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Donald Trump: being President for Life is great

This country has already had one president-for-life. A lot of people (not me though) still seem to show him high regard, although a constitutional amendment was passed after he died to prevent it from happening again.
Wikipedia has  List of Presidents of the United States who died in office -- FDR was one of eight of them.

1841: William Henry Harrison, 1850: Zachary Taylor, 1865: Abraham Lincoln, 1881: James A. Garfield, 1901: William McKinley, 1923: Warren G. Harding, 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1963: John F. Kennedy

Natural causes: William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Assassination: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy

Seven of them died in their first or second term. One of them died in his fourth term. We have had one president-for-life, and it is a president that a lot of people think of as one of the great ones.
This country has already had one president-for-life. A lot of people (not me though) still seem to show him high regard, although a constitutional amendment was passed after he died to prevent it from happening again.
Wikipedia has  List of Presidents of the United States who died in office -- FDR was one of eight of them.

1841: William Henry Harrison, 1850: Zachary Taylor, 1865: Abraham Lincoln, 1881: James A. Garfield, 1901: William McKinley, 1923: Warren G. Harding, 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1963: John F. Kennedy

Natural causes: William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Assassination: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy

Seven of them died in their first or second term. One of them died in his fourth term. We have had one president-for-life, and it is a president that a lot of people think of as one of the great ones.

Not so universally popular that Congress didn't immediately pass a constitutional amendment to prevent it from happening again...
Seven of them died in their first or second term. One of them died in his fourth term. We have had one president-for-life, and it is a president that a lot of people think of as one of the great ones.

Not so universally popular that Congress didn't immediately pass a constitutional amendment to prevent it from happening again...

Well that's just terrible. How are we supposed to compete with Kim, Duterte, Erdogan, Putin et al without our very own dictator?
Seven of them died in their first or second term. One of them died in his fourth term. We have had one president-for-life, and it is a president that a lot of people think of as one of the great ones.

Not so universally popular that Congress didn't immediately pass a constitutional amendment to prevent it from happening again...

Well that's just terrible. How are we supposed to compete with Kim, Duterte, Erdogan, Putin et al without our very own dictator?

Well-behaved autocrats seldom make history.
FDR was not president for life. He had to be elected every 4 years.

Technically speaking neither is Xi Jinping. It's just not very hard to see the writing on the wall as far as the likelihood of his failing to re-appointed at this juncture.

I was tempted to say something about the legitimacy of China's elections compared to the U.S.'s. But then I remembered the current reality.
I was tempted to say something about the legitimacy of China's elections compared to the U.S.'s. But then I remembered the current reality.

Actually, they don't have public elections for the presidency in the first place; he is appointed by the People's Congress directly - and he is head of Party. Hence why this is something of a token gesture; he was going to remain in some kind of power regardless of supposed title or legal precedent, as did Deng Jiaoping before him.
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