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Europe submits voluntarily

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Derec said:
Parts of Malmö (which is overall over 1/5 Islamic) look more like Mosul or Mogadishu than they look like a proper Swedish city.

It's the city I live in. I haven't been in Mosul or Mogadishu. But if they're anything like Malmö, sign me up and I'm moving there. This place is cold.

I don't even know what 1/5 Islamic means. Is it Arabs that is referred to? Malmö has 15% immigrants from the Middle-East/Balcans. All pretty recent.

To understand the problems of Malmö you've got to look at the history of the city. It's a small city with two main industries, military and the Kockums ship yard. The shipyard closed in 1999 and the military regiments attached to the city have been dismantled (because of the end of the cold war) and were all gone around the same time.

With all those empty houses in the the end of the 90'ies the Swedish government thought this is an excellent city to put all the refugees in. The predictable result was a bunch of immigrants, who didn't know the language, who also didn't have jobs. This is still a problem. But it's constantly improving. The disappearing of the city's two main industries was a huge blow to the city.

Not really the immigrants fault. When people are unemployed and restless they often do stupid things. This problem area is very much a self-inflicted wound made by short sighted politicians.

To fix this problem they built the Öresunds bridge. Copenhagen has a shortage of housing (so therefore not enough people) and plenty of jobs. Malmö has a surplus of people and not enough jobs. Which has worked wonders. Malmö is quite a decent city now. I live in Malmö and work in Copenhagen. But the identity checks on the bridge is fucking it up. It adds 1-3 hours a day for commuters. So this is slowly killing this inter-city integration. Stupid. Let's hope they remove the identity checks soon, before it gets really bad in Malmö again.

I also live in one of the rougher areas. Kirseberg. I've mostly got immigrants as neighbours. It's fine. I have no problems with it and I feel safe at night. When I'm out partying in Malmö city centre I always walk drunk home. Nothing bad has ever happened to me.

Edit: Checked the statistics closer. 38% of Malmö's population are immigrants. 17% (of the total Malmö population) are from Africa, the Middle-East or Asia. So plenty of immigrants in that number who aren't from traditionally Muslim countries. Most of the Malmö immigrants are Americans or EU citizens.

Sweden doesn't register people based on religion. We have a law against doing that. So there's no official statistics. But there are unofficial statistics collected.

Did a little bit more digging. The sociologist Åke Sander has studied Muslim immigrants to Sweden in particular. His statistic is about 4.9% in Sweden as a whole. Pew research backs that number up. Sander claims that only 15% of second generation Muslim immigrants to Sweden stay Islamic. The rest leave the faith. He also claims that Sweden is a magnet for "Muslims" who come to Sweden because of it's atheistic reputation and has moved here because they want to get away from Islam. These people might still register as Muslims for family reasons. But are atheists. Same goes for atheistic second generation Muslims who stay in the faith for purely practical reasons. Both of these groups are hard to measure statistically.


So we have even less to worry about than I previously thought.
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If the intake of immigration to Sweden has truly turned it into a socialist Utopia as you claimed, why has the government suddenly closed it's previous porus border?
Wouldn't even more immigrants make it better still, say another 200.000 from Syria and Iran where Sweden has sent a female delegation wearing the obligatory head scarves?
If the intake of immigration to Sweden has truly turned it into a socialist Utopia as you claimed, why has the government suddenly closed it's previous porus border?

To shut up racists like you who, by spreading lies, has made everybody terrified. With "everybody" I mean everybody who can't be bothered to fact check. The last ten years Sweden has had an explosion of racist blogs who just make shit up. Very similar to the kinds of idiotic nonsense Trump spouts. It's all obvious lies to anybody who looks at the stuff critically. But they've still had a big impact on public opinion. So the government felt obliged to throw them a bone. That's how democracy works. It doesn't matter if the government sits on all the facts if most of their voters aren't listening, and have their own alternative facts (ie falsehoods).

Look, whenever there's a wave of refugees fleeing a war there's some degree of disturbance whenever they arrive. That's true whenever large groups of people move all at once. But once they're all settled in things go back to normal. Like it is now. These minor disturbances gets taken as some sort of evidence of Arab/Islamic evil.

And then every minor little event gets blown out of proportion, twisted or past off like something completely contrary to what it is. For example the Malmö New Years kerfuffle at Möllevången. In context, ie New Years celebration, the film was not especially bad. There's always going to be some degree of trouble whenever teenagers get their hands on explosive devices. All this completely ignored and it was uncritically spread around the globe as God knows what Islamic immigrant riot.

BTW, the closing of the border was purely symbolic. The border crossing by boat is still as open as it ever has been. The identity checks are only on the bridge across from Malmö to Copenhagen, and a couple of ferries linking Denmark to Sweden. But if you take a boat from, say Poland or Germany, there's no checks. Or any of the boats without passport checks. Officially there are, but there aren't.

What stopped the wave of refugees into Sweden was the fact that refugees out of Syria sharply dropped off. The peak of increase of refugees was in January 2015. That's when all the refugee reception systems in Europe pretty much all went tits up at once. Not the refugees fault. But down to the recipient countries lack of planing. They'd had years to plan and not doing so was extraordinarily stupid. Sweden was among the worst prepared. So there was lots of noise about how we were overwhelmed and can't take more. Just stupid. They should have apologised for not planing better instead of blaming the refugees. This led to a debate which eventually a year later led to the border being closed.

The border controls were put into place 4'th of January 2016. After 15'th of February the same year the number of Syrian refugees leaving Syria dropped to near zero. And that is still the case. What stopped more refugees into Sweden wasn't the border control. It was the fact that there are less refugees. The border controls were worthless.

Here's offical UNHCR data if you don't believe me.


We could open the border today and nothing would happen. If we hadn't bothered with the border controls to begin with it would have made no difference.

Wouldn't even more immigrants make it better still, say another 200.000 from Syria and Iran where Sweden has sent a female delegation wearing the obligatory head scarves?

What incoherent garbage are you waffling about now?
Denmark surrenders;

A Danish man has been charged with blasphemy after he allegedly burned a copy of the Koran and posted a video of the incident on Facebook. The 42-year-old suspect burned the Koran in his backyard in northern Denmark in December and posted the video on an anti-Muslim Facebook page. He posted put the clip, entitled 'Consider your neighbour: it stinks when it burns' to a group called 'YES TO FREEDOM – NO TO ISLAM'.

DailyMail, can't be true.

Denmark learned its lesson after the mohammad cartoons.
To shut up racists like you who, by spreading lies, has made everybody terrified. With "everybody" I mean everybody who can't be bothered to fact check. The last ten years Sweden has had an explosion of racist blogs who just make shit up. Very similar to the kinds of idiotic nonsense Trump spouts. It's all obvious lies to anybody who looks at the stuff critically. But they've still had a big impact on public opinion. So the government felt obliged to throw them a bone. That's how democracy works. It doesn't matter if the government sits on all the facts if most of their voters aren't listening, and have their own alternative facts (ie falsehoods).

You assume you're the one with the truth. While I'm sure there's racist blogs there's too much stuff that looks like the state is sweeping the problems under the rug.

Look, whenever there's a wave of refugees fleeing a war there's some degree of disturbance whenever they arrive. That's true whenever large groups of people move all at once. But once they're all settled in things go back to normal. Like it is now. These minor disturbances gets taken as some sort of evidence of Arab/Islamic evil.

Of course there are disturbances. What seems to be going on is more than just "disturbances", though.

And then every minor little event gets blown out of proportion, twisted or past off like something completely contrary to what it is.

I was under the impression that what amounts to a gang taking on the police isn't normal for Sweden.

Here's offical UNHCR data if you don't believe me.

If I wanted a joke I would see a comedian.

- - - Updated - - -

Denmark surrenders;

A Danish man has been charged with blasphemy after he allegedly burned a copy of the Koran and posted a video of the incident on Facebook. The 42-year-old suspect burned the Koran in his backyard in northern Denmark in December and posted the video on an anti-Muslim Facebook page. He posted put the clip, entitled 'Consider your neighbour: it stinks when it burns' to a group called 'YES TO FREEDOM – NO TO ISLAM'.

DailyMail, can't be true.

Denmark learned its lesson after the mohammad cartoons.

Daily Fail. I find it hard to believe they actually have a blasphemy charge.
Denmark surrenders;

A Danish man has been charged with blasphemy after he allegedly burned a copy of the Koran and posted a video of the incident on Facebook. The 42-year-old suspect burned the Koran in his backyard in northern Denmark in December and posted the video on an anti-Muslim Facebook page. He posted put the clip, entitled 'Consider your neighbour: it stinks when it burns' to a group called 'YES TO FREEDOM – NO TO ISLAM'.

DailyMail, can't be true.

Denmark learned its lesson after the mohammad cartoons.

The Danish law against blasphemy is from 1938. It comes from a time when Nazism and racism was all the rage in Europe. Nazis were very Christian. It was passed to shut up people like that. The same kind of people who now are against Syrian refugees coming here.

All this the Daily Mail neglected to mention.
You assume you're the one with the truth. While I'm sure there's racist blogs there's too much stuff that looks like the state is sweeping the problems under the rug.

All this stuff is easy to fact check. The racist are just making shit up.

Here's a Swedish newspaper that has compiled the statistics of what happened to Swedish crime rates when we took in Syrian refugees.


Of course there are disturbances. What seems to be going on is more than just "disturbances", though.

But this has to do with coverage. It's easy to manipulate people's feelings and to make things seem worse by just making shit up.

And then every minor little event gets blown out of proportion, twisted or past off like something completely contrary to what it is.

I was under the impression that what amounts to a gang taking on the police isn't normal for Sweden.

Yes it's a rare event. So? It's still a rare event. Good luck trying to tie it to anything other than the fact that drugs are illegal in Sweden.
All this stuff is easy to fact check. The racist are just making shit up.

Here's a Swedish newspaper that has compiled the statistics of what happened to Swedish crime rates when we took in Syrian refugees.


Of course there are disturbances. What seems to be going on is more than just "disturbances", though.

But this has to do with coverage. It's easy to manipulate people's feelings and to make things seem worse by just making shit up.
Are you saying these pictures of burning cars are forgeries?
And then every minor little event gets blown out of proportion, twisted or past off like something completely contrary to what it is.

I was under the impression that what amounts to a gang taking on the police isn't normal for Sweden.

Yes it's a rare event. So? It's still a rare event. Good luck trying to tie it to anything other than the fact that drugs are illegal in Sweden.
Drug busts are pretty routine in US, but I don't recall any which immediately resulted in burning cars and trashing stores. They usually result in people taken to jail.
All this stuff is easy to fact check. The racist are just making shit up.

Here's a Swedish newspaper that has compiled the statistics of what happened to Swedish crime rates when we took in Syrian refugees.


But this has to do with coverage. It's easy to manipulate people's feelings and to make things seem worse by just making shit up.
Are you saying these pictures of burning cars are forgeries?
And then every minor little event gets blown out of proportion, twisted or past off like something completely contrary to what it is.

I was under the impression that what amounts to a gang taking on the police isn't normal for Sweden.

Yes it's a rare event. So? It's still a rare event. Good luck trying to tie it to anything other than the fact that drugs are illegal in Sweden.
Drug busts are pretty routine in US, but I don't recall any which immediately resulted in burning cars and trashing stores. They usually result in people taken to jail.
Two reasons why burnung cars have become popular:
- insurance fraud.
- very low risk of being caught. When the fire gets visible the arsomust is long gone.
Are you saying these pictures of burning cars are forgeries?

It's just a burning car. It's unfortunate that someone's car got torched. But sometimes shit happens. If it happens rarely enough there's no reason to get excited.

Here's statistics from the government agency responsible for keeping us safe from disasters. You can google translate it. We get about 10 000 arsons a year in Sweden. In about half the cases the perpetrator is a child. The most common target is the school they go to. The rest are rare events. Rare events are hard to collate into meaningful numbers.


Here's statistics from Malmö on car fires. There was a media coverage and claims that car fires was on the rise in Sweden. So the Malmö police released this. Turns out to be playing with numbers. Car fires is a rare event. If an event is rare and happens we get stuff like 500% increase in car fires.


DrZoidberg said:
Yes it's a rare event. So? It's still a rare event. Good luck trying to tie it to anything other than the fact that drugs are illegal in Sweden.
Drug busts are pretty routine in US, but I don't recall any which immediately resulted in burning cars and trashing stores. They usually result in people taken to jail.

How do you know? USA is so much bigger. Could it be that it happens so often that it's just not reported? It's bound to happen more often than in Sweden. But Sweden is a very safe country. We have very little violent crime compared to Sweden. That might lead to Swedish police taking more risks and not being as careful. So this happens. American police have every reason to be better prepared when they do drug busts.

Sweden started with police in 1675. Since then 30 police officers have been killed on the job.

USA loses about 150 policeman a year in the line of duty.

Even if we with the help of calculator magic adjust the American population to that of Sweden we get about 3 dead a year for USA. Being a cop in USA is 31 times more dangerous than Sweden.

The impression that Sweden is less safe now since the Syrian refugees arrive isn't supported by statistics. Nor is it supported by what I see around me. According to the statistics there's no difference. Which is what I also see. This idea is a pure media product. It's made up by people far away from these events or areas who have no clue what they're talking about.
It's just a burning car. It's unfortunate that someone's car got torched. But sometimes shit happens. If it happens rarely enough there's no reason to get excited.
That's not an answer to my question.
Here's statistics from the government agency responsible for keeping us safe from disasters. You can google translate it. We get about 10 000 arsons a year in Sweden. In about half the cases the perpetrator is a child. The most common target is the school they go to. The rest are rare events. Rare events are hard to collate into meaningful numbers.
How is that relevant to anything?

Here's statistics from Malmö on car fires. There was a media coverage and claims that car fires was on the rise in Sweden. So the Malmö police released this. Turns out to be playing with numbers. Car fires is a rare event. If an event is rare and happens we get stuff like 500% increase in car fires.


DrZoidberg said:
Yes it's a rare event. So? It's still a rare event. Good luck trying to tie it to anything other than the fact that drugs are illegal in Sweden.
Drug busts are pretty routine in US, but I don't recall any which immediately resulted in burning cars and trashing stores. They usually result in people taken to jail.

How do you know? USA is so much bigger. Could it be that it happens so often that it's just not reported?
Kellyanne, is that you?
It's bound to happen more often than in Sweden.
But it does not happen during fucking drug busts!
But Sweden is a very safe country.
I am not saying it's not.
We have very little violent crime compared to Sweden.
We who? I thought you were Sweden
That might lead to Swedish police taking more risks and not being as careful. So this happens.
You are trying to convince me that burning cars and rioting is a normal response to police trying to arrest someone.
American police have every reason to be better prepared when they do drug busts.
Yeah, american police does not send couple of police officers to arrest 50 people at once.
Sweden started with police in 1675. Since then 30 police officers have been killed on the job.
Cool but irrelevant.
Here's statistics from the government agency responsible for keeping us safe from disasters. You can google translate it. We get about 10 000 arsons a year in Sweden. In about half the cases the perpetrator is a child. The most common target is the school they go to. The rest are rare events. Rare events are hard to collate into meaningful numbers.
How is that relevant to anything?

You were making a case that car fires are on the rise in Sweden. They're not. They're most often just down to kids being kids. And kids are up to as much stupid shit today as they've always been.

But it does not happen during fucking drug busts!

How do you know?

You are trying to convince me that burning cars and rioting is a normal response to police trying to arrest someone.

What I'm saying is that it's such a rare event that it's not indicative of anything.

This thread is about Islamic immigration to Europe. How could you possibly link this event to Islamic immigration?
How is that relevant to anything?

You were making a case that car fires are on the rise in Sweden. They're not. They're most often just down to kids being kids. And kids are up to as much stupid shit today as they've always been.
No, I was not making any such case. My case was that these immigrants are pain in the swedish ass.
But it does not happen during fucking drug busts!

How do you know?
Because if it were happening it would have been reported.
You are trying to convince me that burning cars and rioting is a normal response to police trying to arrest someone.

What I'm saying is that it's such a rare event that it's not indicative of anything.
That's not rare event, in fact it's surprisingly common for such a small country as Sweden.
This thread is about Islamic immigration to Europe. How could you possibly link this event to Islamic immigration?
Because that area is reportedly 75% islamic immigrant and because modus operandi is exactly the same as in previous muslim immigrant riots.
You were making a case that car fires are on the rise in Sweden. They're not. They're most often just down to kids being kids. And kids are up to as much stupid shit today as they've always been.
No, I was not making any such case. My case was that these immigrants are pain in the swedish ass.

So how did you manage to work in immigrants in this? Where's the connection?

Because if it were happening it would have been reported.

150 cops get killed a year in USA. American press doesn't even report on all those. The International press certainly don't. The Swedish case involved no cops getting killed. It was really nothing. It was a little kerfuffle involving no deaths and it got promptly sorted. There's barely any news here. Shame about the cars. But isn't indicative of anything.

You Sir are just making baseless assumptions.

That's not rare event, in fact it's surprisingly common for such a small country as Sweden.

What are you talking about? I haven't seen any other reports of this particular thing happening? It seems to be a one off event.

Are you trying to link it to the summer riots of 2013 in Husby? Which is another cheap housing part of Stockholm. That seemed to just be a riot for the hell of it. Not linked to anything other than troublesome teenagers being up to no good. Similar things didn't happen before in the area. Similar things didn't happen after. A rare event. Not connected other than it also involved cars being torched. Also seems to be a one off event.

When I was a teenager 25 years ago I remember taking part in riots. Because I was a teenager and it was fun. I forget what we were rioting about. I vaguely recall it being against racism somehow. It wasn't important. What was important was the excitement. Things were broken and car windows smashed. It made the papers and people were horrified. We were happy to have made an impact on history. We did it for fun.

This thread is about Islamic immigration to Europe. How could you possibly link this event to Islamic immigration?
Because that area is reportedly 75% islamic immigrant and because modus operandi is exactly the same as in previous muslim immigrant riots.

Oh, for fucks sake. It's got nothing to do with Islam. Immigrants are often poor and lack connections. They tend to settle in places where housing is cheap and there are available apartments. Which incidentally are cheap and are available housing because it's also the type of places high in crime with plenty of drug dealers. Which is what this was about. I personally have missed all the suras in the Quran encouraging taking drugs and throwing stones at police.

How aren't you just trolling now? Or are you this damn unable to connect obvious dots?
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No, I was not making any such case. My case was that these immigrants are pain in the swedish ass.

So how did you manage to work in immigrants in this? Where's the connection?
I explained later.
Because if it were happening it would have been reported.

150 cops get killed a year in USA. American press doesn't even report on all those.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say every single one of these cases gets reported at least in local paper.
And every single case of riot with more than 10 people gets national TV coverage.
The International press certainly don't. The Swedish case involved no cops getting killed. It was really nothing. It was a little kerfuffle involving no deaths and it got promptly sorted. There's barely any news here. Shame about the cars. But isn't indicative of anything.

You Sir are just making baseless assumptions.
No, it's you, not me.
That's not rare event, in fact it's surprisingly common for such a small country as Sweden.

What are you talking about? I haven't seen any other reports of this particular thing happening? It seems to be a one off event.

Are you trying to link it to the summer riots of 2013 in Husby?
I don't remember, there was a video on this very board which was pretty identical to what we see here.
Which is another cheap housing part of Stockholm. That seemed to just be a riot for the hell of it.
So, you are not impressed?
Not linked to anything other than troublesome teenagers being up to no good.
Yeah, these damn blond blond swedish teenagers.
Similar things didn't happen before in the area. Similar things didn't happen after. A rare event. Not connected other than it also involved cars being torched. Also seems to be a one off event.

When I was a teenager 25 years ago I remember taking part in riots. Because I was a teenager and it was fun. I forget what we were rioting about. I vaguely recall it being against racism somehow. It wasn't important. What was important was the excitement. Things were broken and car windows smashed. It made the papers and people were horrified. We were happy to have made an impact on history. We did it for fun.

This thread is about Islamic immigration to Europe. How could you possibly link this event to Islamic immigration?
Because that area is reportedly 75% islamic immigrant and because modus operandi is exactly the same as in previous muslim immigrant riots.

Oh, for fucks sake. It's got nothing to do with Islam.
Did I say it got?
I said immigrants from muslim countries.
Immigrants are often poor and lack connections.
I did not ask for explanations. I merely want you to agree on facts which you refuse to do.
They tend to settle in places where housing is cheap and there are available apartments. Which incidentally are cheap and are available housing because it's also the type of places high in crime with plenty of drug dealers. Which is what this was about. I personally have missed all the suras in the Quran encouraging taking drugs and throwing stones at police.

How aren't you just trolling now? Or are you this damn unable to connect obvious dots?
They had no police back then during Quran time, so they have to creatively reinterpret Quran and there is a plenty of re-interpreters who suggest throwing stones at the police.
150 cops get killed a year in USA. American press doesn't even report on all those.
I am going to go on a limb here and say every single one of these cases gets reported at least in local paper.
And every single case of riot with more than 10 people gets national TV coverage.

We're talking about international press. Any minor little hiccup in Sweden gets coverage by international press.

Dead cops in USA, no.

I don't remember, there was a video on this very board which was pretty identical to what we see here.

Since the Husby one from 2013 is the only contender I'm going to assume it's that one.

Yeah, these damn blond blond Swedish teenagers.

I was a non-blonde Swedish teenager. What's your point? My ancestry is 100% Aryan.

I did not ask for explanations. I merely want you to agree on facts which you refuse to do.

What facts? You've just pulled things out of context and cobbled together disparate facts for what? You know you're just talking shit. So what am I supposed to be agreeing to? That car fires are on the increase when they're not? That immigrants are a nuisance because they tend to move to shit neighbourhoods where crime is high. Because that's what they can afford.

They had no police back then during Quran time, so they have to creatively reinterpret Quran and there is a plenty of re-interpreters who suggest throwing stones at the police.

Now I know you're just making shit up. Source?
Let's leave Sweden for a second while I give you these statistics from practically next door in France who also allowed thousands of "refugees" in. Sine January 2015, 238 innocents have been killed by Islamic terrorists.
At about this time, there are around 15.000 people in France who are followers of radical Islam.
What can possibly go wrong with letting in many more thousands of mostly young male Muslim refugees!
Let's leave Sweden for a second while I give you these statistics from practically next door in France who also allowed thousands of "refugees" in. Sine January 2015, 238 innocents have been killed by Islamic terrorists.
At about this time, there are around 15.000 people in France who are followers of radical Islam.
What can possibly go wrong with letting in many more thousands of mostly young male Muslim refugees!

Are refugees the ones committing these attacks? I read the Telegraph article from which you seem to have cited these numbers, but I should let you know that nowhere in the article did they mention refugees or immigrants as being responsible for these attacks. Moreover, I'm unsure how they've understood or judged that there are 15,000 radicalized Muslims? What criteria are the French using to arrive at to draw conclusions about this number being valid? Remember this is the same country that tried to ban burkinis despite no logical evidence or data to support that burkinis are associated with any type of radicalism. And Sarkozy is said to favor putting people preemptively in detention centers simply on the basis of suspicion. In fact, there's a YouTube video posted by a Muslim woman who was talking about the subject of the ban when it had been first instituted and not overturned by the courts. Also, I would like to know how much of French history are you really aware specific to the ghettotization of their Algerian population or the fact that France has continually taken measures to oppress their largely Algerian Muslim population with clearly discriminatory intent under the auspices of secular liberalism long before the problem of radicalized Islam existed both pre- and post-colonial society? I'm unsure ignorance pays on anywhere except the Internet by way of quasi-legitimacy of false correlations. French (Muslim) nationals have been committing the attacks and for reasons that clearly are based in anger at the treatment they've received from the native French.

I am going to go on a limb here and say every single one of these cases gets reported at least in local paper.
And every single case of riot with more than 10 people gets national TV coverage.

We're talking about international press. Any minor little hiccup in Sweden gets coverage by international press.

Dead cops in USA, no.

I don't remember, there was a video on this very board which was pretty identical to what we see here.

Since the Husby one from 2013 is the only contender I'm going to assume it's that one.

Yeah, these damn blond blond Swedish teenagers.

I was a non-blonde Swedish teenager. What's your point? My ancestry is 100% Aryan.

I did not ask for explanations. I merely want you to agree on facts which you refuse to do.

What facts? You've just pulled things out of context and cobbled together disparate facts for what? You know you're just talking shit. So what am I supposed to be agreeing to? That car fires are on the increase when they're not? That immigrants are a nuisance because they tend to move to shit neighbourhoods where crime is high. Because that's what they can afford.

They had no police back then during Quran time, so they have to creatively reinterpret Quran and there is a plenty of re-interpreters who suggest throwing stones at the police.

Now I know you're just making shit up. Source?
You are annoying in your desire to argue for the sake of arguing.
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