over paying $500-$600 a month and free health care if you get sick.

His cultists hear "Free healthcare!" and clap like seals. They don't hear "Higher monthly payments!"
Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

This is a brilliant piece of sophistry.

First a less than subtle bit of character assassination. Second, a very strange bit if economic analysis, where sickness is compared to winning the lottery.

Paying a sum of money on a regular basis, in exchange for assurance one will not have to pay a much greater sum of money in the event of a catastrophic illness(or other loss) is the economic model of all insurance contracts. Do you know any insurance policy which operates differently? Other than the idea that getting sick is some kind of a return on your investment, which is snake like in itself, what is so serpentine about your portrayal of Bernie's plan?

The majority of Americans can barely pay $300 a month for insurance. When Bernie raises the number to $500 or $600 a month, how are Americans just going to be able to pay that no problem? I KNOW they would rather pay the $300 and take a chance on getting sick over paying $500-$600 a month and free health care if you get sick.

His cultists hear "Free healthcare!" and clap like seals. They don't hear "Higher monthly payments!"

What planet have you been living on? Anyone who can "barely pay $300 a month is very likely eligible for an ACA insurance policy, which will probably cost less than $100 a month, and likely to be much less. The amount of the premium paid by the policy holder depends upon income and family size.

One of President Trump's many promises during the 2016 campaign was "Healthcare insurance for everyone and lower premiums." He said he had a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare in the first 30 days. The plan never appeared and what eventually made it to Congress could not be passed by either the House or the Senate, despite a GOP majority.
If there are any cultists in this mix, it's the people who voted for Trump and then never asked why he did not live up to his promises.

Here's a question for you: Suppose you do not have any healthcare insurance, either private or government, and you are hit by a car while crossing the street. You are taken to a hospital, where your traumatic injuries are treated. You don't have any assets or income. Who pays for your treatment?
The majority of Americans can barely pay $300 a month for insurance. When Bernie raises the number to $500 or $600 a month, how are Americans just going to be able to pay that no problem? I KNOW they would rather pay the $300 and take a chance on getting sick over paying $500-$600 a month and free health care if you get sick.

His cultists hear "Free healthcare!" and clap like seals. They don't hear "Higher monthly payments!"

What planet have you been living on? Anyone who can "barely pay $300 a month is very likely eligible for an ACA insurance policy, which will probably cost less than $100 a month, and likely to be much less. The amount of the premium paid by the policy holder depends upon income and family size.

One of President Trump's many promises during the 2016 campaign was "Healthcare insurance for everyone and lower premiums." He said he had a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare in the first 30 days. The plan never appeared and what eventually made it to Congress could not be passed by either the House or the Senate, despite a GOP majority.
If there are any cultists in this mix, it's the people who voted for Trump and then never asked why he did not live up to his promises.

Here's a question for you: Suppose you do not have any healthcare insurance, either private or government, and you are hit by a car while crossing the street. You are taken to a hospital, where your traumatic injuries are treated. You don't have any assets or income. Who pays for your treatment?

Apparently nobody would pay. I've known people who couldn't pay their hospital bill and they just tore it up. You can't go to jail for not paying a hospital bill. I suppose this would be the Bernie Bro mentality. Have a doctor fix you up and then say "screw 'em."

It's the same with people who can't pay their credit cards. They just ignore them and stop caring.
Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

This is a brilliant piece of sophistry.

First a less than subtle bit of character assassination. Second, a very strange bit if economic analysis, where sickness is compared to winning the lottery.

Paying a sum of money on a regular basis, in exchange for assurance one will not have to pay a much greater sum of money in the event of a catastrophic illness(or other loss) is the economic model of all insurance contracts. Do you know any insurance policy which operates differently? Other than the idea that getting sick is some kind of a return on your investment, which is snake like in itself, what is so serpentine about your portrayal of Bernie's plan?

The majority of Americans can barely pay $300 a month for insurance. When Bernie raises the number to $500 or $600 a month, how are Americans just going to be able to pay that no problem? I KNOW they would rather pay the $300 and take a chance on getting sick over paying $500-$600 a month and free health care if you get sick.

His cultists hear "Free healthcare!" and clap like seals. They don't hear "Higher monthly payments!"

Does anyone actually believe Half Life.
The majority of Americans can barely pay $300 a month for insurance. When Bernie raises the number to $500 or $600 a month, how are Americans just going to be able to pay that no problem? I KNOW they would rather pay the $300 and take a chance on getting sick over paying $500-$600 a month and free health care if you get sick.

His cultists hear "Free healthcare!" and clap like seals. They don't hear "Higher monthly payments!"

Does anyone actually believe Half Life.

It's not a secret. Bernie already said taxes and premiums would go up, but if you went to the hospital you wouldn't be charged.

So as I said, the only way to win with Bernie's plan is to hope you get sick. Otherwise, you're wasting more of your money. Bernie doesn't have to worry because he has great healthcare as a government employee!

Snake Bernie.
We are two pages in this discussion and still not a single Trump supporter has chimed in. You know the answer.

Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't sugar coat things. That's why we like him.

Remember when Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" People believed him and it was a lie.

Note how he has massively flipped on the threat of Covid-19. The projections of the experts didn't change, it's just he was becoming a Baghdad Bob.

And remember how he didn't want to bring the people from the Grand Princess off the ship because he didn't want to increase the infected count? It's not like moving them changed the number of infected people one bit, it's just he could pretend they weren't US cases. (And then he proceeded to fuck things up badly by not providing PPE for the people dealing with them.)
We are two pages in this discussion and still not a single Trump supporter has chimed in. You know the answer.

Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't sugar coat things. That's why we like him.

Remember when Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" People believed him and it was a lie.

Note how he has massively flipped on the threat of Covid-19. The projections of the experts didn't change, it's just he was becoming a Baghdad Bob.

And remember how he didn't want to bring the people from the Grand Princess off the ship because he didn't want to increase the infected count? It's not like moving them changed the number of infected people one bit, it's just he could pretend they weren't US cases. (And then he proceeded to fuck things up badly by not providing PPE for the people dealing with them.)

Hannity was just talking about how Trump's travel ban did more to curb the spread of the virus than anything else would've. He then showed a clip of Biden saying "the travel ban is racist." So we know Biden wouldn't have eneacted the travel ban. It would've been worse.

"Did the media praise Trump for the travel ban? Nope, they demonized him and called him racist like Biden did," Hannity added. "In the mind of anti-Trump cultists, Trump can do no right."

Just admit the travel ban is a GOOD THING. Keep in mind China also lied to us about the virus at first.
How they reconcile his continued lies about factual things is still a bit of a mystery, but once you accept one lie for expediency, how does one distinguish it from the rest?
I think they compartmentalize. Trump appeals to their emotions which makes them feel good. The folks I know who support Bonespurs do so because he shares their racist tendencies.

Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

Basically, under his plan you don't get screwed as badly if you get sick. Most people are going to be paying it off for years if something appreciable happens.
How they reconcile his continued lies about factual things is still a bit of a mystery, but once you accept one lie for expediency, how does one distinguish it from the rest?
I think they compartmentalize. Trump appeals to their emotions which makes them feel good. The folks I know who support Bonespurs do so because he shares their racist tendencies.

Appeals to emotions? You mean facts?

Bernie used to be against "millionaires and billionaires." Now he just rails against the billionaires. What changed? Bernie became a millionaire, of course!

The snake Bernie is the one you should be afraid of. Suppose you pay $300 a month for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, you would most likely pay $500 or $600 a month, but if you get sick, the treatment is free! So, in order to win with Bernie's plan, you need to get sick! Pretty snake-like stuff, huh?

Do you ever actually base anything on fact on not just bullshit you pull from your rectum?

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