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Europe submits voluntarily

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I think the point was that a Shia muslim chiding Sunni countries for not taking refugees is pretty hypocritical. It's not like Iran or Bahrain are opening their doors to the predominantly Sunni refugees either... nor is Shia-dominated southern Iraq taking refugees from the Sunni norther Iraq.

Are you trying to pin this on the Shia? Are you engaging in sectarian discrimination. There are plenty of Sunni countries where Sunnis mistreat Sunnis. This is a matter of people fleeing from the conditions of war and sectarian violence....mostly Sunni, though not entirely. This is really just chaos that we left behind along with a shitpot full of weapons.
I was referring to the video of the Shia cleric, and pointing his personal hypocrisy. Besides, logically even if the Shia are partially to blame for the situation, it's not like the perpetrators of violence are necessarily the best people to fix the refugee problem. It's like saying that the all the holocaust survivors after WW2 should have been relocated to Germany.
Are you trying to pin this on the Shia? Are you engaging in sectarian discrimination. There are plenty of Sunni countries where Sunnis mistreat Sunnis. This is a matter of people fleeing from the conditions of war and sectarian violence....mostly Sunni, though not entirely. This is really just chaos that we left behind along with a shitpot full of weapons.
I was referring to the video of the Shia cleric, and pointing his personal hypocrisy. Besides, logically even if the Shia are partially to blame for the situation, it's not like the perpetrators of violence are necessarily the best people to fix the refugee problem. It's like saying that the all the holocaust survivors after WW2 should have been relocated to Germany.

They have been at war with themselves for hundreds of years until the US and allies tried to implement regime changes in various countries. Now we are letting illegal entries into Europe without proper border checks.

An article translated from BILD claims that some migrants (who were given free entry to the swimming pool) grossly misbehaved. This refers to just a handful of people acting with outrageous behaviour.

The migrants have also tried to storm them women’s locker room.
Der Bild reported (translated) via Vlad Tepes:

Outrageous accusations coming from the Zwickau Townhall: According to Bäder GmbH, (Baths Inc.) refugees are masturbating and defecating into the water. And they also harass women in the Sauna and have tried to storm the women’s changing rooms.

All this and more is written in a report from January 19th. Rainer Kallwait, ordinance department leader for Bäder GmbH, wrote the report for the safety related services of Bäder GmbH. The city administration has confirmed the authenticity of the report.

Though BILD is a major medial outlet this news is not being picked up by the mainstream media.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.

Yes, even though they are fighting one another they are really all working together in a master plan.

To some degree they are. They have a common objective--a caliphate. Where they disagree is what flavor of Islam should be running that caliphate. That makes them something akin to allies.
Yes, even though they are fighting one another they are really all working together in a master plan.

To some degree they are. They have a common objective--a caliphate. Where they disagree is what flavor of Islam should be running that caliphate. That makes them something akin to allies.

Sure some want a Caliphate but their views are so disparate they will end up fighting each other. Then they could blame the Jews for stirring this up. Why not? The Jews are blamed for everything.
I don't find those numbers - or ANY numbers you present - alarming, because you have a history of making up numbers that are unrelated to reality.

IF what you were saying were true, THEN I could decide whether or not it was alarming; but given that those numbers of yours that I have checked turn out to be total bullshit, you don't get past the first hurdle.

If someone says a wolf is coming, that's possibly a cause for alarm. But if that someone has cried 'Wolf!' many times, and each time has been proven to be WRONG, then the cause for alarm disappears, because no matter how awful the threat you describe might be, I DON'T BELIEVE IT EXISTS.

It has nothing to do with my ideology, and everything to do with your history of making FALSE claims - such as the "minimum 30% moslem" claim for suburbs not one of which has as many as 20% Muslims. The 'bullshit' filter eliminates your claim from consideration, before it ever gets close to being tested against any ideological position I might hold.
The numbers you quoted don't alarm you? Of course not, what makes me think they would! Gawd help Western culture, because it's heading to a clash of civilizations.

The numbers I quoted show a worryingly large number of Christians living in the suburbs you named; but 'No religion/Other' is steadily growing, so I see no cause for alarm.

'Western culture', like all cultures, is ephemeral. The culture our grandfathers fought to defend no longer exists; and our grandchildren will have a different culture from ours today, regardless of how much we try to defend the status quo.

You are trying to order the tides to stop, like many a dumb Cnut before you.
Yes, even though they are fighting one another they are really all working together in a master plan.

To some degree they are. They have a common objective--a caliphate. Where they disagree is what flavor of Islam should be running that caliphate. That makes them something akin to allies.

In the same way that a shared desire for a Christian Ireland makes the DUP and Sinn Fein 'akin to allies'.
Are you trying to pin this on the Shia? Are you engaging in sectarian discrimination. There are plenty of Sunni countries where Sunnis mistreat Sunnis. This is a matter of people fleeing from the conditions of war and sectarian violence....mostly Sunni, though not entirely. This is really just chaos that we left behind along with a shitpot full of weapons.

If only that were true. The vast majority of the "refugees" turning up in Europe are chancers, economic migrants.
Are you trying to pin this on the Shia? Are you engaging in sectarian discrimination. There are plenty of Sunni countries where Sunnis mistreat Sunnis. This is a matter of people fleeing from the conditions of war and sectarian violence....mostly Sunni, though not entirely. This is really just chaos that we left behind along with a shitpot full of weapons.

If only that were true. The vast majority of the "refugees" turning up in Europe are chancers, economic migrants.

Pakistan. Bangladesh, Nigeria, Sierra Leone Baltic states, Morocco, Algeria etc and a few from Syria.
In the same way that a shared desire for a Christian Ireland makes the DUP and Sinn Fein 'akin to allies'.

Far less than that. Muslim countries generally have enough of their own problems to deal with, and have no interest in trying to re-establish some absurd idea of a caliphate that's been unfeasible for hundreds of years.

The idea of a Caliphate is a talking point for groups like ISIS, and a boogeyman that right-wingers like to use to scare people into thinking there's some existential threat that isn't real.
In the same way that a shared desire for a Christian Ireland makes the DUP and Sinn Fein 'akin to allies'.

Far less than that. Muslim countries generally have enough of their own problems to deal with, and have no interest in trying to re-establish some absurd idea of a caliphate that's been unfeasible for hundreds of years.

The idea of a Caliphate is a talking point for groups like ISIS, and a boogeyman that right-wingers like to use to scare people into thinking there's some existential threat that isn't real.

One doesn't have to be right wing to know that various fanatical groups are trying to establish this and to be aware of the potential security risks a handful of these characters may impose. Effectively in Pakistan, Afghanistan and some other Muslim states there are fiefdoms who try to establish such groups. The Ottoman Empire of 1517 to 1924, was a caliphate hence hardly an absurd idea. Another reason is the Muslim countries are also aware of the security risks of bringing sudden volumes of migrants, some of which could be problematic in terms of keeping public order to possible terrorism. Europe should also consider sealing its borders for entry but allow processing of migrants outside its borders so as to accept those who are given asylum.
One doesn't have to be right wing to know that various fanatical groups are trying to establish this and to be aware of the potential security risks a handful of these characters may impose. Effectively in Pakistan, Afghanistan and some other Muslim states there are fiefdoms who try to establish such groups.

Which is a problem for people living in such fiefdoms, which were probably shitholes to begin with, not for the Western world or even the Muslim world generally.

The Ottoman Empire of 1517 to 1924, was a caliphate hence hardly an absurd idea.

Yes, and the British Empire existed until even more recently, but the idea of it re-emerging in its prior form is utterly absurd; the idea of a new Caliphate even moreso.
Which is a problem for people living in such fiefdoms, which were probably shitholes to begin with, not for the Western world or even the Muslim world generally.

The Ottoman Empire of 1517 to 1924, was a caliphate hence hardly an absurd idea.

Yes, and the British Empire existed until even more recently, but the idea of it re-emerging in its prior form is utterly absurd; the idea of a new Caliphate even moreso.

They are absurdities but others may not think so and then try to set them up. In fact there are caliphates in different parts of the world and these are a reality.
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Are you trying to pin this on the Shia? Are you engaging in sectarian discrimination. There are plenty of Sunni countries where Sunnis mistreat Sunnis. This is a matter of people fleeing from the conditions of war and sectarian violence....mostly Sunni, though not entirely. This is really just chaos that we left behind along with a shitpot full of weapons.

If only that were true. The vast majority of the "refugees" turning up in Europe are chancers, economic migrants.
Males between 18-35 make up the bulk of them I've read somewhere. Refugees my arse!
They are absurdities but others may not think so and then try to set them up. In fact there are caliphates in different parts of the world and these are a reality.

There is nothing in the world resembling a Caliphate as it existed during the height of Islamic power, nor anything resembling the global Caliphate ISIS and the like want. Nor will there be any time soon.
They are absurdities but others may not think so and then try to set them up. In fact there are caliphates in different parts of the world and these are a reality.

There is nothing in the world resembling a Caliphate as it existed during the height of Islamic power, nor anything resembling the global Caliphate ISIS and the like want. Nor will there be any time soon.
Even when the percentage of Moslems reaches 30-40% of the European population? How about 50-70% in say, a century?
Even when the percentage of Moslems reaches 30-40% of the European population? How about 50-70% in say, a century?

How about, say, you post some actual data to back up your claims instead of pulling numbers out of your ass?
They are absurdities but others may not think so and then try to set them up. In fact there are caliphates in different parts of the world and these are a reality.

There is nothing in the world resembling a Caliphate as it existed during the height of Islamic power, nor anything resembling the global Caliphate ISIS and the like want. Nor will there be any time soon.

In history the claliph was the ruler of many states or empires which were called Caliphates.
In history the claliph was the ruler of many states or empires which were called Caliphates.

I know that. But in this context we're talking about a Caliphate as a unified global power - something that has existed a few times throughout history but is completely implausible in today's world.
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