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Europe submits voluntarily

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The US "rebellion" against the indigenous population?

With it's "rebelling" slaves on plantations?

Yes, exactly. Just shout "help help I'm being repressed" and it's a free pass to kill anybody

Sometimes the claims are just insane.

Like the claims of the Nazi's that the Jews were a root cause of harm in society.

And the similar claims that ordinary Muslims are today.
Women in a town in northern Sweden have been warned not to walk alone at night in the wake of a spike in violent assaults and attempted rapes.
Police in Östersund made the unusual move to ask women not to go out unaccompanied after dark, after reports of six brutal attacks by 'men of foreign appearance' in just over two weeks. Speaking at a press conference on Monday, police said they 'have never seen anything like it in Östersund', a small town in the north of Sweden with a population of just 45,000.


I'm sure they will adapt sooner or later. I can see it now, "Helga, does this burka make my ass look fat ?"

This story is true. But more of a brain fart by this policeman. The blow-back was massive.

But "spike in violent assaults". LOL. What they failed to say is that these are so rare that any rape of this sort is always head-line news. We don't even have one a year of these. Typically these series of attacks is one assailant. This is the first time it's a non ethnic Swede though. So statistics is still pretty good on this :)
Women in a town in northern Sweden have been warned not to walk alone at night in the wake of a spike in violent assaults and attempted rapes.
Police in Östersund made the unusual move to ask women not to go out unaccompanied after dark, after reports of six brutal attacks by 'men of foreign appearance' in just over two weeks. Speaking at a press conference on Monday, police said they 'have never seen anything like it in Östersund', a small town in the north of Sweden with a population of just 45,000.


I'm sure they will adapt sooner or later. I can see it now, "Helga, does this burka make my ass look fat ?"

The police know that none of the assailants were under the influence of alcohol yet they have no suspects in custody.

These are quite talented police.
What they failed to say is that these are so rare that any rape of this sort is always head-line news.

They are becoming less rare. And it isn't always headline news because we know the authorities have form in suppressing news of these types of events.
What they failed to say is that these are so rare that any rape of this sort is always head-line news.

They are becoming less rare. And it isn't always headline news because we know the authorities have form in suppressing news of these types of events.

I think the foreign appearance aspect takes away authorities suppressing in this situation. Especially in Sweden, from which my grandparents came; not so much in West Hollywood from whence most of my furniture accessories came.
They are becoming less rare. And it isn't always headline news because we know the authorities have form in suppressing news of these types of events.

I think the foreign appearance aspect takes away authorities suppressing in this situation. Especially in Sweden, from which my grandparents came; not so much in West Hollywood from whence most of my furniture accessories came.

You could have gone to Ikea for your furniture you know.
What they failed to say is that these are so rare that any rape of this sort is always head-line news.

They are becoming less rare. And it isn't always headline news because we know the authorities have form in suppressing news of these types of events.

HA HA HA HA HA. No they don't. This is such a retarded conspiracy theory. This is on the level of believing in creationism.

If you adjust for how statistics are collected the numbers of all crimes in Sweden have plummeted over the last 20 years. Sweden has never been as safe as today. The impression that crime is going up is pure media fabrication. In a country like this, a 600% rise in rapes by a stranger doesn't mean anything, if the median is 0,5 a year for the hole country. If every occurrence is a rare anomaly, it makes calculating on the available statistics meaningless.

Sweden is a super transparent society. All internal government communication the public has access to. Which I think is unique for Sweden. It's us and Iceland. Sweden is so transparent that they often whine about it making their job harder. Since their every word is scrutinised. You can't hide shit from the press in Sweden. This is the worst country possible if you want to orchestrate some sort of government cover up. The Swedish authorities are good at collecting statistics. Including stuff like ethnicity for all manner of stuff. All of the results are public domain and immediately available for free on the Internet. There's very little secrets or ability to cover up anything here. People who have been convicted of crime are also available on the Internet. It's a wee bit more complicated. But essentially all data on every criminal convicted is available with a little bit of work. If you're a journalist writing about crime life is simple here.

The police omitting ethnicity is just standard procedure. First off there's no need to fuel race hate. That can turn ugly real fast. Secondly, traumatised victims are usually useless witnesses. If you're a racist/xenophobe and you're attacked by a stranger you will most likely remember being attacked by whatever group you hate/fear regardless of their real ethnicity. That is just normal. So the police have every reason to be wary of releasing this kind of information. Not only because it may be wrong. But because it'll throw people off the scent of the real attacker. This time the witness was judged reliable enough for them to release details about ethnicity. So they did it.

I'm sure they will adapt sooner or later. I can see it now, "Helga, does this burka make my ass look fat ?"

This story is true. But more of a brain fart by this policeman. The blow-back was massive.

But "spike in violent assaults". LOL. What they failed to say is that these are so rare that any rape of this sort is always head-line news. We don't even have one a year of these. Typically these series of attacks is one assailant. This is the first time it's a non ethnic Swede though. So statistics is still pretty good on this :)

The story is true. But the tale it tells is a deliberate and ugly lie. That's why reading the Daily Mail is such a bad idea, unless you like being manipulated.

The police really did warn women not to walk alone at night. But that fact can be spun in many directions.

The Mail chose 'ZOMFG the immigrants are dangerous and even the police can't cope, so your only hope is to give up your liberty or you will be the next victim'.

The reality is more 'Stupid policeman speaks without engaging his brain; needlessly frightens populace'.

That the latter is closer to reality than the former is demonstrated by the subsequent events - which barely get reported outside Sweden. So even if the world's xenophobes and fascists were not applying maximum confirmation bias to this, the overall impression would be grossly misleading. Add in that confirmation bias, and the vicious circle of fear is complete - we are scared of immigrants, so we looked for evidence that immigrants are scary, so we found that evidence, which made us scared, which makes us look for more evidence...

The winners, of course, are the owners of the newspapers that publish the 'evidence' that people are looking for. If you want to get rich, invest in fear. Shit, you barely need to advertise; the useful fools who believe your spin will spam links to your publication all over the place for free.
Has anyone thought of the Furries under possible threat?

Why not shoot the messenger. A far quicker way to shut them up!
You're not anyone's messenger; your blogger mates are not anyone's messengers. This 'shoot the messenger' crap is just a cowardly attempt to avoid owning up to your own ignorant and hateful worldview.
What's your idealistic world view have to do with reality?
So if reality doesn't match your map then it's reality that is wrong. Got it.

I'm not the one suggesting the statistics need "adjusting" to match the "correct" reality.

You're the one who wants to ignore that fact that now and again we change how statistics are collected. To just read the numbers regarding to whatever fantasy you want to prove. I'm sorry but reading the statistics that way makes the numbers worthless.

In the 70'ies the Scandinavian countries decided to count single traffic accidents without any other apparent explanation as suicides. We're still the only region in the world who does this. Before this Scandinavia had suicides on par with the rest of the western world. After this change our suicide rate jumped up 5%. Now suddenly people started theorising on what made Scandinavians so suicidal. When in reality we weren't any more suicidal than anybody else. There's still people who believe that Scandinavia has a higher suicide rate than other countries.

In the 90'ies Sweden changed how we collect rape statistics. We started counting a hell of a lot more things as rape. We wanted numbers that more accurately mirrored what was really going on. While, by comparison, all of the rest of the world do their best to hide real rape numbers. But now suddenly Sweden has the world's highest rate of rapes in the world. Do we really have that? Probably not. Considering how safe Swedish women feel being out and drunk alone at night I'd say we probably a comparatively low occurrence of rape in this country.

How statistics are collected matters.
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