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Europe submits voluntarily

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Many here think this site is islamphobic. But this is a very good question!

I think the pope has abandoned Europe to secularism. Europe isn't going to get any more Catholic. I think he sees it as a lost cause. The paedophilia scandal really has hurt them. Their only hope for growth is outside Europe. So that's what he's doing. It's just politics.

So the fact that Jihadwatch at all poses the question in those terms betrays Robert's Islamophobia. This guy only sees the world's conflicts in terms for for or against Islam. He seems utterly blind to any otehr dimension.

And can we please stop saying "Jihadwatch". It's "Robert Spencer". If an "organisation" only is one person, it makes no sense to separate them. I'm sure he likes using "Jihadwatch" in order to create an illusion of a movement (larger than a single person). Reminds me of the movement a "million moms" that turned out to barely be a hundred. Frauds, (like Robert Spencer) should be exposed at every opportunity.

Refugees actually come from the war torn areas in Syria, Afghanistan an Iraq arising out of wars generated by the West.


That counts where they claim to be from. That doesn't mean they actually are--there's plenty of evidence that many are faking their origins.
It's not just their colonies, we wanted to conquer them and disarm them, not leave them in a position to rearm and try it again.

Of course there would have been a lot of haggling over the price of fish this is how things are done in Asia and is all part of how discussions would progress possibly during a cease fire.

And more people would have died that way than to the bombs.

The final peace agreement was issued several years later.
If the firing had stopped and the peace talks started much earlier say in June or July , there would have been a lot of haggling. However, in the end I don't see how the eventual outcome would not have been different other than many lives would have been saved. Of course we would have insisted on disarming Japan an trying war criminals, many of whom escaped prosecution including the emperor.

What was essential to avoid megadeaths was the occupation of Japan. Your approach doesn't provide for that.

The final treaty took years to conclude and even then the Allies didn't get everything it stated it was seeking. The important thing was to initiate a cease fire and peace talks which could have taken place.
Whether we are being diplomatic or warlike about something our goals are the same.

As Chau En Lai said, 'Diplomacy is a continuation of war by other means.'

Yak, yak, yak wouldn't have avoided millions starving to death.
Chou En Lai was merely inverting Clausewitz's: "War is the continuation of politics by other means"

Of course the terms apply either way.

Mao had another take on this
“Politics is war without blood, while war is politics with blood.”

I've read Mao's Red Book. It's awful. Really really retarded. It's pretty clear when reading it, that it's all references ONLY make sense within some Chinese specific context. It boggles my mind how it caught on outside China.
Refugees actually come from the war torn areas in Syria, Afghanistan an Iraq arising out of wars generated by the West.


That counts where they claim to be from. That doesn't mean they actually are--there's plenty of evidence that many are faking their origins.

This has been happening. A lot came in during last year without even a single fingerprint check or any ID. Some threw away their IDs. A lot lot come from Pakistan, India, and the Balklands. Security in checking IDs and fingerprinting was dropped. The true figure may well differ but it is not clear how wide the margin could be. Countries like Germany and Sweden driving in mass migration didn't help much either.

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Of course the terms apply either way.

Mao had another take on this
“Politics is war without blood, while war is politics with blood.”

I've read Mao's Red Book. It's awful. Really really retarded. It's pretty clear when reading it, that it's all references ONLY make sense within some Chinese specific context. It boggles my mind how it caught on outside China.

It was trendy during the 70s amongst some sheeple.
I'm no Muslim apologist; Islam is fucking stupid.
Then why do you want the terrorists to win?

That counts where they claim to be from. That doesn't mean they actually are--there's plenty of evidence that many are faking their origins.

This has been happening. A lot came in during last year without even a single fingerprint check or any ID. Some threw away their IDs. A lot lot come from Pakistan, India, and the Balklands. Security in checking IDs and fingerprinting was dropped. The true figure may well differ but it is not clear how wide the margin could be. Countries like Germany and Sweden driving in mass migration didn't help much either.

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Of course the terms apply either way.

Mao had another take on this
“Politics is war without blood, while war is politics with blood.”

I've read Mao's Red Book. It's awful. Really really retarded. It's pretty clear when reading it, that it's all references ONLY make sense within some Chinese specific context. It boggles my mind how it caught on outside China.

It was trendy during the 70s amongst some sheeple.

Yes, it was very trendy for the left latte set and uni students.
Then why do you want the terrorists to win?

That counts where they claim to be from. That doesn't mean they actually are--there's plenty of evidence that many are faking their origins.

This has been happening. A lot came in during last year without even a single fingerprint check or any ID. Some threw away their IDs. A lot lot come from Pakistan, India, and the Balklands. Security in checking IDs and fingerprinting was dropped. The true figure may well differ but it is not clear how wide the margin could be. Countries like Germany and Sweden driving in mass migration didn't help much either.

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Of course the terms apply either way.

Mao had another take on this
“Politics is war without blood, while war is politics with blood.”

I've read Mao's Red Book. It's awful. Really really retarded. It's pretty clear when reading it, that it's all references ONLY make sense within some Chinese specific context. It boggles my mind how it caught on outside China.

It was trendy during the 70s amongst some sheeple.

Yes, it was very trendy for the left latte set and uni students.

Many of the sheeple said the contents were not b-a-a-a-hd.
I was somewhat interested and turned up to a couple of party meetings. The meetings went on about revisionism etc. and were pretty dead ended.

Now China says it practices communism with Chinese characteristics

The formula is

Communism + Chinese Characteristics = Capitalism
"Refugees" rescued by the Italian navy are not really refugees, shocker.

They are not REAL refugees! Whatever David Cameron and his fellow European leaders tell us, the enormous one-way flow of migrants to the West is changing Europe irretrievably and for ever. Twelve thousand migrants have been rescued from people-smugglers' boats off the coast of Libya and heading for Italy in the past week alone. And more – maybe a million more – who come from the Middle East, Africa and South Asia will soon be on their way there, too. I watched as 540 Syrians, Libyans and Moroccans came ashore from the Italian naval ship that had plucked them from the sea after the boat taking them to a new life across the Mediterranean capsized. Coming down the gangplank they waved at the waiting crowd of TV crews, international charity workers, UN officials, police and Red Cross doctors, as if they were celebrities on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. The crowds cheered back, shouting 'buongiorno' (good morning) and clapping as the arrivals set foot on dry land. Such was the surreal carnival atmosphere that it was almost impossible to comprehend that hours earlier these smiling migrants had been involved in a life-or-death struggle. Or that they were in Italy only because they had paid smugglers, now growing rich in chaotic Libya, for a place on a flimsy wooden boat to illegally enter Europe where they were now being accepted with open arms.

"Refugees" rescued by the Italian navy are not really refugees, shocker.

They are not REAL refugees! Whatever David Cameron and his fellow European leaders tell us, the enormous one-way flow of migrants to the West is changing Europe irretrievably and for ever. Twelve thousand migrants have been rescued from people-smugglers' boats off the coast of Libya and heading for Italy in the past week alone. And more – maybe a million more – who come from the Middle East, Africa and South Asia will soon be on their way there, too. I watched as 540 Syrians, Libyans and Moroccans came ashore from the Italian naval ship that had plucked them from the sea after the boat taking them to a new life across the Mediterranean capsized. Coming down the gangplank they waved at the waiting crowd of TV crews, international charity workers, UN officials, police and Red Cross doctors, as if they were celebrities on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. The crowds cheered back, shouting 'buongiorno' (good morning) and clapping as the arrivals set foot on dry land. Such was the surreal carnival atmosphere that it was almost impossible to comprehend that hours earlier these smiling migrants had been involved in a life-or-death struggle. Or that they were in Italy only because they had paid smugglers, now growing rich in chaotic Libya, for a place on a flimsy wooden boat to illegally enter Europe where they were now being accepted with open arms.


There are no distinctions between economic migrants, career criminals and asylum seekers as human traffickers continue to make millions if not billons from shipping people in dangerous boats where the survivors are welcomed with open arms of their hosts and not even any real security checks.

Morocco though far from perfect has considerably improved its human rights but is a poor country full of crime. Some criminals have seized the opportunity to migrate to Europe and it seems they have formed gangs either before migrating or afterwards. .

I also faced attacks in Italy close to Milan station but my steel purpose built umbrella proved useful.
Only the election of anti migration politicians will ever stop this mass migration of economic migrants, or nation shoppers! By that time it will have proven to be too late to save Western culture.
Only the election of anti migration politicians will ever stop this mass migration of economic migrants, or nation shoppers! By that time it will have proven to be too late to save Western culture.

The Henny Penny routine is still pathetic.
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