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Europe submits voluntarily

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Politicians are elected to office to full fill the wishes of the voting public who put them there. At the present time, a majority of those voters want their elected representatives to close the borders and deal with the mess they have allowed to fester.

Ignoring those wishes will assure they get their arses well and truly kicked, and rightly so come elections.

The problem is, they promise one thing and deliver another. If we look at Cameron, he said he was going to get tough on immigration (to try to stave off UKIP challenges). He won the election but the volume of economic migrants has in creased in volume and velocity with no real controls.
The same reason I have for asking a scientist about science rather than a priest. He's not an authority in the field and hasn't a more nuanced opinion than any random idiot off the street.

Just having people's attention isn't the same thing as having anything to say. It's just pathetic. Same thing with musicians. It's always embarrassing when they share their political views.

If we give these people space to air their views the public discourse will get even more dumbed down. We don't need that.
If we ask politicians about politics we shall get a diversity of views. The most popular politicians do not necessarily have the correct answers or actions. A diversity of opinion, even to what we perceive in our time as a lunatic fringe is more healthy than cloistered political correctness. This is of course not what you mean but what you suggest could lead to that.

Ehe... if we ask politicians about politics they will say nothing. When I studied logic my professor thought it was entertaining to pick apart political speeches to show what, if anything, the politicians actually said. Invariably they said nothing. It was all Barnum statements. So not a diversity of views. The exact opposite actually. No views at all. The best part of it is that we could prove it mathematically.

The problem of today's world isn't "cloistered political correctness" but that the uneducated and ignorant are cocksure and think (wrongly) they know how to solve every problem. While the educated are full of doubt. Yes, I paraphrased Bertrand Russel.
Politicians are elected to office to full fill the wishes of the voting public who put them there. At the present time, a majority of those voters want their elected representatives to close the borders and deal with the mess they have allowed to fester.

Ignoring those wishes will assure they get their arses well and truly kicked, and rightly so come elections.

I don't agree. We have growing social unrest due to the computer/Internet revolution. The Internet has changed how our world works. Unqualified jobs are at an ever increasing rate being replaced by computers and robots. It's creeping up the intelligence ladder. More and more people are increasingly unnecessary in the jobs market. While at the same time our society is richer than ever. Never before have we been able to work as little as we're doing now yet generate greater profits than ever. Very few people today actually need to work for us to keep our lifestyle. So ever greater is the demands on people's intelligence, ability and diligence. While at the same time we have a social coda making it shameful not to work. So everybody wants to help provide to society while it's harder and harder to get slots on that ride.

That's what's causing rifts in our social fabric today. Idiots blame it on immigrants or Islam.

There's recently been articles in the Swedish press about Syrian refugees and Muslims touching women in bath houses. But when we look at the numbers we see that the number of of sexual assaults in bath houses is a flat curve. Yes, Syrian refugees occasionally fondle women in bath houses. But not more than Swedish people always have done. Yet, this is passed off as news trying to show the fallen morals of the depraved Muslim men. The problem isn't Syrians, refugees or Muslims. The problem is men.

The voting public are idiots. That's my conclusion. Listening to them on the immigration issue won't help solve anything. The most serious problem with focusing on immigrants is that it takes attention away from the real issue, and this will only get more extreme. We need to move away from a culture where we demand from everybody to have a job or even to contribute to society in some way.

We're at the cusp of the robot revolution. We're about to get flooded with all manner of robots doing menial labour and it's good to focus on how society will deal with it now, rather than after the shit has hit the fan.
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If we ask politicians about politics we shall get a diversity of views. The most popular politicians do not necessarily have the correct answers or actions. A diversity of opinion, even to what we perceive in our time as a lunatic fringe is more healthy than cloistered political correctness. This is of course not what you mean but what you suggest could lead to that.

Ehe... if we ask politicians about politics they will say nothing. When I studied logic my professor thought it was entertaining to pick apart political speeches to show what, if anything, the politicians actually said. Invariably they said nothing. It was all Barnum statements. So not a diversity of views. The exact opposite actually. No views at all. The best part of it is that we could prove it mathematically.

The problem of today's world isn't "cloistered political correctness" but that the uneducated and ignorant are cocksure and think (wrongly) they know how to solve every problem. While the educated are full of doubt. Yes, I paraphrased Bertrand Russel.
That's a requirement of a good politico. The ability to speak for an hour and say nothing!
Ehe... if we ask politicians about politics they will say nothing. When I studied logic my professor thought it was entertaining to pick apart political speeches to show what, if anything, the politicians actually said. Invariably they said nothing. It was all Barnum statements. So not a diversity of views. The exact opposite actually. No views at all. The best part of it is that we could prove it mathematically.

The problem of today's world isn't "cloistered political correctness" but that the uneducated and ignorant are cocksure and think (wrongly) they know how to solve every problem. While the educated are full of doubt. Yes, I paraphrased Bertrand Russel.
That's a requirement of a good politico. The ability to speak for an hour and say nothing!

However they can promise anything before elections to excite their public and do nothing afterwards. As Regan once said, It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first
Adherents to the "religion of peace" setting up caliphates in UK prisons;

In recent years, the number of Muslim prisoners has increased dramatically. Ministry of Justice figures show a rise from 6,571 in 2004 to 12,255 a decade later, meaning that Muslims now account for almost 15 per cent of all inmates.
In high security jails, the figure is higher still — one in five; while in one Category A establishment, almost half are Muslims.
Taken on its own, the disproportionate numbers of Muslims being jailed is in itself cause for concern (Muslims comprise roughly 5 per cent of the population of England and Wales).

Daily Mail
Why should you not care just because he has a very successful career as an actor?

Why should that have any bearing on what he says?

He only has access to say it because he is famous, but that is meaningless. That is the way the world works.

The same reason I have for asking a scientist about science rather than a priest. He's not an authority in the field and hasn't a more nuanced opinion than any random idiot off the street.

Just having people's attention isn't the same thing as having anything to say. It's just pathetic. Same thing with musicians. It's always embarrassing when they share their political views.

If we give these people space to air their views the public discourse will get even more dumbed down. We don't need that.

What exactly are politicians "professionals" at besides lying?

There is no science of human interaction. It is ALL opinion.
Adherents to the "religion of peace" setting up caliphates in UK prisons;

In recent years, the number of Muslim prisoners has increased dramatically. Ministry of Justice figures show a rise from 6,571 in 2004 to 12,255 a decade later, meaning that Muslims now account for almost 15 per cent of all inmates.
In high security jails, the figure is higher still — one in five; while in one Category A establishment, almost half are Muslims.
Taken on its own, the disproportionate numbers of Muslims being jailed is in itself cause for concern (Muslims comprise roughly 5 per cent of the population of England and Wales).

Daily Mail

Oooh. That's really worrying. We shouldn't let them set up caliphates. If they try, we should throw than in ja...

Hang on a second.


PS: You do your credibility no good at all by citing the Daily Mail as though it were a reputable source. The thing is a stinking rag, whose staff will say and do anything if they think it will increase readership. If they ever get anything right, it is by mistake; Every word they print is carefully scrutinised to determine if it could be twisted further, and thereby produce more outrage in the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who are their target audience. It is about as reliable as Korean Central News Agency of DPRK, albeit with a different set of despicable motives.
Adherents to the "religion of peace" setting up caliphates in UK prisons;

Daily Mail

Oooh. That's really worrying. We shouldn't let them set up caliphates. If they try, we should throw than in ja...

Hang on a second.


PS: You do your credibility no good at all by citing the Daily Mail as though it were a reputable source. The thing is a stinking rag, whose staff will say and do anything if they think it will increase readership. If they ever get anything right, it is by mistake; Every word they print is carefully scrutinised to determine if it could be twisted further, and thereby produce more outrage in the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who are their target audience. It is about as reliable as Korean Central News Agency of DPRK, albeit with a different set of despicable motives.

I would go along with your description of the Daily Mail at its best.
However one has to check the source of the statistics if the Daily Mail is just quoting them (and ignoring the evaluation).
However if the statistics are correct, then I think we should re open Australia as a penal colony and send them over there. in doing we can slip in a few boat people. :)

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The same reason I have for asking a scientist about science rather than a priest. He's not an authority in the field and hasn't a more nuanced opinion than any random idiot off the street.

Just having people's attention isn't the same thing as having anything to say. It's just pathetic. Same thing with musicians. It's always embarrassing when they share their political views.

If we give these people space to air their views the public discourse will get even more dumbed down. We don't need that.

What exactly are politicians "professionals" at besides lying?

There is no science of human interaction. It is ALL opinion.

They have to be good actors, and ideally good at stand up comedy.
That's a requirement of a good politico. The ability to speak for an hour and say nothing!

However they can promise anything before elections to excite their public and do nothing afterwards. As Regan once said, It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first
How true is that! I prefer the prostitutes actually. :)
However they can promise anything before elections to excite their public and do nothing afterwards. As Regan once said, It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first
How true is that! I prefer the prostitutes actually. :)

I had a colleague say that she couldn't understand how anybody could be a prostitute. I asked her if she would still be coming to work if she didn't get paid. She didn't understand the analogy :)
How true is that! I prefer the prostitutes actually. :)

I had a colleague say that she couldn't understand how anybody could be a prostitute. I asked her if she would still be coming to work if she didn't get paid. She didn't understand the analogy :)

Car Mechanics are also closely related to prostitutes because they make a living lying on their backs.

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However they can promise anything before elections to excite their public and do nothing afterwards. As Regan once said, It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first
How true is that! I prefer the prostitutes actually. :)

One screws prostitutes and gets screwed by politicians.
I read somewhere this morning that out of the 1.1 million so called refugees to enter Germany last year, over 60% of them were males between 18-35. The imans and other leaders of islam must be laughing all the way to their mosques!
I read somewhere this morning that out of the 1.1 million so called refugees to enter Germany last year, over 60% of them were males between 18-35. The imans and other leaders of islam must be laughing all the way to their mosques!

'Angelo read somewhere'. I don't recall exactly where that goes on the hierarchy of evidence; is it above or below 'double-blind peer-reviewed study published in a reputable journal'?

On a related note, would your source like a fire extinguisher for those pants?
You only pay the prostitute voluntary if you use her services. You have no choice in the latter.

No choice in who is in the government?

There is a limited choice, and usually nothing but bad choices, but there is a choice.
I read somewhere this morning that out of the 1.1 million so called refugees to enter Germany last year, over 60% of them were males between 18-35. The imans and other leaders of islam must be laughing all the way to their mosques!

'Angelo read somewhere'. I don't recall exactly where that goes on the hierarchy of evidence; is it above or below 'double-blind peer-reviewed study published in a reputable journal'?

On a related note, would your source like a fire extinguisher for those pants?

If most media waited for peer reviews, the news would be out of date. This this alone would not always guarantee the accuracy
The figure is 18 to 45 and mainly me.

This is one source.

If we read the old and new testaments, then there is plenty to also point out about violence. The problem is some people corrupt some of the laws to suit themselves. A good example of sensible Sharia Law is in UAE contract law. That is to say it applies the Sharia concept of good faith in contracts. It is a vehicle to adjudicate on civil cases where the Statutes (UAE Civil Code) do not address a specific issue). However amputations or death penalties in many countries doesn't go down too well with many including Muslims who are about to lose or have lost a limb.
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