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Europe submits voluntarily

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"Human rights" are pretty cheap if you can buy and sell them, or part of them, at $1 million. But the Wahhabi Islamists probably don't consider you human if you're not one of them or one of their allies.


The Royal governing structure, certaintly does not allow the treatment of humans as humans in many cases as reflected in its jurisprudence. Therefore teaching human rights is rather like teaching the concepts of sex to a virgin.

A problem with Saudi Arabia is that the Saudi king is a direct descendent of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who got to name the movement after him. The Ottoman caliph spent plenty of energy crushing the movement and whipping them in line with main stream Islam. They let him and his movement be as long as they kept themselves to the Arab peninsula, where they "couldn't do any damage". It was just extreme bad luck that that family got to power as well as them finding oil and then oil turning out to be extremely valuable.

But back in the day when Wahhab was alive, even then main-stream Muslims thought the guy was nuts. An extremist best ignored. Which is what they did.
Oh dear, the multicultural utopia envisaged by the elites is experiencing a few difficulties;

Swedish police warn Stockholm's main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs 'stealing and groping girls'

Daily Mail

'These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,' one police officer told SVT.
'They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.
'I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.'

Still, a small price to pay for access to tasty kebabs and cell phone repair.
Oh dear, the multicultural utopia envisaged by the elites is experiencing a few difficulties;

Daily Mail

'These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,' one police officer told SVT.
'They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.
'I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.'

Still, a small price to pay for access to tasty kebabs and cell phone repair.

Yet, somehow managed not to make it into all the Swedish newspapers. Must be a cover up!!!

BTW, I go through the Swedish central station on my way to work twice a day, never seen any of this. This autumn I worked right next to the central station.. The only trouble I repeatededly witnessed or even heard about regarding people of complexion was gypsy pick-pockets. These are Romanian and aren't part of those we call migrants.

But it's a central station. There's most often quite a lot of trouble. Loads of drug addicts and blind drunk alcoholics causing drama. But these tend to be Swedish. So not much to get upset about regarding immigration
Oh dear, the multicultural utopia envisaged by the elites is experiencing a few difficulties;

Daily Mail

Still, a small price to pay for access to tasty kebabs and cell phone repair.

Yet, somehow managed not to make it into all the Swedish newspapers. Must be a cover up!!!

BTW, I go through the Swedish central station on my way to work twice a day, never seen any of this. This autumn I worked right next to the central station.. The only trouble I repeatededly witnessed or even heard about regarding people of complexion was gypsy pick-pockets. These are Romanian and aren't part of those we call migrants.

But it's a central station. There's most often quite a lot of trouble. Loads of drug addicts and blind drunk alcoholics causing drama. But these tend to be Swedish. So not much to get upset about regarding immigration

Really, all you had to do was point out that this was sourced from the Daily Mail.
Oh dear, the multicultural utopia envisaged by the elites is experiencing a few difficulties;

Daily Mail

Still, a small price to pay for access to tasty kebabs and cell phone repair.

Yet, somehow managed not to make it into all the Swedish newspapers. Must be a cover up!!!

Similar to how the sexual assaults were covered up ?

BTW, I go through the Swedish central station on my way to work twice a day, never seen any of this.

I guess that settles things. It never happened.
Yet, somehow managed not to make it into all the Swedish newspapers. Must be a cover up!!!

BTW, I go through the Swedish central station on my way to work twice a day, never seen any of this. This autumn I worked right next to the central station.. The only trouble I repeatededly witnessed or even heard about regarding people of complexion was gypsy pick-pockets. These are Romanian and aren't part of those we call migrants.

But it's a central station. There's most often quite a lot of trouble. Loads of drug addicts and blind drunk alcoholics causing drama. But these tend to be Swedish. So not much to get upset about regarding immigration

Really, all you had to do was point out that this was sourced from the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail article links to an SVT article in Swedish which says pretty much the same thing. So much for "managing not to make it into the Swedish [media]".
Really, all you had to do was point out that this was sourced from the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail article links to an SVT article in Swedish which says pretty much the same thing. So much for "managing not to make it into the Swedish [media]".

Ehe... it's not at all worded in the same way.

The article focuses on two main areas.

1. The new refugees is putting a strain on police resources.

This doesn't mean that the refugees are criminals. It's also the police who's job it is to buss around refugees and put in them in the housing and camps they have. It's also the police who checks ID's on border crossings. This takes a lot of resources. This is mentioned as an explanation of why they're having trouble dealing with young Maroccans harrassing women and generally misbehaving.

2. The police are having problems with specifically young Maroccans being sent here alone without papers who then leave their housing and cause trouble. This isn't so much a critique against the young Maroccans. This is a critique against the responsible government agency who this one policeman says aren't taking their responsibility. It's also a critique against Maroccan government agencies who also aren't taking their responsibility. Just like Sweden takes care of juvenile delinquents, so does Marocco. Or should do. But they're clearly having trouble doing their job right. All according to this one anonymous Swedish policeman.

From the Daily Mail headline

"Swedish police warn Stockholm's main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs 'stealing and groping girls"

No, they're not. The police haven't. The SVT article has interviewed one policeman who wishes to stay anonymous. "Overrun", that's quite the visual. I'm guessing they asked the official police media representative who didn't want to comment. So I suggest not taking any of this seriously.

"Hundreds of Moroccan children living on the streets in Stockholm"

Not quite. These are kids who have been placed in housing and then sneak out at night after curfew. But then make it back. They're not running away. They're just doing what teenagers normally do. It's just that these don't have enough parental guidance.

"Accused of stealing and assaulting security guards at the main station"

This one anonymous policeman says that this has happened. Not that it's a runaway problem, or an epidemic. When they've been caught stealing the police take them back to their housing and nothing happens to the kids. This one policeman is whining about that they're state appointed guardians aren't reprimanding them for their behaviour. They're just letting them get away with it.

"Police say they grope girls and 'slap them in the face when they protest'"

Same here. This one policeman is saying it has happened. Not that it happens regularly or even a lot.

"One in five Moroccan migrant children run away from housing since 2012"

Did you never stay out later than what your parents told you to do when you were a kid? This is what they're talking about.

And finally... this is just one cops opinion. It says in the article. There's no official source for any of this. The official source denies this. So this could be just one racist cop talking shit.
Unfortunately the problems are becoming a bit more serious than the odd tearaway;

A 15-year-old asylum seeker living in a refugee centre in Sweden has been arrested on suspicion of murder after an employee at the shelter was fatally stabbed.
Alexandra Mezher, 22, was attacked today at around 8am at a centre for unaccompanied migrant children aged between 14 and 17 in Molndal, on Sweden's west coast.
She was taken to Sahlgrenska Hospital but later died of her injuries.

Daily Mail

whining racist cop said:
Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said the assailant was a young man who was living at the centre, and confirmed the young man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
He did not give details about the suspect's nationality but added the motive was not immediately clear.
Her cousin described Miss Mezher as 'an angel' and told media: 'It is so terrible. She was a person who wanted to do good, who wanted to be good'

Her cousin described Miss Mezher as 'an angel' and told media: 'It is so terrible. She was a person who wanted to do good, who wanted to be good'
Mr Fuxborg said: 'These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common.
'We're dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad.'
One too many.

There should be no religious states.

You're being sarcastic right? Israel is the only democracy where one is free to practice any religion, in a sea of islamic states where any other religion except islam is tolerated.

Israel is a nation that favors Jews and tortures Muslims.

And it does this because of religious delusions.

It is a menace and the US should stop shielding it from having to answer for it's many many crimes.
Oh dear, the multicultural utopia envisaged by the elites is experiencing a few difficulties;

Daily Mail

'These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,' one police officer told SVT.
'They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.
'I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.'

Still, a small price to pay for access to tasty kebabs and cell phone repair.

It validates what I said from the moment unchecked immigrants were allowed to flood the stations. Of course street kids from Morocco and other countries will flood Europe and perhaps fight with their Roma counterparts for turf. There is no war in Morroco and it has been improving its human rights records since 1999 when Mhd IV took power and instigated reforms. There are now wars and a reasonable level of freedom of religion. There is a high level of poverty
Europe is simply a gullible country for economic migrants. The ones who can afford to pay smugglers will predictably be criminals. Now wonder Morocco is refusing to accept deportees from Germany.

Main stations have been a problem for at least the last 10 years. Amsterdam and Milan are examples of stations I visited. During one period in Milan for about a month I faced 1 or 2 attempts per week by pick pockets and fought of one violent attempt at robbery with steel self defence umbrella which likes identical to an ordinary once except it weights 2 kilos.

Violent robberies committed by criminals imported into Europe has been out of control for the last few years. It is finally reaching some mainstream media but once thing can be guaranteed; nothing will be done for the next few years as more are driven in.
The Royal governing structure, certaintly does not allow the treatment of humans as humans in many cases as reflected in its jurisprudence. Therefore teaching human rights is rather like teaching the concepts of sex to a virgin.

A problem with Saudi Arabia is that the Saudi king is a direct descendent of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who got to name the movement after him. The Ottoman caliph spent plenty of energy crushing the movement and whipping them in line with main stream Islam. They let him and his movement be as long as they kept themselves to the Arab peninsula, where they "couldn't do any damage". It was just extreme bad luck that that family got to power as well as them finding oil and then oil turning out to be extremely valuable.

But back in the day when Wahhab was alive, even then main-stream Muslims thought the guy was nuts. An extremist best ignored. Which is what they did.

Wahhabism is very much alive in Saudi Arabia which of course doesn't not apply to the many Royal princes.
You're being sarcastic right? Israel is the only democracy where one is free to practice any religion, in a sea of islamic states where any other religion except islam is tolerated.

Israel is a nation that favors Jews and tortures Muslims.

And it does this because of religious delusions.

It is a menace and the US should stop shielding it from having to answer for it's many many crimes.
And you my friend are deluded if you really believe the crap you're spewing! Muslims in Israel have more rights than any in any other Muslim majority country on earth.
Israel is a nation that favors Jews and tortures Muslims.

And it does this because of religious delusions.

It is a menace and the US should stop shielding it from having to answer for it's many many crimes.
And you my friend are deluded if you really believe the crap you're spewing! Muslims in Israel have more rights than any in any other Muslim majority country on earth.

Muslims in Israel were made a minority by force and are kept a minority by unending brutal force.

It is a phony democracy.

And all because of religious delusion.
You're being sarcastic right? Israel is the only democracy where one is free to practice any religion, in a sea of islamic states where any other religion except islam is tolerated.

Israel is a nation that favors Jews and tortures Muslims.

And it does this because of religious delusions.

It is a menace and the US should stop shielding it from having to answer for it's many many crimes.

How about making the real agitators answer for their crimes? Or don't you want that because they're Muslims that hate the US?

- - - Updated - - -

And you my friend are deluded if you really believe the crap you're spewing! Muslims in Israel have more rights than any in any other Muslim majority country on earth.

Muslims in Israel were made a minority by force and are kept a minority by unending brutal force.

It is a phony democracy.

And all because of religious delusion.

The Muslims in Israel prefer to be part of Israel than to be part of Palestine.
The Muslims in Israel prefer to be part of Israel than to be part of Palestine.

No shit!

The Palestinians have been tortured by Israel for decades.

Saying they don't want to be tortured is not saying much.

Israel is still a phony democracy. It began by throwing out 700,000 Muslims and has maintained a Jewish majority by force ever since.
And you my friend are deluded if you really believe the crap you're spewing! Muslims in Israel have more rights than any in any other Muslim majority country on earth.

Muslims in Israel were made a minority by force and are kept a minority by unending brutal force.

It is a phony democracy.

And all because of religious delusion.

This is with respect to the Arab Israelis many of whom Identify themselves as Palestinians in Israel. They are about 20 percent of the population. (Martial Law was lifted in 1966). The poverty levels in Israel contain mainly Arab citizens. Nonetheless they enjoy better standards of living and healthcare than their counterparts (especially those under blockade which would cheaper).
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