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Does The Soul Survive After Death?

My point being if 'god' is a natural process , so is farting, bowel movements, eating, sex, and urinating. Movements of the planets.

Many humans seem to have a deep need to have something mystical beyond them that they elevate and revere. Not just the religious. NOVA shows on physcs have dramtic spooky backround music amd hushed narration like you are in a church.

Again the use of the word god without definition.

From past readings in Buddhism and Humanism, 'god' is a state or level of awareness. Christ consciousness and Krishna consciousness being the same mental-emotional states..

Authors pandering to the masses use science to prove an eternal spirit existnce. Debak Chopra who is a degreed doctor weaves eastern mysticism with phsycs and entraklls audinces.

If god is a process, exactly what does that mean?
NOVA shows on physcs have dramtic spooky backround music amd hushed narration like you are in a church.
Lol! Is that causal, or the result of the audience’s presumed conditioned response to all things spooky and mystical. Sells more cars, drugs and insurance. That’s why producers get the big bucks!
NOVA shows on physcs have dramtic spooky backround music amd hushed narration like you are in a church.
Lol! Is that causal, or the result of the audience’s presumed conditioned response to all things spooky and mystical. Sells more cars, drugs and insurance. That’s why producers get the big bucks!
The all encompassing human nature.

Pop science is modern entertainment. It serves an important purpose, making science part of mainstream culture.
If god is a process, exactly what does that mean?

It means Evolution is God.
That is half the story. The other half is Entropy is God. The process is from one pole to the other.
Science babble, whatever floats your boat.
This is the only valid basis for science. Here is Waton:

God started out with an infinite and eternal idea of existence. This idea was in a state of absolutely highest organization and unity, because it was one infinite and eternal idea of infinite and eternal existence. This idea then differentiated itself into infinite series of ideas, each idea of which became a separate and distinct idea, and manifested itself in a separate and dis tinct material form. Thus came into existence the infinite pho tons, electrons, protons, atoms, molecules, and groups of molecules. Matter was then in a diffused state. Thus the diffused matter came into existence as the result of the law of entropy. And now that infinite matter was in a diffused state, the process of evolution began to integrate the diffused matter, and differentiated it into the infinite realities in existence. Entropy is the downward movement from the Absolute to diffused matter, and evolution is the upward movement back to the Absolute. The universe does not tend towards absolute death, it tends back to the highest organization. When the earth was prepared for life, life appeared on the earth's surface; it started out in the form of primordial living cells, the monera; then life integrated the cells into groups of cells, and groups of groups of cells; and thus, in time, life brought out an infinite series of living beings, one higher than the other, until man was brought out. Man started as an animal, then in succession he became a savage, a barbarian, a civilized man, and he is destined to become a superman, a rational and morally autonomous person. Thus we see the eternal cycle of creation. Viewing creation in this light, we see that out of chaos and darkness emerged creation; we see the dawn of light and the appearance of life; we see the infinite forms of life following one another, rising ever higher, until man appeared. The ladder of evolution stands on the basis of diffused matter, and reaches the Absolute. Thus existence begins with the highest organization, descends to universal disorganization, and then returns back to highest organization.
Science is models that quantitatively predict outcomes from inputs within specofied limits of the model. Anything else is philosophy, religion, or science fiction.

Newtonian mechanics. Kinetic Energy E in Joules = .5*mass*velocity^2. Quantitative prediction of energy given mass and velocity, bounded by the small nquantum scale and the fast relativistic scale.
^Your reductive view of science has served its historical purpose. The future of science is, as Spinoza states, "knowledge of the union of the soul [mens] with the whole of nature."
Ohhh Spinoza, that makes all the difference.

There are those that create new science and those that apply science, there are those that philsophize on science lookng in from the outside.

In the 19th century moden model based science evolved out of natural philosophy. The fieild of philosphy used to be everything but law and nedicine. You can go online and look at the classes at colleges that are under philosophy.

Now there is not much left for philosophy proper.

People on the forum have argued that science is philosophy in a broad sense. Some claimed philosophy owns science, and in turn philosophizing about science made them scientists.
My opinion on gods and souls is they're outmoded ways of talking about emergent phenomena -- things no less real (but far more significant) than the energy and matter from which they emerge. Some pre-modern thinkers like Plotinus need another look, to see if we didn't misunderstand them by thinking "that's all just supernaturalist woo". But they also need to be updated. The real enemy is the hyper-reductionism that makes "it's all just chemistry" seem like a non-psychotic thing to say.

I like some of the earliest Zen Buddhist thought where both metaphysical and scientific terminology was largely absent from their lexicon. They weren't really 'atheists' or 'materialists', or bound by any notion of science, but they were aware that daily, everyday life is all we have, and as such they tended to venerate common routines like eating and cleaning oneself. They also recognized the importance of compassion.

My experience is that a lot of people get lost in various philosophies, ideologies, ideas, and end up further from reality than when they started. When most of a meaningful life basically just means treating one's own body well, and being kind. No chemistry or souls required.
To me, philosophy is the act of linking consistent linguistic structures with observed principles and objects of reality, nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't matter if these are neuro-linguistic structures, or natural spoken/written language, or structured languages.

The point is that nobody can deny the thing I call a "soul" is something some things, in fact all things, have.

I can make it do work. It has a use. I could, with someone's (jarhyn's definition of) soul, literally resurrect them from the dead, copy them, modify them, put them in a designed heaven, put them in a designed hell.

It's just "the complete description of the thing".

Christians just fantasize that there's something "outside" capturing and retaining that data about us in a side-channeled way.

They saw a real and useful concept and then they made wank fantasies about it so they wouldn't feel afraid of death.
A fart is a dnamic process.

It seems to be everywhere but nowhere. Farts are mystical beyond our understanding..
I'm sure there are people who would take a shit in front of the Mona Lisa just to prove how free they are of any semblance of dignity.
I doubt the old gal would mind.
Perhaps she would know that some people are so desperate to kill the soul within them and within others that they will descend below the level of beasts to that of the cacademonic.
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