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Europe submits voluntarily

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Not only are the UK authorities careful to avoid exams falling during Christian festivals such as Easter and Christmas; they don't even allow classes to be scheduled at those times. This despite the fact that the movement of Easter from year to year plays havoc with the scheduling of school term start and end dates.

I would prefer to see both religions told to get knotted, and the school calendar to be written without regard for either; but given that Christians are recognised, it only seems fair to also recognise other religions' holidays.

I celebrate Christian... well they're not Christian bit pagan... but anyhoo... holidays and I'm Christian. It's down to tradition. I think this falls into the category of just having to adapt to what most people do. I think it's fair that schools adapt in mostly Muslim areas. But for the rest of the country I don't see the point.
Which invalidates your claim that it is a "no-go zone." That an area is potentially unsafe and people are advised to avoid it does not a no-go zone make. A no-go zone is an area where the government cannot assert its authority.

And once the women have "adopted" the new guidelines to keep themselves safe, then all will be well.

"All will be well" is a subjective metric, but certainly, the world will not end because of this, nor Western civilization, the histrionics of sky-is-falling right-wing nutters aside.

Submission indeed.

Only in the minds of hysterical morons, who will use events such as this to smear an entire demographic and undermine the values they claim to be defending.
Even one rape is one rape too many. Why should even one woman be endangered by allowing barbarians to immigrate into a civilised society!
What do you mean human health? The longevity of Western society has never been higher, more and more diseases that once killed 100% of those afflicted are today history. Environment? I have faith in human nature and his science.

Cancer rates increase every year.

Asthma and diabetes rates increase every year.
All while the avarage mortality rate has gone down almost 20% just in the last two decades.
Why should women be endangered by allowing people in to a civilised society who treat women as objects ? Is that a better question?
Yes, because all Arab and Muslim men are barbarians who treat women as objects, and thus, all of them should be turned away.

Or so the logic works out, in the minds of fucking racist idiots.
How about starting with much better screening and not have the free for all there is now? There was a time when even a record of shoplifting would render one un illegible to migrate to many countries.
I have no objection to proper screening of immigrants; what I object to is the belief many here obviously hold, that simply being Muslim ought to disqualify someone, particularly if they're also male. Though not all of you have the stones to actually admit that that's what you want.
Which invalidates your claim that it is a "no-go zone." That an area is potentially unsafe and people are advised to avoid it does not a no-go zone make. A no-go zone is an area where the government cannot assert its authority.

"All will be well" is a subjective metric, but certainly, the world will not end because of this, nor Western civilization, the histrionics of sky-is-falling right-wing nutters aside.

Submission indeed.

Only in the minds of hysterical morons, who will use events such as this to smear an entire demographic and undermine the values they claim to be defending.
Even one rape is one rape too many. Why should even one woman be endangered by allowing barbarians to immigrate into a civilised society!

The underlying problem is we have allowed anyone to enter Europe. In fact my concern is the news did not arrive of this event until yesterday, just after the police officially said New Year was a quiet event.
I have no objection to proper screening of immigrants; what I object to is the belief many here obviously hold, that simply being Muslim ought to disqualify someone, particularly if they're also male. Though not all of you have the stones to actually admit that that's what you want.

Screening is the proper procedure. Most countries have a data base which the UK can gain access to and check criminal records. However the Eu allows people to enter unchecked. I don't see Muslim or anything else as an issue. I've just worked six years for a Muslim company in Abu Dhabi and worked with them for 20 years. Muslim in itself does not equate with criminal.
Why should women be endangered by allowing people in to a civilised society who treat women as objects ? Is that a better question?

Not all Muslims treat women simply as objects which is Warpoet's point. The problem is we are allowing mass immigration which is not needed. Of course our instigating wars has speeded up the amount claiming asylum.
Not only are the UK authorities careful to avoid exams falling during Christian festivals such as Easter and Christmas; they don't even allow classes to be scheduled at those times. This despite the fact that the movement of Easter from year to year plays havoc with the scheduling of school term start and end dates.

I would prefer to see both religions told to get knotted, and the school calendar to be written without regard for either; but given that Christians are recognised, it only seems fair to also recognise other religions' holidays.

I celebrate Christian... well they're not Christian bit pagan... but anyhoo... holidays and I'm Christian. It's down to tradition. I think this falls into the category of just having to adapt to what most people do. I think it's fair that schools adapt in mostly Muslim areas. But for the rest of the country I don't see the point.

Some schools have all religions. The curriculum could be adapted in this case to ensure Muslims who are fasting don't lose out in the exam process. Apart from this there is very little that needs to change.
They rescheduled a test? Yes, the ramifications of this are huge and the end is nigh. It's not like any other religion gets special treatment, except for, you know, all the national holidays that are rooted in Christian belief :rolleyes:

Panic more; it really helps others take your alarmist rhetoric seriously.

This reminds me of a famous comedian Les Dawson (UK) who said his father was an Atheist for many years, but he wasn't getting any holidays.
I celebrate Christian... well they're not Christian bit pagan... but anyhoo... holidays and I'm Christian. It's down to tradition. I think this falls into the category of just having to adapt to what most people do.

The mayor of Cologne agrees with you at least.

I think it's fair that schools adapt in mostly Muslim areas.

Halal for everyone, yeah !

The ever so slight rise in water temperature goes undetected by this frog.
Speech by a guy from Golden Dawn:

I bet some will not watch it because of that affiliation...

The party may be racist but it is not racist to ensure security on one's borders and reject illegal immigrants. This is practiced all over the world and Europe seems to be an exception in some respects.

There is a big practical difference between blocking immigrants from land versus sea. On land, all you need is a wall and guards to ensure that people who try to get over it are just returned to the other side. But if a rickety boat with hundred people on it shows up in your territories waters, you pretty much have to rescue them, and ascertaining their country of origin an trying to convince that country to take them back is rather difficult. It's unfortunate that countries like Greece can't just close their borders like Hungary, or stem the flow of immigrants with simple id checks like Denmark of Sweden, and indeed I think Europe should help them out in the name of solidarity.
The party may be racist but it is not racist to ensure security on one's borders and reject illegal immigrants. This is practiced all over the world and Europe seems to be an exception in some respects.

There is a big practical difference between blocking immigrants from land versus sea. On land, all you need is a wall and guards to ensure that people who try to get over it are just returned to the other side. But if a rickety boat with hundred people on it shows up in your territories waters, you pretty much have to rescue them, and ascertaining their country of origin an trying to convince that country to take them back is rather difficult. It's unfortunate that countries like Greece can't just close their borders like Hungary, or stem the flow of immigrants with simple id checks like Denmark of Sweden, and indeed I think Europe should help them out in the name of solidarity.

Australia made it clear that it would not process any applications where people arrived by boat and towed others away. Immigrants stopped coming. Sweden seems more like it is driving immigration in rather than restricting it. Most of those coming over are not seeking asylum but economic migrants from some Asian countries or those not affected by the current wars.
The party may be racist but it is not racist to ensure security on one's borders and reject illegal immigrants. This is practiced all over the world and Europe seems to be an exception in some respects.

There is a big practical difference between blocking immigrants from land versus sea. On land, all you need is a wall and guards to ensure that people who try to get over it are just returned to the other side. But if a rickety boat with hundred people on it shows up in your territories waters, you pretty much have to rescue them, and ascertaining their country of origin an trying to convince that country to take them back is rather difficult. It's unfortunate that countries like Greece can't just close their borders like Hungary, or stem the flow of immigrants with simple id checks like Denmark of Sweden, and indeed I think Europe should help them out in the name of solidarity.

The enabler of immigration into Greece is Turkey. The only comment I have seen on this is that Turkey's coastline is too long to be patrolled. This is nonsense as only the parts near the nearest Greek islands need to be patrolled.
Turkey is also the principal enabler of travel in the other direction, into the ranks of ISIL, for would-be terrorists. Turkey is using its large armed forces in order to suppress its Kurd minority.

Will Europe remember this before granting membership to that crypto Islamist country?


"Islamist" here is not to be construed as equivalent to "Islamic".
Cancer rates rise as we do a better job of dealing with problems that would have killed people before they got cancer.

Diabetes is mostly due to bad dietary choices, nobody's forced to eat the stuff that leads to it.


Cancer is what kills you if you survive everything else for long enough. Dying of cancer at the age of 95 is an indication that you didn't die of pertussis at 3, of measles at 8, in an industrial accident at 15, in a motorcycle crash at 18, in childbirth at 25, of pneumonic plague at 28, of being stabbed at 30, of complications from influenza at 40, of a heart attack at 50, of liver failure at 75, or due to complications from breaking your hip at 85. An increase in such cancers is not a sign that people are in worse health than before - quite the reverse.

Actually, by the time you get up to 95 you are far more likely to die of circulatory disorders than cancer. If you don't die young you're likely to get cancer. If you don't get cancer you're even more likely to die of a circulatory issue.
Which invalidates your claim that it is a "no-go zone." That an area is potentially unsafe and people are advised to avoid it does not a no-go zone make. A no-go zone is an area where the government cannot assert its authority.

"All will be well" is a subjective metric, but certainly, the world will not end because of this, nor Western civilization, the histrionics of sky-is-falling right-wing nutters aside.

Submission indeed.

Only in the minds of hysterical morons, who will use events such as this to smear an entire demographic and undermine the values they claim to be defending.
Even one rape is one rape too many. Why should even one woman be endangered by allowing barbarians to immigrate into a civilised society!

The underlying problem is we have allowed anyone to enter Europe. In fact my concern is the news did not arrive of this event until yesterday, just after the police officially said New Year was a quiet event.
Political correctness rules thats the biggest problem. It's swept underthe carpet for fear reports will be seeing as islamphobia.
Which invalidates your claim that it is a "no-go zone." That an area is potentially unsafe and people are advised to avoid it does not a no-go zone make. A no-go zone is an area where the government cannot assert its authority.

"All will be well" is a subjective metric, but certainly, the world will not end because of this, nor Western civilization, the histrionics of sky-is-falling right-wing nutters aside.

Submission indeed.

Only in the minds of hysterical morons, who will use events such as this to smear an entire demographic and undermine the values they claim to be defending.
Even one rape is one rape too many. Why should even one woman be endangered by allowing barbarians to immigrate into a civilised society!

The underlying problem is we have allowed anyone to enter Europe. In fact my concern is the news did not arrive of this event until yesterday, just after the police officially said New Year was a quiet event.
Political correctness rules thats the biggest problem. It's swept underthe carpet for fear reports will be seeing as islamphobia.

The elephant in the room: delay in reporting this (5 days) the Cologne mayor suggesting responsibility was on the part of the victims though even her suggestions such as keeping in groups (which most were in) and keeping men at arms length (as if 10 women can keep 40 male attackers at bay).
The police 5 days later reported no major incidents then suddenly changed this at the last moment. Where were the media in this??

The problem is statistical. If you drive in mainly unchecked aliens (of any nationality) into a country it is pretty much a certainty there will be problems.
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