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Europe submits voluntarily

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I'd just like to note that Canada is doing it's part to help out in this crisis.

As of yesterday, we've completed processing the visa applications of nine Syrian refugees and we should be flying them out of Europe and over here any day now.

You're welcome.
Holy shit! How do you think Canadians will cope with the coming Sharia laws?
I'd just like to note that Canada is doing it's part to help out in this crisis.

As of yesterday, we've completed processing the visa applications of nine Syrian refugees and we should be flying them out of Europe and over here any day now.

You're welcome.

Settle them in Nunavut, and double the population. :)
I'd just like to note that Canada is doing it's part to help out in this crisis.

As of yesterday, we've completed processing the visa applications of nine Syrian refugees and we should be flying them out of Europe and over here any day now.

You're welcome.

Wow, nine?

I live within one mile from a train station that processed 4,500 refugees on their way from Hungary to Germany today. Under the (very low) estimate that 20% of them are Syrians, you've admitted 1% of one day's worth of Syrian refugees going through Vienna Western Station. Congratulations.

You're very welcome. We're happy to do our part as a member of the international community.
I'd just like to note that Canada is doing it's part to help out in this crisis.

As of yesterday, we've completed processing the visa applications of nine Syrian refugees and we should be flying them out of Europe and over here any day now.

You're welcome.
Holy shit! How do you think Canadians will cope with the coming Sharia laws?

Our plan is to capitulate immediately and just let them win.

However, when we stone women to death for allowing a man to break into her house and rape her, we'll be doing it ironically. That'll show em.
Do you even understand the term? You've done nothing but fearmongering, practically describing the situation as if it were the end of the world. Whereas all I've done is try and get you to get some relative perspective. How on earth does that qualify *me* as the dramaqueen here?

The vast majority of people coming into Europe are economic migrants. There are very few refugees.

Why are you once again bringing up economic migrants when we're talking about the refugee issue? We've been over this; these are two separate issues.

And who cares if most people coming into Europe are economic migrants? I don't see a problem with that.

The countries like Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Mali and Pakistan may not be that pleasant to live in but they do not qualify for asylum.

Holy shit dude, really? You clearly don't know the first thing about the situation in any of the countries you mentioned if you so broadly declare that those fleeing some of these countries do not qualify for asylum status.

Somalia was in a state of war with Ethiopia just a few years ago, and is *still* in a state of civil war today.

Eritrea is run by a flat out insane regime. Everyone in Eritrea (men and women both) is forced into the military; the average Eritrean is in the military from 18 to 55, army officers have the legal right to rape subordinate females, freedom of movement extremely limited, and punishments so severe that it is considered a harsher regime than n-korea. Eritreans refugees are pretty universally seen as *refugees*, and the overwhelming majority are granted full asylum status wherever they flee to.

Nigeria is experiencing large-scale sectarian violence in its north-east, with Boko Haram having killed and mutilated tens of thousands; and are thus also effectively in a state of civil war.

Mali is *also* experiencing a civil war between the government on one side, Tuareg seperatists on another, and Islamists on another. There is currently an ICC investigation into warcrimes; as several sides are claimed to have engaged in kidnapping, gang rapes, executions, the use of child soldiers, and ethnic targeting.

So of the five countries you mentioned, 3 are experiencing a civil war and one is a human rights hell-hole. The only one that actually fits with what you're saying is Pakistan.

But, like with all your other claims that have been refuted, you will ofcourse deny or ignore everything again.

I'm not against asylum. Few are claiming asylum and many claims are rejected. Asylum claims can be processed. The rest can be deported to the Netherlands.
More and more and more (and more) people will come once they hear how easy it is to get into Europe.
Now with the borders dismantled by the EU Paper Tiger it is easier for someone to come illegally without ID of any sort or papers.
I'd just like to note that Canada is doing it's part to help out in this crisis.

As of yesterday, we've completed processing the visa applications of nine Syrian refugees and we should be flying them out of Europe and over here any day now.

You're welcome.
Holy shit! How do you think Canadians will cope with the coming Sharia laws?

I assume Margaret Atwood and Anne of Green Gables will lead a coalition of mounties and ice hockey teams in forming a Canadian Resistance Army.
While there are economic migrants who know once they land, they have a good chance of remaining there are genuine refugees who are displaced by US and European made wars. These deserve consideration.

An economic migrant is someone who cannot support his family in his home country. He has to leave for the sake of his children's lives.

A refugee is someone whose family is being shot at in his home country. He has to leave for the sake of his children's lives.

Why should we feel compassion for one of these people, and disdain for the other?

'Economic migrant' has basically become a label used to try to excuse inhumanity.

Fuck that.
If you've followed how they've been treated by the Hungarians you'd understand.

The Hungarians didn't give them handouts?

View attachment 4013

They're refugees. They're entitled to hand-outs. It's in the 1951 UN charter on how refugees should be treated. This is true regardless if they entered a country legally or not.

Hungary isn't treating them like refugees. Hungary is treating them like illegal migrants. That makes Hungary bad. They're not playing by the international rules. Which is oh, so typical of fascist governments.

The refugees continue to be refugees until they're given permanent residency. If they accept they stop being entitled to anything and they're required to get a job. This is why Sweden decided to automatically hand out permanent residencies to any Syrian refugee who make it here.
Do you even understand the term? You've done nothing but fearmongering, practically describing the situation as if it were the end of the world. Whereas all I've done is try and get you to get some relative perspective. How on earth does that qualify *me* as the dramaqueen here?

Why are you once again bringing up economic migrants when we're talking about the refugee issue? We've been over this; these are two separate issues.

And who cares if most people coming into Europe are economic migrants? I don't see a problem with that.

The countries like Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Mali and Pakistan may not be that pleasant to live in but they do not qualify for asylum.

Holy shit dude, really? You clearly don't know the first thing about the situation in any of the countries you mentioned if you so broadly declare that those fleeing some of these countries do not qualify for asylum status.

Somalia was in a state of war with Ethiopia just a few years ago, and is *still* in a state of civil war today.

Eritrea is run by a flat out insane regime. Everyone in Eritrea (men and women both) is forced into the military; the average Eritrean is in the military from 18 to 55, army officers have the legal right to rape subordinate females, freedom of movement extremely limited, and punishments so severe that it is considered a harsher regime than n-korea. Eritreans refugees are pretty universally seen as *refugees*, and the overwhelming majority are granted full asylum status wherever they flee to.

Nigeria is experiencing large-scale sectarian violence in its north-east, with Boko Haram having killed and mutilated tens of thousands; and are thus also effectively in a state of civil war.

Mali is *also* experiencing a civil war between the government on one side, Tuareg seperatists on another, and Islamists on another. There is currently an ICC investigation into warcrimes; as several sides are claimed to have engaged in kidnapping, gang rapes, executions, the use of child soldiers, and ethnic targeting.

So of the five countries you mentioned, 3 are experiencing a civil war and one is a human rights hell-hole. The only one that actually fits with what you're saying is Pakistan.

But, like with all your other claims that have been refuted, you will ofcourse deny or ignore everything again.

I'm not against asylum. Few are claiming asylum and many claims are rejected. Asylum claims can be processed. The rest can be deported to the Netherlands.
More and more and more (and more) people will come once they hear how easy it is to get into Europe.
Now with the borders dismantled by the EU Paper Tiger it is easier for someone to come illegally without ID of any sort or papers.

No no, don't change subject again. You made some pretty tall claims in your post that were then immediately proven wrong. You should admit this. You should admit that you were wrong about refugees from those countries not qualifying for asylum status. You keep ignoring it whenever your claims are shown wrong, and you need to stop doing that.

Can you do that? Can you simply admit that you were wrong?
I think it's safe to say at least half of them are "economic" refugees. And a lot of these people are not even Syrian who bought Syrian passports (according to journalists it costs $700)
I think it's safe to say at least half of them are "economic" refugees. And a lot of these people are not even Syrian who bought Syrian passports (according to journalists it costs $700)

Only a third are Syrian. A third are Afghan. Whether Afghanistan is at peace is a matter of definition. Another third are from the Balkans. These people are undoubtedly economic refugees.

Worth noting is that while Syria might be poor by western standards they're nowhere near as poor as lets say India or China. They're on par with Israel, or Greece. Well.. they were until the war broke out. So these are on average about as well educated as any European, and will fit into our job markets with a minimum of difficulty.
I think it's safe to say at least half of them are "economic" refugees. And a lot of these people are not even Syrian who bought Syrian passports (according to journalists it costs $700)

Only a third are Syrian. A third are Afghan. Whether Afghanistan is at peace is a matter of definition. Another third are from the Balkans. These people are undoubtedly economic refugees.

Worth noting is that while Syria might be poor by western standards they're nowhere near as poor as lets say India or China. They're on par with Israel, or Greece. Well.. they were until the war broke out. So these are on average about as well educated as any European, and will fit into our job markets with a minimum of difficulty.
Syria was around $5k
China is $13k
Israel $32K
Egypt $10k
Well educated, maybe some but vast majority are not, and they don't speak languages.
Muslims as a whole are too muslim to assimilate in non-muslim countries and history illustrates that (UK, France, Germany)
Even in Sweden they really have pretty much ghettos.
Muslims as a whole are too muslim to assimilate in non-muslim countries and history illustrates that (UK, France, Germany)
Even in Sweden they really have pretty much ghettos.

I think that's racism actually. In Stockholm we don't have this experience anyway. When we talk about immigrants in Sweden those are as much Latinamerican as Middle-easter as African. It's a happy mix of religions and races. I don't think Muslims are worse at integrating than any other group. I think that's an idea created by media. If one choses to watch conservative media.
Muslims as a whole are too muslim to assimilate in non-muslim countries and history illustrates that (UK, France, Germany)
Even in Sweden they really have pretty much ghettos.

I think that's racism actually. In Stockholm we don't have this experience anyway. When we talk about immigrants in Sweden those are as much Latinamerican as Middle-easter as African. It's a happy mix of religions and races. I don't think Muslims are worse at integrating than any other group. I think that's an idea created by media. If one choses to watch conservative media.

I actually used google streetview to take a look at Rinkeby, which has been called a ghetto of Stockholm, which looks like how the Bijlmermeer here in Amsterdam used to look like. It doesn't look like a good neighbourhood exactly... but if that's the worst "ghetto" that Sweden can come up with, then they're really not doing too badly.

European media love to talk about certain places being 'no-go' ghetto zones... but these reports are easily refuted with a little objective fact checking.
European media love to talk about certain places being 'no-go' ghetto zones... but these reports are easily refuted with a little objective fact checking.

Ah, but how can you fact check what's going on in those neighbourhoods if no one can go into them to check facts? :p
Muslims as a whole are too muslim to assimilate in non-muslim countries and history illustrates that (UK, France, Germany)
Even in Sweden they really have pretty much ghettos.

I think that's racism actually. In Stockholm we don't have this experience anyway. When we talk about immigrants in Sweden those are as much Latinamerican as Middle-easter as African. It's a happy mix of religions and races. I don't think Muslims are worse at integrating than any other group. I think that's an idea created by media. If one choses to watch conservative media.

Hating conservatives is racism too :)
Reality is, US is better (than EU) at assimilating "muslims" but only because they accept educated "muslims" which are muslims culturally mostly. Also they get them in small quantities from different countries, but education is the main thing.
EU just let everyone in and so far it has been a disaster. Don't tell me otherwise because Merkel herself admitted that multiculturalism has failed.
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