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Europe submits voluntarily

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Then we're just talking about different things, since I think it proves what I say it proves.
Well, why in the world do you think that??? Quote something from it. Show some reasoning. Your link reports an experiment measuring how employers from the host culture respond to immigrants; it doesn't say a bloody word about what immigrants do.

How else would you measure culture? People do whatever they do because it works for them in whatever context they find themselves in. How other people in the same cultural context respond to them is how you measure how well it works for them.

I didn't ask which cultures they're part of. I didn't ask whose fault they were. I didn't ask what causes them. Which culture are they the BEST parts of? This thread isn't about explaining Gypsies. This thread is about the current migration issue. The Gypsies are only relevant to the extent that they shed light on whether your general theory of immigration is correct. You claim immigrants' cultures are formed out of the combination of their old culture with the host country's culture, by merging the BEST parts of each, and discarding the WORST parts of each. So I'm asking you to tell me which culture are stealing, pressuring each other into crime, and extreme punishments some of the BEST parts of? Do you understand the question now? It calls for you to judge whether those cultural traits are problematic, in comparison with cultures' other traits.

Let's change the terminology. I think "best" is too value laden. Let's use evolutionary terminology. The topic is memetic evolution, so I think it fits. Let's instead call it "most adaptive" instead of "best".

If you need to steal to survive you will steal. So if you find yourself in a context where stealing is necessary you will justify it. That then becomes your culture. Extreme punishments are most adaptive in cultures where there is less of an incentive to behave. I think western mild punishments is the result of the low degree of corruption and functioning justice systems. So if you move somebody from a culture with a lot of corruption (and extreme punishments) they will keep those values until they start seeing that people around them are actually behaving really nicely without the need for extreme measures.

What should be painfully obvious is that sometimes immigrant cultures retain bad aspects of the two preexisting cultures, and discard good aspects.

I'm sorry but you're going to have to back this up somehow. It isn't what I'm seeing.

Migration has no magical power to induce people to make wise or moral collective decisions. Like any other immigrants, the current waves of Middle Easterners will inevitably end up with mosaics -- both good parts and bad parts of their traditional cultures, mixed with both good parts and bad parts of the host countries' cultures. Your theory is wrong. Inferring from your theory that the current problems in the immigrant communities will go away is unwarranted, because your theory is wrong.

Yes, the cultural evolution is less quick in some people, while sometimes it's a step back for every step forward. I agree that it's a mosaic, with both good and bad parts. What sets us apart is that overall I see more good than bad change. I don't see things merely being shaken up. I see continuous change toward a more adaptive synthesis.

So does "superior" mean "making you more likely to fit in and succeed in your community" then?

Yes. More adaptive. The problem is that immigrants tend to want high status both in the culture they're coming to as well as having high status in the country that they're coming from. That can make success in the new culture hard. As it gives a bit of a schizophrenic behaviour at times.

This argument came out of whichphilosophy's "The concern is the high volume of people coming in when the country does not have endless jobs to offer." and your response, "I don't think it is a problem. In fact, I think it's awesome. ... There will be a natural evolution to better adapted behaviours. Bottom line, we need to worry less and just let people get on with life. Just get out of people's way as much as possible. Let them do their thing and trust people's ability to figure out what is best for them."

If the thing you're getting out of the way of and letting them do is figure out what's best for them, in the sense of making them more likely to fit in and succeed in their community, then why the bejesus would that be any evidence that its "awesome" and not "a problem"??? As we've seen, sometimes what's best for an immigrant and makes him succeed in his community is stealing, pressuring his fellow immigrants into becoming criminals, and imposing extreme punishments. Does that make those behaviors not a problem? Does that make them awesome? If a Middle Eastern man beats his wife, beats his gay son, forces his daughter to marry his cousin from the old country, and looks the other way when his cousin commits an "honor killing", that may well exhibit strong norms that make him more likely to succeed within his community. Those cultural traits may well be better adapted to getting him what's best for him within his community than evolving into a civilized person would be. But this is not evidence that its awesome and not a problem.

Now you're in the "us" vs "them" mindset. When "they" come here they may have all kinds of horrendous values (honor killings, female genital mutilation and so on) but also a bunch of positive values. It's pretty arrogant to assume that we have nothing to learn from "them". In general I think immigration makes the world a better place for everybody. We're all learning from each other. We get new and better cultural aspects and they take new and better cultural aspects back to their home cultures. Everybody wins.

Oh, fuck me sideways. I was wrong. That is fucked up. Points to you. But what it doesn't say is whether this caused an outrage in Saudi Arabia. I'm guessing it did. I don't think this is kosher anywhere. I don't think it was kosher in Saudi Arabia when this happened and I don't think Saudis were cool with this happening. There's a big difference between shit like this happening and people in the culture being ok with it.

I guess Saudi Arabia is way worse than I thought. I didn't know that was possible. I learned something new.

So the bottom line is, as long as you continue to have cops whose job it is to prevent migrants from getting jobs, your immigrant women will remain unemployed, so they'll go on having nothing better to do than be stay-at-home moms, so your immigrant men will not get one extra krona by evolving into women's libbers.

And as long as your ruling parties know that if they let the wages and employment prospects of the unskilled Swedes who would most directly compete with migrants for low-skill jobs decline, even more of them will vote for the Sweden Democrats, they're going to keep the employment police employed.

I'm not holding Sweden up as some shining example for the world to follow. I think we're doing everything wrong. When it comes to handling immigration (once they've been accepted and let into the country) I think USA is the shining light for us to follow. They impose no restrictions. Once they're in they're free to do whatever.
The news from Östersund doesn't get any better;

The streets are deserted after dark in a sleepy Swedish town which is a now no-go zone for women after eight sex attacks in three weeks.
Women have been warned by police not to walk alone at night after the once peaceful town of Östersund was shaken to its core by a string of vicious attacks on females and even children by groups of young men of 'foreign origin'. First, two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of men who threatened to rape them.


I'm sure once DrZ has "adjusted" the statistics and/or "redefined" the offenses, it will all be meaningless.
The news from Östersund doesn't get any better;

The streets are deserted after dark in a sleepy Swedish town which is a now no-go zone for women after eight sex attacks in three weeks.
Women have been warned by police not to walk alone at night after the once peaceful town of Östersund was shaken to its core by a string of vicious attacks on females and even children by groups of young men of 'foreign origin'. First, two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of men who threatened to rape them.


I'm sure once DrZ has "adjusted" the statistics and/or "redefined" the offenses, it will all be meaningless.

He doesn't need to, as long as your only source is the Daily Mail, we can pretty much discount the entire article.
^^ Sometimes the source is less important than the message!
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.
He doesn't need to, as long as your only source is the Daily Mail, we can pretty much discount the entire article.

^^ Sometimes the source is less important than the message!
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.

Oh for the love of god! :picardfacepalm:

Let me Google Östersund sex attacks for you...



^^ Sometimes the source is less important than the message!
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.

Oh for the love of god! :picardfacepalm:

Let me Google Östersund sex attacks for you...




Let's unpack this.

1) Sometimes rapes take place.
2) An extremely rare subset of these are women getting jumped outdoors by unknown perpetrators.
3) Serial rapists jumping women outdoors we don't even have one a decade in Sweden.
3) The description of the perpetrator is Middle-Eastern.

It could be one of the refugees. But doesn't have to be. There's no connection to the recent refugee crisis.

The extreme rarity of this type of rape makes it pointless to do a statistical analysis. In order for it to be any point to make predictions based on statistics you need a population of events. We don't have enough. Serial rapists who jump women outdoors, like this... this is the first one I've heard of in Sweden that isn't ethnically Swedish. But again, it's such a rare event that it's impossible to deduce anything from it.

Racists in Sweden have from this single rapist concluded that all refugees rape women somehow, or something along those lines. That's why they're going nuts and why this is news.

What events like this demonstrate is how extraordinary safe Sweden is compared to most other countries.
And with a wave of the hand (aka "adjust statistics") harsh realities and uncomfortable questions are avoided.

What events like this demonstrate is how extraordinary safe Sweden is compared to most other countries.

It appears Sweden, or one town at least, has become a little less safe.

Let's unpack this.

1) Sometimes rapes take place.
2) An extremely rare subset of these are women getting jumped outdoors by unknown perpetrators.
3) Serial rapists jumping women outdoors we don't even have one a decade in Sweden.
3) The description of the perpetrator is Middle-Eastern.
The extreme rarity of this type of rape makes it pointless to do a statistical analysis. In order for it to be any point to make predictions based on statistics you need a population of events. We don't have enough. Serial rapists who jump women outdoors, like this... this is the first one I've heard of in Sweden that isn't ethnically Swedish. But again, it's such a rare event that it's impossible to deduce anything from it.
Well, that sure changed from

Are you saying the lies are as good as the truth as long as the lies confirm your preconceptions?​


once DrZ has "adjusted" the statistics and/or "redefined" the offenses, it will all be meaningless.​

pretty darn quick. Did you post #3227 before you'd read #3226?

Why are you even making this out to be meaningless to me instead of to TSwizzle? I'm not the one deducing anything from it; I'm just pointing out how monumentally lame it is for two three of you to go all "We don't have to deal with this because it probably never really happened because you got it from the Daily Fail", on an internet that contains Google. Are you directing your answer to me because you piled on with the lame "lies" accusation? Or are you directing your answer to me because you adjusted the statistics and redefined the offenses, exactly like TSwizzle said you would?

"The description of the perpetrator is Middle-Eastern."​

There were multiple perpetrators.

"you need a population of events. We don't have enough. Serial rapists who jump women outdoors, like this... this is the first one I've heard of in Sweden that isn't ethnically Swedish. But again, it's such a rare event that it's impossible to deduce anything from it."​

There were multiple events.

It could be one of the refugees. But doesn't have to be. There's no connection to the recent refugee crisis.
When there are incidents like this, over and over again apologists for European governments' migrant policies keep saying that. The mental gymnastics you guys must go through, in order to persuade yourselves that that's a substantive defense, are mind-blowing. How can you not grasp that if in point of fact the attackers aren't refugees, then that makes your case weaker?

Racists in Sweden have from this single rapist concluded that all refugees rape women somehow, or something along those lines. That's why they're going nuts and why this is news.
You are seriously suggesting that nine sexual assaults, in a few weeks, in a city of only 50,000, in an extraordinarily safe country, shouldn't be news and wouldn't be if racists weren't making a stink about it?!? Do you even listen to yourself?
^^ Sometimes the source is less important than the message!
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.

Oh for the love of god! :picardfacepalm:

Let me Google Östersund sex attacks for you...




Let's unpack this.

1) Sometimes rapes take place.
2) An extremely rare subset of these are women getting jumped outdoors by unknown perpetrators.
3) Serial rapists jumping women outdoors we don't even have one a decade in Sweden.
3) The description of the perpetrator is Middle-Eastern.

It could be one of the refugees. But doesn't have to be. There's no connection to the recent refugee crisis.

The extreme rarity of this type of rape makes it pointless to do a statistical analysis. In order for it to be any point to make predictions based on statistics you need a population of events. We don't have enough. Serial rapists who jump women outdoors, like this... this is the first one I've heard of in Sweden that isn't ethnically Swedish. But again, it's such a rare event that it's impossible to deduce anything from it.

Racists in Sweden have from this single rapist concluded that all refugees rape women somehow, or something along those lines. That's why they're going nuts and why this is news.

What events like this demonstrate is how extraordinary safe Sweden is compared to most other countries.

Again it's statistics. If you drive in 100,000 British football supporters the amount of bar fights will increase somewhat though slightly.
If you drive in more migrants the amount of crime will increase somewhat though slightly.
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.

They become even more unreliable when the message goes against an already perceived bias.
The Daily Mail has a proven record of publishing lies. No-one should consider them reliable.

By relying on them for information you are guaranteeing that you will be misinformed.
They become even more unreliable when the message goes against an already perceived bias.
The Daily Mail has a proven record of publishing lies. No-one should consider them reliable.

By relying on them for information you are guaranteeing that you will be misinformed.

This is true, and more so than most media. However since it is not capable of independent reporting and tends to cut and paste reports from others. While you could cite fruit from the poisonous tree, it can still be capable of producing information that is true in whole or part.
To get an even news service, isn't it better to look at all the sources then use your own rational mind to sort the hay from the chaff?
The Daily Mail has a proven record of publishing lies. No-one should consider them reliable.

By relying on them for information you are guaranteeing that you will be misinformed.

This is true, and more so than most media. However since it is not capable of independent reporting and tends to cut and paste reports from others. While you could cite fruit from the poisonous tree, it can still be capable of producing information that is true in whole or part.

We've established that it isn't true in Daily Mails case. They're just making shit up. The linked articles from them used in this thread have just been utter bullshit.
^^ Sometimes the source is less important than the message!
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.

Oh for the love of god! :picardfacepalm:

Let me Google Östersund sex attacks for you...




Note the differences between these articles and the Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail tells us this is a "sleepy Swedish town", strongly implying a very small town. My guess would be 10,000 or less when I hear a town described that way, but this is a city of 50,000. They further tell us that the town is a now a "no-go zone for women", which is pure bullshit. Your first two articles make no mention of the specific incident of children being attacked, but the third mentions that the police are "investigating the alleged molestation of a 10-year-old girl at a bus station", which was transformed in the Daily Mail article into "two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of men who threatened to rape them".

The Daily Mail is fear mongering, and just plain making shit up, which is why I said that if the Daily Mail is the only source on the incident, it can be discounted. I am not going to angelo's homework for him, but I am certainly going to point it out when he copies his essay from a disreputable tabloid.
To get an even news service, isn't it better to look at all the sources then use your own rational mind to sort the hay from the chaff?

What with poisonous trees, hay, chaff, Daily Mail bullshit and shit, flying here, can we please agree on one thing? That one thing being that you sort the grain from the chaff by threshing and then winnowing, never the hay from the chaff or from anything else. :)
To get an even news service, isn't it better to look at all the sources then use your own rational mind to sort the hay from the chaff?

Use the credible sources. Things like the Daily Fail aren't worth much.
^^ Sometimes the source is less important than the message!
Messages from untrustworthy, unreliable sources are completely worthless.

You only give the Daily Fail credit because they support your prejudices.

Oh for the love of god! :picardfacepalm:

Let me Google Östersund sex attacks for you...




Note the differences between these articles and the Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail tells us this is a "sleepy Swedish town", strongly implying a very small town. My guess would be 10,000 or less when I hear a town described that way, but this is a city of 50,000. They further tell us that the town is a now a "no-go zone for women", which is pure bullshit. Your first two articles make no mention of the specific incident of children being attacked, but the third mentions that the police are "investigating the alleged molestation of a 10-year-old girl at a bus station", which was transformed in the Daily Mail article into "two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of men who threatened to rape them".

The Daily Mail is fear mongering, and just plain making shit up, which is why I said that if the Daily Mail is the only source on the incident, it can be discounted. I am not going to angelo's homework for him, but I am certainly going to point it out when he copies his essay from a disreputable tabloid.

So here's Sweden's main and most reliable newspaper. The BBC of Sweden, you could say.


So what does it say:

1) The main news is that the police has told women to be careful when going out. This has led to massive criticism since it's perceived as blaming the victim/slut-shaming etc. Instead perhaps the police should do their jobs. Comments have been made about how much more money Östersund spends on cops to babysit football supporters rather than keeping the streets safe. It's this advice, by the police, that has made this news at all. If the cops would have kept their mouths shut and instead just done their jobs, it wouldn't be news.

2) There's been a number of reported attempted rapes. So no actual rapes. It may or may not be the same attacker or the same gang/group of people. This article makes no mention of ethnicity. So perhaps the cops didn't say any ethnicity? Maybe it was (racist) conjecture?

Sweden doesn't have no-go zones for women. Or no-go zones for the police. In Sweden you can go anywhere dressed anyway and you'll be fine. People might say mean things. But you won't get hurt physically.

Our biggest problem now with violent crime is racists trying to keep the streets safe. It's the people trying to protect "us" that are causing all the problems. We've already discussed the event when a bunch of racists attacked Middle-Eastern looking children around Stockholm's central station in order to make the streets safe (for white people I presume). This is extremely serious. Nothing we should take lightly on. The rise of 1930'ies style racism is the most worrying political development I've witnessed during my lifetime. And we all know why this has happened. Because of media outlets like the Daily Mail shamelessly lying in order to get clicks and make money for their advertisers.

And here's the sweetest story you'll ever read.


It's about Ilko Corkovic. A Bosnian Muslim who came here as a refugee in 1992. Now he's an elected politician in power in one of Sweden's counties. He visits the very same hut that he stayed in when he first came to Sweden. Now inhabited by a Syrian. He explains how very grateful he is that he was allowed in and how he's worked hard to repay Sweden's generosity. He explains how all he got from the Swedish government and people was love and support. He's troubled by the new trends. He says that if he was a refugee today, he's not sure if he would make it to and in Sweden. There's a lot less love now.
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