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Europe submits voluntarily

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England had 5,700 recorded cases of FGM in 2015-16

The integration is going well.

There were 5,700 new cases of female genital mutilation recorded in England in 2015-16, the first annual statistics show. The figures, published on Thursday by the Health and Social Care Information Centre and covering the period of April 2015 to March 2016, show that in 18 cases the practice had been undertaken in the UK. More than half of all cases – 52% of newly recorded cases and 58% of total attendances – related to women and girls from the London NHS commissioning region. More than 20,000 girls a year are thought to be at risk of FGM in the UK. Medical groups, trade unions and human rights organisations estimate that there are 66,000 victims of the practice in England and Wales.

The FBI list includes columns for killed and wounded. The absence of numbers in those columns means "zero".

People are more focused on a few acts of terrorism than on the masses of other crimes for a reason: it's because getting killed is something we take very seriously. Normal people have that in mind when we hear statistics about terrorism. Now, the FBI "is very good at being transparent and being honest about" the fact that by "terrorism", they are including crimes against property, even if you do have to read to the end of their whole dissertation to notice. But Loonwatch wasn't up-front about that discrepancy in definitions when they claimed the FBI says Jews commit more "terrorism" than Muslims, and when they got dozens of other media outlets to repeat their meme. It was rhetorical sleight-of-hand.

Europe has similar low numbers for Islamic terrorism. Here's the official EU numbers for 2015. In 2015 there was a sharp increase of Islamic terrorism. Even lower than the American number.


This report shows a sharp increase. In statistics, what can sharp increase signify? It can signify variance. It can also mean there's a spill over from the war in Syria. That can explain the entire variance. When that war ends, the attacks that relate to that war will also end. ...
Oh, for the love of god! Did you even read your own link? In the first place, no, those are not the official EU numbers for 2015. Those are the numbers for 2014, with some 2012 and 2013 numbers included. 2012-2014 was a lull. Yes, there was a sharp uptick in 2015. Charlie Hebdo, for instance.

And in the second place, just like the FBI, Europol is counting crimes against property as "terrorist" attacks!

"Animal rights activists continued to carry out protests against animal testing, targeting the pharmaceutical industry and contract research organisations. In the Netherlands, the Anti-Dierproeven Coalitie (ADC, Anti-Animal Testing Coalition) launched a campaign in 2014 to identify locations in which laboratory animals were kept, and to disclose the conditions of their treatment. In July, extremists vandalised the properties of a number of managers of an airline company and a security firm that were associated with the handling of laboratory animals."​

You are blaming Muslims for 2% of terrorism in Europe based on sources like that?!? Why anyone would imagine that vandalism statistics have any bearing on the topic under discussion in this thread is beyond me. The percentage of terrorist attacks in the EU in the period covered by your source, 2012 to 2014, and had fatalities, that were committed by Islamic extremists, was not 2% but, wait for it,


All studies show that passport controls and border checks are worthless. This are security theater. They only exist to make you feel safer when boarding planes. Also to make you feel that your government is doing something.

The reality is that anybody can easily commit any terrorist attack. There's just no stopping it.

The police is completely and utterly dependent on defectors and informers within the militant Islamic community to foil plots. Without these guys the cops wouldn't be able to stop a single one.

How about investigate all African and Middle Eastern looking people? It's not politically correct, but human lives are at stake here!

In the UK we have a lot of people fitting that description working for border control.
This is something we should have learnt in 9.11. While difficult to control better road barriers and security are necessary. As a security rule, expect the unexpected.
Security in Europe can be very lax. They hardly look at the passports and in some cases just look at the cover and not always the person. They are clearing crowds fast. I bet if someone entered the French border from Belgium and often from Britain, and stuck his pecker out when he is supposed to show his ID, he would be let through. I must admit I haven't tried that one yet.

All studies show that passport controls and border checks are worthless. This are security theater. They only exist to make you feel safer when boarding planes. Also to make you feel that your government is doing something.

The reality is that anybody can easily commit any terrorist attack. There's just no stopping it.

The police is completely and utterly dependent on defectors and informers within the militant Islamic community to foil plots. Without these guys the cops wouldn't be able to stop a single one.

They cannot stop everyone but they can catch some drug pushers, and people with fake documentation such as work permits, or fake college courses or better still fake enrollment to a real college. For sure some have a new career at one of the many sweatshops in the UK.
Those damn Mormons, Catholic, and all other xtians are responsible for ISIS barbarism! Here I was blaming Moslems for the more than 25.000 terrorists attacks World wide just since 9/11!

The problem is that Mormons, Catholics and the other Christians commit just as much terrorism as Muslims. There's no statistically significant difference. It's like Rule 34 of the Internet, but for terrorism. If it exists, there is somebody committing terrorist acts for its cause.

I just backed up my statement with two different sources.
No, you didn't. You quoted sources that mulched together terrorism statistics and vandalism statistics.

Where are your sources? Let me guess, is it Jihadwatch?

You also need to find a list of the non-Islamic attacks for comparison

Lol. About as reliable source as Jihadwatch.

Hot tip: Stop finding your data on Islamophobic/racist sites. They're just lying.
...says the guy who quoted the 6% figure from loonwatch. :rolleyes:

I should probably leave you two lovers of pulling numbers out of your and other people's asses to your "Who can make the most baseless assertions?" contest; you're mirror images of each other. But for any readers who care about reality, here's a source that probably isn't just lying.

Estimate Name Political Ideology Country Location Date

2,996 September 11 attacks Islamic extremism United States New York City
Arlington County, Virginia
Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania 2001, Sep 11
774 1990 massacre of Sri Lankan Police officers Tamil separatism Sri Lanka Eastern Province, Sri Lanka 1990, Jun 11
500 2007 Yazidi communities bombings Islamic extremism Iraq Kahtaniya and Adnaniyah 2007, Aug 14
449 May 2013 Iraq attacks Islamic extremism Iraq Across Iraq 2013
422 Cinema Rex fire Disputed Iran Abadan, Iran 1978
400 Massacre of Trujillo Paramilitary groups Colombia Trujillo, Valle del Cauca 1990
389 July 2013 Iraq attacks Islamic extremism Iraq Across Iraq 2013
336+ 2014 Gamboru Ngala attack Islamic extremism Nigeria Gamboru Ngala 2014
200-800 Rais massacre Islamic extremism Algeria village of Rais, near Sidi Moussa and south of Algiers 1997
200-400 Bentalha massacre Islamic extremism Algeria village of Bentalha about 15 km south of Algiers 1997
385 Beslan school hostage crisis Chechen separatism Russia Beslan 2004
329 Air India Flight 182 Sikh extremism Ireland Irish Atlantic airspace 1985
307 1983 Beirut barracks bombing Islamic extremism Lebanon Beirut 1983

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." - Mark Twain
The problem is that Mormons, Catholics and the other Christians commit just as much terrorism as Muslims.

Team islam has been busy this week, not just in Europe but other places. What have the mormons been up to ?

There have been attacks Europe which are clearly organised but it seems that the frequency of more than one lone event may also suggest investigation that these are also part of the same equation. These attacks by 'loners' demonstrate detailed planning in advance. It only takes one or two people to create such issues.
However for a lone person to commit suicide, hiring a truck to kill others or carrying explosives in a backpack which are detonated somehow (in a crowded place) would suggest these are of the same equation. However more investigation is required to confirm their links with radical fanatics.
The Earth has a problem, and that problem is Islam with the potential to kill and maim many more innocents than a disastrous earthquake or flood!
Interesting VIDEO form AL JAZERA about immigration in Sweden and the current problems.


Taken from the Transcript:
Published on 4 Jul 2016

Sweden's backlash: Why the tide is turning for refugees
We speak to Swedish politicians and citizens to find out what is behind the current backlash against immigration.
Al Jazeera documentary
In the past 10 years, the numbers have taken off and in 2015, nearly 163,000 individuals applied for asylum in Sweden, a nation of 9.8 million people.

Syrians accounted for 51,000 of these asylum seekers, 41,000 came from Afghanistan, 20,000 from Iraq, along with thousands from Eritrea, Somalia and Iran. A combined 4,000 came from Albania and Kosovo.

Today, around 1.6 million people living in Sweden were born in another country - that is 16 per cent of the population.

Many new arrivals are languishing in temporary housing, beggars and homeless live in the streets, and some neighbourhoods have seen an uptick in violence and extremism.
We need to wake from our thralldom like King Théoden:

Someone needs to make Théoden a European leader and the orcs muslims.
It's starting to unravel quicker than I thought it would. A priest in France, murdered in his church this time. France really is in le merde noire.
We need to wake from our thralldom like King Théoden:

Someone needs to make Théoden a European leader and the orcs muslims.

Or, alternatively, you and all the other bigots who say fucking ignorant shit like this can go form your own little xenophobic fiefdom and allow the rest of us to handle these issues intelligently and without blind hysteria.
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We need to wake from our thralldom like King Théoden:
<snipped video>
Someone needs to make Théoden a European leader and the orcs muslims.

Or, alternatively, you and all the other bigots who say fucking ignorant shit like this can go form your own little xenophobic fiefdom and allow the rest of us to handle these issues intelligently and without blind hysteria.

It's a nice thought, but we all know it won't happen. Bigotry is in the ascendant right now, and all the rest of us can do is hope that the damage is not too severe before it becomes unfashionable again.

Young Muslim thugs terrorized men, women and children at a nudist swimming pool in Germany, imposing morality rules according to Sharia law. The bathers were shouted down by the jihadists, yelling “Allahu akbar” and “infidels”, and a mom reported the Muslim men saying that all German women were “sluts” and that the group would “exterminate” them.

Menacing about the incident was that the Muslim men were very much aware of German culture and Western norms, as they were reported to be speaking fluent German, but they were self-appointed morality police executing Sharia law, and were given reprieve in doing so by German authorities. As the article below points out: “The situation bears similarities to other incidents involving migrants who are briefly detained after committing crimes, like sexual assault or theft, and then let go until a court date where they may never appear.”

The more the West appeases Islamic supremacists, the more emboldened they will become. Political Islam continues to expand its borders on Western soil as leftist leaders succumb to dhimmitude.
Can the TFT fascists stop frothing and wailing for a moment and provide evidence for the causal link between:

1. Granting asylum to Middle-Eastern refugees and
2. Terrorist attacks

No links to nutjob blogs or the Fail.

So it's not moslems carrying on terrorists attacks almost every day in Europe! Silly me, of course, it's the those damn Jews again isn't it!
So it's not moslems carrying on terrorists attacks almost every day in Europe! Silly me, of course, it's the those damn Jews again isn't it!
How many of the terrorists came into Europe disguised as refugees fleeing the Syrian Civil War?
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