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Donald Trump: being President for Life is great

Since he's still alive, wouldn't it be Carter?
No. Carter lost his election. He is not subject to the term limit rule. Even under current law there is nothing preventing him from running again, like Grover Cleveland.

That's not what he meant. He meant that if there were Presidents for life, then Carter being the only living President would be that President for life. No other Presidents such as Obama and Clinton would exist in that hypothetical world. Or at least he was positing that using the same rules to determine it would be Obama would arrive at a conclusion that it was Carter instead according to the poster...Of course we know that these were not 100% completely serious posts and everyone understands that a change would occur going forward not retroactively to past Presidents. I may be Captain Obvious today.
The right wing will, of course, dismiss this as a "joke" and insist that they don't understand why no one is laughing.

I can only imagine the play this will get in international media.
It was a joke, but with Trump he weaves way too much too closely, that it is extremely difficult to tell how deluded he is... being actually deluded and all.

What isn't a joke is that China is entering a new period of single man rule, a guy that is clearly intent on expanding Chinese influence bother through military and economics, something Trump is not capable of dealing with. That he referred to that so lightly, clearly is an indicator as to how stupid Trump is. Trump liked the Chinese leader a bit because he jacked him off with the military parade (which in itself was a propaganda parade towards the Chinese people).
The right wing will, of course, dismiss this as a "joke" and insist that they don't understand why no one is laughing.

I can only imagine the play this will get in international media.
It was a joke, but with Trump he weaves way too much too closely, that it is extremely difficult to tell how deluded he is... being actually deluded and all.

What isn't a joke is that China is entering a new period of single man rule, a guy that is clearly intent on expanding Chinese influence bother through military and economics, something Trump is not capable of dealing with. That he referred to that so lightly, clearly is an indicator as to how stupid Trump is. Trump liked the Chinese leader a bit because he jacked him off with the military parade (which in itself was a propaganda parade towards the Chinese people).

You are 110% right. However...or maybe additionally...If something is a joke, is it also necessarily ONLY a joke? Given your description of Trump's behavior, consider what would happen if Trump supporters jumped on his dictator bandwagon with support. A lot of it. He'd say, "I was just joking but maybe we should change the law."
Everyone thought it was a joke when he first started talking about running for president, too... Now look what we've got.
Everyone thought it was a joke when he first started talking about running for president, too... Now look what we've got.
Yeah, we are still awaiting the punchline. I think the best we can hope for is: “Does this orange jumpsuit make my ass look fat?”
Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN.“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
So he likes the idea of being President for Life?

The US is supposed to be a republic, not a monarchy. :p
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that wouldn't necessarily be mutually exclusive, right?

I've heard before the presidency referred to as temporary help. Of course, they're elected and not hired, but temporary just the same, but a life long presidency would still be a republic based on elections, like a monarchy could be.
If they put a rope around his neck, and hang him for being a Russian spy, he'll have been Preznit for Life.

Eldarion Lathria
The right wing will, of course, dismiss this as a "joke" and insist that they don't understand why no one is laughing.

I can only imagine the play this will get in international media.
It was a joke, but with Trump he weaves way too much too closely, that it is extremely difficult to tell how deluded he is... being actually deluded and all.

What isn't a joke is that China is entering a new period of single man rule, a guy that is clearly intent on expanding Chinese influence bother through military and economics, something Trump is not capable of dealing with. That he referred to that so lightly, clearly is an indicator as to how stupid Trump is. Trump liked the Chinese leader a bit because he jacked him off with the military parade (which in itself was a propaganda parade towards the Chinese people).

It's a very effective technique for eroding the system.

Say something outrageous. If people object, tell them you were joking. If they don't object, implement the outrageous idea.

Over time, people get less interested in objecting - after all, every time they object, it turns out you were joking, and they look foolish.
The right wing will, of course, dismiss this as a "joke" and insist that they don't understand why no one is laughing.

I can only imagine the play this will get in international media.
It was a joke, but with Trump he weaves way too much too closely, that it is extremely difficult to tell how deluded he is... being actually deluded and all.

What isn't a joke is that China is entering a new period of single man rule, a guy that is clearly intent on expanding Chinese influence bother through military and economics, something Trump is not capable of dealing with. That he referred to that so lightly, clearly is an indicator as to how stupid Trump is. Trump liked the Chinese leader a bit because he jacked him off with the military parade (which in itself was a propaganda parade towards the Chinese people).

It's a very effective technique for eroding the system.

Say something outrageous. If people object, tell them you were joking. If they don't object, implement the outrageous idea.

Over time, people get less interested in objecting - after all, every time they object, it turns out you were joking, and they look foolish.
Sure, but when I read the context, it felt like a joke. My problem is the China part of it, context that was apparently lost on him.
Over time, people get less interested in objecting - after all, every time they object, it turns out you were joking, and they look foolish.

"Was he serious?"
"I do not know for sure. He did keep coming back to the subject, but it was well after midnight."
"You think he was joking?"
"I do not know what he was doing. It is entirely possible that his sincerity would have depended on my reaction."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, you know, a girl says she's going to go take a shower, you ask if she wants company. If she says no, it was a joke, if she says yes then you follow her down the hall."
All in all, though, I don't think I'd call it a joke.

I think Trump really, really, really likes campaigning. Being in a big room full of people who love everything he says and everything he pretends to stand for, and will cheer ANYTHING he suggests, so he doesn't have to worry about if it's constitutional, legal, moral, ethical, possible, or smart.
They'll just clap and tell him he's right, and he leaves the stage feeling pumped and validated.

Then the talking heads ask 'What the FUCK was he thinking?' and he knows it's fake, because THE VOTERS liked what he said.

Of course, THE VOTERS that attend his rallies would cheer if he released The Joker's death-gas into the crowd, as long as he said that doing so would defeat Hillary, somehow.... Or if the unstoppable deaths would prove the futility of Obamacare, and bring about its demise...
Al Franken called something like this 'joking on the square'. It is only a joke, unless the answer is yes.

For example suggesting to your girlfriend you have a threeway with her friend. It is only a joke (unless she is up for it).
All in all, though, I don't think I'd call it a joke.

I think Trump really, really, really likes campaigning. Being in a big room full of people who love everything he says and everything he pretends to stand for, and will cheer ANYTHING he suggests, so he doesn't have to worry about if it's constitutional, legal, moral, ethical, possible, or smart.
They'll just clap and tell him he's right, and he leaves the stage feeling pumped and validated.

Then the talking heads ask 'What the FUCK was he thinking?' and he knows it's fake, because THE VOTERS liked what he said.

Of course, THE VOTERS that attend his rallies would cheer if he released The Joker's death-gas into the crowd, as long as he said that doing so would defeat Hillary, somehow.... Or if the unstoppable deaths would prove the futility of Obamacare, and bring about its demise...
Here in lies the other problem... it isn't as much Trump that is the problem... it is the runaway train that is this teabagger movement that has no one driving it. I heard Dennis Prager a couple weeks ago mention that Trump winning the election was a great thing for the country. This is the same guy that couldn't stand him before it became clear Trump was going to be the nominee. And even after winning the nomination, Prager couldn't sell Trump, and instead talked about the Supreme Court seat and the like. He is now acting as if Trump is a great thing. What causes that type of swing? Prager is supposed to be the intellectual conservative. Even Billy Kristol still hates Trump (though he hedges as well to a point).

Trump's followers have no political ideals other than "USA!!!" and sticking it to foreign nations. They love the alpha male bully. So they'll support him even if he is walking them to their deaths, though they'd prefer jailing or killing liberals if given the right pep talk. The Republican Party is loving the cover it has provided as they stuff judicial appointments, so they continue their odd walk on the line between patriotism and collaborators.

And the Democrats have no idea how to tackle this as the Republicans clearly don't care about the nation and want single party rule.

The only way out is a thunderous landslide loss in '18 not unlike that seen in Canada in 1993. The landslide we were expecting in '16. The fate of America against this rudderless fascist movement is in the hands of the voters themselves.
The really disturbing aspect of this, from my POV, is that the room applauded.

^^^ That.

I don't expect anything different from Cadet Bone Spurs. I knew before he was anywhere remotely near being elected :sick-green: that he's a wannabe dictator.

But his *joke* should have been met with dead uncomfortable silence.

That it didn't just goes to show how dictators arise throughout world history
The really disturbing aspect of this, from my POV, is that the room applauded.

Rooms full of dumbfucks are Trump's playground, not representative of American sentiment.

But those dumb fucks are loud and have hijacked the narrative.

I mean, yesterday I asked on my Facebook page for someone Christian/conservative to explain how it is that the party of "family values" can support a man who is being sued by a porn star for not signing off on the Non Disclosure Agreement they made to cover up the affair he had while newly married to his third wife...and then there was the hush money. How is that okay? Well here's the answer from the Trump supporter:

I would never say that is okay or try to make an excuse for that. That said, it was consentual and happened long before he was in politics.

Seriously. That one sentence encapsulates the twisted thinking. "I'd never try to make an excuse for that, but here's the excuse."

That thing that Trump said about being able to shoot someone on 5th Ave. and he wouldn't lose support? Truer words were never spoken.
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