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Isn't the word Kafir Arabic for non believer?

It is I could not get some of the dictionaries today because the third world Philippine website crashes every night. (I am told it doesn't it goes offline).

The word has spread around to lots of people as follows


The word kaffir is a term used in South Africa to refer to a black person. Now widely considered an offensive ethnic slur, it was formerly considered by whites to be a neutral term for South African blacks.

The word is derived from the Arabic term kafir (meaning "disbeliever"), which originally had the meaning "one without religion".[1]

Portuguese explorers adopted the term to refer to black non-Muslim peoples when they became involved in the Arab slave trade along the Swahili Coast. Later, other European traders also adopted its use.[2]

Variations of the word were used in English, Dutch, and, later, in Afrikaans, from the 17th century to the early 20th century as a general term for several different peoples of Southern Africa. In Portuguese, in French and in Spanish, the equivalent cafre was used. The term acquired a distinctly derogatory meaning in the context of South African history, especially during the Apartheid era. In Afrikaans, the term is more commonly spelled kaffer.

In South Africa today, the term is regarded as highly racially offensive, in the same way as "n........" in the United States and other English-speaking countries. It is seldom used as an isolated insult, but rather is used systematically by openly racist individuals when talking about black people, and as such was very common in the apartheid era. Use of the word has been actionable in South African courts since at least 1976 under the offense of crimen injuria: "the unlawful, intentional and serious violation of the dignity of another

The etymology as you said is perfectly correct.
It seems allah's holy warrior behind the Bataclan massacre is going to have to face infidel justice rather than 72 virgins in paradise;

A suspect in the Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam, has been shot and arrested in a police raid in the Molenbeek area of Brussels after a four-month international manhunt. “We got him,” the Belgian secretary of state for asylum and migration tweeted.


What a sorry state of affairs Europe has become.
It seems allah's holy warrior behind the Bataclan massacre is going to have to face infidel justice rather than 72 virgins in paradise;

A suspect in the Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam, has been shot and arrested in a police raid in the Molenbeek area of Brussels after a four-month international manhunt. “We got him,” the Belgian secretary of state for asylum and migration tweeted.


What a sorry state of affairs Europe has become.

It's certainly not a loss to humanity.
This is what he wanted. He wanted to die for his cause and spend the rest of eternity with a 72 year old virgin.
My apologies. It is Kafir! [ non believers, atheists, xtians, jews, Hindus, Buddhists, all non muslims]

Some people may at first mistake this or Kaffir for a black person and once considered non offensive. It but actually it comes from the same Arabic root.

So? Almost all European languages share a common root in Indian languages. The same root word can have wildly different meanings in the different languages. The exact same situation applies here. These are functionally two different words.
Isn't the word Kafir Arabic for non believer?

It's a subtle difference. Islam doesn't have religious freedom. If you once have been introduced to the "truth" and then reject it you are a kafir. Islam is fine with the "ignorant" being wrong. They're morally in the clear.

Note that I said "Islam" and not "Muslims". Muslim views on this are about as different as their choice of underwear. They all have their own. Which incidentally isn't that different from the west.
Some people may at first mistake this or Kaffir for a black person and once considered non offensive. It but actually it comes from the same Arabic root.

So? Almost all European languages share a common root in Indian languages. The same root word can have wildly different meanings in the different languages. The exact same situation applies here. These are functionally two different words.

There could be a link here, (Citation needed) in how the word spread to different uses but still echoing from the original meanding (Citation needed for this)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaffir_(racial_term) Sometimes there are wild differences but I often find there is some common connection in the roots.

"Kaffir" is derived from the Arabic word (Arabic: كافر) that is usually translated into English as "non-believer", i.e. a non-Muslim. The word was originally applied to non-Muslim black peoples encountered along the Swahili coast by Arab traders. Portuguese national poet Camões used the plural form of the term (cafres) in the fifth canto of his 1572 poem Os Lusíadas. This interpretation was probably passed on to other European settlers and explorers.

The word kāfir is the active participle of the Semitic root K-F-R "to cover" or "non-believer". As a pre-Islamic term, it described farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting. Thus, the word kāfir implies the meaning "a person who hides or covers". In Islamic parlance, a kāfir is a person who rejects Islamic faith, i.e. "hides or covers [viz., the truth]".[

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Some people may at first mistake this or Kaffir for a black person and once considered non offensive. It but actually it comes from the same Arabic root.

So? Almost all European languages share a common root in Indian languages. The same root word can have wildly different meanings in the different languages. The exact same situation applies here. These are functionally two different words.

There could be a link here, (Citation needed) in how the word spread to different uses but still echoing from the original meanding (Citation needed for this)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaffir_(racial_term) Sometimes there are wild differences but I often find there is some common connection in the roots.

"Kaffir" is derived from the Arabic word (Arabic: كافر) that is usually translated into English as "non-believer", i.e. a non-Muslim. The word was originally applied to non-Muslim black peoples encountered along the Swahili coast by Arab traders. Portuguese national poet Camões used the plural form of the term (cafres) in the fifth canto of his 1572 poem Os Lusíadas. This interpretation was probably passed on to other European settlers and explorers.

The word kāfir is the active participle of the Semitic root K-F-R "to cover" or "non-believer". As a pre-Islamic term, it described farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting. Thus, the word kāfir implies the meaning "a person who hides or covers". In Islamic parlance, a kāfir is a person who rejects Islamic faith, i.e. "hides or covers [viz., the truth]".[
Should non left-wing Israelis have asterisks next to them when they talk about immigration in Europe and America?

I think so.



Consistent right-wing Israelis who are for sane border control in America are cool in my book. So are lefty Israelis who are consistent in the other direction.

I don't know Knopf's stance on the walls in Israel.
Another slice of diversity in the rich tapestry of multicultural London;

Wielding blood-drenched chains with razor-sharp knives attached, a group of hardline Muslims flay the skin from their backs as a baying crowd looks on, chanting and beating their chests. With the force of each new sickening swing of the bladed instruments, more blood spatters through the air, landing on a plastic tarpaulin on the ground – and even on the faces of some of the audience. This ‘barbaric’ practice has been banned even in ultra-religious Iran by the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei. However, these appalling scenes did not take place in Iran, Iraq or anywhere else in the Middle East – but in suburban Britain, and partly on local council land.

Should non left-wing Israelis have asterisks next to them when they talk about immigration in Europe and America?

I think so.


View attachment 6138

Consistent right-wing Israelis who are for sane border control in America are cool in my book. So are lefty Israelis who are consistent in the other direction.

I don't know Knopf's stance on the walls in Israel.

"Source" = Haaretz.
If somebody wants to best themselves with a chain, that's their choice. Just because the government of Iran wants to tell people what to do with their bodies doesn't mean that Britain should follow their lead.
Another slice of diversity in the rich tapestry of multicultural London;

Wielding blood-drenched chains with razor-sharp knives attached, a group of hardline Muslims flay the skin from their backs as a baying crowd looks on, chanting and beating their chests. With the force of each new sickening swing of the bladed instruments, more blood spatters through the air, landing on a plastic tarpaulin on the ground – and even on the faces of some of the audience. This ‘barbaric’ practice has been banned even in ultra-religious Iran by the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei. However, these appalling scenes did not take place in Iran, Iraq or anywhere else in the Middle East – but in suburban Britain, and partly on local council land.


Our border farce protects the UK from illegal immirants (sic)

Asylum seeking is a lucrative business in terms of transportation legal representation and tax pounds.


Mr Holloway, who spent time undercover at the Sangatte refugee camp for ITV and also pretended to be a deaf and dumb Bosnian Muslim in Serbia, said it is possible to be an economic migrant and a refugee.

The MP for Gravesham in Kent told MPs: “I think that’s one of the appalling truths, if you like, of the Syrian bodies that are being washed up on the beaches.

“They’ve previously got to safe countries and now they’re choosing to come in Europe.

End of quote. While I add that he did not give specific figures (which the Daily Express like the Daily Fail is incapable of) I have seen Ethiopians sending their children back home for a holiday as they have lost their values. This should at least call for an investigation to see whether this is a common occurrence or simply a sensationalist article. There are some who return but what is the percentage???
“Likewise, we have people in this country who have come here, claimed asylum and then go back on holiday in the places where they’ve claimed asylum from."
Should non left-wing Israelis have asterisks next to them when they talk about immigration in Europe and America?

I think so.


View attachment 6138

Consistent right-wing Israelis who are for sane border control in America are cool in my book. So are lefty Israelis who are consistent in the other direction.

I don't know Knopf's stance on the walls in Israel.

"Source" = Haaretz.
A fine source that is!
"Source" = Haaretz.
A fine source that is!

There is another interpretation. Rabbi Knopf thinks the wall in Israel is also immoral and in violation of Jewish teachings. It's retarded to hold all Jews responsible for what all Jews do. I hate this us vs them. We're capable of accepting that there's differing opinions on our own side. But we only see the other side as one big massive monolithic block of single opinions and probably evil. I think this is at the root of the resistance to letting in the Syrian refugees.

It is interesting how Islamic terrorists are called "terrorists". While western racist terrorists are called "mass murders". This is the first time I've seen an Islamic terrorist also be called a mass murderer. Not sure what it means.

But Anders Behring Breivik is more often called a mass murderer than terrorist. Same goes for the Charleston Church Shooting. Both attackers explained how the motivation for the acts were to incite terror. They wanted to trigger a race war. Yet, they're "mass murders" and not "terrorists".

It is interesting how Islamic terrorists are called "terrorists". While western racist terrorists are called "mass murders". This is the first time I've seen an Islamic terrorist also be called a mass murderer. Not sure what it means.

But Anders Behring Breivik is more often called a mass murderer than terrorist. Same goes for the Charleston Church Shooting. Both attackers explained how the motivation for the acts were to incite terror. They wanted to trigger a race war. Yet, they're "mass murders" and not "terrorists".

They are of course terrorists by definition.

It is interesting how Islamic terrorists are called "terrorists". While western racist terrorists are called "mass murders". This is the first time I've seen an Islamic terrorist also be called a mass murderer. Not sure what it means.

But Anders Behring Breivik is more often called a mass murderer than terrorist. Same goes for the Charleston Church Shooting. Both attackers explained how the motivation for the acts were to incite terror. They wanted to trigger a race war. Yet, they're "mass murders" and not "terrorists".

They are of course terrorists by definition.
It is interesting how Islamic terrorists are called "terrorists". While western racist terrorists are called "mass murders". This is the first time I've seen an Islamic terrorist also be called a mass murderer. Not sure what it means.

But Anders Behring Breivik is more often called a mass murderer than terrorist. Same goes for the Charleston Church Shooting. Both attackers explained how the motivation for the acts were to incite terror. They wanted to trigger a race war. Yet, they're "mass murders" and not "terrorists".

They are of course terrorists by definition.

Yes, all of them.
A fine source that is!

There is another interpretation. Rabbi Knopf thinks the wall in Israel is also immoral and in violation of Jewish teachings. It's retarded to hold all Jews responsible for what all Jews do. I hate this us vs them. We're capable of accepting that there's differing opinions on our own side. But we only see the other side as one big massive monolithic block of single opinions and probably evil. I think this is at the root of the resistance to letting in the Syrian refugees.

The point is that Haaretz is little better than a Hamas propaganda outlet. There's no reason to believe they're telling the truth.

Furthermore, finding a nutter doesn't show maintstream support for the nutter's position.

It is interesting how Islamic terrorists are called "terrorists". While western racist terrorists are called "mass murders". This is the first time I've seen an Islamic terrorist also be called a mass murderer. Not sure what it means.

But Anders Behring Breivik is more often called a mass murderer than terrorist. Same goes for the Charleston Church Shooting. Both attackers explained how the motivation for the acts were to incite terror. They wanted to trigger a race war. Yet, they're "mass murders" and not "terrorists".

Terrorist = acts to scare people into doing what they want.

Mass murderer = simply kills a bunch of people without a political motivation.

Crazies are normally considered mass murderers even if in their mind there was a political reason.
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