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Emailgate Update - For Hillary No News is Good News. Sadly, there is New News. ;)

Only "apparently..." as stated by whom?
An unnamed element.​

Sorry, NS, that answers the wrong question. I did not ask WHAT was apparently true; I asked to whom is this letter and report only apparently true, other than you?

It is far more than apparent, there is no dispute:

a letter to Capitol Hill, obtained by The Hill and FoxNews, from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III says that Clinton had highly classified information known as “special access programs” (SAP) on her private server. He reports what he has obtained:

"...two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element,” and “These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. (etc.)."

The letter has says that the related SAP/Top Secret information is provided under separate cover to the committee, because it is classified.

Nothing "apparent" about it. No one disputes the authenticity of the letter, nor the contents.

Done deal.
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I still don't see anything except than idiocy of State Department for allowing external email servers to be used at all. This stupid witch hunt is diverting from the real problem that no Secretary or other government official should be allowed to use their own email account, even if it means that they might have to carry a separate device for their personal use.

If I work for a corporation that has a policy of not using anything but company email account, and I send some trade secrets over my hotmail account, then I'm very likely violating the company security policy and could be fired on the spot, and be liable for damages if any of the secrets actually leak (since my password is "password1", duh how else am I gonna remember it?).

On the ther hand, if my employer explicitly says that I can use hotmail for work, and my coworkers send me their secret documents all the time to my spicegirls4evah@hotmail.com account, it'd be unfair to hold me accountable for my employer's lack of proper security policy. I'm not a computer security expert, and neither is Clinton.
I agree. You can't expect a politician to understand security. There must have been people who were responsible for that shit and they should have told these elected critters like Hillary "You can't do that, period"
Even though Clinton is arrogant and entitled, to be fair, the Republican Party is probably tapping directly into the White House computer servers.
Where is the harm?

Who was hurt?

For those who say this is anything please answer these questions or admit this is nothing but a political witch hunt.
Where is the harm?

Who was hurt?

For those who say this is anything please answer these questions or admit this is nothing but a political witch hunt.
Well, by that logic drunk drivers should be let go as long as there is no harm.
Well, if we're going to equate it with drunk driving, let's fine Hillary (maybe censor her for a short time period or something) and then move-on! The longer the investigation goes on the more that it appears to be nothing but politics as usual.
Anyone remember the leak of the CIA NOC-List agent under W? Or when the W Admin spilled the beans about how our drones could fire weapons? How about that time when the W Admin was playing spin when our soldiers were being blown up in Iraq between '03 and '06? Then you have Iran-Contra when the Reagan Admin illegally sold weapons to the fucking enemy.

And here we are hearing about people whining about email security. Not selling secrets. Not compromising American security. Not aiding the enemy. Email security.
Anyone remember the leak of the CIA NOC-List agent under W? Or when the W Admin spilled the beans about how our drones could fire weapons? How about that time when the W Admin was playing spin when our soldiers were being blown up in Iraq between '03 and '06? Then you have Iran-Contra when the Reagan Admin illegally sold weapons to the fucking enemy.

And here we are hearing about people whining about email security. Not selling secrets. Not compromising American security. Not aiding the enemy. Email security.

Well, to be fair to the GOP, they did first try multiple times to have her arrested for the assassination of a US Ambassador in BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's only after it turned out that she was clever enough to hide the evidence of her guilt in that one that they went after her for the emails.

It's sort of like how when they couldn't arrest Al Capone for murder, they had him shot for driving with a broken tail light.
It's only after it turned out that she was clever enough to hide the evidence of her guilt in that one that they went after her for the emails.
I think that's what we need in a president. Sneaky. The biggest enemy to the Oval Office is going to be the conservative talking heads for the next few years. We don't need someone too transparent, giving them straight lines.

Make Limbaugh work for a living.
It's only after it turned out that she was clever enough to hide the evidence of her guilt in that one that they went after her for the emails.
I think that's what we need in a president. Sneaky. The biggest enemy to the Oval Office is going to be the conservative talking heads for the next few years. We don't need someone too transparent, giving them straight lines.

Make Limbaugh work for a living.

Nah. I say stick it to Limbaugh and fox news. They are terrified of Hillary. I say give them what they fear. They know that they can't beat her on the issues.
Well, it seems that another member of the Clinton entourage has fallen off the "vast-right wing conspiracy" cliff. Clinton spokesperson Brian Fallon came out an accused the IG of acting in concert with Republicans. Fallon suggested that IG 'put up' Republican Senators to send him a letter so he could respond by writing back (and then the letter could be presumably leaked).

Fallon's evidence? None. But as with so many in the Hillary camp, the ability to imagine nefarious schemes against the Clintons makes it sufficient to publicly assert accusations.

CAMEROTA: But the Inspector General isn’t a Republican.

FALLON: Actually, I think this was a very coordinated leak yesterday.

CAMEROTA: Why do you think he’s a stooge of the Republicans in Congress? I’ve heard you say that. What’s your evidence?

FALLON: Because two months ago there was a Politico report that directly challenged the finding of this Inspector General, and I don’t think he liked that very much. So I think that he put two Republican Senators up to sending him a letter so that he would have an excuse to resurface the same allegations he made back in the summer that have been discredited.

Are you saying there isn't a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?
Are you saying there isn't a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?

Yes, in this case the evil right wing conspiracy asked the Inspector General who has been investigating Clinton for an update on what he has found and he reported the results.

Since the results make Clinton look bad, clearly there are messengers that must be shot.
Are you saying there isn't a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?

Yes, in this case the evil right wing conspiracy asked the Inspector General who has been investigating Clinton for an update on what he has found and he reported the results.

Since the results make Clinton look bad, clearly there are messengers that must be shot.

So you agree that there isn't a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?
Yes, in this case the evil right wing conspiracy asked the Inspector General who has been investigating Clinton for an update on what he has found and he reported the results.

Since the results make Clinton look bad, clearly there are messengers that must be shot.

So you agree that there isn't a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?

Not sure how "vast", but it appears there was a conspiracy to ask the Inspector General what he found and publicize it.

If we assume only right wingers care about what the Inspector General investigating a leading presidential candidate is finding, then I guess it was them.

We did used to have some people here who thought government transparency was good, but they appear to have sold those principles out, so you may be right.
So you agree that there isn't a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?

Not sure how "vast", but it appears there was a conspiracy to ask the Inspector General what he found and publicize it.

So you've changed you mind and now believe there is a "vast-right wing conspiracy" against Hillary Clinton?
There is a vast right wing conspiracy against Hillary Clinton. I just realized that I've been hearing character attacks against her for the past 25 years. That's most of my life.
There is a vast right wing conspiracy against Hillary Clinton. I just realized that I've been hearing character attacks against her for the past 25 years. That's most of my life.
Is it a conspiracy if it is in the wide open?
There is a vast right wing conspiracy against Hillary Clinton. I just realized that I've been hearing character attacks against her for the past 25 years. That's most of my life.
Is it a conspiracy if it is in the wide open?

And announced publicly by several high-ranking officials over many years? :consternation1:
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