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Europe submits voluntarily

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Your link is refusing to display in my browser. Does it contain statistics showing that Muslim immigrants to Europe are usually changing their names and/or giving their children European-sounding names? And, more to the point for the issues of this thread, do you have evidence that Muslims in Europe are usually abandoning their culture's traditional misogyny?

It's Forbes magazine. It's a reputable source. That's why I used that link. Why not try in another browser? I promise they won't install viruses.
I wasn't disparaging your source, just telling you why I didn't know whether it contained the information I requested. You could have just said "No." Yes, the link worked in a different browser; good idea, thanks. It doesn't contain any such statistics; all it implies is that if they were to choose European names they'd benefit*. So it provides no empirical support for your contention that immigrants keep the superior parts from both cultures, not even going by a narrow-goal-oriented definition of superior. This isn't the first time you asserted this, and declined to provide evidence for it. In fact, you even provided empirical evidence against it.

"We had plenty of gypsy visitors. They're not bad people. But they do steal. They steal because they have nothing and they're effectively shut out of society. If you give someone no options but stealing, they're going to steal. And you can't really blame them for it. People respond to incentives.

Because they are so marginalised and such targets by racists they are extremely tight knit. This is good and bad. Good because they help each other. Bad because they pressure each other into a life of crime. And weirdly they have extremely strong moral codes. Extreme. And punishments are extreme."​

So I'll ask you again. Were the stealing, the pressuring each other into crime, and the extreme punishments the best parts of the culture of India, the best parts of Swedish culture, or the best parts of the culture of one of the intermediate countries Gypsies' ancestors migrated into and then out of?

(* And Forbes doesn't even show that much -- it's a poorly written article. It says,

"All six resumes detailed identical work experience. The only differentiator was language skills on two of the resumes.

The two French-sounding names received 70% more callbacks than the other four names...",​

leaving the reader to wonder if the problem was four resumes with non-French names, or two resumes displaying more skilled French.)

I don't buy that there's traditional Islamic misogyny. I haven't seen any tangible evidence that they're more misogynist than Europeans. Or to put it differently, I don't know what anecdotal evidence I'm made aware of is the result of skewed reporting. I've met plenty of misogynist Swedes. They exist. Are we blind to Swedish misogynists but react to Muslim because that fits our (Islamophobic) narrative? Before I believe it I want to see some actual numbers (that hold up under scrutiny).
Well, the obvious reason for us to be blind to Swedish misogynists is their evident failure to exist in large enough numbers or determination even to stop government social policy from being orchestrated by radfems, let alone in large enough numbers to get women jailed, flogged or executed for suspicion of stepping outside of culturally ordained gender roles.

I've argued before that countries with a predominantly agrarian economy are more misogynist than industrial economies. As countries transition from one economy to another their countries gender roles are reformed. The Middle-East didn't really start to industrialise seriously until the 70'ies. So they have a misogyny to reflect that. But once people from there are moved here we should see those ("traditional") misogynist values melt away. If not within the first generation, then certainly in the next.
We certainly should see that. The question, though, is not whether we should see that. It's whether we do see that. The French experience suggests otherwise. According to a leaked internal government report their grade schools are full of Muslim girls year-by-year behaving more and more conservatively, because their brothers keep beating them up or ratting them out to their parents if they act western. Do you have statistics showing that second-generation Swedish Muslim men's misogynist values have melted away?

Every example of Islamic misogyny we criticise them for is practices that we did in Sweden a hundred years ago.
A hundred years ago Sweden had virtue police who'd shove a woman back into a burning building for not being dressed modestly enough for outdoors?

Even in the 50'ies in Sweden things were pretty bad. Feminism has transformed this place pretty rapidly. If we can change just within a couple of generations, then obviously Islamic immigrants can to.
Can? Sure. Will? Show us the evidence.

Swedish men didn't change in 60 years because misogyny has a natural half-life. There was some specific cause, some cultural process which by interacting with Swedish men's typical thought patterns made them evolve in a particular direction. If the same process isn't operating any more, or if it interacts differently with Muslim men's typical thought patterns, then this time it won't declaw the misogyny. So we need to identify the cause.

For example, one obvious possible reason for feminism to have rapidly transformed Sweden is because Sweden started out behind the curve, and Swedes looked abroad to some place they admired that was on the leading edge. Did Swedes in the 60's perhaps typically regard the U.S. or Britain as more advanced societies that should be emulated? Did you pick up feminism along with the rest of the Anglosphere's cultural exports? If that's what happened, one has to wonder whether the average 21st-century Swedish Muslim regards the U.S. and Britain as admirable societies.

Bottom line, we need to worry less and just let people get on with life. Just get out of people's way as much as possible. Let them do their thing and trust people's ability to figure out what is best for them.
Wow, what a concept!
That's me, a radical.
Not radical at all. A bloody good idea. I was pointing out that you preach it but you don't practice it.
What do you mean?
Exactly what I said, in the part of my post you snipped and didn't reply to. I posted two examples of groups of people opposing mass Muslim immigration -- China, and previous rounds of middle-eastern immigrants to Europe -- where the blatantly obvious motivation was their perception of what was in their own self-interest, and where you had ignored that explanation out of hand and instead accused those people of being motivated by racism. You quite evidently did not trust their ability to figure out what is best for them. So I urge you to take your own advice, and let them do their thing and trust their ability to figure out what is best for them.
It was previously Christianity for a considerable time. Islamic hostility only spread after we interfered in the Middle East and took sides in various conflicts. Before they they were happy at war with each other.

The problem is perhaps not 'Islam' but some Muslims.

A very few instigate problems. Mass immigration may have assisted by way of a percentage of rotten apples.

Islam was hostile from day 1. It just didn't reach European lands immediately.

They pretty much kept their disputes to themselves.

You may disagree with some of the contents of this article the point made is Palestinians Jews and Christians were living in harmony before WWII.

At the present rate, Europe will became Euroarabia by the turn of the century at the latest.

Ha ha ha. Use of the word "Eurorabia" is a sure fire way to spot a loon in this debate. Anders Behring Breivik used that term heavily in his manifesto. Which I have read and is the ravings of a madman. Quite literally.

The amusing thing about this right wing critique against Muslim immigration (Eurorabia) is that is usually puts liberals in the same conspiracy. So it's having liberals conspiring for conservatism. Also, it's a pretty safe place to argue from. Whenever there's a liberal change then we're edging nearer to Eurorabia. And whenever it's a change toward conservatism then it's evidence of Muslim values being imposed. Watertight, yet retarded, logic.

Tell that to the Hindus and Buddhists of Pakistan and Afghanistan!
Ignore this because it's the ranting of anti islamic right wing nut jobs who are only reporting the news.

According to Nathalie, who has worked with Arabs, the men were about 30-35 years old and spoke Arabic with what she believes is the Syrian dialect.

I don't believe Natalie.

I don't believe her story for many reasons, one, she claims to know what a Syrian dialect is in a language she does not speak.

But maybe it is true despite the lack of interest by the police, who knows?

But to post it as true is not convincing in the least.
It's Forbes magazine. It's a reputable source. That's why I used that link. Why not try in another browser? I promise they won't install viruses.
I wasn't disparaging your source, just telling you why I didn't know whether it contained the information I requested. You could have just said "No." Yes, the link worked in a different browser; good idea, thanks. It doesn't contain any such statistics; all it implies is that if they were to choose European names they'd benefit*

Then we're just talking about different things, since I think it proves what I say it proves.

So it provides no empirical support for your contention that immigrants keep the superior parts from both cultures, not even going by a narrow-goal-oriented definition of superior. This isn't the first time you asserted this, and declined to provide evidence for it. In fact, you even provided empirical evidence against it.

"We had plenty of gypsy visitors. They're not bad people. But they do steal. They steal because they have nothing and they're effectively shut out of society. If you give someone no options but stealing, they're going to steal. And you can't really blame them for it. People respond to incentives.

Because they are so marginalised and such targets by racists they are extremely tight knit. This is good and bad. Good because they help each other. Bad because they pressure each other into a life of crime. And weirdly they have extremely strong moral codes. Extreme. And punishments are extreme."

So I'll ask you again. Were the stealing, the pressuring each other into crime, and the extreme punishments the best parts of the culture of India, the best parts of Swedish culture, or the best parts of the culture of one of the intermediate countries Gypsies' ancestors migrated into and then out of?

Stealing is part of both/all cultures. It's what people do if they feel they have to. I'd reformulate it, if people steal the surrounding culture has failed. Yes, I'm aware I'm blaming the victim here. But largely this is true. What fuels stealing/immoral appropriation is income gaps. People at the bottom of the ladder feel they're justified in stealing. People at the top of the ladder feel superior, so they need not care about the harm they cause lesser people.

Extreme punishments is just another result of agrarian social values. Agrarian economies don't value human life as highly as industrial economies. So I don't see it as an intrinsic part of Indian culture. It's just a result of them industrialising later. Today I'm having lunch next to Stockholm's old execution mound, where people could come and watch undesirables get their heads lopped off. 1910 was the last Swedish execution. Which incidentally is smack bang in the middle of the crossing point between economies. It's a good example.

Social norms are universal. All societies apply direct or indirect methods of controlling the behaviour of others. The type of these depend on incentives. If you're completely dependent on people who belong to your group, and if that group has low status you'll use desperate methods in keeping those in the group in the group. That's why gypsies behave the way they do. Or to reformulate it. Gypsies with strong gypsy norms are more likely to succeed within their community. Gypsies who don't end up being isolated by both society and other gypsies. So that would then be an inferior cultural strategy. And explains why Gypsy culture is the way it is. It's self re-enforcing. All superior cultural strategies are. While inferior cultural practices is like walking around in shoes that don't fit. Each step is annoying. Eventually bits will get knocked off.

I don't buy that there's traditional Islamic misogyny. I haven't seen any tangible evidence that they're more misogynist than Europeans. Or to put it differently, I don't know what anecdotal evidence I'm made aware of is the result of skewed reporting. I've met plenty of misogynist Swedes. They exist. Are we blind to Swedish misogynists but react to Muslim because that fits our (Islamophobic) narrative? Before I believe it I want to see some actual numbers (that hold up under scrutiny).

Well, the obvious reason for us to be blind to Swedish misogynists is their evident failure to exist in large enough numbers or determination even to stop government social policy from being orchestrated by radfems, let alone in large enough numbers to get women jailed, flogged or executed for suspicion of stepping outside of culturally ordained gender roles.

Like I said before. The Middle-East industrialised in the 70'ies. I think their gender values is a result of that. I think Islam/religion is irrelevant.

I've argued before that countries with a predominantly agrarian economy are more misogynist than industrial economies. As countries transition from one economy to another their countries gender roles are reformed. The Middle-East didn't really start to industrialise seriously until the 70'ies. So they have a misogyny to reflect that. But once people from there are moved here we should see those ("traditional") misogynist values melt away. If not within the first generation, then certainly in the next.

We certainly should see that. The question, though, is not whether we should see that. It's whether we do see that. The French experience suggests otherwise. According to a leaked internal government report their grade schools are full of Muslim girls year-by-year behaving more and more conservatively, because their brothers keep beating them up or ratting them out to their parents if they act western. Do you have statistics showing that second-generation Swedish Muslim men's misogynist values have melted away?

I haven't seen any numbers either way. I'm not saying there are any. I do wonder how it can be measured.

Every example of Islamic misogyny we criticise them for is practices that we did in Sweden a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago Sweden had virtue police who'd shove a woman back into a burning building for not being dressed modestly enough for outdoors?
I don't think that has ever happened anywhere.

Even in the 50'ies in Sweden things were pretty bad. Feminism has transformed this place pretty rapidly. If we can change just within a couple of generations, then obviously Islamic immigrants can to.
Can? Sure. Will? Show us the evidence.

Swedish men didn't change in 60 years because misogyny has a natural half-life. There was some specific cause, some cultural process which by interacting with Swedish men's typical thought patterns made them evolve in a particular direction. If the same process isn't operating any more, or if it interacts differently with Muslim men's typical thought patterns, then this time it won't declaw the misogyny. So we need to identify the cause.

For example, one obvious possible reason for feminism to have rapidly transformed Sweden is because Sweden started out behind the curve, and Swedes looked abroad to some place they admired that was on the leading edge. Did Swedes in the 60's perhaps typically regard the U.S. or Britain as more advanced societies that should be emulated? Did you pick up feminism along with the rest of the Anglosphere's cultural exports? If that's what happened, one has to wonder whether the average 21st-century Swedish Muslim regards the U.S. and Britain as admirable societies.

Here's my evidence. There's a direct link between female empowerment and the number of women having jobs. Yes, Sweden was behind the curve. The main reason for this is WWI. Women taking over jobs in warring countries was a massive boost to feminism and female empowerment. This was the single biggest factor in pushing through women's suffrage. Women's suffrage in the UK was 1918. In Sweden it was 1921. So I think you have a point with that Sweden wanted to emulate more advanced societies and therefore adopted women's suffrage even though we weren't in WWI. But one could argue that it was only a matter of time. Feminism had longer histories than just WWI.

What later made Sweden so super-feminist is arguably the day-care reforms. In 1943 we started sponsoring day-care for children. Making it cheap. Freeing up more women to work. In 1975 we made it a right to have day care. Making it so cheap that there was just no way to justify women staying home with kids. We all know about the gender pay gap. But women and men aren't paid differently for the same jobs. Women tend to take more flexible jobs. A flexible job just means that your boss can't count on you in a crisis. So those jobs pay less. Women take these kinds of jobs since they're expected (social norms) to prioritise their kids. Men are expected (social norms) to prioritise work over their kids. Because of Swedish day-care women don't need to make that choice (as often). This leads to male and female salaries becoming a lot more equal. And leads to all kinds of social results, since money defines what it is we prioritise in society. We were behind the curve until the day-care reform. And now we're ahead of the curve. So Sweden's feminism is arguably all linked to Swedish day-care reform.

Like I said. It's all about incentives. What happens when a Muslim family moves here? They have choices. Stay at home mom = little money. Or working mom = lot's of money. Everybody likes money. There's just no incentive at all to be a stay-at-home mom in Sweden. Today in Sweden we have no reliable numbers on stay-at-home moms. Today it's seen as a result of some disability. And the numbers are conflated with just being unemployed or unable to have a real job.

Exactly what I said, in the part of my post you snipped and didn't reply to. I posted two examples of groups of people opposing mass Muslim immigration -- China, and previous rounds of middle-eastern immigrants to Europe -- where the blatantly obvious motivation was their perception of what was in their own self-interest, and where you had ignored that explanation out of hand and instead accused those people of being motivated by racism. You quite evidently did not trust their ability to figure out what is best for them. So I urge you to take your own advice, and let them do their thing and trust their ability to figure out what is best for them.

The freedom to curtail other people's freedom and oppress them isn't a freedom at all. You are deeply confused what it means to leave people alone and just get on with life. This isn't it.
Islam was hostile from day 1. It just didn't reach European lands immediately.

They pretty much kept their disputes to themselves.

You may disagree with some of the contents of this article the point made is Palestinians Jews and Christians were living in harmony before WWII.


I don't consider being second-class citizens "living in harmony". Things looked fine on the surface when they weren't challenging their Jim Crow status.
What was day 1 of Islam?

When it was religious justification of banditry.

Who wasn't a bandit?

Be specific?

The Visigoths sacked Rome under Alaric I in 410, defeated Attila at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains under Theodoric I in 451, and founded a kingdom in Aquitaine. The Visigoths were pushed to Hispania by the Franks following the Battle of Vouillé in 507. By the late 6th century, the Visigoths had converted to Catholicism. They were conquered in the early 8th century by the Muslim Moors, but began to regain control under the leadership of the Visigothic nobleman Pelagius, whose victory at the Battle of Covadonga began the centuries-long Reconquista. The Visigoths founded the Kingdom of Asturias, which eventually evolved into modern Spain and Portugal.

They pretty much kept their disputes to themselves.

You may disagree with some of the contents of this article the point made is Palestinians Jews and Christians were living in harmony before WWII.


I don't consider being second-class citizens "living in harmony". Things looked fine on the surface when they weren't challenging their Jim Crow status.

Where were Jews not second class citizens before the War apart from some countries in Europe? It was the Crusaders who banned Jews from living in Jerusalem, and this lasted till 1187. Historically, it was the Byzantines who considered banning Judaism and marriage between Jews and Christians.

Islam seems to be going through phase similar to what the Christians went through until it sort of petered out after the 1900s.
I don't consider being second-class citizens "living in harmony". Things looked fine on the surface when they weren't challenging their Jim Crow status.

Where were Jews not second class citizens before the War apart from some countries in Europe? It was the Crusaders who banned Jews from living in Jerusalem, and this lasted till 1187. Historically, it was the Byzantines who considered banning Judaism and marriage between Jews and Christians.

Islam seems to be going through phase similar to what the Christians went through until it sort of petered out after the 1900s.

The fact that everyone was mistreating them isn't evidence they weren't being mistreated.

And what Islam is going through is Christianity before the Reformation.
When it was religious justification of banditry.

Who wasn't a bandit?

Be specific?

The Visigoths sacked Rome under Alaric I in 410, defeated Attila at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains under Theodoric I in 451, and founded a kingdom in Aquitaine. The Visigoths were pushed to Hispania by the Franks following the Battle of Vouillé in 507. By the late 6th century, the Visigoths had converted to Catholicism. They were conquered in the early 8th century by the Muslim Moors, but began to regain control under the leadership of the Visigothic nobleman Pelagius, whose victory at the Battle of Covadonga began the centuries-long Reconquista. The Visigoths founded the Kingdom of Asturias, which eventually evolved into modern Spain and Portugal.


The fact that something is used as an excuse doesn't make it valid. Justifications aren't all equal. This one is total bullshit. Obviously this is just outright stealing. This is like throwing your table cloth over an elephant in the hope that somebody won't see it. Transparent as fuck
This one is total bullshit.

Which one is not?

When the US colonists began their extermination of the people living in places they wanted did they have valid excuses?
Where were Jews not second class citizens before the War apart from some countries in Europe? It was the Crusaders who banned Jews from living in Jerusalem, and this lasted till 1187. Historically, it was the Byzantines who considered banning Judaism and marriage between Jews and Christians.

Islam seems to be going through phase similar to what the Christians went through until it sort of petered out after the 1900s.

The fact that everyone was mistreating them isn't evidence they weren't being mistreated.

And what Islam is going through is Christianity before the Reformation.

I am sure there was discrimination against Jews to some degree during that time. Why be different from the rest of the world. However they were living along side other groups in peace if not total harmony.
What you say about Islam seems to be correct (one of my views).
The Jews were blamed for the death of Christ even though the Romans executed him (if Christ actually existed).
Then despite hardships and oppressive laws the Jews always flourished and prospered. That annoyed them more. The Jews often forgave their enemies and I'm sure that enraged some.
Women in a town in northern Sweden have been warned not to walk alone at night in the wake of a spike in violent assaults and attempted rapes.
Police in Östersund made the unusual move to ask women not to go out unaccompanied after dark, after reports of six brutal attacks by 'men of foreign appearance' in just over two weeks. Speaking at a press conference on Monday, police said they 'have never seen anything like it in Östersund', a small town in the north of Sweden with a population of just 45,000.


I'm sure they will adapt sooner or later. I can see it now, "Helga, does this burka make my ass look fat ?"
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