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Europe submits voluntarily

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I recall Trump saying the same thing about Muslims celebrating in the streets of New York. Turned out to be nothing but a lie. I wonder is this is as well? I have a couple of questions.

1) How would the vice PM have any better information than the general public. If they're celebrating in the streets wouldn't we have footage of it all over Youtube? What makes it more credible because it's from his lips?

2) Did he really say it? Sounds like a candidate for a misquote.

3) Jihadwatch is an unreliable source of news. Did they just make it up? LIkely.

4) How many Muslims celebrated in the streets? So even if it were true, all this really says is that more than one Muslim in Brussels expressed a favourable opinion on the matter. Where the two guys misquoted? Maybe they were celebrating, but celebrating something different entirely. What constitutes celebrating and what is just being in a good mood?

Sweden's main right wing political party (yes, they're racists) often criticise the media for not covering "what is really happening". What they're really saying is that the news aren't validating their biases. Which is pretty fucking hard to do if it isn't really happening.... at all.
Is the reason that this isn't covered by BBC News due to the pro-ISIS liberal media conspiracy?

The BBC does not like to ask uncomfortable questions.

Isn't that just the difference between mainstream media and tabloid media? World leaders can pick a chose who to talk to. Any journalist that pushes too hard won't get access. That's just a fact. Mainstream journalist have to be careful with what they say. Tabloid media never get access to anybody significant. You just get grannies upset about the local McDonalds closing. The result is that tabloid journalists have to rely on second hand information and just guess a lot. That's the category that Daily Mail is in, and why they only publish unsupported shit.

BBC News may be overly careful with what they write, but I can't think of an instance where I've learned that BBC News has lied about anything. As far as I know their track record is immaculate. Do you know of an instance where they've wilfully misrepresented some event? There are several news companies. They are keeping track of each other as much as the rest of the world.

I recall Trump saying the same thing about Muslims celebrating in the streets of New York. Turned out to be nothing but a lie. I wonder is this is as well? I have a couple of questions.

1) How would the vice PM have any better information than the general public. If they're celebrating in the streets wouldn't we have footage of it all over Youtube? What makes it more credible because it's from his lips?

2) Did he really say it? Sounds like a candidate for a misquote.

3) Jihadwatch is an unreliable source of news. Did they just make it up? LIkely.

4) How many Muslims celebrated in the streets? So even if it were true, all this really says is that more than one Muslim in Brussels expressed a favourable opinion on the matter. Where the two guys misquoted? Maybe they were celebrating, but celebrating something different entirely. What constitutes celebrating and what is just being in a good mood?

Sweden's main right wing political party (yes, they're racists) often criticise the media for not covering "what is really happening". What they're really saying is that the news aren't validating their biases. Which is pretty fucking hard to do if it isn't really happening.... at all.

Statistically you may get a handful here and there and maybe a mob who get caught up in such fervour, but there is no footage to show large crowds. If there was this would all over the media. The percentage can be amplified in volume but hardly percentage-wise, simply based on the large amounts of people entering Europe from different countries.
A poll of moslems taken some time ago showed up to 80% of them did NOT condemn acts of violence if done in the name of islam!
A reading of the Suna, would explain why not.
A poll of moslems taken some time ago showed up to 80% of them did NOT condemn acts of violence if done in the name of islam!
A reading of the Suna, would explain why not.

I'd like to see the questions and how they are formulated. A while back I saw a list of Muslim organisations that had put out statements condemning various terrorist acts. It was all the biggest ones covering most Muslims. The angle of the story was that the media doesn't care about Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism since it isn't news.

I think the main problem here is that I think all extremists think news reporting is biased and they don't trust it. So they only trust their own blogs, which are only lying. And you get an extremely polarised situation. I think that is true for extremists on both sides.

But most people aren't extremists. Most people, on any side, just want to get on with their lives. The less violence the better.
All well and true, except for islam! This ideology was founded by a paedophile and warmonger terrorist! All true moslems are taught to follow this " perfect" man, the messenger of god. So called moderate moslems aren't really true muslims, but apostates who because of fear of their peers say nothing, but in reality are Kafirs!
Angelo, what you say is just pure rubbish. There is much diversity in Islamic teaching and many of the major streams utterly condemn extremism and terrorism. For instance, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, who is the senior Islamic scholar in the country (which is the country with the largest Muslim population in the Middle East) has condemned Islamic terrorists and bombings very publicly on many occasions, and he makes it clear that whatever teachings the extremists follow, it is not true Islam.

The only ones who agree with you are the extremists themselves. You are buying into their narrative lock, stock and barrel, and in doing so you help propagate their objectives. Well done.
All well and true, except for islam! This ideology was founded by a paedophile and warmonger terrorist! All true moslems are taught to follow this " perfect" man, the messenger of god. So called moderate moslems aren't really true muslims, but apostates who because of fear of their peers say nothing, but in reality are Kafirs!

It's the No True Muslim fallacy, the simple formula for proving that all Muslims are violent jihadi terrorists!
You guys are aware that Muhammad, with his dying breath told his followers to kill all the Jews and infidels where ever they found them? The so called extremists are just following the most perfect man ever example. Islam was founded by violence, how can it be anything else! Every single day there are Islamic atrocities throughout the world, yet still there are the gullible who believe this death cult can be peaceful.
You guys are aware that Muhammad, with his dying breath told his followers to kill all the Jews and infidels where ever they found them? The so called extremists are just following the most perfect man ever example. Islam was founded by violence, how can it be anything else! Every single day there are Islamic atrocities throughout the world, yet still there are the gullible who believe this death cult can be peaceful.

That simply isn't true of the overwhelming majority (>99%) of moderate Muslims who are not ultraconservative or Islamist.

All well and true, except for islam! This ideology was founded by a paedophile and warmonger terrorist! All true moslems are taught to follow this " perfect" man, the messenger of god. So called moderate moslems aren't really true muslims, but apostates who because of fear of their peers say nothing, but in reality are Kafirs!

Over 99% of Muslims do not fit your criterion for True MuslimsTM. That means your definition is ever-so-slightly disconnected from reality.
Reality bites;

The religious head of Scotland's largest mosque who praised an extremist who was executed for committing murder in Pakistan will not face charges. Imam Maulana Habib Ur Rehman of Glasgow Central Mosque used WhatsApp to show his support for Mumtaz Qadri. Qadri was hanged in February after murdering a local politician who opposed strict blasphemy laws. Police Scotland said it had reviewed the messages but said "no criminality has been established". The imam said the series of messages about Qadri, in which he reportedly called the killer a "true Muslim", had been "taken out of context" and were about his opposition to Qadri's hanging and the Pakistani justice system. He said: "I condemn extrajudicial killing and anarchy. The spirit of Islam is a spirit of peace." (99% of the time I suppose ?)

What exactly is your point? That there are some radical Imams in the West? Agreed. That the police should investigate the preachings of these guys if concerns are raised about possible incitement to religious hatred and violence? Agreed. That the police should not prosecute if these concerns are subsequently found to be ungrounded? Agreed. That there are divisions within the Muslim community leading to some members reporting this Imam? Agreed. That this shows that it is false that 99% of Muslims are peaceful people? Nope.
There is an entire industry devoted to anti-Muslim propaganda.

People are making a lot of money with this nonsense.

Which means it is going to go on a long time.

As long as the simple minded keep believing it.

Which is not to say there are no Muslim criminals. There are.

There are criminals of every make and model of the human species.

But every isolated crime by some isolated Muslim is not a sign of impending doom.
You guys are aware that Muhammad, with his dying breath told his followers to kill all the Jews and infidels where ever they found them? The so called extremists are just following the most perfect man ever example. Islam was founded by violence, how can it be anything else! Every single day there are Islamic atrocities throughout the world, yet still there are the gullible who believe this death cult can be peaceful.

Christian movements nowadays are generally peaceful despite what it says in the bible.
There are far more xtians in the world them moslems, yet one rarely hears of some xtian atrocity anywhere on the planet. they're 95% or more Islamic. Doesn't that say it all?
There are far more xtians in the world them moslems, yet one rarely hears of some xtian atrocity anywhere on the planet. they're 95% or more Islamic. Doesn't that say it all?

We've caused a lot more deaths by the wars we have generated in Libya, Iraq and Syria. Now with the governments either removed or partly so and with no one better to fill these voids we have generated a vacuum for ISIS to take over. We can also add deaths caused by any allied bombings and by the Russians.

The concern about immigration is not whether ISIS will send agents over but how many. Now that it is losing ground there must be a possibility that a few can come to Europe and then claim political asylum. A good lawyer can help with this. I believe only a few will actually come over, but a few is enough.
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