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Europe submits voluntarily

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Like evolution with respect to intelligence, there's no evidence that all cultures, given enough time, will produce secular, liberal democracies. And there is little evidence that Islam has any especially strong desire to produce such systems.

In the 1950's Iran was a secular democracy.

The US and Britain destroyed their democracy so they could continue to control Iranian oil.

The US and Britain have supported the Saudi dictatorship and other dictatorships in the region for many decades.

Who knows what the Muslim world would look like if it had been left in peace?
And if you just think about it, the holocaust turned out to be a positive. Israel was born and Germany grew into an industrial and financial powerhouse. So it's all good.
What's so good about a Jewish State intruding into a region that doesn't like intruders?

If this was done properly with no seizures of property (but purchased instead) this would be one of the busiest tourist centres in the world. Unfortunately humans are not much different from chimpanzees and will squabble over ownership of anything even if there is enough (Land and resources) to go around.

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What's so good about a Jewish State intruding into a region that doesn't like intruders?

If this was done properly with no seizures of property (but purchased instead) this would be one of the busiest tourist centres in the world. Unfortunately humans are not much different from chimpanzees and will squabble over ownership of anything even if there is enough (Land and resources) to go around.

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What's so good about a Jewish State intruding into a region that doesn't like intruders?

If this was done properly with no seizures of property (but purchased instead) this would be one of the busiest tourist centres in the world. Unfortunately humans are not much different from chimpanzees and will squabble over ownership of anything even if there is enough (Land and resources) to go around.

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What's so good about a Jewish State intruding into a region that doesn't like intruders?

If this was done properly with no seizures of property (but purchased instead) this would be one of the busiest tourist centres in the world. Unfortunately humans are not much different from chimpanzees and will squabble over ownership of anything even if there is enough (Land and resources) to go around.
As it is now it is the only democracy in the region among a sea of theocracies run by islamic sharia political ideology masquerading as a religion.
You may have KeepTalking on ignore, or perhaps overlooked his post, but he provided a source that indicates Molenbeek is less than 40% Muslim.

In some places it may well be 70% and in others almost NIL.

Then it is incorrect to say that Molenbeek is 70% muslim.

Actually the overall picture is possibly correct with Saint-Joose-Ten-Noorde with just under 50%. However within that areas there may be higher concentrates in some areas could even be over 70% and in others almost nil. This happens with all communities.

Yeah, sure, just like you can say that St. Louis is 100% atheist, so long as you are limiting St. Louis to the area immediately surrounding my house. Once you include my neighbors that statistic changes dramatically.
As it is now it is the only democracy in the region among a sea of theocracies run by islamic sharia political ideology masquerading as a religion.

What are you basing this on? Is it a hunch? A feeling you have?

Baath parties are not theocracies. Rather the opposite. They're secular. Why do you think ISIS are so unhappy about Bashar Al Assad? Iraq under Saddam was very secular indeed. Iraq now is still a secular democracy albeit highly dysfunctional. And it's Baath-parties that have dominated the Middle-Eastern political landscape since the end of colonialism.

Jordan isn't a theocracy in the least. It's a monarchy of the type predominant in Europe during in the 19'th century. Their various post-Ottoman Jordan kings have had plenty of run ins with the Muslims for being too secular, leading to the old kings assassination. Egypt has never been ruled by a theocratic ruler. Their only leader who came to power on an Islamic agenda (Morsi) was democratically elected in a free and fair election. I can only think of two theocratic rulers in the Middle-East, and that is the leaders of ISIS and Iran.
This incident will cause many heads to spin;

Police investigating the "religiously prejudiced death" of a Glaswegian shopkeeper believe that the man alleged to be involved may have travelled 200 miles from Bradford in a premeditated attack, according to reports. Asad Shah was founded severely injured outside his shop in the Shawlands area of Glasgow on Thursday and died later in hospital. The suspect is alleged to have stabbed him multiple times an stamped on his head.


It seems that Mr Shah was the wrong sort of muslim and had wished his community a "Happy Easter". :hitsthefan:
This incident will cause many heads to spin;

Police investigating the "religiously prejudiced death" of a Glaswegian shopkeeper believe that the man alleged to be involved may have travelled 200 miles from Bradford in a premeditated attack, according to reports. Asad Shah was founded severely injured outside his shop in the Shawlands area of Glasgow on Thursday and died later in hospital. The suspect is alleged to have stabbed him multiple times an stamped on his head.


It seems that Mr Shah was the wrong sort of muslim and had wished his community a "Happy Easter". :hitsthefan:

It may be an internal Ahmadi struggle - sort of like why Malcolm X was killed. Not enough info on this yet. Ahmadis are not Muslim. Mohammed being the final prophet is non negotiable.

I am an Atheist and not a big fan of Muslims, but I give them the right to say that a group that has such major deviations of core doctrine are not muslim. I respect and agree with that.
Everyone except moslems are intruders in that region of the planet.
Why? Or are you just being sarcastic?
How are Zoroastrians intruders in Iran?
Or Christians in Syria, Iran, etc.?

But furthermore, how is anyone born in one of the countries in that region of the planet, an intruder?
France does not have its troubles to seek;

France has at least 100 neighbourhoods as bad as Belgium's jihadi hotspot Molenbeek, a prominent French politician has warned.
The minister for cities Patrick Kanner said there were scores of urban communities in France similar to the Brussels district, home to several extremists linked to terror activity in Europe. It comes as it emerged that anti-terror police are still hunting eight suspects on the run after attacks in Brussels last week and in Paris in November.

'We know that there are today around a hundred neighbourhoods in France which have potential similarities to what has happened in Molenbeek,' he said during a radio interview, though some in his own Socialist Party questioned the statement.

First he uses the mealy mouthed "potential similarities", which means next to nothing, then his statements are immediately questioned by his own party.

This is simply more feces to feed the bigots.
ISIS issues call to arms to Molenbeek;

Young men in the Molenbeek district of Brussels were sent messages over the weekend calling on them to “make the right choice” and “fight the westerners”. The texts were sent on Sunday night from a prepaid account that could not be traced or replied to. It followed a video distributed on Facebook, since removed, apparently showing local youths celebrating the attacks in Brussels last week.

In some places it may well be 70% and in others almost NIL.

Then it is incorrect to say that Molenbeek is 70% muslim.

Actually the overall picture is possibly correct with Saint-Joose-Ten-Noorde with just under 50%. However within that areas there may be higher concentrates in some areas could even be over 70% and in others almost nil. This happens with all communities.

Yeah, sure, just like you can say that St. Louis is 100% atheist, so long as you are limiting St. Louis to the area immediately surrounding my house. Once you include my neighbors that statistic changes dramatically.
Or maybe to be certain just inside your house. This is why some reports can give wildly different statistics.
France does not have its troubles to seek;

France has at least 100 neighbourhoods as bad as Belgium's jihadi hotspot Molenbeek, a prominent French politician has warned.
The minister for cities Patrick Kanner said there were scores of urban communities in France similar to the Brussels district, home to several extremists linked to terror activity in Europe. It comes as it emerged that anti-terror police are still hunting eight suspects on the run after attacks in Brussels last week and in Paris in November.


I think I've picked apart enough Daily Mail articles on Sweden, in this thread, to call Shenanigens. Everything they've said about events in Sweden has been utter bullshit. Not even a grain of truth. Just nonsense and racist tripe.

What I ask myself is this, what are the chances that this isn't also bullshit? My money is on that they've just made it all up.

edit: Is the reason that this isn't covered by BBC News due to the pro-ISIS liberal media conspiracy?
France does not have its troubles to seek;


I think I've picked apart enough Daily Mail articles on Sweden, in this thread, to call Shenanigens. Everything they've said about events in Sweden has been utter bullshit. Not even a grain of truth. Just nonsense and racist tripe.

What I ask myself is this, what are the chances that this isn't also bullshit? My money is on that they've just made it all up.

edit: Is the reason that this isn't covered by BBC News due to the pro-ISIS liberal media conspiracy?

You're right about the Daily Fail. What makes you think that the British Brainwashing Corporation is much better. There are some places I visited in France and Holland where you have to be careful but it's not as bad as Milan Central Station.
I've only ever been attacked in Milan where a steel self defence umbrella is invaluable. In France and Holland there was no trouble but some police in Holland asked me to be careful in Leeuwendalersweg but I didn't find any problems.
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Alex Jones just said that HALF of the fighting age male refugees are sleeper cell agents!

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