Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
My point being if 'god' is a natural process , so is farting, bowel movements, eating, sex, and urinating. Movements of the planets.
Many humans seem to have a deep need to have something mystical beyond them that they elevate and revere. Not just the religious. NOVA shows on physcs have dramtic spooky backround music amd hushed narration like you are in a church.
Again the use of the word god without definition.
From past readings in Buddhism and Humanism, 'god' is a state or level of awareness. Christ consciousness and Krishna consciousness being the same mental-emotional states..
Authors pandering to the masses use science to prove an eternal spirit existnce. Debak Chopra who is a degreed doctor weaves eastern mysticism with phsycs and entraklls audinces.
If god is a process, exactly what does that mean?
Many humans seem to have a deep need to have something mystical beyond them that they elevate and revere. Not just the religious. NOVA shows on physcs have dramtic spooky backround music amd hushed narration like you are in a church.
Again the use of the word god without definition.
From past readings in Buddhism and Humanism, 'god' is a state or level of awareness. Christ consciousness and Krishna consciousness being the same mental-emotional states..
Authors pandering to the masses use science to prove an eternal spirit existnce. Debak Chopra who is a degreed doctor weaves eastern mysticism with phsycs and entraklls audinces.
If god is a process, exactly what does that mean?