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Elizabeth II has died

It is being reported that Queen Elizabeth is gravely ill. Her family is rushing to be with her.
I have to be honest.

I could care less about a monarch, the head of an aristocratic family with hereditary privilege and wealth. Living in castles and palaces.

Charles the next king is not the brightest bulb in the word, a product of centures of inbreeding. William moves over here and complains no one respects his past aristocratic position and privilege.

It is one reason why we had a revolution. Telling royals to get lost.
I am underconvinced that the death of a 96 year old should be surprising, yet I find myself surprised.

As a lifelong republican, I can't quite elevate my status to 'sad', but it's doubtless devastating for her family, and they have my sympathy, as do all families who lose their relatives.
She did so much... she did so little. She is uniquely beloved across most of the globe. The world completely changed during her reign. Not because of her, but she oversaw the throne during a very unique loooooong period of time.

And for a little levity:

Also... video of her conquest of England in the 1950s.

On the Passing of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor

I think the monarchy is thing best left on the dust bin of history. But I shed a tear for that thirteen year old girl who had her house bombed nightly by Nazis, who went into the army at 18 and trained as a driver and mechanic, the shy girl by death made a queen too soon.

Queen Elizabeth was an anachronism. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was a woman.

And for her I will mourn.
I'm surprised that she died so quickly, since she was active up to the last day of her life. I expected her to more-or-less fade away. She had lived a long life, so I expected her to have more endurance.

Two days before, she appointed Liz Truss as Prime Minister, ratifying the decision that the Tory Party had made.
Just two days before doctors placed Queen Elizabeth II under medical supervision, prompting concern across the UK, the Queen had appointed Liz Truss as Britain's new Prime Minister after the resignation of Boris Johnson.

Former Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, 47, was seen in an official photograph shaking hands with the monarch to accept her offer to form a new government and become the 15th Prime Minister of her 70-year reign.

The symbolic ceremony took place at the sovereign's remote Balmoral retreat in the Scottish Highlands, as the queen, 96, was deemed unfit to return to London due to ill health.

I looked for official press releases, but all I got was a splash page with "Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022" on it. From the news articles, the announcement press release contained:

"The Queen received in Audience The Right Honourable Elizabeth Truss MP today and requested her to form a new Administration."

"Ms Truss accepted Her Majesty's offer and kissed hands upon her appointment as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury."
The monarchy is like Doctor Who. A silly British show that hardly makes sense these days, but that's somehow considered the right thing to keep going despite the loony plots and one-dimensional characters. But at least the process of selecting the next monarch is a lot more straightforward than casting the next doctor.
Speaking about time flying by... Charles has been married to Camilla for 17 years?!
If I had to have a meeting with Liz Truss every single morning, I would probably be dead within a week, too.
Oh, I think you could last at least two weeks.

And then you'd shoot her.

I could be wrong about that last part. I am an American after all. We always put up with shit too long, then shoot each other.

That's our thing.
William moves over here and complains no one respects his past aristocratic position and privilege.
Do you have any examples of these complaints?
I mixed up the royals. I meant Harry, aka Prince Harry.

He publicly whined on how he was being treated in the media. He didn't seem to udestand we have free speech. He thought sometng shoud be done about reporting. There was also something about his expecting the government to provide security.

Another arrogant spoiled aristocrat.

Remember he left England and his family because the royals rejected and would not accept a biracaial kid as a part of thefamily. The queen coud have stepped in and make a point of opening the family to hs wife and kid, and did nothing.

Friends and countrymen, we come to burry the queen not to praise her.
Twitter at its censorious best;

Twitter has removed a series of vile tweets written by a critical race theory professor who was mocking Queen Elizabeth II just hours before her death, prompting thousands of people including Jeff Bezos to slam her for the insolent words. Uju Anya is an 'anti racist' teacher and associate professor at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and she sparked outrage after calling the ailing Queen the head of a 'thieving, raping, genocidal empire'. Writing shortly before the Queen's death was announced, Anya said she hoped the Monarch's final hours of pain 'be excruciating.' Her appalling invective has ignited a firestorm of outrage, and cast a light on previous attempts by hundreds of people to get the outspoken academic fired from her teaching job for her violent, racist words.
In a disgusting tweet, now deleted by Twitter, modern language teacher Anya wrote: 'I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating. 'If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star. 'That wretched woman and her bloodthirsty throne have f***** generations of my ancestors on both sides of the family, and she supervised a government that sponsored the genocide my parents and siblings survived. May she die in agony.' Twitter later removed the posts for violating their rules.

Daily Mail
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