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Does President Trump have Alzheimer's disease?

I feel like I'm slipping a bit too much into the conspiracy theory side of things, but a doctor saying things like "he has incredibly good genes, and it's just the way God made him", "he might live to be 200", etc, really raised some red flags for me. They just sound so... Trumpish.

Some people smoke and drink up to their 90's. Others live a healthy lifestyle and still die of heart disease. Genes matter.

Yeah, he's a very stable ubermensch.
Does commanding a soldier to lie count as an unlawful order?

I may be wrong, but I thought it was against HIPAA Privacy Rules for a doctor to reveal private information that a patient does not want revealed.

So all Trump would have to do is tell the doctor what he can and cannot make public.

Irrelevant. Yes, His Flatulence can tell the doc what he can and can't say about His Flatulence's health, but HIPAA doesn't let you command the doctor to lie, only to remain silent.
Muscle weighs more than fat.

So you think Trump is hunky, not fatty.


??? Muscle weighs more than fat. This was pointed because an earlier poster referenced that Schwarzenegger weighs more than Trump, in an apparent attempt to discredit Trump's medical examination. Trump is not healthier than Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger is heavier because of his muscles. You're at fourth degree Trump Derangement Syndrome, dude.
The "cognitive test" that Trump performed on is not at all in depth, and put simply couldn't tell us if Trump was in beginning stages of mental decline. Here, take a similar test yourself. If you don't get a perfect score yourself, for the love of god see a doctor now.

Why the square quotes around "cognitive test"? The test is designed to detect cognitive deficits due to decline associated with aging and dementia.

"and put simply couldn't tell us if Trump was in beginning stages of mental decline."

Well, it is in fact designed to detect mental decline. I don't understand the need to deny he checks out as far as the Alzheimer's speculation is concerned. For now.

Really, I think the most obvious explanation is that the guy is clearly out of his depth in the office of the president, he's almost certainly involved in sketchy shit with regards to money laundering, and the prospect of it all coming out is starting to take a toll. Even if that wasn't true, the burden of the office itself is taking a toll. I guess I'm biased, but he clearly cannot cope. Given his mercurial and narcissistic tendencies, well, he's behaving just about like what I would expect.

His entire career can be characterized as not doing really well in really sketchy businesses, like real-estate heavily involving hotels and casinos. After that, he moved to a bunch of mostly failed ventures that merely used his name and were built on exaggeration and bombastic branding, even delving into the downright absurd, e.g. Trump Steak, Trump University. You have to give him credit for something, his reality-tv persona, but the guy has clearly been about bluster and bullshit his entire life, and isn't at all that smart.
The "cognitive test" that Trump performed on is not at all in depth, and put simply couldn't tell us if Trump was in beginning stages of mental decline. Here, take a similar test yourself. If you don't get a perfect score yourself, for the love of god see a doctor now.

Why the square quotes around "cognitive test"? The test is designed to detect cognitive deficits due to decline associated with aging and dementia.

"and put simply couldn't tell us if Trump was in beginning stages of mental decline."

Well, it is in fact designed to detect mental decline. I don't understand the need to deny he checks out as far as the Alzheimer's speculation is concerned. For now.

Really, I think the most obvious explanation is that the guy is clearly out of his depth in the office of the president, he's almost certainly involved in sketchy shit with regards to money laundering, and the prospect of it all coming out is starting to take a toll. Even if that wasn't true, the burden of the office itself is taking a toll. I guess I'm biased, but he clearly cannot cope. Given his mercurial and narcissistic tendencies, well, he's behaving just about like what I would expect.

His entire career can be characterized as not doing really well in really sketchy businesses, like real-estate heavily involving hotels and casinos. After that, he moved to a bunch of mostly failed ventures that merely used his name and were built on exaggeration and bombastic branding, even delving into the downright absurd, e.g. Trump Steak, Trump University. You have to give him credit for something, his reality-tv persona, but the guy has clearly been about bluster and bullshit his entire life, and isn't at all that smart.
You're right that it is a real cognitive test designed to check for some types of mental deficits. Nevertheless, it wouldn't likely alert anyone to anything being amiss if Trump were in the beginning of say, frontal lobe dementia as some have been discussing.

The scare quotes are in regard to the way Trump is now using the test to once again prove his "stable genius" recently. I agree I didn't make this clear.

Finally, I agree with your comments about him simply being hopelessly out of his depth. I actually see no real reason to suspect actual medical deficits in brain function, only a narcissistic asshole with below average intelligence welding Dunning-Kreuger like its going out of style.
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